• Breaking News

    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Fallout | Do NOT make calls for violence or wish death upon others

    Fallout | Do NOT make calls for violence or wish death upon others

    Do NOT make calls for violence or wish death upon others

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    It should be painfully obvious that this is not a good idea overall, but in case you needed more reason, such declarations violate Reddit rules and you will be permanently banned for them.

    Seriously, folks. It's completely unnecessary.

    submitted by /u/MisterWoodhouse
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    Arguably the most toxic thing is that Bethesda is pulling right now is using New Vegas nostalgia to pedal Fallout 1st

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    It's pretty safe to say that Fallout: New Vegas is the most beloved of the modern Fallout games. Maybe even the most popular out of the entire serious. Obviously this is all subjective, but the vast majority of the fanbase loves New Vegas and have fond memories of wishing for a nuclear winter in the Mojave Wasteland.

    This is what makes the events of yesterday especially toxic in my eyes.

    We finally have Bethesda actively acknowledging that this beloved entry in the franchise (that they didn't develop mind you) does in fact exist. This should be a celebratory occasion. The developers are discussing something we love. What taints this experience is that Bethesda is using our nostalgia and love for this one game in particular in order to push their new subscription service, Fallout 1st.

    One of the "perks" you would receive for paying the outrageous price tag of $100 is insanely iconic NCR Veteran Ranger armour. This prestigious piece of apparel can be yours, but only if you cough up $12 a month or $100 a year.

    The plan here is obvious: Bethesda took something we all like and want in a new game, and used it as exploitation hopes that we would look past their predatory business model and pay up just for the armour.

    Good thing we're smarter than that.

    Thx for reading. I'm gonna go back to playing New Vegas.

    submitted by /u/Rytoc12
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    Selling you solutions to problems they made!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Just a reminder that..

    ... the extra scrap storage is a limit they put in the game and could easily change.

    ... that the game uses PEER 2 PEER networking, not server-client, so it's free for them to host additional private worlds.

    ... that the cosmetic exclusives you get used to just be free content in the games.

    ... that in such a broken game, they are charging you a monthly fee to solve problems they created.. ON PURPOSE.

    submitted by /u/FilthyTrashPeople
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    PSA: If you quit fallout 76, be sure to uninstall it, too. That's a metric they watch.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    Those assholes literally killed Fallout on Great War Day

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:22 PM PDT

    October 23 is now the day the Fallout world AND franchise died. Way to rub salt in the wound, Bethesda.

    submitted by /u/SacKingsRS
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    [FO76] 08/01/2018 "There’s always going to be new content, changes in game balance, whatever it takes, and by the way, it’s all free after launch – all our content, there’s no season pass and no paid DLCs." ~ Pete Hines

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...




    Seriously though, isn't this false advertising?

    submitted by /u/Sparxx_Interface
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    Found this in a youtube comment about FO76 players

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    I simply have to share it:

    Me: Where'd you get that black eye?

    Fallout 76 Player: I . . . Um bumped into a wall. You know how clumsy I am.

    Me: Bethesda hit you again, didn't he?

    Fallout 76 Player: Bethesda loves me. It was an accident.

    Me: You need to get help. You deserve better.

    Fallout 76 Player: You don't see how Bethesda treats me when no ones around! He gives me emotes.

    Me: Emotes? EMOTES!? He's going to kill you!

    Fallout 76 Player: Shhh! Bethesda's coming!

    Bethesda: Hey bitch . . . You got my money?

    submitted by /u/sesom07
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    Bethesda has absolutely ruined my trust in the company and I will, from now on, be taking everything they say as either a lie or a half truth

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Bethesda MURDERED the fallout universe/franchise with its deceit and lies. From now on, anything Bethesda is doing or creating or remotely related to, I will not trust.

    submitted by /u/TriumphantSon
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    I’m just wanna say that I’m personally sorry to everyone in this subreddit

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    Because I used to defend Fallout 76 and thought that Bethesda would fix it and it would be playable

    submitted by /u/HeyItsFR0ST
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    Fallout 76’s Premium Private Servers Are Not Even Private, Its Scrap Box Is Deleting Scrap

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    If you were looking forward to the unlimited storage of scrap in Fallout 76 with the new Scrap Box perk of Fallout 1st, you definitely don't want to be using it just yet.

