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    Fallout | Making Fallout makes sense in my head

    Fallout | Making Fallout makes sense in my head

    Making Fallout makes sense in my head

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:12 PM PST

    So I'm playing Fallout 4 right now and recently I've started to try to role play a little bit to make the game feel a bit more realistic and I think it is helping me appreciate it more.

    One thing I've done is start thinking of time and distance you travel as more of a synopsis, which makes it make more sense to me. Let me explain.

    In game, you can travel from Sanctuary to Concord and then to Drumlin Diner in a few minutes via walking. I always kinda thought it was weird they were so close. But I've started thinking about it differently.

    Since the time in game is sped up, the walk actually took a couple hours in Fallout time. Which makes since. So now the days, distances, and time start to make sense.

    Walking from Sanctuary to Diamond city takes most of a day, like 8+ hours in game. Makes sense. Fusion cores don't last forever but they operate your power armor In game for a few days of full activity. Makes sense. Scrapping a big pile of junk in a couple minutes doesn't make sense, but since the day is like a half hour you it actually took longer in game time.

    Idk maybe I'm simple but it used to not click and my head and all that bothered me. Now it doesn't. It has started to click.

    Am I thick or does this make sense to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/aworldalone1
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    Project Quantum: My Nuka-Cola themed pc build (with glowing nuka quantum inside!)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:50 AM PST

    If you HAD to live in one of the Fallout Games (3, NV, 4), which would you choose, why, and where’d you want to live?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:34 PM PST

    I'd probably go with New Vegas. The radstorms in F4 turn me off of the Commonwealth in terms of overall survivability. Outside of Diamond City, life seems pretty grim indeed.

    Obviously in F3 there's that whole water situation that could make things tricky. Plus, in order to travel around, you'd have to traverse the Metro, which would TERRIFY me if I was alone.

    I choose New Vegas for the dry, consist weather, which would ensure I don't need a ton of clothes. There are a ton of well established towns. There's open area rather than dark, dank, terrifying, tunnel systems. And as long as The Courier doesn't align themselves with Ceaser, I think my life in the Mojave could be actually pretty good! I'd probably join the Followers or the NCR, if not, I'd live in Goodsprings or Freeside.

    How about you guys? Which would you choose and where would you live in the games?

    submitted by /u/kaiasutra
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    I have the pip boy 2000 MK VI kit, it's pretty cool but is there a way to make the screen light up?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:17 AM PST

    For the first time I went through "Hole in the wall" quest without contracting the disease legit way

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Took quite some save scumming and a few well placed rockets here and there but there we go, fuck this quest. Especially for making you contract the disease if molerats bite protectron, wtf Bethesda!

    The best buddy award for this quest goes to my trusty hunter's 10mm pistol which I kept from the first hour in the game with this quest in mind (while I do a melee build, no less).

    Vault 81 is a nice place in general though.

    submitted by /u/PsychologicalFault
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    9 hour long video of a radstorm from fallout 4

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:23 PM PST

    Hey everyone, I made a 9 hour long radstorm video with a black screen. It was originally for myself but I thought why not share it with the fallout community. Use it for sleeping/chilling or whatever you like.

    submitted by /u/Valo859
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    I have a soft spot for Sheffield [FO4]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Sheffield is a character that took me by surprise. When I first heard him crying out about being thirsty, I actually thought that he was voiced by an older friend of mine that I know in real life. To make things stranger, he also looks a lot like Sheffield. My friend is also a recovering alcoholic, just like Sheffield. Sheffield is damn near a 1 to 1 Fallout clone of my friend. It's a strange feeling to feel like one of your good friends is right there with you, struggling in the wasteland. I always recruit him, give him nice clothes, and let him run a shop like a respectable businessman. You deserve dignity, buddy.

    submitted by /u/WhirlyTwirlyMustache
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    Are Fallout 76 Daily Ops meant to be this hard?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:08 AM PST

    I haven't played Fallout 76 in awhile but I played it for the first time in months today and I decided to try the
    Daily Ops mission. So after many deaths in the burrows because my stealth melee character can now no longer stealth at all. I encounter the boss a lv100 dual minigun using assaultron with the freezing prefix in his name.

    Everytime I approach it I get mowed down in less than a minute. He has some sort of slowing effect on his guns, he doesn't seem to reload and has infinite ammo. His eye laser has a cool down though but he's ridiculously op. Are these OPS not soloable? Why does my bloody build feel weak now? Why are my weapons so weak now?

    I spent an hour in there thinking I would eventually widdle it down but the thing teleports when it's trapped in a corner and periodically full heals. This is perhaps the most frustrating mission I have ever done. I've heard of challenge but this is insane! 
    submitted by /u/illahstrait
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    Chad Fallout 76 Podcast Character Designs

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:31 PM PST

    My latest set of commissions of character designs for the Chad Fallout 76 Podcast. This is a collection of characters all voiced by Mark Hauswirth.


    submitted by /u/FromAboveComic
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    Does anyone know a mod that lowers enemy spawns in the city so my frame rate isn’t as bad or anything with a similar effect? On Xbox

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:14 PM PST

    Did anyone ever figure out a fix for the game crash around the Cambridge Crater area?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:01 AM PST

    I just had this happen today. After several playthroughs over the past few years I'm just now learning about this bug. Every time I try going anywhere near Cambridge Crater and the surrounding area my game crashes, and no amount of advice from four-year-old forums is helping.

