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    Fallout | What is your favourite fallout game and why?

    Fallout | What is your favourite fallout game and why?

    What is your favourite fallout game and why?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Mine is Fallout 4 , first one I've played and the mods make it really fun. But just because I like it doesn't mean you have to hate me. Please remember that. The few times I've posted here y'all were so mean.

    submitted by /u/thebiggieboywithcash
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    What would you NOT want to see in Fallout 5?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Hope it's not a repost - I've seen an analogical question on TES sub the other day.

    I'll start with the obvious one: the dialogue wheel from 4, no need for explanation I think.

    Voiced protagonist: the same. Or, at very least, don't make a detailed backstory to a character without set personality - cause that's what doesn't work in FO4 imo, not the voice itself.

    BoS: It's already featured heavily in other games, if they are the part of the game I wish they weren't the main faction.

    Good and evil factions: make it shades of grey, if you can, Bethesda. Less Regulators and Talon Company (and Gunners) and more Goodneighbor, Cabots, Boomers. Make them weird!

    Pushing the main quest: I liked the Morrowind style of main quest introduction: the game outright tells you that you can take your time at first. Then it unfolds and gets more and more serious and urgent. Let's be honest: you aren't gonna do the MQ first anyway, I'm pretty sure of that.

    submitted by /u/PsychologicalFault
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    One thing that sets NV apart

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    New Vegas is a great game. I enjoy the setting, the DLCs, the plot, the side quests, and more.

    But I enjoyed all those same things about FO3 and FO4 too.

    One thing I think sets NV apart from the others is the weapon selection. FO3 for the most part has two versions of each weapon: 10mm pistol/Chinese pistol, assault rifle/Chinese assault rifle, .32 pistol/.44 pistol, etc. FO4 has more variety (especially with being able to mod weapons at a workbench), but some of theme weren't very appealing and I felt looked "fake" for the time period (assault rifle, combat rifle/shotgun, etc).

    New Vegas had much more variety I think. For handguns alone I can think of: .22 pistol, 9mm pistol, .357 magnum, .44 magnum, hunting pistol, Ranger sequoia, and maybe others I'm forgetting. There were lever action, bolt action, full auto, and semi auto rifles. Plus you have a bunch more energy weapons like the plasma caster and laser RCW.

    Even the ammo in NV is more realistic. In FO3 both the .32 pistol and the hunting rifle use the same ammo. In FO4 the combat rifle (base model) uses .45 rounds, which are typically a handgun round.

    NV felt "right." The first weapon you're given is a 9mm pistol. 9mm is a much more common round that 10mm. It makes sense for a varmint rifle to be 5.56, or a brush gun to be .45-70 govt (a bit less sense for a revolver to be a .45-70). Plus, NV had different types of ammo (FMJ, hollow point), that had uses depending on the enemy.

    It may have been intentional for Bethesda to choose obscure ammo for their weapons (or maybe that even goes back to FO1/2). Maybe they didn't want Fallout to be "realistic firearms simulator." But I still feel like NV had it right.

    I haven't played FO76, so I'm not sure what the weapons are like there. But compared to FO3 and FO4, NV has a much better, more realistic weapon selection.

    TLDR: NV had better weapons/ammo choices that FO3 and FO4.

    submitted by /u/Time-to-go-home
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    Question About FO3 Side Quests

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    I just started playing FO3 for the first time. I've had it for a decade and never got around to playing it (too busy with Oblivion and Skyrim). I am a completionist, so I buy the game guides in order to not miss any side quests and that sort of thing.

    I know in Elder Scrolls games, there is typically a good time to stop playing the main quest and do all the side/misc quests/exploring you want to do (typically before one of the main quest segments cuts off access to certain areas, or after a particular segment opens access to all areas, etc.).

    Is FO3 like that where I should wait until a certain point in the main question to start the side content stuff—or a certain point I definitely need to do all that before?


    submitted by /u/SuperKamarameha
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    [FO4 Modding HELP] Question regarding how to reinstall Fallout 4 and link with NMM

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    I've been looking to do a clean install of Fallout 4 and delete all of my files in the directory. (Make it seem like I've never played it before) and was wondering how to link my Nexus Mod Manager Mods to my Fallout 4. As in, before I uninstall Fallout 4, how would i link Fallout 4 to previously installed mods on Nexus Mod Manager? Or would i have to start from scratch? Am i even able to link previously installed mods to a clean Fallout 4 directory?

    submitted by /u/ThatOneKidQQQQ
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    Come join the Appalachian Raider Republic! We’re currently the most rapidly growing faction and we have a place for some more! We offer jobs, a cross platform community, giveaways on each platform, and more! If you’re looking for people to play with at any time, then come join today!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    Message me on info to join!

    submitted by /u/dddavis27
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    West Coast Fallout

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    I just got done playing through New Vegas again. I was wondering, if another west coast Fallout existed what setting would you want?

