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    Fallout | 76 makes me miss the map in the Pip Boy

    Fallout | 76 makes me miss the map in the Pip Boy

    76 makes me miss the map in the Pip Boy

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I keep opening the pip Boy for the map, I've gotten use to it

    submitted by /u/realjimmyjam225
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    Is anyone else sick of the Brotherhood of Steel?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    I feel like there are alot of factions and ideas for factions out there, I really liked the Brotherhood in Fallout 3; New Vegas they were smaller and more conservative which they had to adapt to because they got mauled by the NCR. In the long run they have cool power armor and laser weapons, But It's annoying that they are in every Bethesda game, Now with Steel Dawn it's just not interesting anymore, They weren't that good in FO4.

    submitted by /u/TihetrisWeathersby
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    Finally got all the bobble heads in Fallout 3

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Finally got them all on my second play through. I missed the energy weapons bobble in Raven Rock the first time around.


    submitted by /u/FugglesIPA
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    Imagine the weapon customization of Fallout 4 and Ammo types of New Vegas

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:39 PM PST

    Kind of disappointed with the weapon and ammo variety of Fallout 4, Theirs only 1 assault rifle and it looks like a machine gun, and theirs no 10mm SMG which was in every main fallout game up to that point, also no 9mm or 357. , which are the most common rounds in America, It seems that only Fallout New Vegas and the original 2 got the weapon and ammo variety thing correct which is weird considering it took years to make Fallout 4 yet only 18 months to make New Vegas and the first 2 are over 20 years old.

    I don't hate fallout 4 I'm just just pointing something out.

    submitted by /u/IMMORTALMERC2281
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    Notes from my Fallout 4 Kill Everything Run

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:52 PM PST

    So, I'm on to a Kill Everything Run and I've made a couple of discoveries that I find interesting. First is, generally, if someone is unkillable (UK) and you aggro them, you can leave wait and come back and they will be perfectly happy with you. Second is that half of Goodneighbor is UK, but most of Diamond City isn't. Third is When Travis dies, Shane takes over the radio station. It's not an improvement.

    Other than that, you really can go up to Paladin Danse and murder him right away, as well as the Railroad.

    Also, there seems to be no rhyme or reason why certain characters are UK. Some of it has to do with quest tie ins, but it's mostly just lazy coding in my opinion. Such as most of GN is UK despite only needing a character or two to complete the game.

    I'm still progressing, and just rescued Nick Valentine so I've not discovered if some of the characters have triggers that take away their UK status, or other tins and outs. I would like to know if any of you have done similar.

    submitted by /u/Zahfier
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    Does anyone know why I own these fallout games on steam all of a sudden?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:34 AM PST

    I like the Fallout series but I don’t like how the devs redesign, include, and exclude, certain guns and calibers from title to title.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I started out with Fallout 3, which had gotten me into the series particularly on the consoles. I've always enjoyed the gun play of the series, but one thing I can't wrap my head around is the redesigning, including, and excluding, of certain guns and ammunition. Which IMO creates a bit of a lore issue

    For instance the 10mm pistol has made it through the console titles mostly unedited, and hasn't been re-chambered into a new round.

    On the other hand you have the various lever action rifles that have minor redesigns from one game to the next, but they're typically chambered differently, and often a certain calibers tend to be cut from the next title. A good example is the lever action rifles in FO3 are .32 caliber, but in Fallout NV they have several lever action rifles chambered different (.357, .45-70 Gov, to name a couple.)

    That being said, the assault rifle looks different from 3 to NV to 4, while largely keeping their same calibers.

    Then we have the addition of pipe guns in FO4. I have never understood why these were included in FO4, but not in 3. This is what creates a lore issue to me, it's not like DC is a far drive from Boston.

    Idk maybe I'm splitting hairs, but it does drive me crazy that guns are redesigned, re-chambered, etc.

    submitted by /u/PimplePopper288
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    I just did the the vault 81 quest to save Austin

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    ....FUCK! Jesus so anyway I wanted to do this quest without contracting the molerat disease because i just didn't like the idea of my character having a incurable disease plus I didn't want to take the only cure for myself and it took forever! Like seriously 1 bite basically gives you the disease and there is so so many molerats and even when their all dead there was a glitch where if you on stairs I could get the disease! So I spent 3 hours irl just reloading saves and trying to kill them! But finally finally I got the cure killed all the molerats and austin didn't die! But if that fucker even thinks about going anywhere outside the vault I'll personally kill him

    submitted by /u/NexusRaven7
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    Fallout new vegas : i always got crashed and out of game suddenly after fast travel in the old world blue

