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    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Fallout | I wanna hear the most evil thing you have done in a fallout game

    Fallout | I wanna hear the most evil thing you have done in a fallout game

    I wanna hear the most evil thing you have done in a fallout game

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    So personally for me the worst thing I have done was in Far Harbor on FO4. I decided to play through the entire dlc till the end, having tended to every quest before hand and built up all the factions.

    Then at the very end I shut off the wind turbines for Far Harbor and watched the monsters of the fog rip them to pieces. After which I told the Nucleus about Far Harbor's death, and went to Tectus to tell him I found the launch key. I managed to convince him that the burning heat death of the Children of Atom is a great option. I watched the entire place get leveled to the ground with all the people inside before heading to Acadia.

    There I told DiMA about the atrocities I did to the people of the island, and then told him that I'm with the institute. At that point I sent a squad of men and coursers from the SRB to kill all the unruly synths and bring DiMA to his knees before taking him back to have his memory wiped and scrapped for parts. And that at last was how I brutally wiped the island of all men, woman children, and synths.

    I'm interested to hear you guys stories as well.

    Edited - Congratulations DrunkWino, you truly have done the most evil thing of us all, I commend and despise you mate. No one can beat you on truly being the most evil person here, for eating a baby in FO3 the Pitt. And for any of you that think this isn't that bad, the baby was whole and still alive when he chomped down on it. Also thank you all for so many upvotes guys. Here is a video from my Xbox play through, where I used all the mines I saved throughout the game. https://vimeo.com/398444859

    submitted by /u/ScrewOriginalNames1
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    Do you keep the perks from the magazines if you sell or put the magazines on a rack?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I'm Fallout 4 if you were to sell a "Grognak the Barbarian" magazine or put it on a magazine rack, would you still keep the +15 melee damage? (Or whatever the perk is)

    submitted by /u/none-of-yo-bis
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    Favorite robot in fallout

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    My favorite robot was and always will be Drinking buddy from FALLOUT 4

    submitted by /u/i_dont_LIE123
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    Coronavirus taught us that's its not bottle caps that will be used as currency after society crumbles, it's toilet paper.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Ok hear me out but fallout on switch

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    As probably most of you know we have doom on switch which got me thinking, since Bethesda clearly is doing stuff with Nintendo what about a fallout game on switch? Like maybe a port of the older games possibly new Vegas since it's pretty small in size. How would you guys feel about fallout on switch?

    submitted by /u/petergriffinfricken
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    Who did you side with in Fallout:New Vegas?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Personally I'm with Mr. House.

    submitted by /u/CommonEtiquette
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    What's your favourite weapon in any Fallout game?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I always liked the gun that shoots out rail spikes, had to restart the game to hoard all the spikes.

    submitted by /u/illogicalfuturity
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    When I wanted to make a fallout game

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Around 2 years ago back when I was in a vocational school for 3D Art and Animation along with doing a side think for story writing I wanted to get a job at Bethesda and become the project lead on a new game, I had a story and factions written out along with 5 DLC plans. The game would have taken place in Texas, mainly Houston, Austin and San Antonio. At the time I figured by the time I would be a lead for something like this there would be a good 4 console generation leap so we could have the hardware to run 3 big maps in 1 game.

    Houston tribes, Remnants- the remnants are the smallest faction but a strong one, these are survivors of a great Enclave Brotherhood of Steel battle. After the wars they had the surviving members of both started to realise how useless those wars where and how both sides left them for dead, now they act as hidden guardians of Houston and keep the peace from the shadows. The Company- The Company is a band of merchants who formed one of the largest trade routes through texas, they are like the crimson caravan of texas. They will have the most caps to offer you and try to stay on there good side as through them you can unlock a lot of jobs and make your way into there family. The Battalion- with the fall of the Legion in New Vegas one of the higher ups took a band of soldiers to texas to find land to claim but when they got there they cut all ties with the legion to take texas for themselves and soon started to take smaller towns and villages such as Amarillo and El Paso, they have made a name for themselves and are the evil option for the 3 city's but there are more evil ones. The Sisters of Blood- you might come across some rather attractive women in your travels but be warned if they carry a whip or a blade then you should run, the sisters of blood are a group of spys made up of only women and they are damn good at it, they have spys from here to The Commonwealth. Other then that little is known about them other then they will take any job if the caps are right.

