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    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Fallout | I got both of the wearable power armor helmets as if I had 10 luck and 100 barter

    Fallout | I got both of the wearable power armor helmets as if I had 10 luck and 100 barter

    I got both of the wearable power armor helmets as if I had 10 luck and 100 barter

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:21 AM PST

    I was perusing my local GameStop and noticed in the display window they had both the Power Armor edition of Fallout 76 (PC) AND the Nuka Cola T-51b helmet both BRAND NEW in their boxes. Better yet, they were marked down heavily, their stickers said they were $79 and $89 respectively.

    Now, I'm not much of a fan of 76, I never even owned my own copy and I'm much more of a New Vegas man, myself. But, I figured I should get them, since there's nowhere else I'd ever be able to find them for this price (more than half off retail? C'monnnn) and someone's going to notice they're here—if I don't pull the trigger someone else is going to.

    So, I go to the counter and ask the lady if she could grab them so I could buy them. She happily does, and then grabs the scanner and takes it to the Power Armor Edition.


    "Oh, wow," she says. Slightly concerned, I ask what's up, thinking it was mislabeled. Now, I was right, it was mislabeled but then she tells me "this is way down from the sticker, it's only $26.97!" I'm beaming, I don't get how it's so cheap while also just being here but I won't ask questions, I'm just stoked on it. Then she scans the Nuka Cola helmet


    "This one too! Not quite as much but it's down to $59.97. Your total is gonna come to $86.94."

    "WHAT?! Dude that's awesome!"

    So I got both of the T51-b helmets, nearly $400 worth of Fallout merch, for literally only $87. Brand new. In box. Has anyone else ever come across this kind of deal for anything OUTSIDE of the game?

    Proof; https://imgur.com/a/QCpOmlo/

    Edit; okay so the Nuka Cola helmet is actually one of the refurbished models! Cleaned, no mold, and it had the silica packet inside, good to go!

    submitted by /u/Coads123
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    Hi I decided to remake Fallout 1 in Fallout 4 :)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:28 AM PST

    New Vegas is frickin awesome!!!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:59 PM PST

    I've never played a Fallout game, besides Fallout 3 which I played for like 3 hours and got bored of it. But 2 weeks ago, I saw that Fallout New Vegas was on sale for 6 bucks on Xbox. I decided to buy it and most of the dlc too, and Ive been hooked(I still haven't finished it yet tho). I don't know why this was the one that made me hooked but I could not put it down. Walking around the Mojave with the New Vegas radio playing in the background was so immersive.The main story was simple but intriguing and the side quests are so different like Come Fly With Me with the ghouls and the invisible Nightkin and their leader Antler. The world is so interesting and alive with all the factions and creatures. The RPG elements are so in depth with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L and the boat load of perks. This game single handedly made me a Fallout fan, and if they all play like New Vegas than Im excited to play the rest of this series.

    submitted by /u/Creepingcam1070
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    Is Fallout 3 difficult in general or do I just suck at it? Am I playing wrong? My first fallout game was 4.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:23 AM PST

    I started playing Fallout 3 2 days ago, and I see a huge difference between Fallout 4, which was my first impression of the series. I'm playing the game in Normal mode, btw, and I'm about level 11 right now (haven't been to Rivet City yet in the story).

    For starters, it seems like ammo is way more scarce, so in a lot of fights, I have to resort to using melee weapons - so much that I started putting a lot of stat points in the melee stat.

    It also seems like enemies take 3+ clips just to kill (at least for enemies with guns), which ends up using a lot of ammo, and they don't give just as much back. I did increase the stat that makes you find more ammo as soon as I could, but it's still not enough. I also resorted to going back and forth and selling junk to buy more ammo (basically grinding for ammo). One difference is that in Fallout 4, I could modify weapons early on to make them stronger but not in this game.

    What is it with enemies who can spot you a mile away? I recently got a sniper and many of them can shoot me from a really far distance with almost 99.99% accuracy. The sniper was basically useless because they can hit you with a submachine gun better than you can hit them - with any enemy with a gun.

    Are the mercenaries (Talon people) supposed to be stronger than others? I came across one that had a missile launcher and they would hit me 99% of the time even when I was moving (they shot where I was walking to). The only way to kill them (groups of 3) is using grenades/mines first (have to reload saves many times because they kill me). I even tried to fight them in Very Easy mode and nope, still too strong.

