• Breaking News

    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Fallout | I made the Snow Globes from Fallout: New Vegas. Will hide them throughout Las Vegas later this year for a Documentary (link to gallery)

    Fallout | I made the Snow Globes from Fallout: New Vegas. Will hide them throughout Las Vegas later this year for a Documentary (link to gallery)

    I made the Snow Globes from Fallout: New Vegas. Will hide them throughout Las Vegas later this year for a Documentary (link to gallery)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Link: https://imgur.com/gallery/bqSSj2n

    I will make a Documentary on Fallout: New Vegas locations with Snow Globes. Will welcome anyone who wants to get on video and talk about their experience visiting Las Vegas out of appreciation for New Vegas.

    submitted by /u/mafnxxx
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    Goodsprings (pioneer)!saloon is up for sale.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:13 PM PST

    Fallout 76 1 year later (to me anyway)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:36 AM PST

    So I was pretty bored tonight, and decided 'what the hell, I'll give FO76 another try', and immediately realized why I stopped playing to begin with.

    First thing I noticed...I only have half sound. I have background noise, I can hear robots and turrets running, I can hear other players movements. But I can't hear myself. Or enemies (which was fun because as soon as I spawned in, I apparently spawned right in the middle of a bunch of feral ghouls). I tried troubleshooting, thinking maybe it's my computer, but that makes no sense since this is the only program giving me issues...

    Then I noticed I have a wanted tag on me. No clue how it got there, or how long it's been there...I just know for some reason, I'm wanted.

    I also have almost no health on spawn, why? I'm apparently dehydrated/hungry/cracked out...and on top of everything else, somehow I'm over encumbered by 100lbs? How?

    So I make my way over to a stash box, it's full...of junk. Most of my weapons are gone, my good armor is gone, it's all food and junk.

    So after spending 15 minutes trying to unfuck my game, I gave up. I have always loved the fallout series, and I want to like this game, but it's not worth the trouble...it's still the same barren sandbox with Uber-grindy "quests" with no real direction. I keep seeing articles/videos on the Wastelanders update (that will eventually be released...someday), but I don't think that this will "fix" the game. Damn, it's frustrating!!!

    submitted by /u/captain_tampon
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    I just installed some mods that completely revitalized Fallout 4 for me!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:35 PM PST

    These might be old news for some, but I saw this video by JuiceHead, and decided to download most of those mods and turn Fallout into Silent Hill, another favorite of mine. There's a new excitement brewing in me that I haven't had since release. I knew within minutes how much I'm going to love this when I took on a raider camp, with no HUD, no reticle, and so much ash and fog that I can't see anything until it's close enough to stab me. Actual Silent Hill music is blasting in my headphones, which is amazingly unsettling and stressful. A Deathclaw then crashes the party, rushing me like they usually do, but with no health bar for either of us, and no idea how much ammo I have left, for the first time, Fallout 4 Deathclaws were genuinely scary like they were in previous games. I eventually took it out, then paused, put my controller down, and took a few shaky breaths. I smiled as I realized that I have fallen in love again.

    submitted by /u/D3dshotCalamity
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    [Fallout 4] I need help.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:59 AM PST

    I play on ps4. I am supposed to search fort hagen and open the door from the terminal, but the terminal bugs. Everytime I press remote door controls, the terminal shows a black screen. How do I continue?

    submitted by /u/MunaMarko
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    Dirty Wastelander from Fallout 4 Recipe | How to Drink

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:41 PM PST

    Can anyone help me about the prydwen

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:29 PM PST

    I'm just wondering were I can find more facts about it because it's such a amazing thing

    submitted by /u/sexynakedrose
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    New Fallout 4 exploit (SPECIAL scores > 10 with no effects)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:16 PM PST

    IDK if anyone will actually care but I'll post this anyway.

    Also, I looked around and didn't see this anywhere but sorry if I'm just posting old information

    The first step is doing the conveyor duplication or any other duplication on the 'you're special' book.

    The second step is being in survival difficulty and getting some form of dehydration, hunger, or tiredness.

    The final step is using another special book to raise the SPECIAL score and when the dehydration, hunger, or tiredness effect is removed the SPECIAL score will be above 10.

    I think this works because the survival effects are not status effects but changes to the character stats because they don't expire like other status effects. This allows you to re-raise the special stats than when the effect is removed it just re-adds an amount to the SPECIAL score without checking what it started at.

