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    Saturday, December 12, 2020

    Fallout | Things I'd love to see different by Fallout 5

    Fallout | Things I'd love to see different by Fallout 5

    Things I'd love to see different by Fallout 5

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    - NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT LIQUOR: In a world that is an absolute mess, you would think people would want to drown their worries in a bottle. In fallout, where cannibalism, murder, torture, slavery, kidnapping and just about every thing else is free game, its almost as if everyone decided to draw the line at Alcoholism. I have an abundance of every sort of bottle in the game, no one seems to be looting for them, let alone ask to barter for them. Vendors sell them at an extremely low price as well.

    - YOU RARELY FIND ANYONE WITH AN ILLNESS: Seriously. In a world like fallout, you expect me to believe everyone is in good shape? Aside from vault dwellers who have the luxury of living under a vault, every wastelander should be suffering from SOMETHING. ANYTHING. IT COULD BE TOOTHACHE FOR ALL I CARE.

    - MELEE WEAPONS (Or the lack thereof): If you lived in a world where scavenging is a staple of your survival, you probably wont be limiting your weapons to a baseball bat, rolling pin, a pool cue and a machete. I get that its damn near impossible to make every item a melee weapon, but cmon now at least give it a shot with the next gen hardware.

    - NPCs: Its been a crime of Bethesda through out their IP's. The same seven voice actors are the ones who voice ALL COMMON NPCs.

    - LOOTING: is a major part of Bethesda RPG's that i really wish they perfect by the next fallout. (In game loot, not Looting the consumers of their money). Why is it that i can only take the deathclaw's hand, hide and meat? DON'T YOU THINK PEOPLE WOULD PAY TOP CAPS FOR DEATHCLAW HORNS???

    submitted by /u/helladap
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    Working in Boston and a song from Fallout 4 just came on the radio

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST

    I'm a plumber in Boston and my boss has the radio going, and Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford just came on the radio and I have a weird feeling I'm about to be attacked by raiders or muties 🥴

    Edit: For all those pointing out the song is in 76 not 4, congrats on your knowledge, I only need ONE comment telling me that, y'all can stand down. My bad, damn.

    submitted by /u/TheaGreatWallofChris
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    Why is it that Skyrim is ported to everything including Samsung fridges, but I can’t get a single damn fallout game on my switch?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:09 PM PST

    Fallout 76, worth it for a dedicated solo play?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    This question possibly gets asked a lot, but bear with me.

    I played fallout 76 on first release, while I love the lore and the world of fallout it felt empty without NPCs and I personally dont like enforced multiplayer or social aspects.

    After wastelanders and with the new BoS updates is this game viable for a solo player that doesn't want to have to team up or have friends to play with? Is the story and atmosphere there to enjoy or is it just a Grind soulless games as a service wasteland?

    Thanks for your time and opinions.

    submitted by /u/Cococorvax
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    The whole premise of the franchise is a resource war between USA and China started when oil began to run out. Yet in Fallout 4, 200 hundreds years later, you can still build as many gasoline based power generators as you want in your settlements LOL

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Thought about it and found funny that in this scenario you can spam as many power generators which clearly require some sort of gasoline-like fuel in settlements. They are always turned on too haha. I don't have a problem with it, generators make sense from a gameplay standpoint. Still, Bethesda could have thought of some other kind of small generators which made a bit more sense lore-wise. Just wanted to share this "shower thought" I had, found it funny.

    submitted by /u/Boundary-Layer
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    I'm probably the only person that has ever said this but here goes. I really like and enjoy the Fallout 3 and New Vegas engines more than the newer ones

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:56 PM PST

    To go into further detail, they have this sense of cartoonish novelty that I have grown to appreciate over the years. I find myself always laughing at how bad but simple the graphics were in both of these games. Although both had extreme flaws to them, I look at both of F3 and FNV light heartedly and have grown to appreciate the simplicity behind both of these games. What ultimately keeps me coming back is the sheer amount of quests in New Vegas and the DLC. Anyways, I'll get off my soap box lol.