    The aiming is dog shit (slow reticle movement). Enemies move fast left and right that you basically get damaged so much just trying to kill a raider while half the shots miss because of the shit gun accuracy. VATS? Miss just as much unless you're like really close, which means you're getting shot a lot.

    Speaking of damage, where can I buy really good armor? Because I've only used what I've found and enemies with gun just deal too much damage with their perfect accuracy that almost every gun fight results in my HP being at about 10% - which makes it worse when stimpaks are expensive and scarce - especially since I have to use several for each match just to recover (or I wait to find a bed/travel if possible). And yes, the armor is repaired often and I don't fight when it's broken.

    These are my main problems right now while playing - enemies deal too much damage, enemies have perfect accuracy, enemies can spot you a mile away, guns have shit accuracy, aiming sucks, and ammo and stimpaks are scarce.

    Any tips? So far, all I've done is install the new radio dish at the Washington Monument, finish the Those! fire ants quest, and just explored some buildings (also got a house in Megaton). I do love the game though, I played 3 hours 3 days ago and 7 hours today.

    Compared to Fallout 4, I find this game a lot harder. I also hardly ever used the power armor until near the end of the game because I didn't think I needed it. So the power armor wasn't an advantage I used to make the game easier.

    submitted by /u/Fermats_Last_Account
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    Fallout is a post-apocalyptic series with sci-fi elements, while Fallout 4 is a sci-fi game with post-apocalyptic elements

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:16 AM PST

    Just a random thought I had. Not meant to be a FO4 hate post, simply curious on what others' thoughts might be.

    submitted by /u/FrickingPitches
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    Fallout 4 isn’t “too cartoony”; it’s the colour palette

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:57 AM PST

    TLDR at bottom

    We've all played some of the fallout games, that's why we're here; most of us are familiar with fallout 4 it seems and it's no secret that the game is very bright and very colourful. From the red of mass fusion to the green of the highway overpasses, it's never taken on a bleak look.

    Most past games have had dulcet/bleak palettes, most 2D fallouts in industrial grey and sandy brown, fallout three in pale green and NV in muddy browns in contrast with occasional neon. It's safe to say they've been very reserved in the past.

    Most games going for realism or attempting to evoke certain feeling and emotions use colour palettes to reflect the atmosphere, usually never too flashy. The division has its industrial greys and the constant white of the snow, call of duty MW3 is often very bleak greys and brown in contrast with the greens of the menus and battlefield 1 is very cut and dry with simple palettes according to location/time/objective. As my few bad examples here show, the genre of combat/survival and FPS as a whole is set very much in a bleak atmosphere.

    Some great examples of ones breaking this rule are just cause 3 with its bright countryside and glaring red objectives, Farcry new dawn with the eye catching colours and abstract designs brought on by the highwaymen along with blaring music. These games give you less of a bleak feeling of disparity in combat and survival, it feels more like a game should feel; you're there to have fun, blow things up and kill the bad guys without consequences.

    This is where fallout 4 comes in, in a genre defined by a lack of colour, it's very bright. It plays for an atmosphere of misery in the wasteland and the game plays to develop a sense of hope though that feeling of disparity is lost when it feels like an arcade cabinet among all the fluorescent greens, bright reds and ocean blues.

    This isn't meant to change any opinions or prove a point but it's an interesting thought.

    TLDR; This genre is defined by dulcet and bleak colour palettes, fallout 4 is bright and colourful this feeling way more arcade-y then most other fallout games. This is why it seems too cartoony for some.

    submitted by /u/R3dSh1ft_706
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    Why is the Chinese pistol a German WW2 pistol

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:59 AM PST

    Games like Fallout?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:32 AM PST

    I'm looking for an rpg game that is immersive in the same way that games like Fallout:New Vegas, Kingdom Come Deliverance, The mount and blade series, or outer worlds is immersive. I want an open world where I can explore a realistic world and have freedom to do make choices that affect the open world. Immersion is the main thing I'm looking for

    submitted by /u/PokerChipDaydreams
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    Fallout 4 replay don't mess with my Valentine

