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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Fallout: New Vegas | Y'all complaining about explosive collars in New Vegas but no one remembers these little fuckers???

    Fallout: New Vegas | Y'all complaining about explosive collars in New Vegas but no one remembers these little fuckers???

    Y'all complaining about explosive collars in New Vegas but no one remembers these little fuckers???

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Imagine being one of those guys

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Thank you, OWB

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Elite Riot Gear (pixel art, animated) [OC]

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    The Sierra Madre

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    (Not sure if this is the right flair but whatever)

    I just beat the Sierra Madre dlc again for the first time in over 6 years and now that I've had a whole new view on this dlc and everything that transpired, it hit a lot harder than I thought it would.

    Going through with each companion, merging Dog and God to a better person, though they don't remember anything, Domino, leaving him alive and being his "partner" in crime, and Christine, leaving the love of her life for revenge only to guard the Madre afterwards.

    All of these stories all plucked at my heartstrings as I read the terminals and listened to the holo-recordings to finally leave the dead resort to hear everyone say their last words.

    "Finding it though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

    It always gives me chills and this time brought a tear to my eye. The developers of New Vegas and of Dead Money never cease amazing me and giving me connection to these characters, thank you for all the hard work put into all the dlc's and the story of each area, even if we all get a bit angry at how annoying it can be.

    submitted by /u/BountiesEnd
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    Mistakes were made...

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Everyone honesty is key

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    Decided to play FNV for the first time in many years, and got this warm welcome

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Completed Honest Hearts for the second time.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I've played through this game countless times but I didn't have any dlc for a few years. I played through Honest Hearts once and honestly, kind of rushed it. During a recent playthrough I decide to do some of the dlc before completing the main quest so I started with Honest Hearts. I also wanted to see if having interacted with Joshua Graham would yield unique dialogue from Caesar.

    The second time round, I found Follows-Chalk character pretty interesting, despite being rather shallow honestly. What I really appreciated was going through all the Survivor's caches. Reading all the notes and finding out>! the survivor is in fact The Father and writer of the texts which the Sorrows based parts of their culture on and named themselves after.!< His story was very engaging as well.

    Also the dlc is a massive take for xp that can be completed relatively early and quickly. Good shit.

    submitted by /u/mikeymanza
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    u/Cougulated-Gravy reminded me of a screenshot I took a year ago, it may not be as good as his, this was my goodbye to the Sierra Madre

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    MO2 wont lauch any executable

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I wanted to launch NVSE and I got that message about steam not being open or something like that. I clicked yes and now whenever I launch nvse or any other exe through mo2 it just closes mo2 and opens it again.

    submitted by /u/BoneCrusher03
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    The perfect, most overpowered, non-exploit filled way, to get the most out the game

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PDT


    Is there a way to get as powerful as possible while not throughly breaking the game? As in, get the best endings for all the factions, get EVERY unqiue and Powerful wepon/armor in game, and get every achievement possible in a single run?

    I ask this, because I wondering if I could do that given evidence that seems to support getting all the wepons but relying on not being able to do the Goodsprings' questline for the fact that the goodsprings' glitch has happened...

    submitted by /u/Niizukyo
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    When going into the antechamber thingy, how can i perform the security override to disable bots? When i go on the terminal there is nothing there just “welcome mr house”

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    When talking FINALLY works!!! (Punching things in Fallout New Vegas is a truly satisfying and relaxing experience: Part 3)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Earlier parts:
    - Punching things from Goodsprings to Nipton.
    - Buff person runs around in the desert high on weeds, booze and weedbooze punching things no one ever should punch. Part 1
    -Buff person runs around in the desert high on weeds, booze and weedbooze punching things no one ever should punch. Part 2

    Lil recap:
    - 10STR 10END 10INT 10AGI ABSOLUTE CHAD gets shot in the head with a Holy Handgun and after recovery proceeds to bring justice, happiness and euthanasia by punching with PEAK HUMAN STRENGTH. Punches a lot of dangerous things including Dust Gangsters, Giant Radcorpios and Ghoul Reavers. Makes friends with a wholesome blondie(Willow) and best robot boy(ED-E).
    - Following the event of Nipton they get sidetracked and ripped their clothes off by zambiez like it's some hentai, avoid severe radiation poisoning this time and gets stung a lot by the freak bastard child of your sleep paralysis demon and wasps.
    -Misinterpreting a quest description they spend hours clearing out Quarry junction on level 12 through hard effort and countless deaths which turns out to be completely wasted time, effort, Sunset Sarsaparilla, stims and chems. It was epic though.

    Realizing I REEEEALLY need to keep writing because if I progress too much I'll never catch up due to the sheer volume these little stories take, here I am with the next part of my adventures as the 10STR 10END 10INT 10AGI PEAK HUMAN UNARMED COURIER.