    I think I like the idea of a Seattle Fallout. The weather mechanics would be fun. And we could perhaps see some Canadian influence in terms of factions.

    Another possibility could be moving south into Mexico which I think would be really fascinating.

    submitted by /u/KHSlider
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    FO4 - Purified Water

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    For some reason I am not getting any purified water from Sanctuary. I have 80 water but I don't have any coming into my workbench. I have played about 3 or 4 long missions.

    I do have a lot of Aid items in the workbench but I don't think that is the reason. It stopped about 3 earth days ago ...

    submitted by /u/CapnMReynolds
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    Playing as a Ghoul

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    I'm sure this subreddit has seen more than it's fair share of crackpot spin-off ideas that in all likelihood won't pick up any real traction. But, hey, where else am I supposed to talk about it? So, with that said, I just want to say sorry if this is a waste of time for anyone willing to read it or just a stupid idea.

    Going through a whole slew of older games that I have to try and stay sane throughout my extended stay indoors. And so naturally, I wheel back around to Fallout. And no matter how much I love going back to games I have a soft spot for, when it comes to series, I can't help but find myself thinking about where future games could go.

    And the thought just popped in me head. "What if you were a ghoul?"

    Now already I can see the problems with this. This would take away the real danger of Rads, an absolute staple of Fallout games. But bear with me.

    First I thought about how this would be introduced. And then all the implications of all the stuff I was thinking up. I'm sure everyone who comes up with something new for a well established series can't help but think that their ideas, no matter how crazy, are just what a series needs to "innovate." And I can't say I don't feel that to some degree, or I wouldn't post about it. But either way I think it's cool. Sorry if this is so all over the place that it's hard to get a real picture of. Or if it steps over some pre-established lore.But here's how I would base a Fallout game where you play as a ghoul.

    Before the bombs fell, of course the elite in America would have found some way to pay for precaution in the case that a nuclear war to ensue. So let's say the big shot actors of Hollywood make a deal with Vault-Tec for a nuclear shelter. But Vault-Tec already had its Vault for the Los Angeles area. So a new one is built upstate in Sacramento.

    The only reference I can find within Fallout's lore to Sacramento is that it was referenced in the Honest Hearts DLC for New Vegas. Apparently it was called "Sac-Town," and was overrun by a gang calling themselves the 80s. It's part of the "Short Loop" trade route and holds the headquarters of the Happy Trails Caravan Company.

    I absolutely love any and all Vault exploration in these games. The atmosphere is always just so intriguing. At least to me.

    So the player character is a descendant of one of the big shots of Hollywood, growing up in this Vault. Unoriginal. I know.

    This Vault has fully automated services, and even a sort of farm, with crops and cattle, completely and totally separate from the 1% though. Everything is tended to by Mr. Handy's and the like.

    The whole of the living quarters is plastered with movie culture. Multiple projector rooms. Posters everywhere. A sort of museum holding all of cinema's greatest artifacts and memories. You get to explore and really learn about what movies were.

    Some of the patrons, like those in that exclusive hotel from Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC, opted to be part of a program that would extract their brains and install them into robot skeletons. But only the 1% of the 1% did so, explaining the need for the farm and such still.

    This being Fallout, and the Vault being commissioned by Vault-Tec, some kind of tests were going on. There was a psychology unit assigned to watch all these people and record how their inflated personalities interacted in this new environment. And, since the automated service bots were separated from the actors and directors, they could easily tend to the unit's needs without arousing suspicion.

    I haven't even talked about ghouls yet, huh?

    My bad.

    One of the elite who had themselves integrated into a machine starts to lash out after their loss of feeling. So they attempt to flee to surface. Because it's a Hollywood actor, they're bound to be crazy.

    You. Just a normal kid, get sent out to find them. The automatons only deliver resources through chutes, and have no real way to get to the actor's quarters. The only access people have to them is a mechanic team dedicated to them among the psych unit. And of course there's been multiple generations of those too.

