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    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Fallout | Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws Pen and Paper free for all Fallout Roleplayers.

    Fallout | Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws Pen and Paper free for all Fallout Roleplayers.

    Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws Pen and Paper free for all Fallout Roleplayers.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    I've been working on this project for over two years and we just got our character sheet approved on roll20. This is the Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws PNP. It's based on the 2.0 PNP and it's an overhauled system that combines the three generations of Fallout. Below is the document. There are other docs linked to the one below. It's free for everyone to use to make there own Fallout adventures.

    Dweller's Guide

    submitted by /u/rolld100
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    Prostitution would be found in every settlement with a decent sized population. Realistically speaking.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:35 PM PST

    Idk if it's just me but aside from New Vegas and that one town in Fallout 2 it isn't really touched upon. I feel like the oldest profession would be more widespread post war.

    submitted by /u/cybersoldier93
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    Do trophies matter?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:37 PM PST

    I started my game months ago. But It is modded with better graphics, patches and among other things to make the experience better. But Even though I am halfway through the game, I've stopped and wonder if it was worth it. Cause I only have 2% of the trophies but I've spent hours or even weeks in the game. Should I create a new game or do trophies not matter?

    submitted by /u/SodaCola1
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    What if some people like the 1950's culture mix with a nuclear apocalypse?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:56 PM PST


    At this point i feel like talking to a brick wall because i know people are going to continuously shit on 3 and 4 and peaise 1,2 and nv, its inevitable but i still cant help but at least explain what it is about the setting of 3 and 4 we like and why we think its good.

    This video mainly talks about the setting of the fallout games and why they are wromg in 3 and 4. His first point is that 3 and 4 act like the bombs dropped in the 50's instead of a retrofuturistic setting, basically the the culture of the old world carried on to the post apocalypse and it doesnt make sense.

    First, 3 and 4 ARE retrofuturistic, between the pip boys, vaults, metro systems, robobutlers, powerarmor, how can you say 3 and 4 aren't retrofuturistic? Sure the culture of the 50's carried on to 2077 but thats the point of a retro futuristic setting, the technology changes but the culture and way of life doesnt because thats the only way they would know how to live! he give an example of retro futuristim with old victorian paintings depicting the future, in those paintings you can see the way they imagined the future but the clothes and architecture remain the same, its for this reason why the pre war worlds look like they take place in the 50's.

    As for why this 50's culture carrying into the post apocalypse, i admit, he may have a point with fallout 4 being too focused on the future in the post apocalypse but not with fallout 3, fallout 3 is renowned in this community for its apocalyptic setting and atmosphere, every minute you are in the wasteland you are reminded that the world is gone and it does have the mad max setting. And the towns popping up dont resemble the 50's too much, people live in shacks, with dirty clothing trading and just doing their own thing and trying to get by because fo3's world is so desolate they dont have much time or comfort to developor emulate a culture thats much. Except for tenpenny tower because people there do live comfortably. The only evidence of the 50's in 3 are the vaults, 101 in particular for obvious reasons and in pre war ruins/buildings, posters, architecture and music (because the 50's music were the only one's compatible with the culture and there isnt any new songs being developed in the capital wasteland)

    As for fallout 4, yea he is right that 50s do carry on from the apocalypse but my question is why shouldn't it? Cant it be possible people hope to emulate the 50's americana to try to bring the old world back and live in peace in diamond city. The 50's were the most peaceful American times compared to previous decades focused on ww2 and the great depression. Hell there are government forming to try and bring democracy back to the ruins of america, the ncr, does it not make sense that they are trying to rebuild the world the only way they know how, most of the people inhabiting the post apocalypse did come from vaults which were culturally stagnant.

    And i find new vegas to be the biggest culprit of this. The entire game feels like pre war west coast with the cowboy merchant prospector vibe in every town independent of a faction, the prostitution and even Elvis impersonators in freeside.

    As for his last point about the same elements of death claws, BoS and supermutants taking place in the east coast, he has a point, but the thing is a lot of people, myself included like those kind of elements in the game. I can see why for a player of the old games would get sick of the same elements being carried over to 3 and 4 but he has to understand that for console players who never heard of fallout, this was a new taste for them. Not only that but its iconic and really makes for a setting for the series and i personally like it, however i do agree that bethesda should mix up elements of the enemies and setting enough to make the worlds more interesting.