    San Antonio- Big Mountain did more then experiment on the Sierra Madre, what once was the pinnical of texas city's but now it's over run, the northern corner of the city is covered with the thick red fog, the southern is full of the Battalion but the north and east are home to 2 new factions. The Renegades- the renegades are lead by a women named Lunq Sol who's mission is to free the lands of San Antonio and let those who live in it to live free of rule, she wants a independent state and will kill for it. The Nuts and Bolts- a group of robots who want to live in peace from the fighting and fire of the war going on , they know of a place to build more of there kind and are willing to help you build a army of robots if you help them live in peace.

    Austin- 3 nukes did a number to this city but the question for you to find is...where the nukes from china...or from America. The main faction of Austin is the Tech Unity lead by an old man if the rumors are right, he is said to have survived hell in the red city and is a god of technology. He rules with an iron fist but those under him seem to be happy with the nation he is trying to build. The Synth Collection, you will find this group of synths are more then meets the eye, they have adapted and modified there bodys with a number of modifications including built in stealth tech and the ability to transform there arms into heavy cannons. The Horsemen, a group of 4 people who are said to be the reapers of death but something is off, will you discover of the rumors are true...or if it's a jet filled hallucination

    These where all still work in progress and I was still finishing getting all the ideas down before realizing I dont want to work at Bethesda after the past year, I'd love to make this game one day but right now as Bethesda is I'd keep my current gaming job

    submitted by /u/AwokenVex
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    Why Dr. Madison Li is my favorite character

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    I was browsing some fallout forums and I noticed everyone seems to hate her. They say how she abandoned people, was bitter, is a bitch, etc. But I liked her in 3 and I was super happy she was in 4. Dr. Li is one of the rarest types of people: a scientist, and one who works to benefit mankind. Say what you will, but she is smarter than almost any other fallout character (academically) and her work, whether it be for project purity, the brotherhood, the institute, has always been towards the goal of advancing humanity. There aren't very many brainy people in this universe. Imagine how exceptional you'd have to be for the Institute to actively want you, someone born on the outside, to not only join their ranks, but become one of their senior scientists. That's badass! And she even recognizes and dislikes the Institute's callous attitude towards the people above. Yeah she's got a take-no-shit attitude, and can be mean, but her life experiences have certainly warranted it. And it's not like she's too stubborn for her own good. In F3, you convince her to return to project purity, and in F4, you can convince her to return to the brotherhood. That level of complexity and desire to advance knowledge while doing good for the world makes her my favorite non-follower NPC.

    submitted by /u/Be_Genuine
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    The C.A.M.P.. I build in 76.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Fallout Sonora will release soon

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    A fangame made by the same team that did Fallout Nevada, it has:

    • Non-linear main story
    • ~100 quests
    • New world map - 12 big cities, 7 small places and 11 special encounters
    • Authentic environment
    • 1.9Mb of text (Fallout 1 had 1.7mb)
    • New music

    Region in which the game will take place - Mexico, Sonora Desert, it's close to California and Mojave desert

    Official post / Screenshots

    Release will be on this month, maybe even tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Jesnglesez
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    Want to start modding

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Hello I'm trying to make a overhaul mod for the Prydwen's quarters. I'm pretty new and just getting the hand of it but how do I add custom items? for example: plants, shelves etc. Can't seem to find them in the fallout 4 add ons.

    submitted by /u/merman490
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    My city's Jazz radio station's DJ sounds like Travis

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Yep, that's it. It's more like travis after the Confidence quest but he still sounds a lot like him. Making him the DJ of a jazz radio station makes it even better.

    submitted by /u/05melo
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    Fo4 or New Vegas, which to replay?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    I'm torn on this one and although I've never visited this sub, I figured this would be a great base to start from. One has mods, the ability to build settlements, and better graphics, but with Vegas shutting down it seems only right to go with old reliable. I've also never played 3 if someone wants to try to talk me into that too, heck with self-isolation in full swing I may go for the cycle, but for the time being I could use some suggestions. Please bear in mind I'm on Xbox as well so I don't have access to every mod, but already have my load out order primed and ready for Fo4.

    submitted by /u/Ghostflop
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    Enclave Flag vs. Pre War American Flag

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    So I noticed something that I haven't been able to find an answer for. The Pre-War American flag had 13 stars in a ring with the larger star in the middle making the total count 14. Why is it the Enclave emblem only has 12 stars? Did one of the Pre-War Commonwealths just cease to exist? Thanks in advance for the help!