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:46 PM PST

    How to stop this and fix this? I start to think i crashed because of too many save data.. Right now i have 400 save. Should i delete my save some?

    submitted by /u/lolipop_undead
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    Instant crash during the "Reunions" quest as soon as I enter the western part of the map.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:58 AM PST

    My game instantly crashes when I try to head west just out of Diamond City while following dogmeat during "Reunions" (Right after you find the first evidence by a lake, and start following train tracks). My only mods are the standards like looksmenu, weaponmods, armormods and bodymods. I am not using any overhaul mods, landscape mods or NPC mods, so I am seriously doubting that this is causing the issue. I have tried on two seperate saves (created a new one to test) and it happens the exact same way and in the exact same spot.

    submitted by /u/babafyr
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    Is Fallout 1 Europe edition harder then original?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:38 PM PST

    I know it removed kids and made it less violent, but did it make the game harder/easier?

    submitted by /u/Estro1111
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    [FO4] I can only highlight the top quest. I can select another quest for about a second before it automatically highlights the top one again.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:23 AM PST

    Fallout 3 is better than Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I know ill face some heat but here is my maybe not so hot/ hot take.

    Fallout 3 is better than Fallout New Vegas for one big reason: Atmosphere

    In Fallout 3, each place you visit seems to be struggling to survive. Even places like Rivet City and Megaton. the world seems stressed and in a desperate, Doomer like state, struggle to survive,

    For instance, Caps, the currency of the new American wasteland is hard to come by. Having over a few thousand caps in Fallout 3 is considered a lot of money. I remember getting excited when I actively saved over 4k caps. The real currency of the wastes is what you can trade. Not junk ( which kudos to Fallout 4 for making junk a viable commodity outside of trading for money, taking up weight, or making a sub par weapon) Primarily bullets, no weight, valuable to trade and use in battle. Kind of like the Metro series.

    When it comes to leaving the safety of civilization in Fallout 3, you are greeted with the horrors of the wastes. Will it be Raiders, Super Mutants, Death Claws, Mirelurks, Feral Ghouls, or other monstrosities that roam the land? And that's only if you don't Piss someone off by being good or evil.

    When you step out side of the gates to a city, and you look at the map. you see nothing. the world looks dead. the only signs of life are the spiritic gunfire of forces struggling to find their next meal. even the super mutants are putting up defenses and fighting to make it day to day. nothing feels safe in fallout 3, the good guys of the capital wasteland are few. the brotherhood is basically the only safe dudes. besides the outcasts, and other such groups.

    In Rivet City, you might feel safe, or even megaton, or Tenpenny Tower. But inside you feel a great since of distrust for people. people who act friendly seem untrustworthy. Why should they be so friendly? Its a dog eat dog world. There are places even in the Capital Wasteland that are worse than it. take the Dunwitch building for example, enough said if you have been there. Fallout 4 tried to recreate the place but it came across as bad fan fic than the existential dread that that damn building makes you feel.

    This is all in contrast to Fallout New Vegas, Vegas gets a lot of things right. The lore and NPCs related to fallout 1 and 2 are perfect. the writing for Characters and lore background is great too. Its one of the few videogames where the "villian" I.E Ceaser, had a backstory that made since and had a logical tale that was in many ways relatable, although with a dark outcome. Its great playing through the game and seeing you actions have consequences, seeing the world change around you. but then that is the first thing. It doesn't really,

    In Vegas, the land will try to tell you that it will "sallow you up" or that its a horrible Quagmire of violence. but... its not. The game's main quest forces you down a path around the whole map that leads you too Vegas itself. you cant realistically just go to Vegas right off the bat. head north and you run into Cazador hell fest with high level bandits and raiders to boot. head east and its radscorpians, deathclaws, and powdergangers ( your first easy enemies). if you follow the path south they set out for you, you will be able to navigate the Mojave with little trouble. most threats can be handled easily. if you deicide to go wild and head west you will find A FUCKING MOUTAIN RANGE THAT BLOCKS 1/3 OF THE MAP.

    When it comes to factions, New Vegas does great at diversity but most of your threating evil factions are hardly a threat to you the player. for example, the Legion prides itself in burning down villages and towns and enslaving any assholes they find wondering the trade routes. Except you that is. As a level 1 nobody, you can just stroll on though legion camps and NCR outposts, the Great khans camp, without so much as a threat! all you will get is. "Profligate!!!" or god forbid "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter". In fallout 3, you cant really enter a single town or city without someone threating to shoot you for showing up or having to bribe your way into a place. Fallout new Vegas? the biggest hurdle? " Submit to a credit check"

    Which goes into another issue, money, there is so much god damn money in fallout new Vegas you wont know what to do with it. 2000 caps? bitch please, I had that before I got to Novac. Fallout new Vegas has so much money that they needed two more currencies to manage it all. three if you count poker chips.

