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    Fallout | Fallout 4: The Overconfidence Challenge

    Fallout | Fallout 4: The Overconfidence Challenge

    Fallout 4: The Overconfidence Challenge

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:03 PM PST

    This challenge is based around the quest ' confidence man'; specifically the fact that Travis will become a temporary follower in the last part. If you never go in, he just follows you. Plus you can reverse pickpocket guns and ammo into his inventory. the challenge is a pacifist playthrough where you accomplish as many quests as possible before freeing Vadim. I am currently attempting this and let me just say: after Travis hopped in T-50b power armor and I reverse pickpocketed Spray-N-Pray + single .45 round. The man is unstoppable!! He killed TWO LEGENDARY DEATHCLAWS WITHOUT BEING DOWNED ONCE! I am on survival mode looking for carrots all the while Travis has become the "Dreadnought of Diamond City" I am currently being sent to get Liberty Prime's nukes with only 1 kill under my belt while the ever looming beast of Boston has vanquished Kellogg, the Mechanist, Countless legendary enemies, Bobbi No-nose, a Super mutant behemoth, Skinny Malone, and Ahab ON SURVIVAL MODE!! It's made better with the fact that he still goes "um...uh..hi?" If spoken to.

    EDIT: don't take pickpocket rank 2 until you've reverse pickpocketed a nuclear grenade on to Travis. He will have unlimited nukes.

    submitted by /u/LichsGetStitches
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    So I gave Danse a MG42 while in ArcJet Systems and decided to go afk for 15 min

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    A spoiler-free quick-start guide to Fallout, for complete beginners to cRPGs

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:14 AM PST

    So, I have decided to make this little guide for Fallout (though 90% of it applies to Fallout 2 as well), to help people that want to try the original Fallout games and find out what was all the fuss about. I am very aware that there is no rescuing the classics from their age and clunkiness, but a lot can be done to ease new players into them. Now I don't think of myself as an expert on the topic, so if anyone spots errors or wants to add, please do tell.

    A spoiler-free quick-start guide to Fallout, for complete beginners to cRPGs


    • There are no essential mods for Fallout 1, but Fallout FixIt is highly recommended, it contains many community bufixes, the high resolution patch, as well as some small mods like restored cut content and post-end play.
    • Alt-Tabbing does not play well with Fallout. If you force the game to play in windowed mode in the FixIt ini file, it should work, but there might still be some visual glitches.

    Character creation:

    • Premade characters do not have extra effects on the game, they're just example builds with extra flavor.
    • Clicking on SPECIALs, skills, or derived stats will give a brief explanation of their effects and calculation.
    • You can modify name, sex and age by clicking on the boxes in the top right of the character creation screen.
    • Traits are optional, you can take up to 2.


    • Skills go all the way up to 200, but the cost of raising them doubles (from 1 to 2) once you cross the 100 mark.
    • Tagged skills not only start higher but they are 50% cheaper to raise (0.5 until 100, and then 1 over it). Starting equipment will be in part based on tagged skills.
    • To level up, simply open the character screen. Your choices are not confirmed until you leave the screen with the Done button.
    • You do not need to spend all of your skill points at once, and you do not lose unspent points if you level up again.
    • You receive perks every three levels (starting from level 3). You also do not need to choose a perk immediately, and you can bank perks across levels.
    • Fallout has a level cap set at 21. You can modify this with the Sfall mod (which is included in FixIt). You generally finish the game at level 15-18, without extensive grinding.
    • Many skills have associated tools that provide a bonus to the use of the skill, like electronic lockpicks. Some, like the doctor's bag, have limited uses.


    • F1 brings up a very helpful graphic of the game's hotkeys.
    • You can change the type of cursor by right clicking (move, interact, or attack target during combat).
    • While in interact mode, you can hold the left mouse button to change the type of interaction (interact/talk, examine, use item on, use skill on).
    • You can hold shift and click to run. You can also toggle "always run" in preferences (highly recommended, unless you are playing a stealthy character).
    • The big red button on the left switches weapons, the one of the right opens the skilldex.
    • The colored bar at the right of your weapon slot is your ammo. Weapons do not automatically reload.
    • The skilldex allows you to use your skills on objects or people. You can also use numbers to quickly access them (in the order they appear in the skilldex, so stealth is 1, lockpicking is 2, etc).
    • The Pip Boy window, accessible from the Pip button in the bottom right, contains your quest log and notes.
    • You can also rest using the bell in the top left of the Pip Boy window.
    • Green transition zones will bring you to another part of the same location, orange transition zones will bring you to the world map.