    I hope this doesn't get lost in new but oh well... :)

    submitted by /u/MrsMilkwoman
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    5 day in-game rad storm

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:37 PM PST

    So I'm new to fallout 4(and all fallout) and I was trying to clear a place of ghouls and about halfway through a rad storm hits.

    Okay, whatever. It's not uncommon. I dig in and find an indoor place and it has a bed. I sleep and regen and I woke up expecting the storm to be gone. Nope. Still there. End up sleeping for 5 days ingame.

    Finally I say fuck it and go outside with radx and a gas mask and fast travel somewhere and it cleared in like 2 seconds.

    Is that normal or something? cuz I've never had to do that.

    submitted by /u/69negrohater
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    Ballistics vs Energy on survival

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:18 AM PST

    So I'm a long time fallout veteran and I'm playing the F.o.4. Survival mode for the first time (the wasteland survival mod) and I 100% am going with the brotherhood for vertibirdys but in your opinion for survival on NV or 4 what's the best choice and why for nv I think guns is the best for the hunting shotgun with slugs you can easily carry enough ammo and be versatile at most ranges and not have to worry about defending yourself. As a side note question I'm curious what you'd think is better on a real world level for a fallout dnd campaign I'm designing.

    submitted by /u/Phreakyaw3some
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    Can I pay a skilled modder to organize and patch my Fallout 4 mod list anywhere?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:12 AM PST

    Is there a website, like Fiverr or does anyone know somebody who is willing to sort out my mod list and patch and conflicting files for money? I'm just lazy and my modlist has +350 mods, I'm running it on a beast PC tho.

    submitted by /u/JonahMarr
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    Should I get fallout 76?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Hello, I'm here today to ask you guys if I should get fallout 76? I'm not actually worried about the game (I know it's sucks, or sucked) I'm worried about the activity of the game. I'm on ps4 and I want to know if it's worth it for 20 dollars?

    submitted by /u/Mrawsomecrook
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    Missing Weapons after completing Big Mt.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:34 PM PST

    i have noticed. That 2 seperate times that i have completed Big Mountain. Both on XBOX 360 and on PS3. that i would come back and a few of my weapons would be missing. My companions didnt have them. i stripped them all of weapons and put them away in a chest in Lucky 38. Same with companions. I have them all sitting at the Lucly 38. The most noticeable weapons have both times been Anabelle and the Katana.

    submitted by /u/BigHeartDe13
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    What would be the best way currently to play Fallout 1 and 2 on my phone?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:52 PM PST

    Never played the originals so i want to start. Have a long train ride to work everyday so I figured I could spend this time catching up on the classics.

    I have a Samsung Note 10 Plus so hopefully it'll run smoothly

    submitted by /u/CoyoteCC
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    What would each of the protagonists have sounded like (apart from The Sole Survivor since we know that)?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I get the feeling that the Courier has a western accent like The Lonesome Drifter, but apart from them, what would The Vault Dweller, Chosen One and Lone Wanderer have sounded like?

    submitted by /u/bluetundra123
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    Can't advance in Far Harbor quest Best Left Forgotten.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:26 PM PST

    So I think I'm fucked. I'm playing Far harbor and I can't progress. I never received Faraday's program. I never eavesdropped or hacked his terminal. I just talked straight to DiMA and got him to tell me what his plans were. Now since I don't have his program, I cant use the interface in the nucleus. I cant go back and hack Faraday's terminal because I don't have that high of a hacker skill. What should I try? I also didn't bring Nick so he can't hack it for me. I'm stuck. Thanks in advance.

    Oh also the copy of the program isn't on Faraday's desk because I never eavesdropped.

    submitted by /u/shoothesun
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    Worth playing Fo76?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:26 PM PST

    I know the game has that stupid subscription now, but does it really make it impossible to play now? I bought it around release, and don't know if the bugs that make it lag are still around or not. Would it be worth it for me to just check it out, or pointless in the end?

    submitted by /u/zeromir
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    Which Radio DJ is best?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:40 PM PST

    One of my favorite things about Fallout is the DJ. They have so much personality and bring their own flavor of charming to the wasteland. Which one of the DJ's is your favorite? Three Dog? Mr. New Vegas? or Travis "Lonely" Miles?

    submitted by /u/Blue_Debut
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    Unlinking account on 76 Consuquences.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:40 AM PST

    What happens when you unlink your bethesda.net account on Fallout 76 & add a new bethesda account instead, do you lose all your progress on your character?

