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    Monday, November 11, 2019

    Fallout | The fact you can’t pilot a vertibird in any fallout game is a tragedy.

    Fallout | The fact you can’t pilot a vertibird in any fallout game is a tragedy.

    The fact you can’t pilot a vertibird in any fallout game is a tragedy.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:27 AM PST

    Title says it all

    submitted by /u/MusicianStorm
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    You pick locks with bobby pins and a shiny red screwdriver. You have to find the bobby pins. But where did you get the screwdriver?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:23 AM PST

    Trashcan Carla just stole my little brothers T-45 power armor on his first time playing.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    My 14 year old little bro got bored of Fortnite and Destiny, so I introduced him to the easiest of the series, Fallout 4.

    After I helped him save Preston he then began walking to Diamond City and found Trashcan Carla walking towards him. I show him how the trading system works and after completing the transaction 5 dogs come attacking.

    Unfortunately however, he thought he had to get out the armor before talking to NPC's. So as soon as the dogs attacked, Carla ran over to his power armor and just walked off with it lol.

    That gave me a good chuckle as I'd never see that before. :)

    My brother however was pretty pissed lol.

    submitted by /u/Zacrynix
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    It just gets worse

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST

    So in the photo mode there was stance called sitting I just came back to game after about a 3 month break to find it is now 150 atoms this was originally a default stance

    submitted by /u/garbagehuman9
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    Why would Lanius agree to retreat back to The Fort knowing how the legion as a whole and Caesar in particular treat failure?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:04 AM PST

    I understand that being able to beat the final boss with speech is pretty fundamental to the fallout series, but I always found the conversation with Lanius with 100 speech or barter a bit strange. Accepting that Lanius agrees with the couriers argument that the Legion cannot hold the west and the east simultaneously, how does he expect the conversation to go with Caesar afterwards?

    Lanius: "So I know you've based your entire plan for the future of the Legion on taking New Vegas and making it the capital of a new legion that is a real civilization rather than a mostly nomadic "army with a state", but I completely squandered our best possible chance to take it because a mailman convinced me it was a good idea. Sure hope you don't have any potentially life-threatening medical conditions that will kill you and splinter our forces before we can make another attempt at seizing it"

    "Huh....well Praetorians, please seize the Legate and prepare the pitch. Guess we're going to have a second legate removed from the our history for his idiotic failures"

    Do you guys think that Lanius just doesn't think this through far enough to realize Caesar will not be pleased? Or that he'd rather keep the legions strength mostly intact rather than start a slow bleeding out as the legion overextends itself expanding west, just as the NCR did moving east? Even at the cost of his own life?

    submitted by /u/jaboi1080p
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    Replaying New Vegas and couldn't help laughing at this sign

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:31 AM PST

    I made a map of which factions control which parts of the commonwealth

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    The death Benny deserves *spoilers*

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:45 PM PST

    Every time I confront Benny in his suite I patiently let him say what he wants to say, voice my opinion, tell him I'll join in on his plan, let him turn around to leave and then unload my revolver into his back. Because we all know if the game let you get up and turn your back on him first he'd put every bullet in Maria's clip in your back. I don't know who would let him walk out that door and expect something other than that hit squad coming back up the elevator.

    submitted by /u/TheGameMerchant
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    When you still haven't made Mama Murphy's chair and she starts being passive-aggressive

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    Fallout: Chicago pen and paper campaign so far.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:39 PM PST