    Inventory and Trade:

    • You can hold the left mouse button on an item to change the type of interaction while in the inventory (examine, use, drop, unload weapon, read skill book, load data in Pip Boy, or set timer for explosives).
    • Explosives, once armed, will go off once their timer hits zero, even if they are still in your inventory or your hands. You need to drop them manually.
    • You can put in your weapon slot any item from your inventory, from trash to stimpaks, and use it on objects, people, or the environment. This is how you can use tools and items, or heal companions.
    • You can type the amount of stuff to transfer while trading with merchants, containers, or allies. No need to use the silly arrows.
    • Traders have multiple inventories, which you can access by interacting with the containers present in their shop.


    • It is highly recommended to set the combat speed to the maximum value in Preferences.
    • Attacks cost different amounts of action points (AP): Unarmed attacks cost 3, melee and grenades 4, small guns and throwing weapons 5, big guns 6.
    • You can change the type of attack by right clicking on the weapon (single, burst, aimed, or reload).
    • Aimed and special attacks cost one extra AP. Unspent AP are added to your armor class (AC) until the beginning of your next turn.
    • The to-hit chance is mostly the product of the attacker's weapon skill minus the target's AC.
    • Other factors are: Perception bonus, unfulfilled minimum strength requirement of the weapon, distance to target, and low light. Shotguns have a bonus to hit at close range, and sniper rifles do not suffer distance penalties.
    • Armor in Fallout has several stats, the first one is armor class (AC) which is subtracted to the roll to hit of enemies. The higher your AC the harder you are to hit.
    • Armor has then damage threshold (DT) and damage resistance (DR) for each damage type. DT is directly subtracted from the incoming damage, and is applied first; DR is a percentage reduction and is applied second.
    • Opening your inventory during combat costs 4 AP (or 2 with the quick pockets perk), but once opened you can do as many operations as you want, as long as you do not close it.
      Space ends the turn, enter ends the combat (if no enemies are in range).
    • You can initiate combat whenever you want by hitting enter or clicking on your weapon slot.
    • You can save during combat at the start of your turn, but do so in a separate slot: saves made during combat are notoriously glitchy. Reloading a save will reset the random seed.
    • You can escape combat by reaching a transition zone.

    Critical Hits and Failures:

    • On top of your base critical hit chance, aimed shots have their critical chance increased by the exact amount of the to-hit penalty applied to the area. For humans, the best is eyes, followed by head, groin, and then torso/legs/arms.
    • Critical hits have various effects, determined by a second roll, the higher the roll the higher the damage multiplier and the more severe the secondary effect. Non-aimed critical hits target the torso.
    • Secondary effects depends on the area hit. Examples are: loss of a turn, knockdown, armor bypass, crippled limbs, blindness, or instant death.
    • Different creatures have different effects applied to critical hits to certain areas of their body, but generally speaking body parts occupying the same slot have similar critical multipliers and effects.
    • Critical hits to the groin of human men may bypass armor. The same does not happen to human women. This applies to the player character too.
    • Misses have a chance of becoming critical failures, which can cause: Hitting the wrong target (friend or foe), dropping the weapon, jamming the weapon, or causing damage to the attacker.


    • There is no companion limit in Fallout.
    • You can give/take items from your companions by using pickpocket (steal) or by bartering with them.
    • Companions do not check if you are standing in their line of fire. They will shoot you in the back, if you are in the way.
    • A dismissed companion will remain in the exact same spot you dismissed them.
    • If you drop items or dismiss companions in a random encounter and leave, you will not be able to recover them.


    • There are skill and SPECIAL checks in dialogue, but the game will not label them as such, they will appear as normal dialogue choices, or not appear at all if you do not satisfy the requirements.
    • There is no cure for addictions, you can only wait that they end naturally, which takes a week.
    • NPCs will warn you if you are committing a crime (like stealing something of theirs). If you repeat the action they will turn hostile.
    • After you have exited the first cave for the first time, you can return back to and enter Vault 13 at any time.