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:50 PM PST

    So I decided a month ago to replay fallout 4 but this time I wanted to 100% setup every settlement. Well finally after my 12th completed settle I decided to finally continue the main quest. Blah blah blah the Brotherhood of Steel comes to town. I completed the game b4 so I knew their deal. I start doing their missions n then the food mission comes along. Now in terms of the minutemen im already a General, saved countless settlements n rebuilt them to their full glory. Now the food quest is basically the BOS strong arming the settlements into "donating" food to the Brotherhood, which i was originally ok with since I can choose to buy the food instead for 1k caps n keep the peace. But what I didn't expect was that I lose the settlement to the BOS. N I'm like wtf BOS I gave u food n u steal my settlement which I spent hours building. OH HEEELLLL NOO! SO I reload a previous save n go back to the predwin. Now at this point its important to mention that I hv Valentine as my companion since his comebacks when someone insults r freaking hilarious. I go inside the predwin with Valentine behind me to start another mission instead of the food mission. Well some random BOS initiate decides to insult Valentine n im like dude I ain't got time 4 ur shit so i ignore him but then I walk into the kitchen area n every person there says something about Valentine at this point im like VALENTINE HOLD MY MINI NUKES!!!. So I decide to use my explosive shotgun on a BOS child since they are unkillable n I thought the BOS would ignore my actions. Well dam kids r slippery n one of my explosive shot misses n hits a initiate in the head n explodes killing him instantly. Now paladin Dance didn't like that n none of his other friends liked it as well. So now not wanting to deal with BOS bs I decide fuck it on this game thru im killing the BOS. After a bloodsoaking 10min the predwin is now BOS free except for 2 immortal children and 2 mole rats since they kept their mouths shut. And guess who's wearing Maxons jacket now lol.

    submitted by /u/Sea-Consistent
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    Fallout 4 loading times

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    I know, there are plenty of posts around, but none of them has an actual solution. Someone suggested to turn off v-sync but as soon as I did it, the game sped up incredibly. Can someone help? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Macs_Gioosti
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    I translated the interesting language in the Even Death May Die quest in the Frontier mod

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:10 PM PST

    Massive spoilers obviously

    At the end of the quest, you speak to the officer lady and she speaks back you in R'lyehian (the Cthulhu language). I wrote down her dialogue and ran it through the R'lyehian translator. Still doesn't make too much sense, but I still found it interesting. I used intelligence checks to convince her to come back to reality. Unfortunately, I didn't think to write down my own speech choices with her

    Here goes:

    Y' mgepmgr'luh ahf' orr'enah nwngluii ahorna, yeeogngn. (Saw I whosoever mortal mouths cannot, six)

    H' mgep'ai, mgepgoka ya ahf' Y' mgep l' kadishtu (Spoke it, gave me whosoever I before understand to)

    Ng cahf Y' ahnythor ymg' mgah ah'bthnk (Then that I should stop yours is'bthnk)

    llll ymg' n'gha ya r'luh ephaimg ahog ah l' mgepahehye fahf uaaahll. (at yours death me magic ephaimg big is to connected this build)

    Y' ephainafl'fhtagn shogg ng ah ehye llll h'. (I ephainafl'fhtagn realm of darkness then is integrity at it)

    Mgng c' ah nilgh'ri ph'nglui zhro, ahehyee uaahnythor llll ehyeahog's gotha. (But is us all in undo this, same uaahnythor at another's wish)

    Ahf' gotha ymg' ah ahnyth? (Whosoever wish is yours serve?)

    Mgng ahagl ah ahoth ot ahnyth mgleth ph' ah'gotha fahf orr'enah lw'nafh. (But there is possible of serve truth is over'gotha this mortal a dream)

    Ymg' ahornah mgep mgepah mgeptharanak geb llll ahehyee shogg Y' ahnyth. (Yours may did before promised here at same realm of darkness I serve)

    Llll mgeptharanak ahehyee ot tharanak ahog. (Promised at same promise of big)

    Mg, Y' ahorna ai cahf. (Opposite of, I cannot speak that)

    L' ah ahog, l' ahthrodog ph' shuggoth. (Is to big, to grow over man)

    Y' ahor't mgah'ehye cahf ahoth bug, ahor Y'? (I can't allow that possible go, can I?)

    Fahf ahoth... (This possible)

    H' ah nafl ot mgleth. (Is it not of truth)

    Y' mger'luh cahf hai. (I mger'luh that now)

    Iiahe ot ymg'. (Since of yours)