     War. War never changes. Consuming Land, power, people, and resources, blood has stained the calloused hands of mankind for as long as it has existed. Empires rose and fell, kingdoms swelled and were swallowed, vast armies vanquished then vanished; man made castles of sand washed away in the red tide of greed and corruption. This ever-growing sway of power and resources would prove to be too much for humanity to bear. A war over the last reserves of uranium and petroleum between the United States and China would climax to its finale and for two hours on October 23rd, 2077, the world was set on fire by nuclear rain. Those who were lucky, hid in gigantic underground vaults. When the vault opened, its inhabitants would emerge to a world erased with unspeakable horrors lurking behind all corners. After 222 years of isolation, recycled air, and artificial lighting, vault 655 opened its hermetically sealed door. They sent one lone scout out to survey the land. He never came back. They waited 3 months before He was assumed dead. With supplies running short overseer Tom Koncel was forced to move everyone outside the vault. Food was the first to run dry. Medical supplies next. People were sent to go out and scavenge under the instruction to "not die". In direct disobedience of the overseer's request, Many died in those first months; the wastes can be a cruel mistress. It's been a hard winter. Houses and buildings were erected on the grounds of the cemetery that the vault had been buried under. Due to the lack of available bodies, Yank Cunningham, the stocky vault Engineer with a fandom for a pre-war football team known as, "Da Bears" talks with an old "Chi-cah-go" accent, and Junior Doctor Charlotte Brown, a plucky determined young woman with a desire to get out there in the "real world" and "get her hands dirty," had been selected for guard duty. They were joined by Marc Gronski, the junior security guard who is just enormous and covered head to toe in thick hair, known to be a little wacky and best friend of Yank, to patrol the south fence of the cemetery West, out in the distance, a figure begins to emerge from the fog of the boggy lowland area down 111th street. Dressed in military fatigues and a combat helmet, with a long black hooded duster. The "Yank, is that you son? Jesus, your hair grew long. Been a long time since I found my way back home, my name's Jack. Jack Forrester . When the vault first opened, the overseer sent me to scout the area outside the vault. Made my way south to see about the farm school. The students had a seed vault there to protect "heirloom" veggies, couldn't break the safe so I moved along. headed further south. Crossed a river called "cal-sag" came across an old national guard armory. Wasn't the only one there either.Three Men dressed in pre-war business suits with soldiers took a good look around. We aren't alone out here". "I suppose you would want to know where I've been all this time. I was on my way back after four days of exploring the immediate area, when all the sudden, a vertibird came from the horizon and landed right in front of me. I began to run but I was being shot at. Didn't get far before I they got me. Shot me twice in the leg and once in the ass. Fell flat as bullets sprayed the concrete around me. They began to fly away and I thought I was safe. They dropped a grenade at the end of the street. One by one the cars began to explode. I limped as far as o could into the century but the blast knocked me out. When I woke up, my leg was wrapped in bandages, In a tent, in the woods and There was a man tending to a fire. His name was Black-guy Jim. Came all the way from a place called Bama, way down south. Said he was on the run from a slaver. Took me back to his house off the mighty Mississippi . Survived the better part of two months in his company. Showed me how to survive on my own. Only fits that he died peacefully in his sleep, rest his soul. These days that's the best a man could ask. Made my way back using a compass and map he gave me." Yank, alongside Marc and Charlotte, or Charlie as she prefers, ventured out to Richards building supply less than a mile away. As Yank attempted to repair a flat-bed delivery truck that had a crane attached, a large pack of wild dogs attacked. Marc grabbed a dog, mid-lunge, by the neck and twirled it like a rag doll. There were too many for Marc's hands and as one