    A raffle chooses who goes. The only participants are the regular people left, those robots didn't pay all that money to go out and die. This shows how segregation among the elite starts to take place. Anyways, the player gets picked

    Now I have now real scientific knowledge to back this up, but come on it's Fallout.

    Coastal winds have brought in wave after wave of irradiation. So this area is incredibly dangerous. The character, whose only background is film appreciation and getting easy food, doesn't last long. Eventually being caught in the middle of a huge rad storm. The player is badly hurt. And a group of ghouls carry you to their city to help you. But it's too late. The player character has already turned.

    This underground ghoul network has little to no segregation amongst it. Even with some Super Mutants and other outcast. They've all tried to live among humans, but they've all been discriminated against. So they're all united. A democracy. But not without its flaws. They themselves discriminate against the small human population found in the underground cities. Crime never really gets dealt with unless it's something big. In this harsh situation the character starts getting used to hard life. But they always yearn to go back to their Vault. But because if their appearance, they fear they wouldn't be accepted back. So they set out to find the escaped actor, and bring them back to prove they're still good.

    This takes you through multiple factions battling for control of the underworld, and this Sacramento.

    Meanwhile the surface, though used as a trade route, is incredibly dangerous. The Happy Trails Caravan Company has formed a system to how they pass through, but it's always dangerous.

    And here's where the Rad problem comes in. The Geiger Counter would still feature, and the character would have a natural resistance to Rads, but still must be wary. Too much radiation at one time, they could mutate, enough mutations, and they'll lose skills as they turn more "feral." But early on at least, these mutations could give benefits as well as drawbacks.

    But the real problem with Rads is not becoming feral, although it is a driving force to stay careful and stay indoors when possible and use items that up Rad resistance.

    The real problem is the creatures. With all this irradiation things are mutating to completely grotesque proportions. This could allow for whole new enemies and monsters to be showcased, as well as crazy forms of established creatures.

    On their quest to find the missing actor robot, the character will mostly travel through underground settlements established by the underworld, and visits above ground are at first mild but get more and more intense. Underground segments are, for the most part, "safe" areas where the only concern the character would face is the tension rising between the different factions. Above ground, utmost caution is absolutely necessary, and the deeper the character travels into the city the crazier the area becomes. But above ground travel isn't impossible.

    Mostly, it'd be a story about accepting who you are. Corny, I know. But I think it works with the Hollywood actor backdrop. These people must be "perfect" at all times. And the farther the character goes into the game, the more and more they realize that there's nothing wrong with being a ghoul.

    Crackpot crazy? Sure. But I had fun coming up with it. If you've made it this far, you must be bored as fuck too, huh?

    submitted by /u/ArkinEggers
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    Where can I purchase a copy of fallout 3 that works with modding? PC

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Long ago I made a post regarding the fact that no matter how or what I tried to mod fallout 3 with, the game would always crash a few minutes in. I was then told that it's the fault of the steam copy, and then I was given a link to a website that sold a copy that supposedly worked perfectly with mods. Can someone please provide me with that website?

    submitted by /u/GhostManPRO
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    Triangles? How much is too much?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    I just rebuilt a few buildings and the workshop in Sanctuary, and maybe went a bit overboard. I'm currently sitting at 3.1 million triangles.

    I haven't focused on building before and i don't know what the average is for the area.

    How much more can i build?

    submitted by /u/Goongalagooo
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    I'm trying to make a specific character build, but I don't really know how or where to start. I need help. (I'm on PS4)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    Okay, so like the title says, I'm trying to build my character in Fallout 4 around power armor and an automatic institute pistol. I want both of those aspects to be my character's strong suits, but also be capable of holding their own in a fight without armor and be able to use any non-melee weapon just as effectively as their energy pistol. I'm lv. 10 right now and have been pouring into endurance, charisma, and luck. My next point is gonna go to intelligence. I have the first power armor the game gives you and an automatic institute energy pistol. If it helps, I just met Virgil and I've been to a bunch of places while exploring, so if you know anywhere I can go to find mod plans for the pistol or armor, please let me know in the comments. I can't find mods for the pistol or armor. (I also don't know much about how the crafting stuff works, as I've never played a fallout game all the way through)

    submitted by /u/Wayne_Nightmare
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    *SPOILERS* Issue with the Synth Retention quest not beggining.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    So I've just completed institutionalized. (Shadow of steel and tradecraft have not been completed, mind you.) And I haven't received the Synth Retention quest from father. I am on PS4, so no console commands. I've spoken will all of the head directors and talking to father any further results in his randomised lines. I want to progress further in the institute, but nothing has worked, from reloading my save file to ignoring the other factions. No mods of mine should be interfering with this quest, so what is the problem?

