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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    Fallout | How do they aim in power armor...?

    Fallout | How do they aim in power armor...?

    How do they aim in power armor...?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    No like seriously. If you look at the way power armor (circa Fo4) is designed, it's literally impossible to raise a rifle to your face to aim down the sights / scope. The big problem is that the chest piece blocks the arm from being raised to the proper height. It doesn't help that the fore-arm has like inch-thick armor as well.

    That's why if you zoom out while aiming, you'll see the arm piece go THROUGH the chest. And it's STILL not the right height for aiming down sights! I can't be the only one who has thought about this, right?

    That being said I will not let that stop me from doing power armor rifle builds.

    submitted by /u/Fern_The_GrassSword
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    Fallout 4 is not perfect by any stretch of the word but if there's one thing i can say it does better than any other Fallout games is enemy variety

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Every enemy category like Raiders, Gunners, Super Mutants, Settlers, Ghouls etc. all have at least 5 different variations with lower or higher health and i find that to keeps the shooting fresh. My personal favorite are the Super Mutant Suiciders

    submitted by /u/prossnip42
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    Fallout 4 isn't nearly as bad as you make it out to be

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:16 AM PST

    Fallout is a definitive videogame series. It's now spanned 3 decades with millions of players. FO3 and FONV were instant classics, and some of the biggest games of the 2000s. However, I see a lot of people slating FO4, generally by comparing it to FO3, and what 3 does better. Look, the plot is at times laughable, and there are a few 'interesting' glitches, but it's still a satisfying, immersive wasteland-shooter experience. And now that FO76 has come out, doesn't that give you a bit of perspective on how FO4 isn't actually a horrible, overmonetised train wreck, unlike 76

    submitted by /u/waluigihellathicc
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    A list of all the Vaults and their designated experiments that we know of so far.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    I wanted to make a post of all the vaults we know of in the world of Fallout, which were never meant to save anyone but experiment. A cruel plan by the Enclave in collaboration with Vault-Tec to "rebuild" America. We'll have a chronological look at the Vaults in number.

    • Vault 3 (Fallout New Vegas): No particular experiment but suffered a water leak, requiring them to open the vault and were traders before being massacred by the Fiends.
    • Vault 8 (Fallout 2): Vaults would open after 10 years and use its G.E.C.K. to repopulate. No particular experiment but maybe that is the experiment?
    • Vault 11 (Fallout New Vegas): Every year, one person was to be sacrificed or the whole vault would be killed, which turned out to be a lie.
    • Vault 12 (Fallout 1): Vault door was deliberately designed not to properly close to expose inhabitants to radiation.
    • Vault 13 (Fallout 1): Remain close for 200 years and be a reserved test population if the Enclave required subjects at anytime.
    • Vault 15 (Fallout 1, 2): Remain close for 50 years and house people with radical, diverse ideologies to see how they interact.
    • Vault 19 (Fallout New Vegas): Inhabitants were separated into two groups. One wore red while the other wore blue.
    • Vault 21 (Fallout New Vegas): A society that was based on gambling.
    • Vault 22 (Fallout New Vegas): Tasked with the development of plant life able to grow without the need of sunlight.
    • Vault 27: Overcrowd the vault with 2000 dwellers.
    • Vault 29 (Fallout): No one above 15 years old were allowed to enter the vault.
    • Vault 34 (Fallout New Vegas): Had an improper locking mechanism for the doors and had an armory filled with lots of guns and ammunition.
    • Vault 36: Dwellers were to only be served a thin watery gruel to eat.
    • Vault 42: No light bulbs of more than 40 watts.
    • Vault 43: Populated with 20 men, 10 woman, and 1 panther.
    • Vault 51 (Fallout 76): Assigned a ZAX unit whose task was to learn how to select the perfect overseer.
    • Vault 53: Everything in the vault was designed to breakdown every few months and cause stress.
    • Vault 55: No entertainment tapes.
    • Vault 56: All entertainment tapes were removed except for those of a terrible comedian.
    • Vault 68: Populated by 999 men and only 1 woman.
    • Vault 69: Populated by 999 woman and only 1 man.
    • Vault 75 (Fallout 4): Developing suitable human subjects that would be capable of surviving the Wasteland through mental and physical torture on inhabitants under 18 years old to make a desirable gene pool of strong and intelligent humans. Those that failed to meet standards were executed after turning 18, though some that succeeded were killed off regardless to maintain the refined genetic linage desired.
    • Vault 76 (Fallout 76): House 500 of the most successful, competitive, capable, and brilliant citizens of America for 25 years before being released to repopulate the Wasteland.
    • Vault 77: House only 1 man who was provided a crate of puppets to serve as company.
    • Vault 81 (Fallout 4): Research diseases and expose those diseases to radiation to see if any mutations occurred, and exposing those new strains to dwellers. Vault is to remain inhabited unless ordered by Vault-Tec to be evacuated.
    • Vault 87 (Fallout 3): Tasked to experiment with FEV on its inhabitants.
    • Vault 88 (Fallout 4): Test prototype technologies which would be sent to other vaults.
    • Vault 92 (Fallout 3): Housed solely musicians who were to be exposed to an experimental white noise hypnotic signal that would make them violent.
    • Vault 94 (Fallout 76): Inhabitants were to follow the principles of faith, nonviolence, communal life, and being one with nature to discover that there is indeed good deep down all of mankind. Vault-Tec desired to mostly see how would people adapt to such different ideologies inside a vault and in a post-apocalypse.
    • Vault 95 (Fallout 4): The vault was housed completely by drug addicts except for one undercover employee from Vault-Tec who secretly monitored the experiment. The inhabitants were to undergo a rehab program and in five years of the vault door closing a secret stash of drugs is to be revealed to the inhabitants after rehabilitation.
    • Vault 96 (Fallout 76): An ark housing many frozen embryos of multiple species to restore world ecosystems, but only organisms deemed essential, dubbed "core fauna".
    • Vault 101 (Fallout 3): Remain close and have a dictatorial overseer.
    • Vault 106 (Fallout 3): After ten days of the vault being sealed, the facility was to be pumped with a colorless gas which caused hallucinations.
    • Vault 108 (Fallout 3): Assigned two experiments. One was for the overseer to die of cancer in 40 months, the power supply malfunction after 240 months, lack backup systems, have an over stocked armory, and have no entertainment. The second experiment was to research into human cloning.
    • Vault 111 (Fallout 4): Research long-term effects of humans when cryogenically frozen.
    • Vault 112 (Fallout 3): Residents were to live inside a simulation while under suspended animation.
    • Vault 114 (Fallout 4): Was going to house Boston politicians and other wealthy elites were to live in a lifestyle experienced by those in extreme poverty.
    • Vault 118 (Fallout 4): Was going to have a social hierarchy of the rich and the poor under discriminatory guidelines.