    Character Build Tips:

    Every SPECIAL can be raised by one during the game, but it's quite expensive or requires some luck to happen.
    Agility is extremely important. High agility is recommended for almost every build.
    Intelligence is also very powerful, but it is not necessary to raise it as high as possible. Plus low intelligence dialogue is great.
    Unless you do not plan to use power armor at all, there is no reason to raise strength over 7.
    Charisma in Fallout has very little use.
    Raising skills over 100 is worthwhile mostly for the combat skills. Civil skills have >100 checks but they're quite rare.
    Sneak is quite weak in Fallout, you need to invest heavily on it to make it work. Traps is nearly useless.
    Barter and gambling are worth investing only if you need a lot of caps, otherwise they're not essential.
    It is better to invest in doctor rather than first aid, the former is more useful, and the latter has more skill books.
    Science, repair, speech, and lockpick have the most interactions of the non-combat skills.
    Outdoorsman can be useful, but it is not worth investing heavily into it.
    The gifted trait is extremely powerful, it is highly recommended. On the other hand, skilled is very much not worth it.
    Due to the low level cap and exp available, the swift learner perk is pretty much useless.

    submitted by /u/hexalby
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    Finished Fallout New Vegas recently for the first time and i got a pretty terrible ending

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    I didn't do many sidequests because i wanted to finish the main story. So my first ending was:

    1. Mr. House wins
    2. The Brotherhood of Steel is destroyed
    3. Rex dies without a brain replacement
    4. The nightkin from Jacobstown go crazy
    5. The kings get slaughtered because they made peace with the NCR (the only major side quest i did)
    6. Victor goes back to Goodsprings and is hated because he is seen as House's spy

    Except for Mr. House winning (i like him because we share a birthday, and he seems the most reasonable) that's a pretty terrible ending, isn't it?

    Pure dystopia.

    Actually i am reloading a save to improve the ending

    submitted by /u/Victorian_Poland_2
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    What Fallout tropes do you think distract from the story and setting of the series?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:42 PM PST

    I kind of find the fixation on nuclear everything to be kind of cliché. It's funny in small ways, like nuka cola, but when everything ties back into atomic energy and nuclear weapons the message becomes "nuclear bad" rather than "nationalistic warmongering and hyper capitalism bad". This didn't bother me until even the radio songs were allusions to atomic energy with "crawl out through the fallout" and "uranium rock". There's more to fallout than just the fallout.

    submitted by /u/HasSomeSelfEsteem
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    I am so sick of being kicked off the mods page on Xbox.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:31 PM PST

    Bethesda. I'm already signed into Bethnet. I don't need to sign in. I have an account, and there's nothing wrong with Xbox's servers, yours, or my internet. Just let me download my fucking mods.

    Just needed to get that out again.

    submitted by /u/Awkward-Ad2821
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    What an awesome community!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:44 AM PST

    My partner and I started playing 76 yesterday and another player on level 204 (we're level 5) joined us, we didn't realise why they'd want too at first but they started helping us and when they left the game, they gave us so many plans and recipes and it honestly made our hearts so happy, what a wonderful thing to do! We're already plotting to do the same when we're able. X

    submitted by /u/Mrsltj
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    Dear fallout 76 players

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    Thank you for being cool and collective. My brothers and I are new to this game(~2 months in). When we started, we met a lot of high level players willing to help us by giving us resources, armors, and weapons; occasionally, even helping us with missions. Today, I saw my brother doing the same as a level 60+ giving some loot to a beginner.

    Seeing my brother being helpful was amazing and truly made me realize another aspect of this game. It isn't much but it's very helpful and makes the community of the game more organic.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you and stay true to yourself. Let's help each other, not just in video games but also in real life.

    submitted by /u/quickrangers
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    No fast travelling in Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:16 PM PST

    TLDR: I enjoyed a lot no fast travelling in Skyrim but I'm unsure about doing it in New Vegas because the game has a lot of "concentrated" quests in the cities but there's very few to do in the road between two cities (like in Skyrim there are caves, forts, random encounters..., and New Vegas is not as densely doted with stuff to do in between the cities), so I want the opinion of people who have tried no fast travelling

    Okay, so I've been thinking about starting a new playthrough and I thought the following: I tried a Skyrim playthrough where I disabled fast travel and at first I thought it was gonna be horribly boring, but it turned out to be both very immersive and fun. I stumbled upon many locations I never visited, had many random encounters, fought many enemies alongside the road (and thus was higher levels before starting quests), and overall got a greater feeling of connection with my character and with the world, something that I did not achieve by jumping from place to place in order to do quests.

