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    Fallout | Fallout game based in Wyoming

    Fallout | Fallout game based in Wyoming

    Fallout game based in Wyoming

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:27 AM PST

    I'd love to see a fallout game based on Wyoming or maybe Montana. Its be cool to see a wasteland like version of Yellowstone what do you guys think? It would be great for terrain if it's based in northern parts of Wyoming and southern Montana

    Please don't say "Wyoming doesn't exist" That's rude.

    submitted by /u/Key-Passenger-5475
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    The Reilly’s Rangers quest has always bothered me.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:57 AM PST

    So a group of Mercs makes a couple bad decisions and gets themselves cornered. Understandable, shit happens.

    The group says the Super Mutants were seemingly endless. Makes sense I guess, they're in the heart of the downtown D.C. ruins.

    On the way up they lose access to their main ammo supply carried by Theo. Alright now it's looking grim.

    What bothers me is that against seemingly endless waves of Super Mutants and with limited ammo, they can survive on top of the Statesmen Hotel for as long as the player character chooses not to help them. Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Sure why not, sure as shit they'll be up there, still fighting Mutants up until the moment you arrive.

    And once you begin the escort back to HQ, there's a genuinely good chance that one of the Rangers will die on the way, if not a few of them. I've had multiple playthroughs where Butcher decides to charge into a huddle of Muties like he's about to suck them off.

    It's ridiculous.

    And also, Reilly is a bitch the moment you meet her. Don't tell me to "hurry up" to go remedy your fuck up. You didn't use that Stealth Boy to "go get help," you saw your chances fading fast, decided to ditch, and had survivor's guilt. Miss me with that "hurry up" shit.

    Rant over.

    EDIT: I understand not having a time limit for gameplay purposes, it's just that in this particular quest, the situation seems so dire that it makes no sense from an immersion standpoint.

    submitted by /u/BUR6S
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    Don’t you think (insert literally any location here) would be awesome for fallout?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:38 PM PST

    Anyone tired of these daily posts?

    submitted by /u/officeredditor
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    Codsworth got a fucking upgrade

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:48 PM PST

    I love the classic look of the friendly Mr. Handy, but I had bigger, better, and girthier plans for him this fateful day.


    submitted by /u/TemplarBOMSF
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    Toshiro Kago is a Samurai Jack, but from the fallout universe

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    ✔ Born from ancient Japan ✔

    ✔ Sent to the future by green fuckface ✔

    ✔ A post-apocalyptic future with mutants and retrofuturistic weapons ✔

    ✔ Lost a mighty sword ✔


    submitted by /u/Troll_Toa
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    Map or Poster of the 13 Commonwealths

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Does anyone know if a map or poster exists depicting the 13(?) Commonwealths of the Fallout lore? I'd love to hang it up or at least have on display somewhere.

    submitted by /u/LionNwntr
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    If you could have a Fallout spin-off made, what would be it's theme?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:12 PM PST

    I would really like a 3D, First Person, Fallout Shelter. Think of FO3's beginning, but with a management gameplay.

    I would also enjoy a spin-off set in the pre-war world, letting us explore the world before the bombs, to see how society was like before, but on a larger scale than what we already saw.

    Since I'm talking about spin-offs, I'm gonna stretch a bit the series and make a game set during the direct-combat phase of the war. This game could be singleplayer, campaign shooter, like Half-Life for example (battle for anchorage dlc, anyone?), or just a mindless fun Battlefield-esque multiplayer game. It doesn't matter for me, just being able to be a soldier in that world, with those cool weapons, would be enough for me.

    submitted by /u/NarrowWatch2
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    all females have black spots on their shoulder in FO4

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I don't have any body change mods I had an HD faces mod that I uninstalled is that the problem?

    submitted by /u/IMMORTALMERC2281
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    A doubt with New Vegas

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:31 PM PST

    I'm trying to do the side quest "left my heart" and i started it talking to the slaves but i don't know what to do to free them (and also i don't know if i have to speak to cesar to do so) could anyone please help me?

    submitted by /u/FA5411
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    Can i even complete these

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:57 PM PST

    Dude ive been replaying fallout and i realised theres nothing to do once completed is there a mod i can get that gives me a quest that will last a while

    submitted by /u/dankmemeboi7274
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    How is it stealing?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:02 PM PST

    I just got back from a quest and when I put a Troubleshooter's Double-Barrel on my display wall it says Steal now..not Take..Steal..why is this? Are there any consequences if I do "Steal" it now?

    submitted by /u/StudentLongjumping27
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    Just Bought season pass for Fallout 4 and lost my saved games (PS4)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:08 PM PST

    I got the game (without season pass) from a friend on a disk. I managed to play a ton. So I decided ill buy season pass, and then I discovered that I need to have the digital version of the game in order for the dlcs to be added and work So I bought the digital version of the game too. Unfortunately, after installing the digital version with the dlcs and entering the game, the saved games didn't appear. I went back and open the game with disk only, and the saved games appear without the dlcs.

    What I'm trying to understand why this happens. Is it because the recently added season pass or is it because I switched to the digital version.