    Interesting list. I wonder what benefit the Enclave got out most of these experiments. Some were just sadistic.

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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    Fallout 4 was my favorite/most played Fallout, and later tonight i’ll get to play it on PC for the first time!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Should I go right into modding the hell out of it, or do a mod-free play through?

    Not sure what I want to do yet!

    submitted by /u/RDxTwo
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    FO4 appreciation post from someone who started playing it for the first time two days ago + 1 little complain (PC)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    As the title says I started this series two days ago with FO4, completely blind of anything about this series.. and OMG I am in love! Here I would like to briefly explain why because it is soo cool and I want to tell someone! There are some SPOILERS about the beginning of the game but please leave the comments spoiler-free for me :)

    I start to say that I wasn't expecting the cutscene at the very beginning and that really set a mood that I really liked, at first.

    I had a few problems in the character creation menu because I couldn't highlight the areas I wanted but I had fun anyway so, whatever I guess?

    Needless to say that the beginning is very cool and terrific at the same time like.. my family was saved just because a door-to-door-broom-seller decided to ring and tell us that we where the lucky ones who could enter the vault just in case bad shit happen, just to then see the poor guy not being able to enter the vault with us together with the other families when the bad shit happened. That moment made me think a lot.

    Leaving the vault for the first time with that sad music in the background and seeing all the devastation and death around me was a big punch in the stomach (the fact that some dudes randomly killed my husband and kidnapped my child was not enough, right Bethesda??).

    I found the dog and now I am the most stressed and anxious momma in the whole Commonwealth because please don't hurt my doggo he is the goodest of bois and he has to play with my child when I will find him.

    I love my character, I am so attached to her, she is the coolest angry mama ever, long lost daughter of Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley and Joyce Byers and I really feel her pain.

    Little complain... I really CANNOT pet the dog!?? I want to pet him when he finds some good stuff for me or helps me killing the bad guys! Is there any mod I can install in my second run to fix this?

    End of the post, I wanted to share some thoughts, so far the game is amazing and I will almost surely get also the previous titles of this series

    submitted by /u/Pelu_k
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    Legion Beastmasters?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:57 AM PST

    If this idea exists already in a mod, please let me know since I've been unable to look for it.

    I'd been thinking about how to improve the Legion in New Vegas, make them even more unique than they already are and when I was thinking about it I came up with an idea. Legion Beastmasters. Now, what are Beastmasters? Well in fantasy they're people who easily bond with animals and beasts, sometimes evening having a psychic bond to animals that let's them control them. Since the Legion is made up of many different tribes, it would be interesting if one of those tribes were made up of Psyckers(or however you spell it) who "bonded" with the animals of the wasteland. The Legion then using those tribals in order to maintain and have more powerful beasts of war.

    I could imagine the Beastmasters having their own hierarchy in terms of levels, with each higher title having a more powerful beast that they control. I could also imagine them having their own quest/s where you steal Deathclaw Eggs from Quarry Junction so they may raise them and use them during the second Battle of Hoover Dam. Possibly even teaching the player how to "bond" with one of the eggs, therefore getting a Deathclaw companion. Obviously, I think it'd be super interesting and cool. But that's just me.

    submitted by /u/TRedRandom
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    Finally got my my hands on some X-01 MK II power armour in Fo4.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:55 AM PST

    Literally so excited to try it out! :)

    submitted by /u/tosser53
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    Saddest moment from any Fallout ?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:34 AM PST

    For me it's got to be when you sacrifice E-de for the greater good in the Divide.

    submitted by /u/TheMightyWez
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    New Dumb Terminal

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:25 PM PST

    got this setup and functional :


    submitted by /u/Stealthy_Wolf
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    I love Mr. Robert House

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:11 PM PST

    Everytime I play New Vegas I can never bring myself to betray Mr.House. He may be rude in the eyes of some but that just shows he truly cares about his goal and isn't trying to deceive you. His goal is the most noble goal you can have in a post apocalyptic world filled with barbarians, raiders and worthless people trying to rebuild a system that brought nuclear destruction.