    So yeah, again, it doesn't m̴a̷k̷e̴ ̷t̵o̶o̶ ̷m̶u̶c̸h̸ ̸s̵e̴n̷s̷e̵,̴ ̵b̷u̸t̴ ̸I̵ ̵s̵t̷i̷l̴l̷ ̶f̸o̵u̶n̷d̵ ̸i̴t̴ ̴p̶r̸e̴t̵t̷y̶ ̴i̴n̴t̵e̴r̵e̵s̴t̷i̵n̵g̴.̸ ̶I̷'̶m̵ ̸g̷o̵n̴n̴a̸ ̵g̸o̴ ą̸̛̭͕͉̩̝̗̤̔̒̍ḣ̷͓͉̮̄͘è̷͉̽ͅà̵̡̮͚̻͚̯̏͂ḋ̷̢͙͂̈̒ ̵̢̛̛͈̥̳̪̲͍͂͑͌̔̏̎̾͌ą̸̦͚̠̑̀̇̈́̚͝ņ̶̢̨̭̬̙͓̰̄͛̽̒̀̕͜d̴̺̤̦̲̻̲̙̍̉̋̍ͅ ̷̧͓̠̪̩̗͚̲̮̾͋̂͜l̷͇̜̙͎̗̠̬͎͌̂ą̶̭̝̻́ȳ̶̺̰̹̓͛̍̅͌̒̍̋ ̶̫̻̘̿͋d̷͎̘͚͔̗̯̥̝͒̊̇͌̒ò̶̳̦̓͐̃͆̀w̶̱̮̝͌̀̈̊̐͜n̵̘̼̜͔̄ ̴͕͇̳͖͎̈́͗͝͝͝ͅn̴̥̘̥͕͙͈̓̆́̃̀͆ớ̸̢̞̲̼̺̫̐̋̔̉͒͐̕w̸̙̩͇̠̝͇̘̘̹̑͂͑̐̔̈́,̵̖̳͓̺̘͚̲̄̈́͜ ̴͈̠̎̽̉̇I̵̗̻̯͖̻̻̫̮̐̂̀̀̚͘͜ ̷͚̼͐̓̓̀̍̓d̶͎̘͐͗̐̓͋͐̔̌ợ̶̫̜̎͑̆̓̉͌̈́͠n̷̲̪̹̺̘͛̈́͒͝'̵̺̣̿͒͗͌͋̊̍͝t̸͍̗̗̟͗ ̴̧̛͓͓͕̦́̉̈́f̸̮̫͇͍͎͙̰͈͉̅͒͛̔͒͜͝e̸̢̤͂͆́͜è̸͖͎̮̞͆̀̾̿͗̑̕ḷ̶̢̞̣̼̝͔͉̈ͅ ̶͎̗̙͙̹̩́̐̾̕s̴͖̹̾ò̶̡ ̵̙̭̭̣͇̓͂͂̕̕ǵ̷̗͎͍̀͐͘͝ơ̵̡̢̞̭͍̜̘͗ǫ̷̝͇̼̙͕̎̐͘d̶̖̹͐͌͆̍͗͝.̸̛̰̠̀̋͆̽̐͠









