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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Fallout | Using Kellogg’s Pistol is pretty messed up considering it’s the weapon Kellogg used to kill the Sole Survivor’s wife.

    Fallout | Using Kellogg’s Pistol is pretty messed up considering it’s the weapon Kellogg used to kill the Sole Survivor’s wife.

    Using Kellogg’s Pistol is pretty messed up considering it’s the weapon Kellogg used to kill the Sole Survivor’s wife.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    Stop Asking For Fallout Outside Of The US

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Thanks for the Karma!

    submitted by /u/JeedTheDog
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    What would you say if the map of Fallout 5 was a lot more spread out to justify the introduction of functioning vehicles?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    I don’t care where the next Fallout is set, I just want something new

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Title pretty much says it all. Bethesda took this game series with endless potential for crazy enemy designs and post nuclear war civilizations/factions, and they just keep bringing back the same things we've seen over and over. I've seen enough super mutants, mole rats, deathclaws, etc. I've seen enough of the BOS and the Enclave, just give me something new. I get they're staples of the franchise and they're very iconic at this point but come on, how many times are they gonna rewrite the lore and keep coming up with these stupid explanations for why these things somehow ended up on the complete opposite side of the damn country? Just come up with something new and original for Fallout 5 that isn't 70% reused stuff from the first two games, please Bethesda.

    submitted by /u/DaBoopityBink
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    I modeled That gun from Fallout New Vegas

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    With a little bit of red twine, it becomes clear why your character has the background they do in Fallout 4.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    So firstly, I think with a bit of better storytelling either implied or direct, there could have been a more compelling way to preface the whole Military Background.

    When taking into consideration the actual nature of Vault 111 you realize that like 101 it was not really meant to be opened in any reasonable timeframe, but unlike 101, didn't have any resources to sustain a population long-term. The staff were meant to just die whether the overseer realized he was part of that expendability or not.

    Keeping the inhabitants of the vault on ice forever wasn't really feasible, but they were supposed to step out of those tubes at some point to experience a new world. The town of Sanctuary was the perfect unsuspecting regular American suburb to draw occupants from as well as to ultimately test what they would do once they woke up.

    Without the whole son and wife drama interrupting the experiment, the idea that Vault-Tec were frantically trying to get you and your spouse into the vault even up to the day the bombs fell means that they realized what they had in this test pool of candidates. A seasoned veteran, supposedly Honorably Discharged by the military for some brave or noble act. And his wife, a lawyer, an arbiter of justice in the best case.

    From Vault-Tec's perspective, they were grabbing a couple of exceptional individuals to help establish law and security in the far future once the power ran out and the pods opened up.

    I feel like if Bethesda had focused more on this aspect of things, instead of just another family goose chase, then people would have been more forgiving of the slightly restrictive backstory. Like who's to say that someone tricked against their will into being a popsicle for centuries would come out noble just because he is implied to have been a decent fellow. Same goes for his wife. Exploring the shock and extreme duress of the circumstances on the characters alone would have made for a compelling narrative with the same pieces instead of forcing an extra layer of revenge on top to really desensitize the player.

    submitted by /u/Scott_Nano
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    How is Megaton in a crater if the nuke never went off?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    There is no way it could impact the ground that hard it created such a large hole. Also Moira's shop is crater side supply, so it's specifically called a crater. The only explanation I can think of is it created a sinkhole from all the groundwater there.

    submitted by /u/SirBamboozled
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    My tumbleweeds won’t tumble (NV)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    So I noticed for some reason the tumbleweeds in my game aren't blowing around and tumbling. Is there any fix for this?

    submitted by /u/diddlepantz
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    How would you fix the base/settlement building for the next Fallout game?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    I am fairly certain that a lot of time was used programming the settlement system and the locations it took up could have been used for other, more interesting locations and inhabitants. It was too big and too small simultaneously. They need to fix it.

    The settlements were too big, as it felt unrealistic to rebuild civilization overnight. I'm fairly certain that isn't in the spirit of fallout, where rebuilding is canonically not easy, otherwise towns would be everywhere and all interconnected before we hit play.

    It was also too small, too limiting in choices to build with. The building choices were very basic, making it harder to fit them to what you are role playing. A lot of the DLCs were aimed to fix this and give more choices, but that didn't sit right with me.

    A lot of people think Bethesda should throw the settlement building system away and focus on what they know people already enjoyed, but I doubt Bethesda would do that. So how would you fix it?

    Personally, the only way I can see it being "fixed" is making it so you only affect the inside of player homes. Mainly furniture, decorations, and lighting is needed for choices so they can give more of those. The area is smaller and doesn't affect the outside world quite as much, so it needs less time and bug testing. This, however, might still take too much time away from creating interesting areas and quests.

    submitted by /u/Zedlor75
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    Which Fallout character(s) must you kill (sans quest-related) no matter your playthrough?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Whether it be they go against everything you believe in or you just hate their stupid face, which character (or characters) must you kill every single playthrough?

    submitted by /u/My_Eyes_Hurt
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    What does r/Fallout think about a spin-off?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    I have been playing XCom Chimera and Gears tactics this week and I can't help but feel that, with the right story elements, mission based, turn based tactical squad shooters could work.

    I know, I know. "It started with turn based" and "This was basically Fallout Tactics" but hear me out.

    I have some reasons for this.

    1. Would allow the creation and fleshing out of a new faction, in a potentially unexplored area. Building this faction from the ground up to take on the denizens of the wastes would be amazingly satisfying, as would setting up their base of operations.

