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    Fallout Lore | Announcement of Contest Prize Winners

    Fallout Lore | Announcement of Contest Prize Winners

    Announcement of Contest Prize Winners

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Hi folks! As part of our 100,000 user celebration, we held a contest to give away some free games.

    I admit we pulled a sneaky on you all. As a test to see who probably actually read the post, and didn't just throw down a comment for the sake of a free game, Rule 4's description in the original post said the following:

    (4) Posts that are pure speculation/opinion and cannot be backed up by lore will be removed.

    Title : "Here's my thoughts on" "Here's my Opinion" "My headcanon is" "Do you think X group could beat up Y Group". These posts are not allowed. We do not know if Caesar could beat up a synth in hand to hand combat, or if you've read this post and want to win a game you make sure to say that Cyrus224 is the best mod in your comment below, or if the NCR could stop an attack of super mutant brahmin who learned how to use vertibirds. If there is not lore to back it up, and it is purely "well I think" or" my headcanon is" , it does not belong.

    I will say that we discussed whether or not we could give out the games to those who didn't pick /u/Cyrus224, if nobody did, but I took a pay hit this month due to the lockdown so we decided to take the original wording literally.

    So the results are:

    • Fallout 1: No eligible entries

    • Fallout 2: No eligible entries

    • Fallout 3: Only one entry chose /u/Cyrus224, and that was /u/rccrowncola!

    • Fallout: New Vegas: Only one entry chose /u/Cyrus224, and that was /u/Tharos_Reaper!

    • Fallout 4: No entries at all

    • Fallout 76: Five entries chose /u/Cyrus224, and the winner was chosen by having /u/CertifiedBagel jump off a cliff in 76, and checking the last digit of his HP. It was a 2, so that means the winner is /u/AthenOwl!

    I will contact the three of you below to clarify your platform, as you didn't specify which you use!

    submitted by /u/Shaka1277
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    The NCR military isn't as big as people keep on making it out to be

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    It seems to be a common perception that the NCR has tens of thousands of soldiers in their army, and the Hoover Dam is considered to be an epic battle where thousands upon thousands of soldiers are clashing with one another. However, from what can be gathered in-game, this doesn't really seem to be the case.

    First, let's use some dialogue from Chief Hanlon:

    Maybe fifty rangers will die on that dam. We lose over a thousand troopers every year. Being here is crazy. Getting out's the only sane thing to do.

    This is from his dialogue on why he is falsifying reports. While the "thousand troopers" is a large number, his dialogue implies that it's an excessively high percentage of the NCR military that's being lost, and it likely includes the entire army, including everyone patrolling the Long 15 and the NCR core territories. It also needs to be considered that the Mojave Campaign has really only been going on for four years (1st battle of Hoover Dam was in 2277, and the Legion no doubt needed time to recover), so it's not as if the NCR has been facing that type of attrition for a long time.

    Secondly he counts on losing roughly 50 rangers on the dam, which would include both black-clad veterans and the patrol rangers, not exactly pointing to a huge amount of soldiers even considering that the fact that the rangers are much less numerous than the army. It's important to note that this figure is going to be nearly all the rangers on the dam; General Oliver is putting them in a disadvantageous spot that will get many more of them killed than necessary. Per Hanlon:

    Oliver can't stand that rangers got credit for victory at Hoover. Whatever I recommend, he does the opposite. I said I wanted them on the ridge. He put them right on the western part of the dam itself. We don't have enough firepower to hold that spot. If the troopers fall back, and they will, the rangers will advance to cover Oliver's retreat. We lose the dam, Oliver and the senate are ruined.

    There are also the casualties of the first Battle of Hoover Dam to consider. There were 107 deaths on the NCR side, and these were considered heavy casualties, which gives us an idea of how large the army was just 4 years ago.

    Then we can use the weapons manifest from Contreras's (the head of Camp McCarran's supply) computer.:

    50 Hunting Rifles
    -28 in use
    -10 in repair
    -8 in storage*

    50 Assault Rifles
    -25 in use
    -6 in repair
    -12 in storage*

    20 Battle Rifles
    -10 in use
    -2 in repair
    -5 in storage*

    That's a total of 120 weapons, only 63 of which are in use. These are heavier weapons (as service rifles are not listed), but even if we consider that only 10% of Camp McCarran are carrying these weapons, that puts the total strength of the camp at only ~630 troops. Camp McCarran is the NCR's base of operations in the Mojave and is surrounded by hostiles (the Fiends), short of the Hoover Dam it would be the most fortified and ready for fighting.

    Camp Golf is undermanned (Craig Boone says: " It was on the front line for a while. Only resort in New Vegas no one wanted to get sent to. Doesn't have that kind of importance anymore, though. They pulled most of the troops out of there after we took the Hoover Dam. ")

    The Ranger Camps are small (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot), as evidenced by Charlie being wiped out by a Legion raiding party that was able to slip behind enemy lines.

    Camp Guardian was wiped out by mirelurks, which doesn't exactly point to there being many soldiers there.

    So that leaves really only Hoover Dam (technically Camp Forlorn Hope as well, but they're noted to be undermanned and under-supplied). Oliver has been building up forces there, so let's say it's absolutely huge, 3x that of Camp McCarran. That still puts it at slight less than 2000 soldiers.

    Adding together all the NCR outposts, I don't see them exceeding more than 3000 soldiers in the Mojave, and that's being optimistic. So how much of the total NCR army was committed to the Mojave? The NCR is noted to be in a big push for expansion right now, and the East is where they seem to be trying the hardest (Kimball is pretty much staking his reputation on taking it, and Hoover Dam is very important for the people back West, supplying them with water and power), so even a conservative estimate would put it at 25% (I personally believe it's likely closer to 40-50%, seeing how much the NCR needs new resources). With that, the total NCR military is close to 12,000 troops. Very large for the post apocalypse, but not when viewed objectively.

    But doesn't that seem too small considering the NCR's territory? Yes, which is why multiple characters in-game say that the NCR is over-extended and can't really protect all their land.

    submitted by /u/Iamnothereorthere
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    Before the events of Fallout 4, what were the biggest and/or most powerful settlements in the Commonwealth?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Before the Sole Survivor was unfrozen what were the most populous and/or powerful settlements in the Commonwealth? I know Diamond City and Goodneighbor are probably high on the list but do we have any definitive information about other locations?

    submitted by /u/IGuessIUseRedditNow
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    Were the Gunners ever contracted to destroy the minutemen or were the gunners seen as a big military organization and didn’t want any competition as mercenaries?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:38 AM PDT

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