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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Fallout Lore | Is the Shaun we see in the final memory within Kellog's memories the synthetic Shaun, or the real Shaun?

    Fallout Lore | Is the Shaun we see in the final memory within Kellog's memories the synthetic Shaun, or the real Shaun?

    Is the Shaun we see in the final memory within Kellog's memories the synthetic Shaun, or the real Shaun?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Confused about where in the timeline it takes place, since I think Travis is on the radio but the wiki doesn't help.

    submitted by /u/Epickitty_101
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    House is portrayed as the sort of man who comes once every million years, yet the brains at Big Mountain speak of him as if he is beneath them.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    Is this purely out of rivalry, or were the brains, individually much smarter than House ever was?

    submitted by /u/SinclairM
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    Are recruit, prime and veteran legionaries considered as hastati, principes and triarii respectively according to Caesar's military ideas?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    I mean first line consists of recruits. They have really modest equipment and huge numbers. Second line is prime, they are decently equipped and armed, plus capable enough in battle. Third line are veterans, best warriors of legion with great equipment and weapons (just like old Roman triarii).

    submitted by /u/pie_addict35
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    If Gunners are "always about the bottom line," why do they keep repopulating destroyed bases?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    According to Macready during the quest "Long Road Ahead," the Gunners are "always about the bottom line," and cites this as one of the reasons that the Gunners won't retaliate against him and the Sole Survivor killing Winlock and Barnes. However, if Macready is a reliable source and can be believed regarding the Gunner mindset, it raises the question of why they would keep sending people to areas the Sole Survivor has wiped out multiple times, such as Quincy and Gunner's Plaza.

    For smaller waystations and outposts, it's understandable. Between hostile factions, the wildlife, and the weather, any number of things can cause isolated Gunners to get wiped out. However, with more heavily-defended areas like the two mentioned above, you'd think that - after the fifth or sixth time that the area has been wiped out - the brass would decide that it's costing them more to hold the place than to just move on and find somewhere else. However, time and again, the Sole Survivor can return and kill whoever they find there.

    submitted by /u/Outrageous_Equipment
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    Is there a 2 Star BoS Officer Rank?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    So in Fallout 4, the rank for Sentinel and Elder are similar, but Sentinel has one star at the bottom of the shield, while Elder had 3. Is there some sort of rank in between that would use 2 stars.

    It would've just been simpler to give Star Paladin 1 star and Sentinel 2.

    submitted by /u/Fr0ski
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    Why do the signs in Boston say nuka cherry is new even though it was released a couple years after the other flavors

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:33 AM PDT

    Whats the difference between people who turn into ghouls as a result of radiation opposed to people who are killed by radiation.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Why are there fog crawlers in fo76?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I'm not an expert on how the nukes affect creatures, but shouldn't fog crawers only be at far harbor, where the fog is located? This doesn't make sense to me

    submitted by /u/DrP0nd
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    Recon Squad Gladius' Synth Detection

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Hey all! In my most recent playthrough of Fallout 4, going through the Arcjet Systems quest, I got to the dialogue with Danse about his squad getting readings of unusual activity in the area near Cambridge, and this time it got me thinking. I think anyone who has played 4 knows that the readings they got were from the Institute, and the Institute is located in Cambridge, meaning that the signals that Danse's team recieved were Synth teleports, but this got me thinking: What exactly were the teleports for?

    So what event do we know of that is nearby Cambridge that involved a decent number of Synths? Could it have just been a few Coursers being deployed? Or could it be that the signals were from the invasion of the Switchboard, one of the Railroad's old bases? We know that the Switchboard is crawling with Synths by the time we get there, so I think this is the most likely candidate for the signals that Squad Gladius had intercepted, and this discovery could also have helped the Brotherhood locate the main base of the Railroad in the Commenwealth rather than the Capital Wasteland.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Cromancer86
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