lunged for Charlie, a shot rang out. No one could figure out where it came from before another clapped into the air. It came from atop the collapsed office building beside the yard. A blur of a man dressed in black crosses yanks eyes, distracting him for a second in his work. The truck starts just as a well placed pocket knife slices the throat of the last hound. Supplies loaded, they limp the truck back to the cemetery. At the edge of the entrance, a ghoul in a terrible plaid suit sticks his thumb out in an attempt to hitchhike, but quickly remembers that no one remembers that. He waves his hand and on the palm is a large trademark sign scarred into the flesh. He introduces himself, "The name's Alistair, I'm an entrepreneur, providing burgeoning young settlements such as your own with access to traders and the knowledge of distilling alcohol, for sterilizing wounds inside and out; quite possibly, the best tasting hooch in the wastes." Jack, approaching slowly and having heard the discourse allows him in and gives the group clear instructions he is to be watched. Night falls and morning comes, the sunlight from the window of the small shack they shared has the morning sun blaring through in yanks eyes. A blur obscures the light and yank rubs the crust from his eyes. It's Ben "Beans" Hannity, an oddly shaped ten year old who is almost always seen with Patrick "Pork" McHenry, a rotund young man only a year older than Beans. Beans is whispering to Yank, "pssst.....psssst......YANK!" Yank, startled, jumps out of bed and grabs a wrench, "Who's there?!" "Yank, it's Beans. I need your help!" Yank rubs the crust from his eyes and goes outside to talk to Beans. Beans tells Yank, "The fence has a hole in it and.... we'll, there's this house. And it has this terminal. And the terminal has this game. And we liked the game. So we sneak out at night and play it and come back in the morning. But Pork wanted to stay. He hasn't come back and it's daylight! He was supposed to come back!" Yank agreed to go and find Pork before their parents wake up. The house was collapsed except for a room on the second floor; Two feral ghouls had Pork trapped under the desk. Yank gained the attention of the ghouls and shouted at Pork to run. Yank swung his hammer into the skull of one and then grappled with the other. A shot rang out and the ghoul fell to the floor. A hole clear through its head. Yank searched for his savior but couldn't find them. He returned to the small settlement to find Alistair™, Marc, and Charlie were awake and having breakfast at the dining hall. Just as Yank finished the story of his morning, the mayor's aides approached them. Tom Koncel, former overseer of the vault and current mayor of New Greenwood, the four shacks erected in the cemetery above the vault, had done very little to provide his citizens with any kind of comfort. When the vault's subsystems began to fail and people were forced out from the vault, the priorities of a real leader would have been to secure reliable food, clean water, good shelter, and adequate medicine. But Tom, had become complacent in his position as overseer and developed what some would call a quite nasty addiction to Nuka-Cafe, an instant coffee drink mixed with a small amount of amphetamine. As his supply ran short his only efforts were to find more and he sent scout after scout to no avail. Then, after Jack came back, he learned of the restaurant depot, the answer to his prayers. He sent his aides, Joe Folger & Maxwell House, to find suitable candidates for retrieval. The team agreed to the mission only after locking the mayor in the closet and demanding his aides not let him out. They traveled to the restaurant depot, a wrecked warehouse with a loading dock that has two trailers in it. One truck is totaled, while the other looked salvageable. Yank attempted to start the truck and it made a loud noise before it calm to a loud chunky thud of a stop. As they turned the corner towards the main entrance, several ghouls crawled through the open windows of the sliding glass doors. Marc, ripping a piece of metal from the frame slashes one and then tackled one to the ground with such force to cause the rib cage to collapse and explode. In an unbelievable turn of fate one of Alistair™'s hooker pistol shots bounces from the skull of one to the torso of another. The ghouls are quickly dispatched and the gang enters the warehouse. 