    However, I feel that the situation would be different in Fallout New Vegas, because of the following differences: - Skyrim's landscape is varied, beautiful and mesmerising, whilst New Vegas's is... a desert - Skyrim has a lot of caves, forts, outposts, creatures spawn points, etc., stuff like that to clear out, and FNV has fewer of those (meaning that if I travelled from Whiterun to Windhelm I would bump into, say, 7 locations/enemies/etc while that number would be 2 if I travelled from Novac to New Vegas) - Roads are all the same in New Vegas while very varied in Skyrim

    I'd like to hear what you guys think and if anyone's done it I'd like to know how it went. Thanks everyone

    submitted by /u/maringutierrezd3
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    Have you also watched official F4 artbook and cried, because all that beauty was not in game?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:41 AM PST

    I think it's time to admit that Fallout 76 has the best landscape, and the most well-done dialog system, of any of the 3D Fallout games.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:07 AM PST

    And not to be too dogmatic, but I don't think theres much of a debate here either. Especially when it comes to the landscape. With all of the flak it got/gets (much of it deserved!), the game has always had an incredibly well-designed landscape. It's ridiculously varied with a very wide pool of enemies that can fight you in each "zone". Not to mention the differing flora, fauna, and weather types that alter you in interesting ways by giving your character diseases and mutations and such. And the diseases/mutations you contract vary greatly as well, depending on which area of the world you're roaming around in, which enemies typically spawn there, how generally irradiated it is, and so on. Always gotta be careful!

    And with Wastelanders, the dialog system they implemented was much, much better than Fallout 4's, and also a marked improvement on Fallout NV and Fallout 3's dialog system, in my opinion. It kind of blew me away, didn't expect it to be as cool as it is. If nothing else, it seems to be a good omen for future BGS games. It allows you to be very, very inquisitive, even when talking with relatively inconsequential NPCs. And there are skill checks all over the place - much more so than in NV and 3 from what I remember. Tons of the checks in 76 are just in basic, general dialogue interactions, and not just in the larger choices or at the end of main story/side story quests. Its great to see!

    I understand disagreeing, and its totally fine of course. But I think looking at this from a completely unbiased perspective shows that I may have a good point here!

    submitted by /u/Kanep96
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    Which power armor do you guys use when playing Fallout 4

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:17 PM PST

    I'm curious on what power armor you guys where

    submitted by /u/BathtubiustheIV
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    Where is the fallout tv show?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:19 PM PST

    About a year ago I saw a few somthings about the a fallout tv show. Ive been lokking around for a while but havent found anything else. Any leads?

    submitted by /u/Lt_Rhys
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    Fallout 3 cloud storage problem

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:07 AM PST

    I tried to play Fallout 3 and when I log in it says my cloud saves can't sync. It gives me the option to play without cloud saves, what would happen if I played without cloud saves?

    submitted by /u/1776_EG
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    Besides the final quest in any fallout game what other characters would qualify as a boss battle

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:44 PM PST

    Operations Anchorage help

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:13 AM PST

    I would say this is a bug or something but here's what happened, one I finished the first mission the guy told me to get the holotape from the terminal and the strike team I setup the strike team and when I want to exit it say get stuff from the terminal something like that I checked my pip boy and the holotape is there but I still can't exit help?

    submitted by /u/wetione
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    Just out of curiosity, why is Tactics hated so much? I've never played it myself.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST

    It seems like the game is totally disregarded and whatever happens in it is not considered part of the Fallout universe.

    submitted by /u/TooFatToMatt
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    At what point in the NV main quest would it be best for me to start the DLCs? Are they affected by how much you've progressed?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:33 PM PST

    This game has been really confusing. I've been hesitant to progress in the main storyline because I'm scared of screwing something up. I'm planning on doing the Yes Man ending (and I know you can't screw that up) but I'm also trying to go as far as I can with the other factions (aside from Caesar's legion bc I kind of killed him already) before I ultimately choose to go full Wild Card.

    Right now I've got the Boomers and the other families on the strip on my side, I've joined the Brotherhood, I've just started King's Bandit for the NCR, Caesar's Legion hates me and I still haven't killed House yet. I'm not sure if any of this is relevant to how the DLCs turn out but I thought i'd share anyway in case these choices affect them in any way.

