• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Fallout | A few of my friends will be getting these for Christmas this year! ^_^

    Fallout | A few of my friends will be getting these for Christmas this year! ^_^

    A few of my friends will be getting these for Christmas this year! ^_^

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST


    Found them online and will also be sending some in Reddit Secret Santa!

    submitted by /u/Joker_71650
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    Level 71 character permadead

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:54 AM PST

    My best attempt yet. Far harbor, automatron, vault 88, all done. Those rust devil patrols? Thry rarely push me to 80% health (granted, i start the fight with a grenade). What could go wrong.

    A legendary warlord with a legendary gauss rifle, that's what. Now, i know damn well legendary humanoid enemies are always dangerous because they could have lethal weapons regardless of level. I'm aware, i've already learnt that lesson in blood. In fact i met an other legendary super mutant with a gauss rifle in the same campaign when i was level 35 and (with a lot of explosives and sneaking) i disposed of it before it could actually harm me.

    What was different this time was the fact that i couldn't tackle the situation my way. The quest was "Show No Mercy". You zero in on fort strong on a vertibird. Now, enemies on fo4 don't have a bad aim. They have a large spread. If you are not in power armor they shoot around you rather than you, when you are in power armor the bigger hitbox makes you paradoxically more vulnerable. A vertibird, big as it is, gets hit by any and all bullets that fly at it (that's why they drop like flies).

    So i fly to fort strong and i spot the warlord right away.i learn the hard way that the gauss rifle has a suprisingly high rate of fire. I start panicking. I prioritize the warlord, although it's difficult because, being in the vertibird, i don't always have a line of sight on it. The minigun kinda melts it though and with two quick bursts i trigger its second wind and i see it limping around. "Maybe i'm safe". That's when the rotor above me catches fire, and i panic again. I never had the vertibird dying on me, and being on permadeath i don't want to try and see. I quickly finish off the behemot and trigger the landing. Big mistake. The warlord is right there, using cover so the minugun is useless. It hits me once on the left arm, breaks the armor piece and brings me at 30% health. I pop bufftats and jet and start healing quickly thanks to medic rank 4. My health is now at 55% and i'm abandoning the vertibird since staying in it would make me a sittting duck. As soon as i land i die. I don't know if the warlord scored twice on me (i was in power armor, so it wouldn't be impossible), or if the vertibird blew up, or if i didn't die but was instead ragdolling and dead all the same (i don't know because i quit right away on an impulse). But that was the end.

    I did some testing. While aboard the vertibird the player doesn't suffer damage. Bullets would hit me in third person, but i assume the damage goes to the vertibird rather than me. When the vertibird dies it takes away around 50% health but the fall damage is negated (as long as you wear pa, it kills you otherwise). Then you ragdoll for a couple of seconds before pulling yourself up. A long time if you fall in the wrong spot, but if you land in a covered zone you are safe and you can even start healing during the ragdolling. The character starts taking damage as soon as the vertibird starts landing, and that's the part in which you are vulnerable.

    So what i should have done was staying in the vertibird, trying to take out the warlord, and pray that if the vertibird died i landed in a favourable zone. Still a bet, but a bit safer than what i have done. A burning rotor doesn't mean that the vertibird is about to die, too.

    This sequence of the game is great. The vertibird given to you in the quest scales with you. Usually it is more than enough to kill the behemot, its escort and the reinforcements (although in the testing i found out that this is risky, better to get off as soon as possible). I died because i lost the lottery, a gauss rifle warlord is rare. I also panicked.

    Yet, i'm frustrated. Permadeath teaches you to be cautious, to value your safety. If i was to take fort strong by my own, i would use artillery, minutemen reinforcements and if something dangerous was still around, i would bait it to to the settlement or kill it with explosives. I would be prudent. Instead, maxson throws you into the fray without a care. You put your life in his hands, and he treats you (perhaps rightfully) as an expendable asset. And in this instance I died because of that.

    I like it. Details like that fly over your head if you don't permadeath. I'm an institute boy, but i always refused to kill maxson in airship down. But now that i noticed that to him i'm expendable, so he is to me. To the victor the spoils little boy, Final Judgement will be mine next time.

    submitted by /u/zortugan
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    Replaying Fallout 3 for the umpteenth time

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:48 PM PST

    And I just now for the first time realized Doctor li isn't in the game after broken steel starts. And if you ask Alex Dargon he actually says she headed up north towards the commonwealth. Setting up her story for fallout 4. Crazy. I know a lot of people have been hating Bethesda for what they've been doing lately, but you have to admit, when they really try, the do incredible work.

    submitted by /u/JJamesMorley
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    Out of curiosity, what happens if you do Rockets Red Glare with the Railroad, the side with the Institute?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:36 AM PST

    Since taking out the Brotherhood is the final Institute quest, I'm curious as to what happens if you destroy them with the Railroad first.

    submitted by /u/KillerQueen724
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    Rose of Sharon Cassidy is actually a fantastic follower

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:41 AM PST

    In New Vegas, with exception of the ever present ED-E, I rarely have any company in my long treks alongside the Mojave desert. Usually, after finishing their (must have) personal quests, it's off to the Lucky 38 with them. I always liked how Cass was the daughter of a Fallout 2 follower, and her personality in general, but it never popped out as much in comparison to Boone's overpowered sniper or Veronica's adorable quips.