    P̶̢̧̧̢̨̛̻̣̥̘̜̪̯͍̰̪̮͖̫̫̙͎̲̳̟̿͒͒͑̆͠h̵̨̧̧̛̗̗̥͈̮̩̼̦̰̯͎̞̻̖̆͌̅̎͑̐̋͌̃̍̈́̒̏́̒͛̓̀͊͛̌̔͂͂̚ͅ'̷̡̧̢̧̧̡̧̯͓̞͙̮̯͈̩̬̥̯͕͙͕̤͖̮͎̮̝̼͑̑ͅn̶̢͕̳̪̻̤̲͎͓͕̝̼̘̯͋̐̽̓̌͐͑͒̆͒͜͠ͅĝ̵̢̨̢̳̝̭̙̟͉̱̙̟͈̜͉̪̫̼̥̟̫̺̼̰̫̦̃̔̀͊́̋͘ͅͅͅḽ̷̨̡̙̗͔̝̠͇̠͇̬̼̘̦̰̗̫̜̈̄́̉̔̈̈́̇̆̿̈̆͗̓̎͗̂̒̀̃̏̈́̎̎͂̕̕͠͝ư̵̢̡̘͈̮̫̱̺̯̥͙̬̭̖͚̹̮̼̺̇̔̊̀̌́̌̀̄į̶͇̦͖͙̗̝̈͒̍̓̄̐̀̉̆̿̓́̉̑̓̿́̚̕̕͠ ̵̧̢͍͎͉̳̙̟̼̮̙̙̭̟̤̥̂̈́̚ṁ̴̛̱̬̜̳̞̹̏̈́̒̔̂͐g̷̙̼̤͎̝̙̬͚͓̰̬͔͍̉̔͊̋͒́̋͌͆́̿̈́͌̉͌͑̀͐͆̓̏̈́̕̚͜͝͝l̶̢̦͓̳̭̖̟̘̣̓͆̏͌͑̈͂̐͊̓̉̅͋̈́͆͌̉̈́̀̈́͒̕̕͜͠ẃ̷̢̨̡̧̭͓͙̱̟͙̦͇̥͎̳̻̫̝̬̼̬̜̥̯̹͐̔̀̏̊͊͑̓̀͐́͜͝͝'̶͉̗̲͔̯͓̭̤̞͗̾̉̐̑̆̓͆̀͗̋̑́̋̓͗̉͊͛̔͒͘̕͠͝ͅn̴̢̨̗̰̻͕̯̓̈́̃̍̈̄̄̅͆̾̐̍͘̕͝͠a̴̡̲̝͎̻̫̤̮͕̍͒͊̒̔͗̿͂̀̉͊̌̿́̓͒̐̍́̿͊͋̀̾̿͝f̵̙͔̤͓̟̞̽͛̈́̑̃̆͋͒͊̔ͅḩ̴̡̛͓͍̱̦̘̻̥̝͎̜͉̖͕͇̯̌̈́̃̌͆͋͛͂͊̐ ̷̧̘̟̖̱͎̠̣̹̩̯̦̗̦̝̞̲͇͉͙̝̞͉́̎̈͆̎́̋̓͒͑̈̄͐͜͜ͅÇ̶̙̪͓͇̖̯̞̖̞͖͉̯̱͖̾̋̿́̌̀̇̅̋͑͌̕̚͝t̵̢̥̣̞̗͇̙̝͓̻̝̙̍͜ͅh̸̡͙̥̣͎̞͕̰̞͇̮̪̦̜̯͇̬̳̱͓̻͖͖͇̩̲͑̏̆̂̐̋̓̿̉͒̎̈́̇͑͗̊̊͑̔͆̽͋̂̓̋̇̽̚̚͠ų̶̡̧̡͓̲͇͎͎̰̝̦̰̬͈͇̫̱͓̩̳̀̓̀̓̈́̾̏̈́̀͋̃̃̚͜͝ḻ̴̡̢͙̳͎̪̤̣͇̝̪͓̩͇̪͇͔̱̥͈̩̯̣͇͔̞̈́̈́͋̉̀͜h̵̛̰̯͖̺̃̂̓̄̃̏̾͋̂̓͂̎̄̓͘͠͝u̷̡̖̟͙̗̟͇̰̺͖͎̜̰͔̺͂̀͌̉͐͘ ̴̧̠̟̱͔͕̼̪͚͍͚͕̜͕̺̖̞̭̳͎̤̮̥͓̗͎̪͛̂̔̃͋̽̍̎͐́́̄̋̋̏̎̅̆̾̕̕̚͝͝ͅR̶̤̟̫͉̦̐̌͌̂̇̈́̅̏̿͋͋̓̂̎̈́̈́͗̊͑͘͝͠'̴̘͓̜̋̈̓̓͂̌̈́͋͛̈̋̋̓̋͆̇̕͘l̶̺̳̮̗̮̠̘͉̼͈̩̥̠͇̗̠͕̖͖͖̓̍͆́̽̊̋͛͂̏̋͑̐́͗͂̀̈́̏̐̿̍̀̓̕͘͘͠͠y̷̨̛͇͓̫͙͈̳͖̝̫̰͓͓̩͎̟̭̦̦͊̀̉̑̿́̆̈́̈́̎̑̈́̆̓̌̏͊̀̍̒̉̍͒͠͝ẽ̷̼̮̖̲̼̺̭̣͖̅̈́̇͒̀͊̋̽̐̈́̆̒̇̓͂̾͋̒̈́̿̉̿̆̓͂͊̐̚͝h̷̢̢̘̻̳̰͇̜̤̰͉̘͑̽̀̕ͅ ̴̡͈͎̪͖͕̜͎͕͔̘̜̫̘̱̝̺̣͍̰͂̂ͅw̸̧̠̺̽̃̾g̶̡̧̨̛̛̖̖̠̭̯̲̙̬̱̥̗̺̠̳̱͔̲̪̣͖͚̳͒̓̈͆̿̈́̒͂̌̅͐̇́̀́̐̏̌̄̓͘͘͝͠ͅa̶̧̡̳͓̝̱̣̤͖͔̠͍̘̝͍̣̜̟͔͇̜̜̭͂̍̏́͋̎̑̽͆͒̏̎̽̑̿́̉͂͒̊̓͊̍̉̎̔̕̚h̴͍͈̗̲̦̱̳̩͖̰̼̎̉̄̊̚ͅ'̸͎̺̦̫͈̼̤͊̊̃̍̈́̂͐̅͐̋́̋͋̀̎̋͘͘͠n̶̨̢̨̡̘͍̼̩̹̪͔̗̻̟͇͖͔̘̼̦̭̱̠̪̂̔̌͒͋̐͑̀̈́̐́̀̉̆̈̅̎̋́̏̓͘͘͝ͅa̶̡̢̧̛͚̰͕͍̞͎̩̩͈͆̎̈́́̀́͂̌͒͆̿̇͗͒̇̂̃̐̆̈̃̓̓̃͘͜͠g̴̭̠̉̅̒̊̉̿̆̀͋̀́̏̋̾̄̀̓̈̚͝l̷̨̨̧̨̛̙̹̜̜̠͈̹̘̠̬͙̤̲̬̭̦̻̟̣̿̈́̅̂̀̉́͂̓͗̀̃̿̈́̀͂̆̋̇͐̿̎̌̚ͅ ̷͖͍̹͇̠̱̮͇̲̘͙̱͚̌͑̋̈͊̇̕̚͠f̷̡̨̡̢̧̡̛̛͕̣̝̱̥̙̬̬͎̫͚͇̩̥̣͆̇͋̔̽͌̋̆͋̄̽̈́͐̏̿͝͝h̶̢͖̗̥̗͎͔͎̮̖̘̠̞̮͖̙͋̏̍̏́̋͘̚t̷̡̨̧̛̰͙̘͖͉͉̣̬̹̞̻̭̺̤͙̯̫̜̺̟̲̣͛̄̾́̌̌͊͋͐̍̌̿̌͊̆͝͝͝ͅa̸̢̨̧̧̮̺͈̺̩̲̳̱͚̟̫͇̻̜̿̍̄̒́̓͑̐͜͜͜͝g̷̢̨̧̜̹͈͉̗̟̮̭͖̣̥̰̏̑͛̐̊̐̐ͅñ̵̡̧̢̠͕͚̰̼͙̟̲̫̯̹̮̙̗̫͎̦̯͇͉͓̀̓́̅̑̒́̓͠ͅ.̷͙͎͉̗͂̄͑͑́