    Multiple players are reporting that they have deposited hundreds of units of scrap in these new boxes, only to find that the box has eaten it. The scrap disappears from the instance, and can't be found again from re-logging or anything. It's just gone. Players are not amused at the fact that they have now paid for the privilege of losing all of their materials, and so far, there does not seem to be any way to recover any of this. So do not use these boxes until there's a clear fix for this. Not that more than like, two of you reading this are going to subscribe to Fallout 1st, but still.

    Given that this is both Bethesda and Fallout 76, it's no real surprise that these things are not working as intended. And yet when you are rolling out a ludicrously priced premium service, you better make it work as intended and not do active harm to the players you've managed to convince to buy it. Good lord, what next?

    Thanks Forbes

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    Its time to take Bethesda Game studios out to pasture. Such disrespect for Fallout fans and the franchise as a whole. Scared to think about Starfield or ES6

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Your inability to stop buying crappy game

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    Stop pre order games It's digital!!! There isn't a finite amount. The pre order bonus are stupid.

    When you see a game company tell you, there won't be any mircrotransactions but a month later, they start introducing it, stop playing the game

    If a game company tells you they won't introduce our 2 win model, but a few months later they do, stop playing the game

    Don't come back 5 months later about how you've lost trust. Idiot! Just like your freedom, it's not something you lose overnight. It's a graduation degrading of your morals and beliefs until. It a progress that you slowly enable.

    submitted by /u/xjlxking
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    Bethesda what have you done?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    Listen.. I'm a diehard bethesda fan. I love the company. I've defended them for years. I've bought all their products. I love all of their games. But there's one game...

    Bethesda what have you done with goddamn fallout 76? It hurts to see that you've built a game that only gets hate. Why have you screwed up so hard?

    It legit hurts me to write this because I shouldn't have to. I should be home playing my favourite games. But apparently I have to write this so you can understand that what you're doing is absolutely ridiculous.

    Why would you add a membership when you could've fixed more bugs in fallout 76. Because as I understand there's even more bugs in that not so "private world" you guys made.

    I know not many people will read this but the thing is.. I don't even know if I will remain as a Bethesda fan anymore. I grew up with you guys and you screwed up so hard.. So please. Fix the game and keep your fans. Because if a fan like me who loves all the games you've made, starts losing hope. Because you made fallout 76... Then let me be the first one to tell you that YOU. SCREWED. UP.

    I'll stay for a while to see if Bethesda chooses to actually do something, but that probably won't happen. If you really want to fix your game there's a youtube video that's 2HOURS AND 57 MINUTES LONG, FULL OF GLITCHES!! FIX. YOUR. GODDAMN. GAME!!!

    And just so you guys know, I was the one who took the name @tesblades on goddamn Instagram instead of you bethesda. I've been posting updates there about that game as well. Please fix your whole company please!

    submitted by /u/PixelBoardswe
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    Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies!

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    "There's always going to be new content, changes in game balance, whatever it takes, and by the way, it's all free after launch - all our content, there's no season pass and no paid DLCs." - Pete Hines

    submitted by /u/XXjusthereforpornXX
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    How to teach Bethesda a lesson

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    things you can do:

    • don't buy f1st-doesn't work anyways
    • uninstall f76 until there is a good content patch
    • be vocal about it
    • when the next fallout game comes, don't preorder to show your lack of trust
    • when the next fallout game comes, delay the purchasing until discounts
    • be vocal about this even more - it's important for bethesda to understand the lack of trust is with them and that it's not the developer team: they are likely people who agree with us and it should be made clear they aren't the ones at fault
    submitted by /u/themaelstorm
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    Mourning Fallout: The stages of grief.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:45 AM PDT

    Psychologists tell us that, when faced with the death of a loved one, human beings go through a certain series of emotions as they learn to deal with the loss. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

    Funny how you can see all these stages in the posts on this sub:

    Denial: "There are no bugs in Fallout 76. It's a great game. Fallout 1st is great value for money. People should stop being snowflakes and just play the game"

    Anger: "FUCK YOU BETHESDA!! You ruined Fallout!! You BASTARDS!"