    When would it make the most sense to start any of the DLCs? I want to do them in the order they were released. Should I start them now or should I wait until I've killed House and installed Yes Man on the mainframe thing? I'm also level 20 at this point. I probably look like an idiot right now but I stg it feels like I've spent more time reading wiki pages to make sure I don't screw up anymore, than I have actually playing the game. And I still hardly understand a thing. There's so many damn factions and routes to take that they're hard to keep track of. And don't even get me started on the companions and how they play into the story. I'm trying to get Arcade's quest even though I'm still not completely sure of how that impacts anything and it's so hard to read through the consequences of his quest without spoiling things for myself too much.

    submitted by /u/boldnbrashsquid
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    Anyone else prefer the item sprites instead of the 3D models from Fallout 4?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:52 AM PST

    I've been replaying New Vegas and something that I didn't realize I was missing in 4 (actually one of the many things that I was missing in 4) was all the sprites and 2d images of items in your pipboy. I love the weapon and armor pictures, and with Fallout 4 adding sprite animations it feels like a wasted opprotunity. I would take an animated 2d sprite of the Vault Boy reloading and firing a 10mm over just a revolving 3d model of one any day of the week.

    submitted by /u/Gryzy
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    Fallout VR Performance

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:52 AM PST

    I cant find ANYTHING to help my performance in this game, I average around 45 fps and that is less that bare minimun and when I enter diamond city I drop to 30-35 fps ist terrible. I dont get how this is happening

    I have an RTX 2060 Ryzen 9, 16gb ram

    Any tips? Does anyone with similar or lower spec run the game better than I?

    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Duck186
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    [FNV] Which of the 3 major questlines in The Frontier mod is most enjoyable?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:39 AM PST

    So The Frontier fell on its face right out of the gate a bit with the accusation against a team member. The Frontier team is now backtracking and focusing on removing any content provided by said team member, which is understandable.

    However, I do feel for the rest of the team who clearly poured a lot of love into this mod. While I dont at all mean to diminish the importance of holding people to account for disgusting behaviour, with the firestorm regarding that one team member's personal life, there's been little discussion of the mod itself, which seems unfair to the rest of the team. So I'm hoping we can have a bit of a discussion about the merit of the mod itself-specifically the writing of the quests.

    It's my understanding that there are 3 questlines you can choose to follow - NCR exiles, Legion, and Crusaders. I've heard that the NCR questline is by far the longest of the 3, and is mostly focused on shooting sequences. I dont mind shooting sequences as long as there is interesting writing along the way, but I've heard so little about the other two questlines and am curious how much shorter they are, and what ganeplay aspects they mostly focus on.

    My question for those who have played or watched multiple questlines is, ultimately, is one of the 3 questlines more interesting/enjoyable than the others? Which one did you like the best?

    submitted by /u/DatClubbaLang96
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    Fallout Wasteland Warfare

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:46 PM PST

    I was going to make a fallout style dnd campaign for my group when I came across Wasteland Warfare. I'm curious about how similar it is to dnd, like is it still very exploration and story based or is it just combat? Like I want to know more about it just in general. Thanks

    submitted by /u/chandelier660
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    I’ve been thinking and during my most recent New Vegas play through hardcore and very hard seem to make the most sense on a play through.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:50 PM PST

    Cause in the game there are multiple conversations where someone says something is dangerous or you shouldn't go there cause you'll die and on the hard settings it's really true and it makes it feel like the npc's are actually speaking the truth and that your plot armor is impenetrable.

    submitted by /u/Ayeitsaj
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    Are Fallout 4 fanfic writers allergic to deviating from the opening or something?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:14 PM PST

    This maybe out of frustration and the heat of the moment but a while back I was on a Fallout fanfic crave and one idea I had been looking to read was one where both player characters (hereto referred as Nate and Nora) survive Vault 111. I mean c'mon there's a wealth of character writing you can do there so there had to be someone with this idea to, but y'know, with writing skills. Man I could have better luck squeezing water from a stone in the Gobi Desert. So many seemed to have that promise in their tags till Nate eats a .44 magnum like 2 or 3 chapters in. I thought I had some luck recently with a fic where that was one of the selling points in the summary; that is till, well, yeah it wasn't. I'd been invested for a good 4 months to some of the changes made that I kinda liked and then THAT happend.

    So in summary I kinda wanna know, is there an unspoken rule with Fallout 4 fanfic writers that, even delayed, there can only be one survivor? And if there are any suggestions for those that go against the grain?

    Edit: to nip this in the bud. No, I cannot write narratively. I've tried creative writing but could never get into a first draft. I just don't feel I have the skill, talent, drive, nor patience for it. It sucks cause i have a lot of story ideas from original space opera to my own take on the isekai genre to a really friggin weird multiverse fanfic to what inspired this post in the first place. I sometimes swear my brain is my own worst enemy.

    submitted by /u/Scifinut9327
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