    submitted by /u/Jaruut
    [link] [comments]

    Fallout New Vegas, enemies not appearing when shooting?!?!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:20 AM PST

    When I am wandering the mojave I will come across enemies, and then they will shoot at me, but I cannot see them till I get closer to them!?!? How do I fix this? I went into the launcher and maxed out the fading but its not doing anything. I am using NVSE.

    submitted by /u/Michael1093
    [link] [comments]

    Fallout 4 Creation Club Worth It?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:04 AM PST

    I am on PS4 so I don't have good mods. Otherwise I obviously wouldn't even be asking this question Are any of the Creation Club things worth it?

    (Besides Elianora's stuff of course which I'm getting because she's a decoration goddess.)

    submitted by /u/AcesofAthens
    [link] [comments]

    Just bought my first Fallout Game ever (Fallout 4). If I read about the first few games, will it spoil the storyline for this one?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:32 PM PST

    I am absolutely loving this game and I want to learn more about the others but I don't want to spoil anything for myself! Will reading about the storylines of the first few FO games ruin my experience or make it better?

    submitted by /u/missjits
    [link] [comments]

    Nuka World is my favorite Fo4 DLC

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 09:11 AM PST

    It is just interesting to help manics and murders and listen to their stories and daily activities. And Preston never talks to you again? SIGN ME UP! I would like to say tho that they should've made it lower level so you can have a raider playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Forscience325
    [link] [comments]

    How do you run in New Vegas?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:02 AM PST

    Where is the tiny hidden bunker in fallout 4??