    Overall a really enjoy the retrofuturistic 50'S vibe mixed with the post apocalypse, i think it makes for a good setting.

    submitted by /u/NathanEthenBradbury
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    Your favorite companion to use?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    What is your favorite companion to explore the post-apocalyptic wasteland with?

    submitted by /u/iwillyounkurcat
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    Nuka World DLC ALWAYS crashing

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:13 PM PST

    Me and my GF bought the Nuka World DLC a while back but it always crashes in the train as she enter the area.

    We have tried every thing! - Disableling Mods - Uninstalling all other DLC - Uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. - Repair the steam cache - Lowered all graphics settings - Teleported into Nuka World using the console command. - Going into Nuka world without a companion - Tried the Unofficial Bug fixes mod for the game and all DLC - She even restarted a whole new game and leveled up to lvl30 to retry in case her previous character had a corrupted save or something.

    I don't know what to do. I don't think Bethesda will do something if we contact them. The game is quite old and the last reports of this issue I can found online are a couple years old.

    Not sure what else to do... Any suggestion is welcome.

    submitted by /u/Theodore-Alm
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    Here's a Fallout thought.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:49 AM PST

    In the Fallout franchise, why does it always look like no foliage has recovered? I mean in some areas it looks like it has or tried to but then it just withered away back to death. Think about it, don't you think that all or at least some of the radiation would be gone? It's only been 200 or possibly more years the world turned on each other. Thank you for your time and have a Blessed night/day.

    submitted by /u/Forsaken_Dredgen
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    Which settlement is your favorite? Why?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:45 AM PST

    I don't want to hear the Boston Airport or Sanctuary Hills just because it's the base of your favorite faction. I need more depth and substance than that. Ie: good location, clean, easy to work with, lots of space, etc.

    I'd probably say either Bunker Hill or Sanctuary.

    I love the vault added in with Vault-Tec Workshop, but...


    It's way too much room for me to work with.

    I have no clue what to do with it.

    It bothered me quite a bit that I, and avid settlement builder, ended up blocking off one of the sections, simply because I didn't know what to do with it, and I couldn't get a tunnel in there evenly.

    Sanctuary is a perfect size, and it's incredibly northern, making it very safe. I will say that it's not too great when you're in Survival until it's a super thriving community.

    Pre-Endgame in survival, I'd strongly recommend Hangman's Alley. Make it a small settlement, and turn off the beacon once you have 4 or 5 settlers.

    It can be difficult to figure out good places to put beds, but once you do, its central location and closeness to Diamond City make it a fantastic choice for a home base, considering Home Plate isn't exactly ideal, with the cost and its lack of connection to the workbenches in the City Market.

    Sanctuary is a fantastic place for a thriving community, almost to the level of even DC.

    Seriously, using a few mods and a far harbor glitch, I have about 60 settlers in Sanctuary. There's 4 gorillas, a few dogs and cats, and some great buildings.

    Seriously, a concrete building with a pool table, a food and drink merchant, some tables, some benches, and a jukebox with some posters and neon lettering make for a fantastic bar.

    I also have Sturges's bar, which is mainly for Power Armor that I've collected, as well as my Armorsmith workbench.

    As for Bunker Hill, I like how pre-set up it is.

    Bonus: what is your least favorite, and why?

    Personally, I absolutely loathe Croup Manor, just because of how menial a task it is just to get the place to function as a proper settlement. It also kinda miffed me that the settlement edge is RIGHT NEXT to the water.

    submitted by /u/T1mek33per
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    Can the Fn fal from fallout 2 make a comeback in a new fallout game?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:38 AM PST

    I always wondered why it never made a comeback minus gun licencing

    submitted by /u/Glock991
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    Fallout 4 molecular level bug fix?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:52 PM PST

    So I'm first time player and I was a little drunk when I built the components for the teleporter. I built it in a really shitty spot, so I decided to rebuild the whole thing. After moving the components to a more agreeable spot, Sturges no longer can be interacted with. After rebuilding the whole sheblam in a more agreeable spot, he no longer returns to the terminal to complete the mission. Even going back past saves is proving to be difficult. I can reload up to where he's at the terminal, but I built the beam emitter in a different spot than the platforms and when I join them together he just becomes a space cadet.