    Hope someone can help! Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/sagyr1
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    Best Fallout 3 Modding Guide(s)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:54 PM PST

    I have played Fallout 3 for years with mods, but never used a modding guide with it. After following Qolore 722's outstanding Viva New Vegas mod guide for New Vegas, I want to get back into FO3 following a great modding guide if possible. I heard that Markie 98's Overhaul guide is well liked, but I after looking at it for a bit, I would like something more grand and expansive that is pretty in-depth, as well as add to/change gameplay and other game elements drastically if possible. Is Kelmych's STEP guide still recommended or is it outdated now? I also understand that many prefer to play FO3 through TTW and use Qolore's TTW guide, but I would prefer to purely play FO3 only without TTW. What Fallout 3 modding guides do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/ZMR33
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    Why are super mutants mad

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:04 PM PST

    I've been recently wondering why all super mutants, except the ones that can talk are bad. Such as fawkes or strong. Weren't all super mutants human?

    submitted by /u/ChocolateMilkmanTrue
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    Fallout 3 or fallout new Vegas or fallout 76

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Hi guys I just want to ask a question I have a ps4 and a Xbox 360 and I was wondering for the Xbox 360 should I get fallout 3 or new Vegas and for the ps4 I know it is a fallout subreddit but should I get fallout 76 or anthem to play with a friend

    submitted by /u/timermad3365
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    Convincing Chief Hanlon

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I interrogated Silus and found out Caesar is in poor health and complains about headaches all the time. I thought this would unlock the option to convince Chief Hanlon that Caesar is going to die soon and to stop manipulating NCR radio broadcasts, but it didn't. Did I do something wrong?

    submitted by /u/TheFabledHermit
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    Thoughts on Fallout 3's main plot (so far)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Well, after my Mass Effect break, I went back to Fallout 3, and wholeheartedly embraced its story mode.

    Okay, Fallout 3's story isn't AS good as say, prior and future Fallouts, and definitely not as good as the aforementioned Mass Effect when it comes to western role playing games, but it is an entertaining little yarn. The "Waters of Life" story quest takes its time in introducing the Enclave. If you're like me, and you've played the side quests BEFORE the main plot, you'd know that The Enclave, main antagonists of Fallout 2 & 3, are sparsely encountered on your travels. When you do encounter them, they're usually armed with a laser rifle and come in packs of one.

    So imagine my shock when I was going around fixing Project Purity, only for Helicopters to show up, and mean people in dark Power Armor came pouring out. THIS was the culmination of all those teases I got throughout my travels, and it was glorious. Watching James sacrifice his life for the Fallout 3 protagonist and Doctor Li, running through the tunnels doing battle against Ghouls and Enclave scum, it was pretty intense! And it culminated in the franchise's main good authority figures, the Brotherhood of Steel, finally entering the story as a huge presence.

    Suffice to say, I'm quite interested to see where the mission to stop the Enclave and complete Project Purity will take me...

    submitted by /u/BennytehBeaver
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    OPINION: The Nuka-World Raider gangs are exaggerated aspects of normal raiders

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST

    I don't know if anyone else came across this same idea, but I will state my opinion on it

    Each of the Raider gangs in Nuka-World are an exaggerated aspect of a normal raider gang. These aspects being illogical violence, drug usage/partying, and gaining capital from those raids.

    These aspects can be paired to the respective gangs: Disciples (violence), Pack (drugs), and Operators (caps). So if Bethesda did this on purpose, then nice move

    submitted by /u/cccpfreak01
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    Help with benevolent leader?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:57 AM PST

    I know this is probably asked quite a lot but I can't seem to find answers to my problem in the other questions. I have 21 settlers , sufficient food and water, high defense, I placed a bunch of arcade machines and decorations, I have a bunch of clinics but it still won't go above 87 and has currently fallen to 78. Also it seems it never goes up when I'm there and only when I'm away but then it quickly goes down while I'm gone

    submitted by /u/Individual_Ad_2022
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    Classic Alternate Fallout Icons

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    I saw that a few years ago, u/JanitorZyphrian made alternate icons for the modern Fallout games inspired by Fo76's icon. I decided to quickly do the same for the classic Fallout games.

    Dropbox download

    Now you can stop seeing Tim Cain's face every time you go to open the game.

    submitted by /u/theRose90
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    I just got Fallout 4 working on my new powerhouse of a PC and I was wondering what decent mods people recommend for a survival playthrough?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:48 PM PST

    I am looking for stuff that makes the game more immersive than making survival mode harder, but anything is useful :D

    submitted by /u/tntrhino12
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    I just bought the season pass for fallout 4 for PS4.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I got the game without the dlcs from a friend. What I discovered after buying the the dlcs, that I have to get the digital version in order for them to be added and work, so i bought the digital version of fallout 4 too. Unfortunately, after I installed the digital version of the game, the saved games were no longer there. Then, I entered the game again with the disk only, and the saved games appeared. So The saved games don't appear when entering the digital version with the dlcs.

    What i'm trying to understand if it's because of the the dlcs or because i'm running the game on digital version. And if there anything I can do to play with my old saved games and the dlcs.

    submitted by /u/sagyr1
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