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    Fallout: New Vegas | Dope screenshot I took in Primm

    Fallout: New Vegas | Dope screenshot I took in Primm

    Dope screenshot I took in Primm

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Strong Old World Blues vibe.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Always Ready for Duty ��

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I found punching things in Fallout New Vegas to be a truly satisfying and relaxing experience.(probably part 1)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    After the tension filled gameplay of my supposedly sniper, but has so many close to midrange backup guns it's basically an walking armory of firearms to every situation, where I was in sizeable danger whenever something got into melee or accurate firing range I decided to make an unarmed character yet again for fun.

    For purely RP purposes and to see how far can I get with it I made it into a CHAD OF CHADS 10 STR 10 END 10 INT 10 AGI character of PURE PEAK PERFORMANCE with a rule of NO Power Armor and NO Power or gun or whateverfists and NONE of those stupid ass wonky bladed gauntlet, animal limb atrocities that look dumb and can't even wear them on both hands.
    So I guess it's Spiked Knuckles and Love&Hate only.

    I did do the implants run real quick.

    I started playing, sucked to not have a weapon in Goodsprings because the devs had the GENIUS idea of giving me Boxing Gloves as a starter weapon, so temporarily went melee, found a sledgehammer under the safe Ringo was sleeping on, humiliated Ringo in Caravan, confronted the Powder Ganger siege and swinging my warhammersledgehammer I for a moment though I'm playing Skyrim and last time I got drunk so much I don't even remember ever getting drunk must have installed a bunch of weird mods into my Skyrim and switched the shortcut icons but the lack of bashing their skulls open with my own skull kill animations I have confirmed that this is indeed still New Vegas.
    Collected all the thanks, sold the loot to Chet who doesn't even sell Brass Knuckes, then went on my way.
    Got to Primm where for the lolz I set up an extra explosive trap with powder charges and landmines to take out two convicts, then the whole thing just detonated because the blast radius of the dynamite I used to bait them must have barely touched a pixel of one of the frag mines... oh well.
    In the Vikki & Vance I proceeded to grab a pair of Spiked Knuckles for the safes, sold all my trash to Johnson Nash who is a pure cancer Caravan Player and began my journey as a METAL AF post-apocalyptic brawler.

    Repaired ED-E from the trash I was carrying because I started hauling weapon repair kit materials just in case so I don't have the awareness to my surroundings of a blind man playing spinny bat(OK that's an overstatement, best robo-boi just gives you Spider-Sense so even 5 PER feels blind compared to it). Then headed to test my strength at the convicts who made the fatal mistake of life. And I guess standing between me and a guy a questmarker is pointing at.
    I entered from the back after just casually running up the rollercoarster to punch the snipers which was surprisingly easy to climb from a spot I assumed unclimbable, then breezed through the top floor. It felt weird. The creepy, pressuring ambience just didn't fit the casual nonchalantness I was ripping human beings to pieces. It was almost dealbreaker until I decided to switch on the radio.
    Then I proceeded to murder everything to jolly music from the radio.

    And so I realized that this is the true Fallout Unarmed experience. Listening to the good tunes of the radio OST(except Johnny Guitar. That shit just break any and all rhytms and moods. Fuck that song.) and nonchalantly punching heads off and making people SIT THE HELL DOWN with a bop. Also punching Giant Radscorpions to death. Also punching Giant Soldier Ants to death. Also punching Bloatflies to death. I realized that I really like to just punch things in this game. Saitama outfit mod when?!

    After that I guessed I'll restore law and order in Primm since it would have irritated my OCD about not leaving things half done if I didn't. Either everyone gets a happy end or everyone gets a happy end by not having to endure life anymore.
    So I went to the NCRCF and even grabbed a cosplay outfit for the occasion.
    The guy at the door saw through my INFALLIBE Superman disguise!!! I even had glasses!!! THIS MUST BE THE WORK OF AN ENEMY STAND!!!!
    Then went in and during the following scuffle Meyers either got hit by a stray bullet or stray punch. Eh... reload.
    Now I played smart and instead of approaching the wicked Stand User I opted for the one approach that would have resolved any and all issues of the JoJo lineage. Climbed the mountain to get a good angle, pulled the .22 silenced pistol I was hiding in my asshole for the sole purpose of cheesing annoyances like that with hollow point bullets at that and sniped the guy in the tower first, then the Stand User with the key. Not so much STANDO PAWAAAH against a supersonic piece of metal to the skull.
    This time the Dust Gangsters didn't turn hostile so I could talk to the ex-sheriff in that sexy sexy hat. He agreed to join if I get him an NCR pardon and made a silent leave.