    submitted by /u/Mycousinsafreak
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    Fallout 4 questions *spoilers*

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Hey, I've been replaying the game recently. This time around, I kept all sides happy and then betrayed the Institute. I blew them up and everyone is at peace, but things are sort of broken and weird.

    Railroad: they're still giving me missions and everything is good. The weird thing is that Desdemona keeps talking about Glory being dead even though she's there and walking around the base. She even came on a mission with me to Malden Center.

    Brotherhood: Paladin Danse is happy on the Prydwyn and they're all praising me, but when I went to the police station to turn in a mission for Haylen, she kept talking about Danse being banished.

    So I have a few questions:

    1. Am I now locked out of doing the main quest for BoS?
    2. Is Danse outed as a synth despite me not doing that mission? (He's on the Prydwyn, not hiding out in the Listening Post, and everyone is cool with him. They're not hostile.)
    3. Is Glory actually dead in this ending? Why is she walking around and doing missions with me?
    4. Have I broken the game?
    submitted by /u/mrmetacrisis
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    Concussions are fun

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    So I am playing fallout 3 currently and in the game I'm searching for a doctor because I've had a concussion for three hours I keep healing it with stimpacks but I can never get it to fully heal because someone will randomly sneak me in the head and guess what concussion

    does anyone else have this problem

    submitted by /u/demonboy3968
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    Think I Might Be Done

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    I've played a heck of a lot of Fallout 4. Numbers above 1500 hours, loved the game to bits but in the end there I just kinda felt like it was the same thing over and over and over. I got tired of basebuilding, my favourite thing to kill time. And I stopped getting excited about exploring the map. So I stopped playing and moved to another game.

    I just went back to try again today and...yeah not feeling it at all. Like I don't think I'll play the game again kind of feeling. Anyone else get this way about the game? In all my time I've only ever cleared the DLC zones once, so that's really what brought me back but even now I think I'll be left with that one run through and the fond memories.

    If you have anything that might spark me back into playing, I'd love to hear it!

    submitted by /u/SillySlapz
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    Where can I find MacCready’s hat?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    No I'm not talking about in game, I'm talking about online for a cosplay. I'm aware there are many online but none of them seem to ship to Canada and/or are over expensive. Is there anywhere I can find one that ships to Canada and is under $20??

    submitted by /u/TeaConsumption
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    [FO4] The Vault Tec Population Management Software's tracker is not working.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    The quest "Overseer's Most Wanted" does not start: nothing happens when I click "Show X". However I went back to an old save which had no mods on it, and it works. I installed the Settlement Management Software recently. Does it cause the VPMS to break? As I said, the old save where I had the terminal built before modding still works fine. I am not sure which mod might be breaking it, and I have too many to individually test one by one, although I have checked the ones that I suspect could affect it (like obviously a PA paint mod is very unlikely to cause this). I also have the unofficial patch installed.

    submitted by /u/ScientistRickSanchez
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    North East Map Concept

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Bobble Head Problems please help

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    I know I'm late, but I started playing fallout 4. I need to get my intelligence to 6 and I was at level 4 and picked up the intelligence bobble head and stayed at 4. Does anyone know how to fix this? Let me know thanks.

    submitted by /u/bigslimee
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    What is the best unarmed weapon in Fallout 3?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Also is a no DLC unarmed build stronger than a no DLC melee build in Fallout 3?

    submitted by /u/xo1opossum
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    If I’m interested in playing fallout where should I start?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    My knowledge of fallout is quite limited, from what I've seen New Vegas seems to be the favourite of many people but also is notoriously buggy.

    I'm well aware of 76's past and somewhat redemption recently.

    And I know in Fallout 4 you can craft a broken chair.

    And fallout 1+2 are 2d strategy games right? So I'll probably ignore those 2.

    So basically I have absolutely no idea about anything or what to play.

    submitted by /u/-MaybeSomeday-
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    What's your favourite falllout game and why?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:04 AM PDT

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