    The sun shines through the rusted through spots of the corrugated steel roof. The aisles of two story high shelves have fallen into each other creating a labyrinth. Our intrepid heroes come across a most fearsome of foes, a giant radioactive spider! It's fangs reflect the sun and drip with a glowing green fluid. A drop hits the floor and sizzles. A shot rings out from nowhere and hits the spider in the eye. Wasting no time, Alistair™ lobs a can of bug spray in front of Marc. He swings his baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, simultaneously puncturing the can and creating a spark igniting the aerosol expelling from the hole. It flies through the air, Sticking to the spider's web. The resulting explosion consumes the web and spider with it. They discover in the loading dock pallets of water and dried food, along with the mayor's precious Nuka-cafe! Raiders, having heard the commotion, have the group outnumbered in front of the store. The escape through a back way and follow train tracks past another cemetery called, Lincoln south. A ghoul scare taker approaches them and says their the first real people he's seen in a long time. He asks if he can come and live and work at their settlement. Alistair™ attempts to enslave his own kind but Charlie threatens him that to do so would mean he isn't welcome. He begrudgingly agrees saying, "FINE! No slaves! You guys are no fun...." They return to town to find that walls made of concrete and tombstones have been erected along the fence. Leaning against the wall a black garbed man with a hood and balaclava mask obscuring his face as so you could only make out his eyes asks the group if they'd noticed anything strange. He specifically says that he notices how they act, how the town they're building could be the start of something new and how he wishes he could be a part of what you have. He reveals little of his past besides the fact that he wants to do "good...for once." "I'm Roc Strongo, just think about it for a while." A loud pop behind the group distracts them only for a moment and Roc has disappeared. As the group enters town they find that several new buildings have been erected. In addition to the original four shacks, a Bar, a Sheriffs office with a jail, A Doctor's Office, and a City Hall. The former mayor's office has been converted into a single family house. And the common house has been expanded to allow for the expanding population. Goofer's Tavern adorns the sign on the tavern, which goes unnoticed by our adventurers who see a neon sign "XXX" next to the door. AlistairTM and the ghoul, who now goes by Lincoln South, examine the stills. AlistairTM tells Lincoln that he can operate the stills only if he operates the bar for 75/25 split. Lincoln, seeing a bad deal, initially backs off. AlistairTM, doubles down and states he is the only one who could make decent alcohol and that there would be no place for him in town otherwise, his offer lowers to 80/20. Lincoln believes this dastardly lie and accepts. The other doctor in town, Dr. Peter Hamlin, comes to Goofer's, one night. He sits and slouches and is already visibly and noticeably drunk. He shouts, "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE. NOT LATER, SOONER. Whatever, I never -hicc- cares anyways." Dr. Hamlin, very drunkenly and poorly, explains that the vault used to scrub the radiation from the water and air but after being exposed to the wastes for the last three months that the last of the RadAway is gone. Within a week, the most susceptible of our town will succumb to radiation poisoning. He admits to already seeing a few cases but dismissing them as the flu to avoid the scare. Vault documents point out a location of radiation equipment at a nearby hospital. After a half a day of travel they arrive to the oncology department to find the equipment moved. Marks on the pavement indicate that t was dragged across the street to the elderly home, Shady Oaks Retirement Environment or SORE. The place is crawling with ghouls. The gang fights through wave after wave through hallways and stairwells to get to the basement. In the pharmacy they find the rad-scrubber guarded by Dr. Frank Vegetables, an insane ghoul doctor convinced he can reverse ghoulification and has been testing on the locals. After a lengthy fight, the group narrowly escapes the building collapsing on itself. Marc begins to sweat. He's never felt the rush of defeating so many enemies before. He had snapped off and collected the middle finger of every ghoul he slayed. As he began to walk home with the group he straggled more and more. When the group looked back he was nowhere to be found. Forced by the inevitability of their return saving more lives than the search for Marc, they trudge back home. The delivery relieves the doctor, now hungover, more than the bottle of whiskey in his hand. He hugs our adventurers and tells them that, should they require his services, he would not charge. Days pass and still no sign of Marc. Down at Goofer's a week later, Yank cannot contain himself any longer and shouts that they shouldn't have lost him in the first place and it's their responsibility to find him. Charlie reluctantly tells yank of what killing can do to someone's mind. How the chemicals react differently. AlistairTM shares how he became more calloused to the humanity of life after surviving for so long. The door opens and a dark silhouette stands in the setting sun. It approaches the bar, a black hood and balaclava, crossbow on his back, and a silenced pistol on his hip. "I know where he is and it's not pretty." The figure signals the bartender for a drink and takes a seat at the bar. "I think you've figured out that I've been watching you by now. Your friend, the big hairy one, he went a little off the rails." Lincoln sets a shot of whiskey in front of our shadow-clad friend. He pulls down his face cover and slugs it. "He is the leader of a raider gang. The call him the Painted Man, and they are the Paint-makers. They bring him fingers and he uses them to finger paint with the blood he squeezes from them. He runs the gang that is holed up at the agricultural school." Charlie looks him dead in the eye and says, "Roc? It's Roc, right? You're helping us get him. Lincoln,lock the door!" The front door slams shut and bar patrons barracked the exits. "These people, that man you saw, they are mine. You understand? I'm responsible for them and they are under my care. Whatever your reason for coming here or revealing that information is moot now. You're gonna help us and in return you live here, with us, and help these people. Or don't, and you can find yourself in the hands of one of my 'anesthesiologists' and in one of my