    If Robert Edwin House was a real man he would be the first person I would idolize in all my life.

    submitted by /u/channel32
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    What’s your favorite vault?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:42 PM PST

    I personally liked Vault 106. I just love the concept. With you hallucinating about your past.

    submitted by /u/SoleSurvivor-2277
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    Does Nick have lungs?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    If so why does he smoke?

    Asking for a friend

    submitted by /u/50_Shades_of_Graves
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    Anyone else think that Gallout 2 would be an amazing movie?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:27 AM PST

    It fits all kinds of things that would make a great one, an original plot that gets turned on its head mid way through, an interesting world with great lore, a group of pure evil and hell, the main antagonist is the embodiment of said group.

    submitted by /u/Cheeseman1066
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    Is Jack Cabot Mr house

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:20 AM PST

    He looks a lot like the Mr house screen that u talk too, he says he's going to mojave desert, he Also knows a lot about prolonging his life so I can totally see him building that life support machine u see in new Vegas, I can totally see him being Mr house unless new Vegas happened before fallout 4 then all this is pointless.

    Would like to point out that u can kill him in fallout 4 however I would like to propose that the ending when u kill his dad is the Canon one.

    Also I haven't played new Vegas in years so if it's as simple as no he's not because someone calls Mr house dave in the game then my bad.

    submitted by /u/thrash_is_trash
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    (Fo4) Which is better: Wounding or Explosive on a 10mm pistol?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I just got a Wounding 10mm Weapon, and I think it's a good legendary effect, so I was pretty excited. I've been using my explosive 10mm weapon. I was wondering, which one is the better legendary effect?

    I have 2 ranks in Rifleman, but I am open to going automatic. I like both, so I don't mind at all.

    Or, would it perhaps be better to do Deliverer (or maybe even a .44 pistol?)?

    Here are the mods I use:

    Advanced Reciever

    Long Light Ported Barrel

    Sharpshooter's Grip

    Large Quick Eject Mag
    Reflex Sight (Circle)

    Muzzle Brake

    submitted by /u/NylaTheWolf
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    Current affairs in the world

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:22 PM PST


    I was hoping to finish my second run of NV but I guess it could be a reality at this rate, are we all prepared for nuclear fallout my Wanderers?

    submitted by /u/Taylor200212
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    Fallout 4: Vertibird

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Guys I got a question. Can I use the Vertibird for to go to Undiscovered Locations? For example: Using the Vertibird in the Glowing Sea missions without having to fight every enemy except for the Deathclaw.

    submitted by /u/Sshaikh191
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    Why are 85% of the graphical glitches I encounter in Fallout 4 in Nuka-World?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Not only that but they all look ridiculous. I posted about this awhile ago but I recently encountered more. My flashdrive is at my other place so It'll be till tomorrow afternoon before I can edit in a link to what I saw but it's phenomenal. I shot off a ghoul's limbs in Dry Rock Gulch's employee area and god it was like confetti was spewing out of the stump along with the blood. I can edit in a link the the original glitch images if someone wants but I don't know if that violates the no repost rule.

    submitted by /u/TheGameMerchant
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    is there something im missing?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:29 PM PST

    im trying to do the mission "form ranks", the one where you have to gather settlements for the minuteman, but its not progressing i have like 20 settlements but its not letting me pass the mission. does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/oddeagle123456789
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    Fallout 4 PS4 Game crashing

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:56 AM PST

    Hi I was wondering if anyone knows a fix for fallout 4 crashing while using creation club content?

    submitted by /u/SammyB50
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    Hey! Ive recently sided with the Minutemen and was wondering what to do after building the teleporter.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Ive retaken the Castle and built the teleporter, but all I'm getting from Preston are just more settlement quests. I gave the holotape back to Sturges...What do I need to do? Talk to Sturges? Wait for Preston to tell me something?

    submitted by /u/cornyclassic
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    Fallout 4 VR: good with mods?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 01:11 AM PST

    I've been wanting to pick up F4VR for a while, particularly now that I have the room to play it, but the reviews are less than stellar and coupled with Bethesda's behavior lately I'm not very inclined to just buy it. So are the "Mixed" Steam reviews appropriate? Can it be salvaged using mods?


    submitted by /u/ImShyBeKind
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    How well does fallout 3 and New Vegas run on ps4

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:28 AM PST

    I noticed that fallout 3 is on ps4 and I heard it hardly ran on ps3 how well does it ran on ps4 is it better or the same

    submitted by /u/Archneme5is
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