    submitted by /u/AFSOC20
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    Whats the best case scenario for the Brotherhood

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Been recently replaying New Vegas and Fallout 4. The Brotherhood is in such a dire state, I would like to know how they could survive. For the western chapter, I think they should become a scholar class of the NCR bureaucracy and then the eastern chapter should just become a millatary branch of the minute men to form a commonwealth provisional government. But idk so I'd like to get your opinions.

    submitted by /u/Thomas_On_Reddit_
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    What Mods should I install before starting New Vegas?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    What is the chronology of Fallout: New Vegas DLCs?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Greetings fellow Vault Dwellers, I am wondering how you play the DLCs of Fallout: New Vegas chronologically and at what level do you do these DLCs.

    Thanks in advance,


    Out and away.

    submitted by /u/SegaSaturnDude_05
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    USO version for Bethesda.net mod page

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Is there a version of Unlocked Settlement Objects for PC on the bethesda.net mod page? I don't know how to work nexus so all my mods are downloaded from the mod page.

    submitted by /u/pineyapples69
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    [fanfiction] The Minutemen Provisional Republic. Part 1, History.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Protect the Republic at a minute's notice.- Motto of the MPR

    Following the defeat of the Institute in 2287, the Sole Survivor and the Minutmen, now a major source of power in the Commonwealth got to work quickly rebuilding the Commonwealth Provisional Government.

    The Brotherhood, still in the Commonwealth at the time, was suspicious about the General's motives and decided to pay a visit to the Castle, close by the airport where they stationed the Prydwen. When Maxson first landed, two Minutemen Guards approached them and asked him to follow them. The Paladins that had escorted Maxson to the main base of the Minutemen were uneasy, but Piper had calmed their nerves.

    Very few knew what happened at the meeting, but aftewards the two faction leaders seemed to part on good terms. The relations between the Minutemen and Brotherhood were stable for a few years, but after the Republic started to grow. Things would only get worse.

    The Second Battle of Quincy

    In 2290, 3 years after the Destruction of the Institute, the Gunners were getting bolder and bolder with their actions throughout the Commonwealth, attacking people who accidentally came too close to their territory, Minutemen on patrol, and sometimes even settlers. So after a day of reorganizing the army of the Republic, the General, Preston Garvey, and even the former Paladain of the BOS Danse led the charge against Quincy to show the Commonwealth that the Republic was a force to be reckoned with. Leading 2000 Minutemen to the city of Quincy. On August 7th. The Second Battle of Quincy began.

    The Gunners, shocked by the boldness of the new born Republic, fought back against the invaders of the territory. Moving forces across the overpass, Lieutenant Danse and the 10 Minutemen of the Minutemen Armored Company, cleared the overpass so that the newer recruits would have an easier time entering the city. Laser muskets, laser rifles, and regular ballistic weapons fired their deadly ammuntion towards the enemy as leagues of gunners fell to the wrath of those Minutemen had been present at the first battle of Quincy.

    The General and Preston Garvey confronted the leaders of the Gunners at Quincy, and after demands of surrender by the General, opened fired and wounded Preston. Using a frag grenade, the General wiped the leaders off the face of the Commonwealth and after a few more days of fighting. The Second Battle of Quincy was over.

    A/N: And this was part 1, this went on longer then I wanted it to, but in the next part, I'll be covering the history of the government and the Minutemen-Brotherhood War. After that I'll cover the organization and military of the government.

    submitted by /u/Y-wingPilot5
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    Would the Brotherhood of Steel (Arthur Maxson’s) kill Harold?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    The Talking Man/Tree hybrid; assuming you convinced him to live that is.

    submitted by /u/fucuasshole2
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    Cages and Vault 88. Flawed logic?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    I may be late to the game on this topic but I finally started the DLC's and I just dont't understand the logic to not allow cages in Vault 88. By default Vault 88 has a lot of these creatures already inside and has cave systems throughout so I see no reason why these creatures couldn't be caught in a cage inside the vault. Also, from a QOL standpoint if your main settlement is Vault 88 it completely sucks to have to go to another settlement just to fuss around cages. Am I missing something else here?

    submitted by /u/doitliketyler
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    How do I gift atoms to friends in fallout 76? Can I even do this?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    right trigger isnt working on Xbox 1 fallout 4

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    my right trigger isnt working when im playing fallout 4 on xbox 1 how do i fix it? ive tried everything i can think of?

    submitted by /u/SamiKillerBee
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