    Fallout new Vegas feels like its trying to be hardcore but failing, the Lore 10/10, NPC world building and backstories 10/10, in game dealing with these things 4/10. Its hard to take the legion seriously when one charges you with his edge lord Romophile attitude with a manchette in hand while you are holding a belt feed machine gun. threats of slavery are all to real until you realize that the romanos wont try it on you, just look at you and go "Profligate".

    And what's with the Anti establishment stance on the NCR. Dudes are literally like we will give you trade, protection, and jobs if you let us in. and people are like "BUT TAXES MMEEHHHH" Bitch, in the capital wasteland, MFs are happy to find some clean water, let alone a whole ass army that wont enslave them or kill them outright. (sorry Muties)

    TLDR: Fallout 3 presences a better grim struggle for survival that is felt in the lore and in the game play. Fallout New Vegas's map is linear, NPCs are not threating are are basically try hards. the people of the Mojave are ungrateful.

    submitted by /u/HalloweenHoggendoss
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    I found a bug in fallout 4

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:35 AM PST

    I'm doing the "The Molecular Level" mission with the minutemen And I've built everything I had to Now it says talk to Sturges But when I try to talk to him it opens the trade menu

    Edit: nvm figured it out

    submitted by /u/LucaAndNothing
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    Help! I'm gonna pull my hair out over this ��

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:02 AM PST

    So I'm playing fallout 4 on the Xbox one and having a really bad problem with the platform to teleport to the institute in the mission "the molecular level. I went the rout for the railroad, and everything was fine until it said to build the reflector platform.

    Whenever I place it, it doesn't sign off the objective as completed 🤷🏻 and it tells me to talk to tinker tom at the same time! And whenever I talk to tinker tom it doesn't give me any sort of dialogue related to the mission. It only gives me the regular stuff like barter, no, unsure, and asking him what he has in stock.

    And when I go to the building site it only shows the platform in the special catagory and not the other required components! Only the platform 😭

    If anybody has a fix for this I would appreciate it

    submitted by /u/senorcemento
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    How to pass old blue world x12 blue barrier

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:56 AM PST

    I cant pass the barrier.... How to pass it? I see someone use sonic emitter upgraded, how to do it?

    submitted by /u/lolipop_undead
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    What’s the point of radiation weapons in Fo4?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Title pretty much says it all, but here's some context. Found a automatic rifle that on top of its 30 base damage deals 100 radiation damage I was really excited about my find, until I went to Cambridge. Turns out radiation heals ghouls, and just about everything else in the commonwealth has some sort of resistance to it so is it only for dispatching raiders? Does anyone play with radiation weapons as their weapon of choice?

    submitted by /u/Probablynotamantee
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    How can I get a Gauss Shotgun?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:18 AM PST

    I went to the Gold Bullion trader, but couldn't find the plan in his list.

    submitted by /u/TheLonelyGod01
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    Prydwen Storage Won’t Open

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:11 AM PST

    New to Fallout 4 (PS4), I've just spoken to Maxson and have a Misc quest to open my container, I've gone to the highlighted one, but there's no response when I click on it? Is it a bug or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/JammyOtter
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    Is falllout 76 good yet

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    I saw that it's like 13 euros in steam and I wanted to get it, I looked through the reviews and saw a mostly positive review base. I looked through the factions that you can join and I saw that you can join the Enclave, is there a different plot based on what faction you pick?

    I am also saving up money to buy a ps5 so I was wondering if it is worth it to spend money on this game or just replay the ones I have until I can get a ps5.

    submitted by /u/LucaAndNothing
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    My VATS stopped working while playing Fallout 4

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:38 PM PST

    Like the title says, I was playing Fallout 4 on Xbox one when my VATS suddenly stopped working. I tried restarting the game, the console, and rebinding the control, but it won't work no matter what. Does anyone know what's going on or can help me fix it? I tried googling it but no fixes came up

    submitted by /u/YeetOutofMySwamp
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    Fallout 4 question

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:02 PM PST

    During the opening we see the nuke go off and see a blast of air hit us, or very nearly. Wouldnt this have radiation accompanied with it? I've thought about this since they say Shaun is the only human child without corrupted genes due to radiation. Has anybody else wondered this?

    submitted by /u/Corgzilla546
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    Why would they need a theoretical physicist for Helios 1?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:48 PM PST

    It's not like they're doing anything new with it, they need a repair man

    submitted by /u/eliteprephistory
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