    After the horrible but extremely epic waste of time that was Quarry Junction I went to the recently discovered Vault 19 because of my OCD to discover and explore every landmark. Inside I found a locked Vault door. It was highly odd finding one actually locked. Examining the panel nearby it turns out it can be easily opened with the press of a button. Very odd.
    Inside ED-E doesn't pick up hostiles but lots of neutrals/friendlies. Turns out they are Powder Ganger who can be talked to. Asking their boss he tells that they are basically the main bunch, the ones at NCRCF were leftovers who chose to be raiders from that position.
    Hoping for a nice solution to things that lets me avoid euthanizing everyone WITH MY UNSTOPPABLE DEATHCLAW ALPHA-SLAYING FISTS POWERED BY THIS PEAK HUMAN BODY I asked what could I help out with. The cook asked me to clear out the Geckos that fill part of the living quarters. There was some other guy too asking me to somehow seal off the sulfur coming from deep below.
    Looking around this Vault is in a remarkably pristine condition with an unsettling lack of corpses and battle damage... it's freaking me out... It's not right! It's as if reality could implode at any moment! Then I found the terminal in the doctor's office and things started to stink and hint that things were indeed messed up here. That's reassuring... somehow Vaults actually doing what they should with no strings and deathtraps attached feel abnormal.
    Looking into the Overseer's terminal there was some social experiments performed. Going into the living quarters of the blue block that I just got the keycard to I found even more well preserved and pretty much untouched rooms. The terminals there were detailing diaries of residents pretty much talking about hings they are paranoid about. It got to their heads real bad. There were people ranging from rational fear and suspicion to tinfoil hat tier paranoia of the red block. The sheer amount perfect condition clothes I'm picking up is also shocking. What on Earth happened with everyone?
    Getting to the part with the Geckos I walk straight onto frag mines they neglected to warn me about. Thanks to my armor and PEAK HUMAN 10END I survive and doesn't even get crippled. The Geckos were disposed of pretty easily. After surviving against THE ALPHA DIABLO HIMSELF I only feel pity for theese poor beasts with zero self-preservation.
    Reaching the end there was a hole leading down to the sulfur caves and things got slightly interesting there because of the sheer amount of Nightstalkers down there that didn't die in one hit so their poison was a bitch to keep watching out for because I can't really pay attention to my healthbar at all times during combat. Luckily I do have Fiery Purgatives and Antivenoms piled up.
    After finishing up, concluding that I lack all skill levels to do anything about the Sulfur at all and reading some more information about how the Vault worked I headed back up.
    Basically what happened in the Vault is they have conducted a social experiment centered around paranoia by distributing paranoia-inducing chems through the vents. Things were getting out of hand and the overseer was requested to either stop the experiment at once or find a non-chemical and non-violent way to continue it. There were nothing else about it. Down there where the vault got tunneled into by the beasts the terminal notes were telling about residents hearing the noises of the Geckos likely but being under paranoia-inducing drugs there was no way their testimonies could have alerted anyone.

    From the sudden abandonment of the upper levels and the tight lock on the door preserving the upper levels in such pristine condition I conclude that the likely outcome is when the animals got inside the Vault the Overseer did the right thing and evacuated the residents. It is unknown for now, maybe forever what happened to them afterwards. maybe they became one of the early communities of the wasteland.

    Returning back to the cook he asked me to go and ask the the Great Khans to let the Powder Ganger of the Vault join them, since there is nowhere for them to go and they are not sure to last alone against all the groups and wildlife around the Vault.
    Good thing I just got Good Boy Points with some Khans! So I went to Red Rock Canyon. On my way there we ran into another bunch of Legion Assassins with two Centurions now. Either thanks to my recent levelup or Love&Hate I can finally punch through their Damage Threshold. After disposing of them I realized that their helmets have a ridiculously high Damage Treshold. No wonder Spiked Knuckles were so ineffective. It's like wearing a Leather Armor on their head. As goofy as it looks that's gonna be my new helmet. Being slapped by Deathclaws so much I have became significantly less picky. By the way friendly reminder that only BODY ARMOR count as faction armor. You can feel free to pick up and use whatever helmet you want. The Centurion set is pretty much the endgame Legion armor so the helmet is a huge upgrade.

    Red Rock Canyon is a pretty chill place, they appear to be a warrior culture of sorts. Kind of a mix between a biker gang but without bikes, ancient Mongols and Vikings. Entering the house of their leader I found a Karl. Seemed like a pretty normal Karl but then he revealed that he is not only a Karl he is a Karl in the service of the LEGION!

    ...what on Earth is a Karl doing in the Legion? They supposed to all have fancy Latin names that just ooze weebness for ancient Rome. Poor Karl... the most pathetic of pathetic underdogs that just stay under forever. They even denied him a fancy Romeaboo name.
    Hoping for a reasonable discussion with a Legion representative I engaged him in discussion and he stinks from the other side of the Mojave. That can't be good.
    Back to business with the leader, Papa Khan I have conveyed the message from the cook and convinced Daddy with the promise of much explosives to let them join in. They will have to go through the initiation ritual though so not all of them will come out alive... well either a chance for a new, stable life or euthanasia through my Deathclaw-euthanizing fists...

    I wanted to just leave and not get involved further but the Karl sounds just too shady and disingenuous... I suggested Daddy to break the alliance because it won't end well for them, but he refused. Oh well... bummer. Will I have to punch them all to death too eventually?