    Bargaining: "Maybe if we all complain loud enough, they'll sell it to Obsidian. We just need to let them know how the fans feel..."

    Depression: "Shit. We're never going to see a good Fallout game ever again. Fallout is screwed, TES is screwed, Starfield is going to be screwed. It's all going to be the same old crap over and over again."

    Acceptance: "Fuck it. I'm going to go play The Outer Worlds"

    submitted by /u/docclox
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    Dead Money gets a lotta easier once you have and automatic rifle and an assload of chips.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    Wish its only mod was an ammo increase instead of rate of fire.

    submitted by /u/J0NICS
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    My applause to whoever did this.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    Bethesda with its latest 'How to Kill an IP 101' moves

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    I wish I could say that I'm surprised, but I'm not. Bethesda and Zenimax have shown for some time they're in it for the bottom line, no matter what, pretty much like any of the main AAA studios these days. Developers may love what they do, but they still answer to their bosses, whose focus is all about the dollar bills. And if you're just now waking up to this fact, then I have to ask... have you not seen the dozen or more Skyrim re-re-rereleases?

    Some may argue that the decline began with Fallout NV. Not so much the game itself, but circumstances around it. It was an amazing game, but was given way too short of a development window. Despite that, the base game and DLCs were amazing. The world at times could feel empty, as entire swaths of the map didn't get attention or had a token location or two to try and fill in the holes, and the Legion really needed some more work. However, some of the most iconic Fallout moments, in my opinion, original from this title, especially its DLC.

    Then? Along came Fallout 4. Where much of the RPG elements were stripped out, Dialogue choices were turned into a massive joke, and it was mostly dumbed down into a looter shooter action game. Pretty much, everything good that worked in Fallouts 3 and New Vegas went out the window. But hey, you could build bases! And that Season Pass that cost so much initially? Hey, more content for base building! I'm still holding out hope for some of the fan projects based on the FO4 engine, as I found myself extremely underwhelmed by the game. Good on its own, but a poor excuse of a Fallout title. And of course, it only gets worse from there.

    Fallout Shelter... talk about a double edged sword. Mobile games and their Microtransactions are a blight and cancer that bring home a nice bit of cash to developers. Why make someone pay for your game when you can instead have repeatable transactions for the notion of increasing progress for the users, putting them ahead of others, even though in the end both (in most cases) can end up at generally the same place, if the freebie user taking a bit longer to get there. Impatience and that 'warm, fuzzy feeling' of progress from cash really clued Bethesda in on just how, well, gullible the average consumer can be. This whole business model, coupled with the major deviation from 'what worked' in Fallout 3/NV into FO4, and well... I will admit that initially, Fallout Shelter seemed to be a title were one could be fine without above said microtransactions. But after revisiting it last year, its focus has turned into a total 'milk the consumer' approach. And then, along came the ugliest duckling of them all.

    Fallout 76. I was skeptical from the start, and am very glad I never went ahead and purchased the title. A forced online multiplayer Fallout title more in line with an MMO title from its elements than a Fallout title was the first red flag. Then, micro transactions. No real focus on fixing a rather busted, underwhelming game. Delays for seemingly no reason of additional content. Did I mention it was a busted game? While it was a nice dream for it to become another No Man's Sky, i.e. fixed after an extremely poor launch, it just never really looked to move that way.