    submitted by /u/Matteozzz
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    Any good Fallout novels/literature?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:27 PM PST


    I might be hospitalized in the next couple of weeks and was wondering if any Fallout based novels or anything exists. It could even be a really good fan novel I could print if anyone recommends anything. Looking for content directly in the Fallout universe, not just in a related setting. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ZumooXD
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    I got my first fallout tattoo back in February and figured this would be the best place to share it!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:00 PM PST

    How immersed are you playing--or played--FO4?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:52 PM PST

    I've heard so many wanting to be as immersed in it as much as possible EXCEPT they all forgot about Shaun! Nobody cares what happened to Shaun at the beginning of the game.

    submitted by /u/Mahalo-ohana01
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    Minigun in fallout 4, why ever use it?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    a single 5mm bullet will always cost 1 cap, so therefore 500 caps for one magazine ((yes Ik not correct term)) meanwhile the gatlin laser, uses fusion cores which you might think is bad, untill you realize that it's 200-400 caps for effectively 500 rounds

    submitted by /u/Nihilistic-Comrade
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    [FO4] Barret M107 from WARS

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    Hey guys, does someody still have the beta link or file? I really want to test it out, can t find it anywhere on the internet, if u are willing to post a link here it would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DarkMatterXD123
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    Light armor or heavy armor

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

    What Fallout game should I get first?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:00 PM PST

    I've been looking forward to buying a game of the fallout franchise for some time. I've enjoyed a lot other bethesda rpgs such as Oblivion and Skyrim aswell as similar themed games like Stalker: shadow of chernobyl. What game should I start with? I do not care much about graphics, I preffer a good and complex story with interesting npcs and an overall, charming experience. Since its my first introduction to the franchise Im not interested yet on the really old games since they can be quite archaic. While having a little chat I've been recommended Fallout 3 and New Vegas. This said, what do you think I should start with and why?

    submitted by /u/Rekeneken
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    (Rant) Why are we comparing Fallout to any other RPGs?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Why would you compare Fallout 4 to Cyberpunk as of the two games would be even remotely similar? Is it because they're both AAA Open World RPGs? Or did you think that a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland would compare to a futuristic open world metropolis?

    Even comparing Elder Scrolls to Fallout is a bit of a stretch. I know for a fact this sub wouldn't want a lot of the mechanics of Elder Scrolls in a Fallout game. I've been a part of those conversations and people on here always get to the point where they agree the two games are two separate entities that only share the same developer and engine.

    Compare the mechanics of Fallout to the mechanics of another Fallout. Compare the subjectiveness of the stories if you must. Compare the decline of the game from 3 to 4 to 76 or that they improved or whatever just stop comparing the games to outside RPGs.

    Stop claiming new RPGs like Cyberpunk or TOW are Bethesda killers... they're not. The only people who can kill Bethesda are the developers at Bethesda themselves.

    Trust me, I know I sound like a little bitch right now but it's so frustrating watching this sub trying to compare Fallout to other RPGs in some sort of hope to justify how Bethesda puts out glitchy games out launch or saying that a game is garbage because it's not a Bethesda RPG as if Bethesda puts out the best RPGs around.

    submitted by /u/sounders127
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    New Vegas radio bug on Xbox

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    My radio won't play rnv or Mojave radio but plays all the dlc ones fine I deleted the game like 3 times and still no sound I hear the radios scattered around the wasteland fine but the radio on the pimp boy radio doesn't work right I don't hear menu or ambient music either and my settings are still default has anyone found a way to fix this issue

    submitted by /u/Pennstater4ever
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    Did I miss the quest that takes you to the power plant? (Nuka World)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:24 PM PST

    Playing for the first time, trying to get this rust heap all glowing and working. 34/35 star cores. Combing the internet of where the hell it could be. Answer: top of Star Port. Wonderful. Can't get there, button doesn't work. Internet says the real button is NOT the red one, but inside the elevator. Awesome. Still doesn't work, need to restore power. How the hell do I do that? Google says you need to go to the power plant to the west for that.