    Until I discovered that, like many aspects of NV, 80% of her idle dialogue was cut before being released. Apparently some test reviews thought that "she talked too much" and it disrupted their game. And as usual, the lovely modding community managed to retrieve all those voice files.

    After getting the mod Cass Lines I neber looked back. Like the best modded followers in Skyrim, she has a comment for almost every place we go. We take a stop at Goodsprings? She asks if I'm going to visit my grave. Red Canyon? To keep our guard up, that she doesn't trust them. Also she has a different comment each time you go to talk to her.

    Do yourself a favor, and look into cut content. Grab yourself a feisty whiskey fueled cowgirl and rediscover New Vegas.

    submitted by /u/Kal_El__Skywalker
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    Fallout 4 - What’s a good novel sized fanfic you would recommend?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    Been playing a crap ton lately and want to be still immersed when I can't play.

    submitted by /u/Mac_or_Mac
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    Caesars New Regime not working?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:26 AM PST

    I have just installed it and now legion soldiers either have no body and are just floating heads and hands or floating red exclamation marks. any one else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/Quick_zilver
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    Currently SOL, Fallout 4 is crashing no matter what I do.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:11 PM PST


    I got a new system not too long ago and tried going back to Fallout 4. The problem is that pretty much nothing that I tried have gotten it to work.

    The Problem

    Within almost exactly two seconds of booting up the game just crashes to desktop silently. This happens in regardless of whether intro video is on or not. In the title, it'll be the first two notes, then crash. Trust me I've heard this two notes go straight into emptiness a shit ton of times at this point

    What I've Tried... And Failed

    • Booting with mods

    • Booting with mods disabled but still present

    • Booting with mods disabled and cleaned from the folder

    • Running with F4SE

    • Running without F4SE

    • Running with weapon debris on/off

    • Booting with launcher config

    • Booting with a BethINI modified config

    • Booting without any config at all

    • Running in borderless/windowed

    • Running in full screen

    • Integrity verification

    • Deleting the creation club files in the Data folder

    • Disabling Bethesda market thing through the ini

    • Updating my drivers

    • Updating my system in general

    • Copying the exact same setup from my old system

    PC specs

    • OS : Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

      • Current build: 1909
    • CPU : Intel i7-9750H 2.6GHz

    • GPU : Nvidia RTX2060

      • Current driver: 441.20
    • RAM : 16GB

    Load Order

    1. *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
    2. *ArmorKeywords.esm
    3. *Homemaker.esm
    4. *HUDFramework.esm
    5. *SimSettlements.esm
    6. *3dscopes.esp
    7. *Armorsmith Extended.esp
    8. *AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
    9. *BetterSettlers.esp
    10. *BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
    11. *CloneArmory2.5.esp
    12. *dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
    13. *Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
    14. *FunctionalDisplays.esp
    15. *FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp
    16. *FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
    17. *FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
    18. *FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
    19. *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
    20. *ImmersiveVendors.esp
    21. *LegendaryModification.esp
    22. *LegendaryModification2LM.esp
    23. *LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp
    24. *LegendaryModificationMisc.esp
    25. *Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp
    26. Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp
    27. Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp
    28. Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp
    29. Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp
    30. Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp
    31. Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp
    32. *LongerPowerLines3x.esp
    33. *Mercenary.esp
    34. *RightHandedHuntingRifle.esp
    35. *SettlementMenuManager.esp
    36. *VisibleWeapons.esp
    37. *WastelandFashion.esp
    38. *WastelandFashionAccessories.esp

    * denotes active

    Ending Note

    I'm genuinely at a loss here. I tried googling a good range of keywords relating to this game but the ones that most accurately hit my problem either suggest updating your AMD driver while I go Intel/Nvidia or disabling weapon debris since you're on an RTX card which I have already done and I've triple checked on the inis.

    Current Edit

    For some reason Steam was giving me v1.10.138. I managed to get it updated to v1.10.162.... and so far it got past two notes.