    I've tried waiting or rebuilding the whole thing again. Quest marker points to talk to him but he just walks around. Playing on PS4. No idea how I'm supposed to fix this.

    Did I really fuck up my whole games? I'm at lv 40 and was avoiding institute quests.

    submitted by /u/josiahpapaya
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    I went back to play New Vegas for the first time in 5 years, now fallout 4 feels empty. How can I make fallout 4 appealing to me again? (Please no hate)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Please don't hate. I love Fallout 4 and have clocked in hudreds maybe a thousand hours on it. I first played Fallout 4, 2 years ago (late I know, I was poor at launch). However the other week I stumbled across my old New Vegas copy and thought I would give it a replay. After playing nonstop for 2 weeks , I decided to play fallout 4 again and felt empty. I had already had to mod fallout 4 to make it fun for me, but now even them mods are not cutting it. Is it worth me shelving Fallout 4 for a few months and see if that helps? How did you overcome this if this happened to you? Looking to discuss.

    Also if anyone knows how to mod New Vegas on xbox one that would be cool. I am struggling to find a way.

    submitted by /u/VodkaForMotherLand
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    They are making the truth difficult to

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:01 AM PST

    Fallout New Vegas Audio Issues (Please Help)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Sorry if this isn't the right place to post (first time posting on Reddit too)

    I've finally got round to playing New Vegas again after a couple of months, but yesterday when I loaded the game there's this awful crackling and skipping sound in the audio. At first I thought it was just on the title screen, but when I went in game it continues - making the game unbearable to play.

    I tried googling it yesterday, unfortunately I'm at a loss and useless when it come to messing with game files or mods like the suggestions I found and tried, and I reinstalled the game. The issue still persists.

    Is anyone able to help, or knows if this is a common issue? I'm playing on Windows 10.

    submitted by /u/im-a-tig
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    Fallout 4: How do I rotate buildings along the z axis?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:13 PM PST

    I've discovered how to disable snapping, and now all I need to make the perfect settlements is the ability to build objects diagonally.

    Yes, mods.

    submitted by /u/Barlakopofai
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    Does FO3 have more combat/enemies/encounters than NV?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST

    Just finished another play through of NV but I always feel like the game is lacking in combat/enemies. Haven't played FO3 in a while, does the base game have more combat/enemies?

    submitted by /u/BenTCinco
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    Ne Vegas lore question: Do you pronounce caesar's name like "Kaisar" or "seesar"?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    I've seen a lot of NPCs pronounce it differently and I was wondering which one would be the "correct" one. Thanks for your time, rocketeers!

    submitted by /u/realqwertycomics
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    Creation club 30/1/2019

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Lunar bundle is 400 points

    Railroad armour and weapon paints are free.

    submitted by /u/BiBhamGuy
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    Has Bethesda said

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Have they said anything about the next actual Fallout game? I'd imagine after 76 being a sloppy mess that blew up on itself they'd take a break since we haven't had an elder scrolls game for near a decade.

    submitted by /u/AvidRoadhogSpammer
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    Fallout: Empire. An idea for a future Fallout game.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Fudgemuppet recently came out with video about their idea for a Fallout game set in Wyoming. I personally love the idea, and wanted to share the idea among fellow fans. While I'm doubtful it will get picked up by Bethesda, I think it has a good chance to be made by a team of modders.

    Video: https://youtu.be/C4A73ABWdqk

    submitted by /u/Binollo
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    [Fallout 4 LString mod] What perks affect the bows?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Title says it all i got the mod and want to include it in a build but dont know what perks affect the bows

    submitted by /u/MyPantsOnFire31
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    Is there any way to level up fast (currently on level 38)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:18 PM PST

    This video genuinely helped build my perspective on Fallout, and I think everyone should see it

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:10 PM PST

    This video essay (20 mins long, by a small channel with 15K subs that I've never seen before) genuinely helped to enlighten my perspective on the original Fallout games and their style/relation to the Bethesda games, and I'm definitely not usually an advertiser for anything, but I think people should see this because it helped me like few things have. I've sunk triple digit hours into Fallout 4 and NV but never played the originals, and this was a huge help to understand their place, and what Bethesda isn't but could be using from them. Also, watch the whole video, because it comes full circle.

    submitted by /u/TheBushmanIAm
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