    Okay....when were you planning on telling me that, game? Did I somehow miss it? I talked to some guy in the market, I don't recall his name, and he talked about getting the place up and running. I combed my pip-boy for anything I might have missed regarding actually telling me how and where to turn the damn thing on, and nothing. Did I miss it? Does the game expect you to find it on your own?

    submitted by /u/WYcked_In_Spurs
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    Fallout 2D20 finally has a release window!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:36 PM PST


    Quarter 2 is still a bit of a wait, but at least it's news. Not too big of a fan of the cover art though. I would have liked an environment or some characters rather than an extreme closeup of the back of a vault suit.

    submitted by /u/FarleyOcelot
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    What Character Build should I make in Fallout 4

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:39 AM PST

    I wanted to start a new Fallout 4 character and I don't know what to pick. I have already made a sniper, assassin, melee, build and also a person who is very charismatic. I have also made someone who is very intelligent for the Automotron DLC. I want to make a character that I can enjoy playing and also viable for survival. Thanks community, hopefully I can get some really fun and interesting builds.

    submitted by /u/WhoisRemchuck
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    Abbot is glitched what do i do

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:15 PM PST

    He keeps on saying busy or got work to do

    submitted by /u/Sir_Bread_Crumbs
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    help pls (Fallout 3, maybe spoiler names idk)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:17 PM PST

    So i used commands to revive Charon, and he kinda says that i should talk to this dude Ahzrukhal, even tho he shot him, any help?

    submitted by /u/TheWaffledOne
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    FO4 - Low FPS with equally low GPU and CPU usage

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:32 AM PST

    I'm at wits end.

    Call me a fool but I'm trying to get acceptable stability and frame rate from FO4. 60 fps, is that so much to ask?

    Specs: * RTX 3070 * AMD 3700X * 32 GBs of RAM * Game is installed on a 1TB NVME M.2

    Desired Fidelity: * 2k Resolution (2560x1440) * Stable 60fps * Non-Dated visuals


    Yah boy gets 40fps in cities, and 60fps in wilds, and during both GPU and CPU sit at ~30% utilization. The first core of CPU never reaches above ~50%. If I use BethINI and play on the "poor" preset i only manage to get 80fps max, with similar utilizations. Temps are never above 50°C.


    I clean installed to test frame rate after suffering issues. I have even installed Vulkan API Wrapper in the hopes that it might benefit me. I've seen no improvement. If you go to the Nexus FO4 page and filter to the performance category and sort by endorsements. I've tried everything on those first 10 pages.

    Originally i was rocking an ENB and thought that might be the root of the issue. I quickly discovered that my performance loss from running the ENB was 1-2fps. Negligible. I removed it anyway to isolate the problem.

    I've tried so many things i feel like I'm being messed with by Bethesda. I just want to play their game and not have it look like a dull shadowless mess.

    If anyone here has advice, novel or not, please send it my way. I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/RealLifePotato
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    Assault Rifle Idea for Future Games

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    So I was reading through some complaints about the Fallout 4 assault rifle and had an idea for a better, real world inspired weapon.

    The Stoner 63 was a 1960's design for a 5.56 weapon system and was tested by the US Military as well as briefly employed by some special forces in Vietnam. It has the look of many Fallout weapons, that deadly retro feel almost like our own world but a little off. It has the potential for lots of mods and fits with the pre war US Army aesthetics the game had that I really enjoyed.

    If there is ever another game I think it would be cool, certainly much better than the design in Fallout 4. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page!

    Stoner 63

    submitted by /u/CinnamonRollPancakes
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    Question about Buddy the beer protectron.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Is he worth taking for my own or taking him to where the quest says?

    submitted by /u/Deathrayzap
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