beds later this week." Roc stared at the bar, signaled for one more round, and said, "well, that was unnecessary." He got up and pulled out a map of the area. He laid it out on the bar and began to explain how he had been scouting for so long. That when he saw you emerge from the vault how he was unsure of what to expect and how he had been let down before. But that after they invited the ghoul (Lincoln) back that maybe there was a place for him, too. He had missed the subtlest of having a community to rely on and a safe place to call home. "I've been on my own for so long. I'm willing to fight for that, now. Let me fight for this." A slow clap begins and quickly fades at the end of Roc Strongo's monologue. Yank stares at Roc, "You help get Marc back and we'll talk." Roc nods. The set off for the high school in the dark of night. The school, lit up by the fires burning in oil drums out front, has several guards patrolling the main entrance. "Follow me," Roc whispers, "I know another way in." They creep around the side of the building where a collapsed wall is angled just right to run up and jump to the roof. Roc, Charlie, AlistairTM, and Yank all silently climb up without detection. As the traverse the roof of the building it begins to cave in. The group does its best to put run the growing hole in the roof but is unsuccessful. They fall into the library and begin to regain their bearings when a group of five raiders enters. Yank and Charlie escape through the aisles, while AlistairTM crawls behind the librarian's desk and waits. Roc, the last to fall, fell on his back and slammed his head pretty hard and got knocked out. The raiders drag him away while the rest of the party watches. Unable to take on that large a group of raiders they wait until they exit with roc and follow at a distance. One says to a giant man in a chair on top of a giant pile of desks and tires, "this one fell through the roof, is he one of the ones you are expecting?" The big man puts up one finger as if to say wait. He pulls out an action figure who is missing half an arm and asks it, "He doesn't look like them, dies he Gordon?" He replies to himself in a higher pitched voice, "Not familiar to me, looks like more paint for later!" "Gordon! Did you finish your vegetables?" The large strange man says. "....no. If I do will you Put this paint can in storage?" Asks the high voice. "Sure thing, Gordon." He says in a fatherly tone. "Sure thing..." Yank whispers to himself "... boss battle.." the others nod and wait as the large man stands up from his trash throne. Roc begins to awake as the behemoth's face becomes illuminated by the fires that line the path towards him. Marc picks up Roc and turns him around in the air like a child with a Christmas present, trying to guess what's inside. He shakes Roc in the air and his equipment comes falling out of his belt and pockets. Roc gets tossed to the side as Marc fascinatingly begins to examine the contents that have been strewn across the floor. AlistairTM attempts to quietly grab Roc and drag him to the side but is quickly noticed by the raider guards. Yank and Charlie, close behind, open fire at the two raiders. Marc, startled by the sound, runs at full speed toward the four adventurers. He tackles Yank to the ground and breaks his arm in the process. Yank yells at him, "IT'S ME!!! It's Yank! Marc!!! Look at me, it's me." Marc stops himself, and a smile begins to creep across his face. "Oh!" He says, "what's up?" He stands up and yanks Yank up to his feet. He wears football pads with tires for shoulder pads and a metal horn cod-piece. He pulls out Gordon and gingerly positions the doll's hand outwards, pushes it within inches of Yank's face, and in a high voice says, "Nice to meet you, I'm Gordon. What's your name?" Yank pauses in confusion. Dr. Charlie quickly extends her hand to shake Gordon's, and introduces herself and the gang, "I'm Charlie and this is Yank. The "paint can" is Roc. And the rotten nutsack next to him is Alistair" Alistair gives his Trademark wave. "Gordon, what how do you know Marc?" Marc goes to a trunk a few feet away, grabs more toys and crouches behind a concrete barrier. A puppet show takes place, with Gordon acting out the part of Marc. The story explains how Marc wasn't having much fun at New Greenwood. How he had worried that if he went home, he would have settled for a wife and kids. But Marc wanted more and wandered off from the group to see what fun was to be had. He ended up going to a strip mall with a sporting goods store and a sex shop where he would find, "Freedom from cloth and repression." Gordon then disappears underneath the barrier and emerges seconds later wearing a small version of Marc's pads and cod piece. The next scene was Marc rummaging through a toy store when a group of 7 raiders entered. Marc being outnumbered hid behind some shelves. A paper clip bent into the shape of a stick person with one short arm enters the act and calls to Marc, "they're paint cans, Marc. Paint cans waiting to be opened." This is when Gordon re-enacts a scene where a human finger with googly eyes and a green Mohawk on a stick faces away sayin in yet another voice," jet makes you jittery" as Marc takes Gordon and smashes the finger to a paste leaving only bones with scraps of finger left hanging off. Six more fingers on sticks come up from the barrier shaking as Gordon emulates becoming their leader. They all walk off scene then come back in a row and 'take a bow.' The group is unsure of what they just saw. Roc passes a note to Charlie, and she asks to talk to Marc alone. Their talk, very psychologically informative to both, results in Marc rejoining the party on the condition that he can collect fingers and that he be allowed to quote, "GO TO TOWN" on anyone they come into conflict with. Yank counter offers that he only do so if a majority of the group agrees. He agrees but keeps his fingers crossed behind his back, along with the dozens he's collected. On the way back, Yank and Roc are at the back of the group, "look, I don't know if we can always afford to save your ass like that." Roc asks Charlie for the note he passed her right before she talked with Marc and passes it to Yank. The note reads: "Promise we can bring him more paint that he could ever imagine" "I wasn't knocked out when they were dragging me." Roc says, "I heard them talking to each other, saying they been watching a settlement to the east, that they'd bring the painted man all the paint he wants. They were going to take your people in the night. In your sleep. Wait for the group to be gone to do it. They know about you. And more than likely they told others." Yank shakes his hand, "alright, you're in."

