• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 21, 2020

    Fallout 3 | Peak gaming performance right here! Who said Bethesda games are buggy? But fr tho does anyone know a way to stop my game from freezing 5min into a session? This is the first time it’s gone crazy like this

    Fallout 3 | Peak gaming performance right here! Who said Bethesda games are buggy? But fr tho does anyone know a way to stop my game from freezing 5min into a session? This is the first time it’s gone crazy like this

    Peak gaming performance right here! Who said Bethesda games are buggy? But fr tho does anyone know a way to stop my game from freezing 5min into a session? This is the first time it’s gone crazy like this

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Fallout 3 crashing after system upgrade/switch.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    Yes, I mod, but this happens without, too.

    The long and short of it is, I was using a laptop before that ran Windows 8.1. Fallout 3, aswell as Steam, is installed on a portable drive, so it was a matter unplug from craptop, plug into new beast with Windows 10. \

    And that's where the problems started. Even with no mods turned on, I still get a CTD within... Anywhere from 2-15 minutes. And sometimes even simply loading causes the issue where the game's like.. .You can hear it, in the background, but it's no longer on the alt+tab menu or on the taskbar, so your only option is force it closed.

    I'm just wondering if maybe my entire character is bugged due to the switch/upgrade, or if this is a common issue with Windows 10.

    And yes, I've done all the sidebar guide crap, all on my own volition. That didn't help.

    submitted by /u/AmazingLesbianKnight
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    Just starting another play thru.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I've never played any of the F3 dlc's so I'm doing that now on a digital version. Gonna buy a hard copy goty edition cuz its cheaper than downloading all 5 dlc's. I hope when I load up the hard copy I can continue from where I am in the digital version. Will this work? Or will I have to start a new game?

    submitted by /u/halfnelson73
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    Tri beam laser rifle nerf?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Currently playing through fallout 3 again, but i've noticed that i take huge amounts of damage from overlords weilding the tri beam laser rifle.

    Turns out every npc gets a buff to the damage dealt against the player with this weapon alone. Furthermore, this damage also ignores DR and it isn't a small amount either. I believe it's 40 damage per beam, so 120 damage at close range.

    Even with 10 END, the lifegiver perk, 78 DR, and at level 30, i still get destroyed by overlords. Does anyone perhaps know of a mod that removes this buff?

    submitted by /u/isupposeitwilldo
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