    I am very confused right now.

    submitted by /u/RavenZhef
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    Should I scrap all junk I find?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:37 PM PST

    This sounds weird, but hear me out. I wanted to take a break from exploring and focus on building settlements. I had an idea to go to all locations i have found and collect everything there, then scrap the junk (it also was to make sure i got all the important loot). Is this a good idea? Is there anything I definitely shouldn't scrap? Anything else I should know/keep in mind? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/FreddyPlayz
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    I got in a discussion with a friend about how people generally think about RPGs while they play them. Strawpoll linked in this post if you'd be so kind as to toss in your two cents.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:34 PM PST

    A friend of mine insists that I'm in the minority regarding my approach to role playing in RPGs. It lead to an interesting discussion and ultimately I would like to hear more opinions on this topic.


    I'd love to hear your take on it in the comments. Do you role play characters in RPGs that let you? Do you go so far as to develop a backstory for your character, or is picking a playstyle and sticking to it enough to satisfy you?

    If there's enough interest I'll update you with the results of the data. Thanks so much for your time!

    submitted by /u/Sparky678348
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    Fallout 4 suddenly runs worse on PC

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:59 PM PST

    When i first got this PC it could run Fallout 4 at high with decent fps but when i tried playing it recently (after reinstalling it) it set the default to low and at that was running...not that great now this may not be the place to post it but i dont know

    submitted by /u/GamerofGamers2
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    Dad's old bootleg Fallout CD

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:16 PM PST

    https://imgur.com/a/Brsg2mQ Check it out, 2 burned cd's for "fallout"

    submitted by /u/43433
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    Is Fallout: New Vegas getting Xbox One X enhancements like Fallout 3?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:28 PM PST

    New Vegas just got added to Xbox Games Pass and it is the only Bethesda RPG to not have graphic enhancements (Even Oblivion and Morrowind have enhancements). Has anyone at Bethesda commented on adding a visual update because Fallout 3 and Oblivion look so much better with them.

    submitted by /u/EmperorPretzel
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    Power Armor in Survival Mode

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:00 PM PST

    So there are other builds besides the Power Armor build like the, sneaky-sniper but I dont think there is any build stronger then the one who uses PA. It's litteraly such an advantage to have it that sneak sucks in compairison. How do you usually play?

    submitted by /u/McScary69
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    New Vegas - is perception needed for an explosives build?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:23 PM PST

    I'm seeing that perception governs explosives but I can't see exactly how it affects explosives. None of the explosives perks are tied to perception. Does high perception cause more explosives damage, or what exactly does it do? Will I be ok with low perception?

    submitted by /u/BenTCinco
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    **MOJAVE BLUES NEW EPISODE: Fallout New Vegas Mini Series Announcement** - "Ghosts of America's Past"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:51 PM PST

    New Episodes of the action-comedy every Friday- only on Youtube.

    "Ghosts of America's Past" - Six and the Ranger take refuge with the Brotherhood of Steel under the cover of a radiation storm, the night before the raid on Invictus. Caden finally opens up about his past.

    EPISODE 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwZX9lXTtLI&t=

    --Based on the characters and universe featured in Fallout: New Vegas, all rights reserved to Obsidian Entertainment & Bethesda Softworks. Fan film featuring all original homemade props and cosplay/ costumes. Please note that this is not created for commercial purposes. "Fallout" is © 2013 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.--

    PREVIOUS EPISODE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnCvcGYS9ds

    Official Series Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ72QTOj1x8


    submitted by /u/MickeyNats
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    Why Bethesda "abandoned" skill checks, and why skill checks have been abandoned in RPGs in general

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:55 PM PST

    This is something of a response to this thread

    But also a more general summary of why skill checks have largely left the RPG genre as a whole, outside of a few common subjects.

    If you go back and replay older RPGs from the late 90's and early 2000s, and actually look at the kind of skill checks they had, you can break them up into two major categories. The first is psychical action skill checks, the second is knowledge based skill checks.

    Physical action skill checks are things like needing a perception check to spot a hidden trap, or an agility check to outrun a boulder coming at you, or needing a sneak check to sneak around some enemies, or needing a science check to hack a terminal/robots. These kinds of skill checks served as abstractions of complex, or detailed tasks, that something like Baldur's Gate, or NWN, couldn't really have the player do with any sort of accuracy due to limitations of graphics, or gameplay.

    However, as graphics and gameplay precision have increased, the need to abstract these sorts of things has diminished. You no longer need a perception check to spot a hidden trap or button when you can now just 3d model, texture, and place, such things in the game world and have the player spot them with some degree of accuracy. You don't need an agility check to outrun a boulder when you can just have a boulder come at the player, and have them outrun it. You don't need a sneak check to sneak around some enemies when you can now just have the player move though the shadows while the game takes into account factors like line of sight, lighting conditions, armor weight, if you are running or not. You don't need a science check to hack a terminal or robot when you can just take a perk and then go up and hack the computer or robot yourself. etc. etc. As the need to abstract these sort of complex physical actions becomes less and less necessary, they need for the skill checks that abstract them has equally become less and less necessary.