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:45 PM PST

    Ok so a cpl years ago I bought FO4 for ps4 and was playing with my kids. Wasnt too far into the game and my daughter found some tiny hidden bunker in a field that had a booby trapped door. Thought it was near the power lines. Any of yall know what I'm talking about and its location? Driving me mad

    submitted by /u/NotfromArkansas243
    [link] [comments]

    As a kid playing fallout 3 and new vegas I remember I was always daydreaming about the future games, and especially about their stories so used to made up stories in my head, I know im not the only one so I would like to hear the stories you came up with in your mind, I'll write mine below.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    The game starts when the bombs fell, the protagonist is a child at school, a single child. While all the destruction just accord, between the debris his/her teacher finds him/her and leads him/her to a group of children survivors, while being stuck there for days in the debris waiting for rescuers to respond, Raiders crack open the stones to reveal to children, they kill the teacher and take the kids. The years went by and the kids grow to be slaves and the protagonist after being separated from his seller, plotting to kill his owner, the main goal for the protagonist is to kill his owner first and then get rid from the bomb attached to his neck. But the path to removing that bomb without being killed is a tough task.

    That's all I have.

    submitted by /u/nam_arts
    [link] [comments]

    What the best way to make caps in fallout 3 and also why does fallout 3 feel like a horror game at times.?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 02:29 AM PST