    submitted by /u/SausageTurantula
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    Fun Useless Fact: Dogmeat is the only named character to have appeared in every single main Fallout game

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

    He's a companion in 1, a secret companion in 2, a companion in 3 and one of the first companions you can get in 4.

    The only games he never makes an appearance in is spin-offs. He doesn't appear in both New Vegas or 76, nor does he appear in Tactics or the unspeakable one

    submitted by /u/Fireboy759
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    "I chat alot of s**t for someone who doesn't choose the aggressive dialogue options in games because I don't want to hurt the NPC's feelings"

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 04:17 AM PST

    This is by-far the statement that best describes my Fallout experience, especially in FO4. I'm also really nice to all of my companions, despite knowing that I'll probably end up killing them after I side with another faction. Do other people act this way, or am I just weird? I really need to know.

    submitted by /u/Papa_Swish
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    Wondered why Bethesda never did this with Creation Club instead?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:04 PM PST

    I personally have no real problem with CC. I own a number of the add-ons and found them to be enjoyable. As for it being a "cash grab" I never really got why some people get so worked up because its a totally optional thing. You can ignore it completely and it never affects your game play. If you don't want to pay what you spend at Starbucks for a coffee on an add-on then there's plenty of free mods via Bethesda's and Nexus Mods servers.

    It did seem to me, though, that for revenue source they're going about it wrong. As it stands, they're mostly going for the easy stuff like clothing and weapon mods which makes it a duplication of much of what you can frequently get via free mods. If they were really interested in making real money rather than nickel and dime stuff I'd think they would want to put out things that they were in a better position to create than a weekend modder (no disrespect intended, many of them are quite talented).

    And what would this be? Mini-DLCs. I imagine these being releases that expand the adventures your avatar can have much like the Far Harbor DLC but on a smaller scale. They could be previously unknown world-spaces within the Commonwealth (i.e a tower in downtown Boston) with its own story or destinations nearby that your avatar travels to in order to carry out a mission.

    While there are some free mods that are not unlike a Mini-DLCs, because they are being produced by that one-person hobbyist it can take a while for them to reach a ready-to-play state. But a small Bethesda team with a handful of members could probably produce a completed new title every month.