    These kind of psychical action skill checks really only serve the purpose of being a crutch when it isn't worth the development time to make the necessary animations or mini-game elements to do those things directly. Like in Fallout 4, repairing complex wiring isn't a major thing you do often, so they put a skill check in the USS Constitution quest for a section where you do that, as designing some sort of wiring mini-game isn't cost effective due to how infrequently it would be used. Or in the Far Harbor DLC where there is a medicine check to save a guy's life. If doing complex medical actions was more frequent, they would have developed a surgery mini-game(like they almost did for Fallout 3) instead of having a skill check for it.

    The other kind of skill check is the knowledge based skill check. Knowledge based skill checks are generally the kind of skill check where you pass something like "[70/100] I know how to handle dynamite without hurting myself" in order to convince an NPC to help you out, or give you some sort of item that they believe you would know how to use. These kinds of skill checks have typically stayed around longer then the physical action skill checks, but have also started going away in the last decade. The reasons for this are a bit more complex, but still not that difficult to understand.

    On one hand, dumping points into a skill, attribute, or some other stat, to prove you have knowledge of something isn't very immersive. Let me ask you this, do you gain knowledge by opening up your own personal character sheet and dumping points into something? No, you gain knowledge by reading books, or magazines, or something on the internet. Having you pass skill checks by dumping points into a skill isn't very realistic, which is part of why devs have stopped doing it. Instead, they simply ave dialog change based on if you read the book, note, terminal entity, codex entry, or whatever system the game uses. There is little need for a check of knowledge when you can know if they read the thing or not, and thus if they know it or not.

    On the other hand, many skill checks that are seemingly knowledge based are more appropriately physical action based, and thus takes care of via psychical action means. For example, in the New Vegas quest "Ghost Town Gunfight" you can ask Easy Pete to give you some dyanmite to use against the attacking Powder Gangers. You have to pass a speech check to prove you know how to use it before he will give it to you, but if you actually think about it this makes little sense. Knowing what you are supposed to do, and having actually done it to know HOW to do it are two different things. If Easy Pete actually cared about your ability to use dynamite correctly, he would do like Sunny Smiles does during the tutorial section, where she takes you out back and has you shoot bottles to show you know how to aim. This is a psychical action scenario that really doesn't necessarily require a skill check ,but rather requires them developing the gameplay to facilitate this.

    In short, the reason why Bethesda largely got rid of skill checks in Fallout 4 is for much the same reason most RPG developers have in most modern RPGs. Developers generally see games as something to be played, and when you can have a situation where players can directly do something, or directly learn something, that is seen as the better way then having a situation where the player is told they did, or told they have the knowledge, though a skill check.

    The one big exception to all of this is speech based skill checks. The complexities of human speech are still far beyond game's ability to do without heavy abstraction(even if they could having the player have to speak to the game directly would be awful), which is why pure speech based skill checks, or modifiers, like Deus Ex's "social enhancer" augment, Witcher's Axii sign, Mass Effect's paragon/renegade system, or Fallout's pure speech checks, tend to be the only kind of check one consistantly sees in modern RPGs.

    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    FO3/NV GECK: Keymapping Rebinds?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:54 PM PST

    Does anyone know if it's possible to rebind any of the keymapping in GECK for FNV. I'm trying to learn how to mod but the controls are just hilariously unintuitive in my opinion. I can muddle through if I just have a cheat-sheet to referance, but I'd much rather have the option to change it if possible, which I'm starting to doubt as I haven't been able to find anything at all online.

    submitted by /u/GenericDPS
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    Im stuck in Fallout 1.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:35 PM PST

    I am stuck on Fallout 1. I was in the cathedral, and i set off the nuke but the super mutants started attacking me. What should i do?

    submitted by /u/gabestriker
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    [New Vegas] Audio stutter

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:00 PM PST

    I recently started having a problem with audio stuttering in New Vegas. The main menu music and radio will stutter constantly and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Even when disabling all mods this problem still persists.

    submitted by /u/Infusez
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    What is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen in a Fallout game?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    For me it's the bloodworms in Mad Mulligan's Mine. You just see a bubbling brahmiluff corpse that explodes into a massive shower of blood and guts and parasitic worms. It is a bit too much. What is the most disgusting thing you have seen?

    submitted by /u/cumble_bumble
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    Wtf Follows-Chalk

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

    He's following me this time, the next it says he returned somewhere and so I decided to go back to Angel Cave where he resides and I immediately gets attacked by everyone. Like what the fuck?

    submitted by /u/PureGold07
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    What bothered people about the existence of horses in the Fallout universe?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:55 PM PST

    I always see people passionately dislike the idea, stating they should be extinct. I found it odd because there is Brahmin and tons of other animals.

    What gives the impression there wouldn't be any?

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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