    Is the character saved to your Xbox live account or Bethesda.net account?

    This whole Bethesda.net system sucks btw.

    (xbox player here)

    submitted by /u/xovmox
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    The Transistor Divergence as it affects the musical lore as set by GNR(retro50’s style)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:13 PM PST

    I'm trying to figure out what stops the entirety of rock n roll, or even metal music as far as what's been on the radio in past bethesda fallouts and how the divergence halted that. was it that they labeled most rock/metal as 'commie bull'? as i have it, i believe the first two games had a more traditional ambient pcrpg kinda thing going on with the ost right? Either way, all knowledge i bring to this is consular-able lore i guess, Fallout 3 and on, but i just caught this little tid but, which gives me some hope, and i would hope musicians can double confirm but tecnically, and mechanically(paraphrasing from a quora q&a but hear me out) an Electric Guitar IS Electric, and NOT Electronic- so even though the 'newest' song country roads is from 1971 (if 76 is lore- but technically the recording of 'heartaches by the number' is from 1980(source:that oxhorn vid. bout divergence))

    Without Speculating too far outside of the lore, just one fact opens up my curiosity as to what could become of the musical catalogue that will continue to come out, because if anything I just would rather have more songs in quantity- if there were 30 songs in fallout 4 put 300 in your next one if you cant update your lore standards for music which was probably pegged as a backdrop feature in the first place and since the shock value played so hard they rolled with it right into Travis' wimpy little trailer lol. Anyways the fact is that John Denver died in 1997, what a year to die in context to Fallout huh, but so anyways what i'm saying is something that's probably been said many times, but there should definitely be one of two things happening in the next big title, and that is as follows;

    A.Bethesda updates the radio selection, perhaps one station with those classics and another with an array of 60's-90's stuff, maybe as far as current songs go, try to get up to 2012-but honestly late 90's is fine with me as far as a new cut off mark goes. Now this as the first option would be to add these songs as is, or rerecord them as is; OR

    B. Essentially the same thing, but in a much more divergence-proof(proof of*?) if the aggression of rock and roll or metal—(as WELL as your hip hop or other newer genres of music(as well as subgenres of these genres(if transistor applicable anyways)) —is just not what Bethesda wants in their game, to meet at least my request half way, doing renditions of these songs in different styles like for the lowest hanging fruit examples take One by Metallica and give us either an acoustic version or a cover where it almost sounds like guy mitchell or something, or like westernize the song bohemian rhapsody in that fashion, thatd be sooo dope cmon, tell me not, it would honestly please me aesthetically so much more than a few handfuls of songs from before my mom was born, and it would also be a great homage to Westworld, who the creators of even applaud Fallout 4 & a few other games like RDR1 as 'doing research for their show) if you've seen any promo for westworld should you not be familiar with the show, a simple google will show you a synth being created in the broad cgi-based reality of the show- but displayed on the poster as well, almost like a literally fleshed out version of the institute's logo. The homage would be in how they handle songs, because if you haven't modded Fallout 4 with one of the stations that just adds more lore friendly songs, the catalogue you get that was taken from westworld and muxed into the other loreera tracks has so many classic 70's-90's songs redone as piano tracks, and it really feels just like listening to country roads in the same aspect. So i say that needs to happen. Some songs that i think would be absolutely fitting to the sentiment that Bethesda was sending for adding in these songs, and they are as follows, as a sampler of what should be brought on to the Fallout Radio Catalogue:

    PREEXISTING MODS:(which may or may not be defunct) Radio Nam: Unfortunately Defunctcas far as I know, but my top Fallout 4 mod of all time. In his final role, regifted through his role as an actual Vietnam era D.J., Robin Williams stars in both the original film, 'Good Morning Vietnam' and this mod, as my favorite fallout D.J. yet... Adrian Cronauer. His best samples live on the air from the film are cut between classic songs on this beautiful mod that is the reason i care about the music in this franchise at all. Last i checked the full on playlist is actually on spotify, but without robin williams voice, sadly. Some top tracks:

    Barry McGuire- Eve of Destruction Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watch Tower(his versions the BEST) Creedance Clearwater Revival's Best