    Right after stepping out Regis who have been sitting next to Daddy when I stepped out defied the laws of time and space to instantaneously move in front of me and start a discussion. He is also highly suspicious of the tragically latin name-less Karl but needs proof both for himself to be sure and in case of Karl's guilt being true, to convince Daddy.

    Soooo... First to get the no longer gangsters' plot complete a quick trip back to Vault 19.

    Since it was close I also went to talk with the girl who asked me to help get her shipment. She said that Karl told her she'll totally be some made up latin term in the Legion and female Legionnares are like the most badass amazons you can imagine... No wonder Karl never got a fancy latin name. He is so full of shit even the Legion hates him! XD
    I cleared up the misinformation and she agreed to speak up against the alliance.

    Back in Red Rock Canyon I went to talk with Jack and Diane. Diane is pretty much a businesswoman type and she basically keeps the Khans fed with the chem trade since Red Rock Canyon is so inhospitable, and Jack is pretty much a hippie from the olden days. He doesn't know much, he just picked up some basic chemistry when the Followers were teaching them.
    After explaining to Jack that his chem business is bad karma and he should at least balance it out with Stimpacs, and explaining the terrible fate his sweetheart would face under Legion control he agrees to speak up against the alliance. I should make sure to remember raising my Science to teach them more medicine recipes. No hard drugs though.

    ...and so remains Regis. He asked for proof. I can either make Karl blow his cover or find hard evidence in his possessions.

    On my way to the longhouse Legion Recruits ambush us... at this point their hits are a gentle breeze and they die from a gentle pat... All this sidetracking may make me a bit too powerful, but remembering the stuff the game throws at me it's better to be prepared I guess.

    First when making him lose his temper the quest bugged out. Then the second time when picking up the diary the quest bugged out again. The third time I again went with picking up the diary and presenting it to Daddy who promptly ordered for the unworthy to a latin name guy to have their bloodstream replaced with solid lead using their guns.
    Daddy then asked what do I think they should do, since they are screwed with both the NCR and the Legion as their enemies.
    Thinking back of the nomads of olden times like the Hungarians who eventually settled and transitioned into a culture based on agriculture from a nomadic warrior one, and the Vikings who were both raiders and farmers as long as raiding and skirmishing was a feasible income I suggested to seek their glory and homeland elsewhere, to build a new future over being chained by the past(Bitter Springs).

    Papa Khan announced that they are leaving the Mojave during the Battle of Hoover Dam....
    Uh oh... at the rate I'm progressing the plot they'll either starve to death or die of old age before the battle even happens... Weeeell Diane is also a good provider for this big family so I guess they'll manage.

    I also talked with Jerry the Punk. Old Mormon Fort is VERY far away in the story so his little side story will have to wait. There is also that quest from Diane about one of her runner on the Southeast being missing. Gonna look into that when being in the area.

    Back to the main plot I decided to explore more around the road from Nipton to Novac and ran into a pack of Deathclaws... took some deaths but we took em down... now both my Reinforced Metal Armor and Centurion Helmet is busted... why do I keep doing this to myself? The cave they were guarding is impossible for now. Too many to deal with at once.

    It's getting really long again so I'll stop for now. Next up is Novac.
    This part of the playthrough was so relaxing I don't even feel like yelling about my peak human condition... this level of chill may turn me into a hippie.

    submitted by /u/elixxon
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    Need ideas for a new run

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    I really want to hear some fun ideas for a build or path to play new vegas with. If the idea includes mods i still wanna hear (preferably with NMM or vortex no clue how to manually)

    submitted by /u/takenu-sername
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    Smug strut

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Mama Tried by Merle Haggard would’ve been a perfect song for the radio.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Whenever I listen to this song I think about this. It's a good song regardless of the game, but I think it would've fit in very well with other FNV radio songs. It's especially fitting for a Legion run (or any kind of "evil" build really).

    submitted by /u/p1nkbear
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    Hi, I need help with a build.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    I am quite new to New Vegas, and I want to create a build that is a mix of a mercenary and a hitman, would anyone know some proper skills I could use to make a build like this?

    submitted by /u/zincxDroid
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    Just took this pic (Remnants power armor and prototype Tesla cannon in hopeville)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    celebrated my chars new look by desecrating benny

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Places or ways to get gauss rifle?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Unique or otherwise

    submitted by /u/SkullCandyBoi
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    Share how you lads and ladesses handled the political side of the game. I sure had fun with it.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Everything is possible with console commands, right? Right!

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    I started a low level run on Dead Money the other week and by great fortune my pc screwed up it's registry. In short I was unable to access my profile.

    In the process of fixing this something went wahoonie-shaped and now my save files are gone...

    Am I correct in assuming that I'll be able to recreate my progress by smashing that tilde-button and hit those commands?

    Now if I'd just entered I'd have no issues replaying the whole thing but dammit - all I've got left to do is to handle the Fritzl-wannabe in the basement, then I was looking forward to roam the area at my leisure.

    It's it as simple as progressing quest stages or is there something else I'll need to have in mind?

    submitted by /u/Hughley_N_Dowd
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