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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | fallout new vegas was the best fallout game at the beginning and end of the decade

    Fallout: New Vegas | fallout new vegas was the best fallout game at the beginning and end of the decade

    fallout new vegas was the best fallout game at the beginning and end of the decade

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Thank you for coming to my TedTalk

    submitted by /u/thegamingkaiser
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    Legion Beastmasters?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    If this idea exists already in a mod, please let me know since I've been unable to look for it.

    I'd been thinking about how to improve the Legion in New Vegas, make them even more unique than they already are and when I was thinking about it I came up with an idea. Legion Beastmasters. Now, what are Beastmasters? Well in fantasy they're people who easily bond with animals and beasts, sometimes evening having a psychic bond to animals that let's them control them. Since the Legion is made up of many different tribes, it would be interesting if one of those tribes were made up of Psyckers(or however you spell it) who "bonded" with the animals of the wasteland. The Legion then using those tribals in order to maintain and have more powerful beasts of war.

    I could imagine the Beastmasters having their own hierarchy in terms of levels, with each higher title having a more powerful beast that they control. I could also imagine them having their own quest/s where you steal Deathclaw Eggs from Quarry Junction so they may raise them and use them during the second Battle of Hoover Dam. Possibly even teaching the player how to "bond" with one of the eggs, therefore getting a Deathclaw companion. Obviously, I think it'd be super interesting and cool. But that's just me.

    submitted by /u/TRedRandom
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    Ranger Armor @ Navarro? (ep 7 of the Mandalorian)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Not the best artist but thought you guys would appreciate my sketch of Vulpes

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Man it hurts

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I can cross Dead Money off my list of DLC I haven't done... and list of possible second playthroughs

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:15 PM PST

    This was a mixed bag. I overall think the setting and story were great. Dog/God is now one of my favourite characters ever. It's just that... it was an overall frustrating experience. Some things felt like they were taken too far. There's the whole "you can't kill ghosts without dismembering them" thing. Then there's the unkillable holograms. We also have the "cloud" that damages you as you walk into it. And finally... the whole radio/speaker triggering the collar. That was probably the most aggravating part for me, as it felt like it was based on my own ability to spot and take out whatever speakers could be taken out (which is a very poor ability of mine) rather than my character's. I also noticed that some quest markers were placed in... odd places, which led to more confusion and going the wrong way in an already confusing map. Throughout the whole thing I was honestly just waiting for it to be over. I would be lying if I simply said that I did not enjoy the DLC, but I would also be lying if I said I wanted to do a second playthrough of it. So, alas, it is joining Point Lookout on my list of DLC that will likely not get a second playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Jake1702_
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    So I just started playing this game again, help me.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:36 PM PST

    I just got PS Now simply because it's worth it to be able to play New Vegas again. But I haven't played the game in 4 years and I can barely remember the shit I need to know.

    A couple questions.

    1. I need quick, early side quests to level up. I like being over-leveled so if someone could point me in the direction of some side quests early in the game that would be exceptional.

    2. How do I aim? I'm used to FO4 and i'm aware that the older games are far more clunky but is there a way to aim better or do I just have to deal with it?

    3. What do I stay away from? I remember that cadazores are evil beings that are not to be fucked with, and I remember there being a pack of deathclaws near a quarry somewhere, because I remember being scared shitless in my first encounter with them. What else is there to stay away from so I don't die horribly early in the game?

    I don't wanna ask too many questions because I want to experience everything for myself since I haven't played this game in years, but I also wanna know some essentials. Thanks in advance ladies and gents.

    submitted by /u/skeetszn2
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    My mom’s boyfriend is selling the PS3 and all it’s games

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:48 PM PST

    I guess I'm not playing fnv again. Nobody told me about this until too late. It's technically his but I'm the only one who plays on it.

    submitted by /u/MasterMoeMeme
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    NVTF High FPS Fix

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:11 PM PST

    The nexus site (found here) for the New Vegas Tick Fix says that the high fps fix needs to be enabled, with details in the ini. I guess I'm too computer illiterate to understand how to enable it as it doesn't seem like the fix is commented out. If anyone could provide some insight into how to enable this it would be appreciated.

    (Apologies if this isn't the place for modding questions)

    submitted by /u/Bagelpwns
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    A fight between the creations of Dr Borous and Dr Mobius, nice to have somebody on your side.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:03 PM PST

    FNV Alternate OS installation

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:32 PM PST

    I know I could just go look up a dry faq, but thought a better choice was posting here. The proverbial 'voice of experience.' as to whether or not it was worth the trouble or even practical to do. I've just installed linuxmint 19.2 on a spare laptop for school and figured "Why not install FNV? The steam linux client runs Crusader Kings 2 - surely NV is supported?"

    No. No it is not. I do have goty windows version, but I've never had the occasion to run wine and such. Under wine, does fnv work? If so, what hoops must be jumped through? Mods? What I have read on ye internet is all over the place.

    Yes, I could dual boot, but I'm hoping to walk away from windows on my portable machines; desktops as well. I have one windows gaming pc with 7 on it; hating being eventually forced onti the resource hog that isindows 10. Ugh.

    submitted by /u/morbicat
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    Dialogue not playing/Sound effects out of sync?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I had this jssue a few weeks ago where the sound effects (The VATS noise, gunshots etc) would lag out play long after the animations were over. I'd found a temporary fix in the form of




    And that seemed to work for a little while but now its gotten worse dialogue isn't playing. Idk what the deal is and could really use some help.

    submitted by /u/Monsicorn
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    JSawyer Mod and the Case of the Useless Varmint Rifles

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:17 PM PST

    So a week or so ago, I started my fourth playthrough (Independent, all add-ons, GRA) with JSawyer's Mod. It's an interesting experience, and is pretty challenging so far, and has made my game experience much more interesting.

    But the early game was very weird for me, for one simple reason: Varmint Rifles instantly became useless.

    See, I remember that Sawyer once commented that the Varmint Rifle was supposed to take .22LR rounds, but this got changed to 5.56 mm in order to make it actually effective. So the mod was supposed to change this back, to reinforce the Varmint Rifle's uselessness. But something went wrong; while every character with a Varmint Rifle has .22LR ammo, the rifle still only uses 5.56 mm. So almost every NPC with a Varmint Rifle is forced to use their secondary weapon instead (including the late Sunny Smiles, who bravely died defending Goodsprings with a shovel as a Powder Ganger blew her leg off with dynamite).

    I'm just wondering if anyone else had this problem, or if I just fucked up the installation somehow.

    submitted by /u/RoninMacbeth
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    Help Finding Mod

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    When I first played FNV on PC, I had used a mod that I cant remember the name of.
    It made your character an android, with an LED like spine that functioned as a health bar, you were a glossy white body, had immunity to poison, and some other stuff. Does anyone know the name of this mod?

    submitted by /u/Broken-Branch
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