    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:59 AM PST

    0 0 Fallout4.esm

    1 1 DLCRobot.esm

    2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm

    3 3 DLCCoast.esm

    4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm

    5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm

    6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm

    7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

    8 8 WorkshopFramework.esm

    9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm

    10 a XDI.esm

    11 b HUDFramework.esm

    12 c SimSettlements.esm

    13 d Merged Audio.esp

    14 e BostonFPSFixAIO.esp

    254 FE 0 Flicker Fixer.esp

    254 FE 1 spacefiddle_Follower-Stealth-Distance-Fixes.esp

    15 f Immersive HUD.esp

    16 10 VIS-G Item Sorting.esp

    17 11 VisibleWeapons.esp

    18 12 Friffy_Holstered Weapons.esp

    19 13 K9TacticalHarness.esp

    20 14 Binoculars.esp

    21 15 WorkshopRearranged.esp

    22 16 UltraInteriorLighting.esp

    23 17 Merged Visuals.esp

    24 18 QuickTrade.esp

    254 FE 2 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp

    254 FE 3 CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp

    25 19 Better Locational Damage.esp

    Patch BLD-HBT.esp

    26 1a LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp

    27 1b Immersive Fallout (DLC).esp

    28 1c Merged Fixes.esp

    29 1d RAW INPUT.esp

    30 1e CBBE.esp

    31 1f Better Explosives Redux.esp

    32 20 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp

    33 21 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp

    34 22 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp

    35 23 MoreHairstyles4Female4.1.esp

    36 24 MoreHairstyles4Male3.1.esp

    37 25 Lots More Facial Hair.esp

    38 26 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp

    39 27 CompanionOverhaul.esp

    254 FE 4 Schnips - CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp

    40 28 BP AE patch - CROSS_IES X6-88.esp

    41 29 BP AE patch - CROSS_IES.esp

    254 FE 5 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp

    254 FE 6 CROSS_CoA.esp

    42 2a EveryonesBestFriend.esp

    43 2b LBPAC.esp

    44 2c PaladinBaileyRedRocket.esp

    45 2d 3dscopes-replacer.esp

    46 2e Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp

    47 2f CraftingFramework.esp

    48 30 Better Cooking.esp

    254 FE 7 Schnips - Workshop Rearranged - VIS-G Patch.esp

    49 31 Better Cooking Stations.esp

    50 32 Better Cooking Stations - Far Harbor + Nuka World patch.esp

    254 FE 8 Better Cooking Stations Immersive Patch.esp

    51 33 Better VATS - No Reduction.esp

    52 34 Better Perks.esp

    53 35 BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp

    54 36 Merged Appearance.esp

    55 37 W.A.T.Minutemen.esp

    56 38 FO3VaultSuit.esp

    57 39 ImprovedBoSRedux.esp

    58 3a ImprovedBoSRedux-Vertibirds.esp

    59 3b ImprovedBoSRedux-Uniforms.esp

    60 3c LBPAC AWKCR Patch.esp

    61 3d Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp

    62 3e Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp

    63 3f Better Chems.esp

    64 40 KSHairdos.esp

    65 41 MiscHairstyle.esp

    66 42 NastyNisha_MystolleVersion.esp

    67 43 MagsBlack.esp

    68 44 MoreBeards.esp

    69 45 DeterminedDesdemona.esp

    70 46 NewFace_Settlers.esp

    71 47 PD_LowerWeapon.esp

    72 48 Cito.esp

    73 49 Mason.esp

    74 4a KindKasumi.esp

    75 4b MesmerizingMagnolia.esp

    76 4c Maxson.esp

    77 4d SettlementMenuManager.esp

    78 4e SKKSettlementAttackSystem.esp

    79 4f SKKSettlementAttackSystemMarkers.esp

    80 50 SalvageBeacons.esp

    81 51 SKKCombatSettlers.esp

    254 FE 9 WET.esp

    82 52 Thaylar Lighting 3.2 - Big Edition.esp

    83 53 Thaylar Lighting 3.2 Workshop Rearranged Patch - Big Edition.esp

    84 54 Thaylar Lighting 3.2 VTWO Patch - Big Edition.esp

    85 55 PowerArmorImpactEffects.esp

    86 56 Swinging Meat Bags.esp

    87 57 Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp

    88 58 Realistic_conversations.esp

    254 FE a Schnips - 3dscopes-replacer - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE b Schnips - Better Chems - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE c Schnips - Better Cooking - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE d Schnips - Better Cooking Stations - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE e Schnips - Better Explosives Redux - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE f Schnips - Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 10 Schnips - Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 11 Schnips - Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 12 Schnips - Better Locational Damage - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 13 Schnips - Binoculars - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 14 Schnips - BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 15 Schnips - CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 16 Schnips - CROSS_CoA - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 17 Schnips - CROSS_CourserStrigidae - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 18 Schnips - Friffy_Holstered Weapons - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 19 Schnips - Immersive HUD - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 1a Schnips - ImprovedBoSRedux - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 1b Schnips - LBPAC - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 1c Schnips - Salvage Beacon - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 1d Schnips - SettlementMenuManager - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 1e Schnips - SimSettlements - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 1f Schnips - SKKCombatSettlers - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 20 Schnips - SKKSettlementAttackSystem - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 21 Schnips - Visible Weapons - VIS-G Patch.esp

    89 59 Armorsmith Extended.esp

    90 5a Tactical Flashlights.esp

    91 5b Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp

    92 5c Mercenary.esp

    93 5d RaiderOverhaul.esp

    94 5e Synth Overhaul.esp

    95 5f Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp

    254 FE 22 Schnips - Better Locational Damage - Raider Overhaul - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 23 Schnips - FO3VaultSuit - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 24 Schnips - ImprovedBoSRedux-Uniforms - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 25 Schnips - K9TacticalHarness - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 26 Schnips - Mercenary - VIS-G Patch.esp

    254 FE 27 Schnips - W.A.T.Minutemen - VIS-G Patch.esp

    96 60 SuperMutantRedux.esp

    97 61 SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp

    254 FE 28 SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp

    98 62 SuperMutantRedux_VIS-G_Patch.esp

    254 FE 29 Schnips - SuperMutantRedux - VIS-G Patch.esp

    99 63 Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp

    100 64 StartMeUp.esp

    101 65 StartMeUpFarHarborPatch.esp

    102 66 StartMeUpNukaWorldPatch.esp

    254 FE 2a Bashed Patch, 0.esp

    submitted by /u/CoolAttorney0
    [link] [comments]

    [PS4] Essential, Lore-Friendly and 'Vanilla' friendly Mods for Fallout 4?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:38 AM PST

    According to my latest stats, I've spent a staggering 500 hours playing Fallout Four. I've taken almost a year long break from the game, but playing through 76 (and honestly, really enjoying it!) makes me wanna head back to The Commonwealth.

    My main asks for mods are things that fit in with the general vibe of the game and doesn't break established lore and feel. My main thing I'm wanting is settlements and world-building/visual improvements.

    Anything like a C.A.M.P mod, all items for a settlement mod, anything weather and texture related would be awesome. Thanks, Dwellers!

    submitted by /u/SurrealistGal
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    Did ghouls exist before the war?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:33 AM PST

    Could ghouls have existed pre war? Like if someone got exposed to a lot of radiation working or something and turned or did they only come into existence after the bombs fell?

    submitted by /u/DanParkin_4285
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    Help raising the settlers limit on PS4 pls

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:39 AM PST

    Hi, Does anyone know if the amount of settlers at one location can be raised above the creators threshold? I have heard of MODS that do this but can't find any. It appears the maximum I can have is 19, which is pretty pants. Thanks for helping!

    submitted by /u/Kosciuszko1978
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    Victor stuck in Gibson junk yard. Is my game screwed?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:32 PM PST

    No matter what I do, Victor is not in the lucky 38 so I cannot traverse the building. He is at Gibson scrapyard just running into a wall. I only have a ADS mod installed.

    Reload is not an option because I have issues with more then 1 save and Victor has probably been like this for awhile.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/112DB
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