    2. Plenty of options for "classes" given the different equipment for different build in fallout. Medic, heavy weapons, sniper, melee, crowd control (syringer or mesmetron) things like that.

    3. Objective missions with fallout style options for completion l, depending on level, skill and squad composition , could allow for morality/reputation system with other factions. (Play the good guys have less weapons and more base invasions, but access to cheaper, basic tier recruits. Bad guys have higher level recruits, but they're harder to replace etc)

    4. The ability to have noticeable changes in the wasteland, as in after x number of missions, settlement y becomes abandoned if not helped and creatures or ghouls move in. Help one settlement and they invade another things like that.

    I know story is more restrictive in a game like that, but i really think it could work.

    What do you think hmmm?

    submitted by /u/unholygitchild
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    Let’s take a moment to appreciate the Vault Tec Workshop for Fallout 4.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I really enjoy this dlc. As someone who likes building the settlements, and modding big ass armouries with a ton of cool ass weapons and armour sets, having access to actual good looking structures and the ability to make a fully functioning vault was actually quite fun and I enjoyed it for the 3$ I paid for it.

    submitted by /u/StuffnStuffnStuff129
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    Is there any point in hoarding sunset sarsaparilla?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    As title says, Is there anything like a sunset sarsaparilla challenge where you gotta bring bottles to someone? Or are they just a health item

    submitted by /u/benharlow77
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    can any laptop under $140 play fallout?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    ive been looking at a dell latitude e6440, but im really fine with any laptop. im trying to play 4 and 76, and possibly finish new vegas.

    submitted by /u/HenryRCrowell
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    Some money I found in storage I forgot about. (NCR)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Fallout 76: Bird mutation

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I have this mutation (first one) called bird mutation, but I never chose to have it, the game just randomly gave it to me. Where do you get other mutations? And is there any way I can get rid of this one?

    submitted by /u/IKingIrving2
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    Can I get some feedback on fan lore I've written for my Fallout RPG?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    My group is currently doing a Fallout RPG set in Seattle and the surrounding areas. The next game is probably going to take place in my "Life in New America" setting. It takes place in the Midwest/Great Lakes region, and includes parts of eastern Wisconsin, to Chicago, and covers Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.

    The game takes place in 2309, which is 22 years after the events of Fallout 4. I'd like any kind of constructive feedback on what I have written so far. You don't need to read all of it, but I am interested in getting some feedback.

    Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d-3uD_U7mNYf3Krzgnenqkwky7kL2B4Ysm8eQ1kkJnc/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/StarShot77
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    I am so disappointed that Yes Man and companions in New Vegas don't react to each other.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    To be fair, the companions don't say much in regards to any quest path except for Caesar (a couple comment on the fact we go to visit Caesar a t his camp to hear him out).

    I wish the companions would have banter with Yes Man. There's potential humor. Like, what would Lily and Yes Man say to one another? Would have been neat.

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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    A general question on the morals resounding throughout Fallout games?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Is, it a warning against obsession? Against getting stuck in old world issues, and forgetting "New World Hope" as in the good ending for Old World Blues? Is it about the forgetting romanticism and trying to find a realist approach to things?

    Is there even a single resounding moral in these games or do each game have a very specific moral it wishes to teach?

    submitted by /u/Kyokyodoka
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    Raul talking head!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Michigan would be an equally interesting and (hopefully) great place to have a fallout game take place.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Now a lot of you may think "Michigan, not much there". You would think it's all Detroit violence and (as shown on our recent Covid-19 protests) a small city which is the capital. Now what if I were to tell you that Michigan would be an amazing place to have a fallout game take place, due to all of it's history. Base game could be anything, maybe the enclave managed to run to Michigan to hide out, and they were just passed over there, because if you think about it with how the Chinese would've seen Michigan, they'd view it as a massive target for their bombs, as Michigan has 4 lakes on its shorelines, and those 4 lakes are the very precious resource of fresh water, so the Chinese would nuke the hell out of it to make the lakes dry up, and if they didn't dry up, become radioactive with rads per second possibly in the hundreds, but I'm getting distracted. So the enclave would run there, and they'd probably try and set up some form of proper working government, to marginal success, and you could make some sort of plot from thereon. Another idea is that you'd have 2 maps essentially, if the full size of Michigan ended up being used, and if it wasn't used, using just the northern bit of the state for a map would still be a good idea, because even if the rest of the state isn't there, you'd get a good chance of visiting famous places like Mackinac Island, Bois Blanc Island, Mackinac City, and if they ever make an expansion with a new map, the site is already above them, the upper peninsula, and something could be happening there. Essentially, what I'm saying is that Michigan has some good things going for it if it gets a Fallout game.

    submitted by /u/Docktorwho149
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    Would the Minutemen side with or against Covenant?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Fallout 4 Survival Mode saves

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I am thinking of doing another survival mode play through of Fallout 4, but I have trouble with the save system. I actually do like that the player can only save at a bed, as I think it makes the actions more meaningful. However, the biggest problem I had with it is that the save amount is limited to a max of 5 or something like that, and instead of making new saves, it overwrites your old saves. This is a problem for me because on my last play through, which I had sunk about 150+ hours into, my files corrupted and none were available to load from.

    I am now playing on pc, but had previously played on Xbox. Is there any difference between the save feature on survival mode for these platforms? And also, is there any way (not involving mods) to make it so that each time I sleep in game it saves the file as a new save instead of overwriting a previous game?

    submitted by /u/FrostyCeph
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