    IMO, if the Creation Club was pulling out this sort of content, content you can't easily find duplicated on a free mod site, then they would see increased traffic on the CC site and potentially greater revenue.

    submitted by /u/Full_contact_chess
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    You know what would be great? a fallout 4 DLC where you could board the Yangtze and go to mainland china, because i wanted to see both sides of the conflict, not just the propaganda left by the US.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:10 AM PST

    Fallout 4: Multiplayer (probably gonna get butchered for this)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:08 AM PST

    Okay. Fallout 4. It's one amazing game that I have loved, and played many times. But there is one fault. Lack of multiplayer. I know. It's a lot of work, but hear me out. Some players would like a story based 4 player co-op Fallout game, and I can see Fallout 4 being a great starting point. Yes, I know Fallout 76 is multiplayer based, but the lack of missions and things to do can leave a Fallout player quite bored. With Fallout 4, personally I thought it was packed with stuff to do, side quests, and little tiny tasks to keep you occupied. 144 quests are in Fallout 4. With up to 400 hours of gameplay that could be spent with friends. 3 different quest lines, that could be replayed. Imagine having a squad full of your friends, that could help retake the Commonwealth. Fallout 76 is fun, but it becomes boring after a few days. I wasn't able to put down the game. With this idea, Bethesda could make a lot of money, if more players begin to flood in to Fallout 4, which would lead to the Creation Club booming again. I feel as if Fallout 76 lost what Bethesda and Interplay had seen for the game. I feel if we rise up, we could get this message to Todd Howard. Which could get his dev teams working on it. This could be an update for Fallout 4 which would leave many, including myself satisfied. So please, consider this message.

    submitted by /u/gamerduddde
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    An Artist recreated one of my Fallout characters in Fallout Shelter Graphics and it looks awesome

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:46 AM PST

    Can't upload the photos here so I'll link to Imgur:

    In Fallout 4: https://imgur.com/5lrVpyw

    In Fallout Shelter: https://imgur.com/KhkHBzj

    Special thanks goes out to Ban - Gery! He also has a video of his process for drawing these characters, he's drawn mine and two others here. He's an incredibly talented artist. I recommend everyone check him out

    submitted by /u/Captainoob72
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    Today my character of 2 years has his save corrupted

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:10 PM PST

    My character I've had for almost two years saves are corrupted on Fallout 4. Every. Single. One. I have to lay him to rest but I've spent so much time on him. He built every settlement, got to max affinity with most companions and completed sooo many quests. I cant believe I have to see him go like this.

    submitted by /u/Koopalo
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    80s version of fallout

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:00 PM PST

    What would a version of fallout be like if instead of being based off the 50s, it was based more on the 80s? These means culture, tech, and other stuff.

    submitted by /u/lordoftime66
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    Happy 4 year anniversary to Fallout 4!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST

    Fallout 4 officially released 4 years ago today on November 10, 2015! What were your thoughts on the game back then and what do you think of the game now?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Moi_Moi
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    Yesterday i worked as a waiter and the band played „The Wanderer“

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Yesterday i worked at a local event and suddely the Band played „The Wanderer" and I instandly got +3 Charisma +2 intelligense and +1 in endurance.

    For a moment i felt like i am wandering around in the fallout.

    Thought i have tho share this, have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/loiss01
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    What's the strangest glitch you've ever personally experienced in a Fallout game?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:50 PM PST

    Mine was probably on Fallout 4 (ps4). When I was at Cambridge Police station, a few copies of Kellogg (whom I'd already killed) appeared and began shooting at me. When I killed them it turned the brotherhood members in the stra temporarily hostile

    submitted by /u/limeade-henry
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    Why is NV looked at as the best in the series?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:56 PM PST

    The Postman (movie with Costner)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

    I was re-watching The Postman couple days ago, and it struck me how "fallout" ish the movie felt like. Then it really got weird. In a scene where Costner is in a gas station in the beginning, the scene ends with him sitting on top of the gas station. I took a screenshot, and you can see for yourself. https://imgur.com/0ESLGpm

    Edit: the movie also came out the same year as the first Fallout game, in 1997

    submitted by /u/MindTreat
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    I would like to acquire i.r.l Chinese stealth armor at some point. Where would I start with vendors and prices?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:08 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/the_grand_autismos
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    [Fallout 76] For the love of dog Bethesda, can we get some sort of skill reallocation (Respec) feature?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:16 PM PST

    And no, moving just one skill point per level doesn't count.

    submitted by /u/AnthonyMiqo
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