    And now, we have a paid subscription for services that would turn it into a standalone title, in essence. In the standard case, you pay for an MMO to play with other people around the globe, friends and strangers alike. For the joys of going into dungeons, going on raids, and returning the favor of ganking after having suffered through such pains while leveling up your own character. Never has an MMO offered a paid service so you could sit in an empty world, isolated, alone, a king of your own, pointless kingdom. It's completely backasswords, pretty much, and just further insult. When you pay a monthly subscription, you should be gaining in additional, meaningful content. Not getting what should have been part of the base title. Fallout 76, between the microtransaction shop and this paid subscription service, comes off as milking the fanbase as if it were all a bunch of mobile users. Where games burn bright, they burn fast, and then, the important part? They die and fade into obscurity.

    I really don't see how, if the userbase actually follows through (getting up in arms over something, and actually acting to no longer support something are two entirely different things) after this latest debacle, the Fallout franchise really moves forward. It's mired in mud, stinks to high heaven, and is close to the twilight phase of milking money from its fans. All the focus seems to be on the new ES now that Skyrim has milked its worth about as much as is humanly possible, and Fallout, well, it's sun seems to have been on the set for some time.

    And as much as I would like to get angry, I can only feel sad and reminisce on the past. It became too tiresome to get angry at Bethesda years ago, honestly. Instead I'd rather look back fondly on the 1 INT melee character I initially struggled through Fallout with. Fallout 2 holds a lot of good memories for me, as do Fallout 3 and NV for all sorts of fun and amusing, and sometimes annoying, reasons. Thanks for the memories, back when video game publishers seemed to actually care. Somewhat. They certainly don't anymore.

    submitted by /u/Spacecowboy2011
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    Bethesda, you fu*king killed fallout, and don't even think that a good starfield or tes6 will make us forgive what you did.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    A fallout fan (and somewhat 76 fan) leaving and final words

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    This is a civil and "take me down memory lane" type of post. I apologize for grammar I'm horrible at it.

    I was first introduced to fallout thanks to a friend who purchased fallout 3. That game man it is as buggy and amazing as I remember. Seeing the old textures recently brought back a smile as I saw all the old enemies and friends.

    Fallout New Vegas a game made by obsidian and declared the "Best Fallout Game EVER!" I finally tried it a week ago and I can see why everyone thinks this. The decisions, Mr.House, the story it's all just.... a perfect blend. Not for everyone mind you but I think it's a great game none the less!

    Fallout 4 is a good game don't get me wrong the story is at best "meh... seen this before". But the building, companions, lore and side quests were still enjoyable (blame Oxhorn for this he got me really into it haha).

    And lastly Fallout 76 the game that completely ruined Bethesda's reputation and made people choose sides. The game was huge! Had a decent variety of new enemies, weapons and a base to build "anywhere". My teacher and myself have both played the game since the beginning and watched promise after promise get broken and the game VERY slowly improve with time.

    I'm happy where the game is but it's depressing to see Bethesda ruin their promises and reputation even further with Fallout 1st. Man what a roller coaster it's been.

    I've played 76 religiously till now. I'm done the game's gone semi pay to win with repair and scrap boxes, private worlds! A thing players have wanted for MONTHS almost a Year! Is behind a pay wall, using Obsidian's fallout new Vegas armour (they own it but obsidian made it) to pack it with Fallout 1st to get people to pay up for nostalgia, and the general direction fallout 76 is going. They claimed for it to be "Cosmetic MICROTRANSACTIONS ONLY" they broke that and I'm disappointed in them.

    I'll be moving onto The Outer Worlds a game that has a heavy focus on RPG elements and is made by Obsidian and the original Fallout creators.

    Stay safe my friendly Vault dwellers, enjoy your exploring, looting, and quests. I'll see some of you in the stars! I love ya all and thanks for being an amazing community

    submitted by /u/LostSpireGames
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    Not so long ago people who called out Fo76 would be shat on and called a circlejerker, funny how fast things can go down the shit pan

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:18 AM PDT

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