    Please tell me someone, ANYONE, has figured out how to fix this?

    Edit: I forgot to mention this is Fallout 4, in case anyone was confused.

    submitted by /u/venbrou
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    New Vegas Windows 10

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:41 PM PST

    A couple years ago I tried getting Fallout 3 on my PC, only to find out it would only run on Windows 7. Is New Vegas the same? I've seen mixed answers. Also, I've heard the Steam version crashes a lot without mods, and the Gog version is better. I've never used Gog and am confused about where and if I should buy the game. All help is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Blamasu
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    Am I the only person who doesn't like Liberty Prime in Fallout 4?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    I usually side with the Brotherhood in Fallout 4 and I like most of their quests (Call to Arms, The Lost Patrol, Show no Mercy, Duty or Dishonor and Blind Betrayal are all great). But having Liberty Prime save the day again after the same thing happened in Fallout 3 feels so unoriginal. The "destroy all communist" humor is not that funny if you've already expirienced it in the previous game and the quests to find the parts are pretty boring.

    I just wish Bethesda had came up with a more original idea for how the Brotherhood could defeat the Institute. Also, I can understand the Railroad blowing up the place, but seeing the Brotherhood destroy all that tecnology instead of take it from the wrong hands and preserve it just feels wrong

    submitted by /u/DoceDiet
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    Fallout reference in the movie „Oblivion“?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:12 AM PST

    So i just watched the movie „Oblivion" (the one with Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman) and noticed some things. The very first scene has a very recogniseable atmosphere to it; the piano, the flashback, the voice, the pair... it all reminds me of the opening sequence of FO4. Aswell as the year in the movie is 2077. And the whole thing playing in a nuklear wasteland on a ressource-deprived earth does also sound quite familiar. Or am I just so fallout-focused?

    Have a nice day:)

    submitted by /u/Brozmead
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    Fallout 76 is a decent game

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:42 AM PST

    The game has improved from launch, a lot. The fact that the atoms can be got free with daily challenges and the overall new stuff and improvements. Its worth the money.

    submitted by /u/aleksanderklaas
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    Is Fallout 2 Beatable with only Throwing Weapons?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:36 PM PST

    For those of you who always ignore throwing, which is pretty much all of us. I wanted to find out if it's possible to beat the game using throwing weapons only.

    The theory tells me that this is impossible, since there's not many weapons that can actually deal damage to endgame enemies. There are strange strategies to get around armour protection and the like, but I decided not to use them in this challenge, since they don't work on the big man Frank Horrigan.

    I hope you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/SKOElephant
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    New starting date

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:01 AM PST

    Am I the only one to actually like the idea of fallout 76? Not for gameplay, mechanics etc. but for the starting date, i really like the idea of a wandering in the wasteland shortly after the bombs, I mean one of the things about fallout lore that I'd like to see more in depth are the stories you can listen from pre war ghouls, in my opinion seeing what was like to be in D.C shortly after the bombs fell, let me know your thoughts

    submitted by /u/koslovakko
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    A way back into the R/R Headquaters after it is boarded up !

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:49 AM PST

    Yup... I found a way back into the boarded up Old North Church . Got the r/R Headquaters back as a destination point also ! So here's the deal ....gonna cost you about $ 20 bucks, but it's worth it just to be able to buy some of Tinker Tom's toys . Found this accidently......wait ...wait...O.K. Buy "Nuka World " and install it. Like magic you get the travel point back and a mission there to take out a courser from P.A.M. Easy nuf' hunhhh ! Give it a try (not to mention new items available in the workshop , like a windmill generator....) Hope this helps someone in need, been playing this game for awhile over 2000 hours , but I got real nice settlements ..........And maybe this post will get me a few friends (only have two, wuz up wid dat ?..............Tony

    submitted by /u/Upstairs-Wrap9140
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    About to try and fix 0kb glitch. Will I keep the dlc's?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:24 AM PST

    I've been having the 0kb glitch and want to reinstall fallout 4 to fix it. Will I have to do anything to reclaim my dlc's, or will they still be availlable?

    submitted by /u/SecretSynth
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    Fallout 76 without any previous Fallout knowledge

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:25 PM PST

    Fallout 76 is on sale and Im very interested in playing. However, Ive never played a single fallout game in my life. Can I play Fallout 76 without any previous background knowledge?

    submitted by /u/Jasontoasted
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    Is the world population less than one billion?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Judging by what we've seen in the games, the surviving population seems to be extremely scarce.

    If we only count named/non-respawning NPCs, then there only seem to be 500 (and that's being generous) survivors in Washington DC, Las Vegas, and Boston. I mean, the biggest settlement in Washington (Rivet City) only has like 30-40 people.

    How is the human race even capable of long-term sustainability with such low numbers?

    submitted by /u/DragonBat362
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    What are 3 perks you think you would have if you were a Fallout character? (Based of your real life characteristics)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:18 PM PST

    For example, I'd have Animal Friend, Inspirational, and Happy Camper (because I like to stay at home xP) Your perks can come from any Fallout game.

    submitted by /u/Kawaii_Idoc
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