    THE 80'S MIX:(Prts 1&2) These mods made me appreciate 80's music, and while Radio Nam is my favorite mod overall, this pair of radio stations which are still available for fallout 4 at least on xbox, have quite a catalogue of songs that make my falloyt 4 playthroughs not so much immersive right niw, but it makes them fucking dramatic as fucking fuck, like that extra over the top 80's vibe is contagious and i think the wasteland could do for it. Play as seriously as you can through Fort Hagen listening to 'I can Feel it coming in the air tonight' by phil collins and tell me you arent cheesing out super hard in the same exact fashion as listening to one of the good western songs on NV. Pat Benetar's Love is a Battlefield is the most immersive song that could be in Fallout 4 go fuck yourself if you dissent on thus factoid lol it just fits like fallout jusr works lololol Total Eclipse of the Heart is awesome. Bonnie Tyler You have Prince's masterpieces 1999 & when doves cry, i would personally add little red corvette to this list for them to change it to corvega because i'm sure we can get an AI to make Prince sing Corvega okay people? Music is a lot, it adds a lot, and I think the radio can become more immersive or modular if they stack the playlists with rotating schedules of song blocks that change every now and then, most similarly to 3/GNR&NV/MRNV


    Some songs that send in this game by my own research, and thus are part of my requesuggestion are: Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel VETERAN OF THE PSYCHIC WARS - Blue Oyster Cult Rocky Mountain High(John Denver actually wrote the perfect Nuclear Winter track, as well as set my hopes that Fallout 5 features the Rocky Mountains somehow so they can double down on the denver) RMH is honestly a more perfect song for a fallout in CO than country roads was for 76 challenge me on it lmao Hush - Deep Purple(might actually be on Radio Nam but its also the song Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski's drive is set to in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood for ref) A selection from the Legendary Roky Erikson. I walked with a zombie is great ghoul killing music, while the song 'if you have ghosts' was covered by the band Ghost and either version would be great wasteland music. Twilight Zone - Golden Earring(80's mix but super notable) Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull I Can't Stand It(crash to desktop) Eric Clapton Children of the Sun - Billy Thorpe Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy God of Thunder - Kiss MR. ROBOTO - STYX


    I think music is the most powerful thing in any given media whether there is dialogue or nor. it is in the back of your mind at all times, and paying homage to a doomed world by ret-conning some of the best and most brutal bands from earlier generations as having written their songs after the bombs dropped, would be oh so fitting. Give the polka people what they want, but have that radio station if punk rock raiders or something that are writing songs that are at least along the lines of the ramones if not the misfits70s/80s or sex pistols70's/80's or the casualties!

    A few of my favorite doom bands have albums of varying lengths but usually contain 6-12 minute songs which is a lot to ask for something prepackaged onto a disc but i feel as though cloud support will end up expanding many capabilities for games in the next decade and if it should support snaller assets like audio files for video games i dont see why you wouldnt add classic songs from bands such as

    Candlemass Sleep Electric Wizard Subrosa Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats(latest album literally called Wasteland) Pallbearer Harm's Way Xibalba Power Trip(ARMAGEDDON BLUES) I mean the genres on a few of these vary by olay speed some are faster some are slower but the aongs fit the wasteland and a few even sound like certain samples ive heard in clips watched of og fallout. basically a lot of these songs have a better balance of vocals and music, Pallbearer for example has one song thats four minutes of intro, one verse, and then four minutes of outro, its like 11 minutes long, and the first time i wandered across the commonwealth to the whole 49 minute album which ends with that track, it was like the first time i truly felt like i was there.

    What would you want? Purely updated playlists? Reengineereed songs in different styles? In either case what songs do you want on the next game? Do you think the divergence can affect the progression of music as much as it seems to have? I truly think we can all accept that an expansion of some kind is needed for the music featured within the game's lore, and like i said should there be a strong desire to keep only the kind of songs that are on there, on there, perhaps consider stocking us up with 100-300 songs. i know things are scarce but theres gotta be some public domain stuff they can really squeeze in there because the fact that they have dean martin, sinatra, john denver songs as used in prior games they must be liscensing a lot of the good ones, and i would hope that they can afford to cobble something decent together with the franchise as big as it is these days, byt like seriously if not just give us more songs overall i like the original radio stations but like the repetetiveness of 20-40 songs max is like kinda harmful after a while lol. Whats on your mind!?

    submitted by /u/fwclinton1993
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    Issue with Collaribg Outside the Lines Dugout Inn

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:07 PM PST

    I can't seem to get the scavenger from the Dugout Inn. I pump up my charisma as much as possible and she still won't follow me and won't let me give it to her. If I sneak put it on, the whole place erupts into gunfire. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/purveyor_of_tales
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