    Then as retaliation for forcing me to cheese the game with a dumb mechanic I shedded my cunning disguise of a baseball cap, reading glasses and powder gang guard armor. For I was NOT the convict Klark Cent serving time for MULTIPLE instances Lollygagging, but THE FUCKING PEAK CHAD OF A MOTHERFUCKING MAILMAN WHO HOMERUNNED JOE COBB'S FUCKING HEAD CLEAN OFF WITH A FUCKING SLEDGEHAMMER!!!
    They were shocked. So shocked one of them just stood there frozen until I finished with the others in the room. Brain tissue and arms flying everywhere from the sheer blunt force of my fists and the penetrating power of my spiked knuckes... then his head exploded by my fist too. Chugged down some bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla(those things heal 50 HP each... thinking back it was pretty pointless to put all those points into Survival since I was carrying dozens of soft drinks already and ED-E is my mobile fridge now), and stepped out to the sunset. Bullets flew doing hardly anything for I had leather armor, trooper helmet, the toughness perk and 10 END of PURE CHAD. Few could endure a hit from my fist propelled by 10 STR of this FLAWLESS PEAK HUMAN BODY and with my 10 AGI I AM SPEED. The few who survived a hit with 1 hp and whatever got hit being crippled were quickly put out of their misery by the second punch.
    After clearing the prison cells I entered the office. Preparing for it to be a big fight I chugged some chems to test out what happens when I put this body molded from Herculean peak performance and Adonis' perfection past it's limits. Pretty underwhelming to be fair... Buffout can't buff me out, Psycho is pointless when everything already explodes, Rushing Water's effect runs out between punching two heads or torsos off and Med-X useless when you are already a NIGH INVULNERABLE GOD AMONG MEN. Atomic Cocktail is a helluva good drink tho. Wait it's not a chem.... right? It get's blurry when Nuka Cola closes wounds and mends bones. So the Dust Groupers met their bloody doom for crossing my path one too many times committing the crime of live. Or rather I gave them the happy ending the faster way by relieving them from the hard existence as a bandit in the friggin desert.

    By the way fuck Johnny Guitar. That song is cancer.

    Loading up with all the valuable loot I headed back to Goodsprings because I figured the loot must be too much sell in one place. It was just a bit much. Ringo was also walking on Trudy's counter for some reason. Must have tried to return to the Crimson Caravan and got a heatstroke in the scorching Mojave sun. Or listened to too much Johnny Guitar. I wonder if I was hallucinating at one point or it really did play thrice in a row...

    Wellthen... what was I doing again? Oh yes get a pardon.
    Headed to the Mojave outpost listening to the smoooth as babies voice of Mr New Vegas because too much Johnny Guitar forced me to change channels. The news are interesting. The man of BEYOND HUMAN charisma complimented my PEAK RELIABLENESS as a mailman for surviving a headshot from what I assume must have been an Anit-Material Rifle with AP rounds. What do you mean it was just Maria the 9mm pistol? Bruh... +P bullets at point blank from the Holy Mom of ya boi Jesus hurt so much. I'll make sure to grab it. Might be my one weakness after all.

    So then I ran into some convicts who sat down to have a sunbath after a bop in the head, following that came a Viper ambush that net me a neat Metal Armor. My PEAK HUMAN DURABILITY is getting closer and closer to ABSOLUTE IMPERVIOUSNESS.
    Following that I ran into an unfamiliar tent next to the gas station. I was like two dozen times in this road and I'm sure there was no such tent here.
    Surprise surprise it was some blond chick with a Hello Kitty mutated into a Nyan Cat necklace and some clearly modded outfit. Must have installed her at some point before taking a long break and forgot about it. I approve her cultured taste for those metal shoulder guards tho. Shoulderpads are great. An art and lifestyle only the most refined can understand and appreciate. Am I in SKYRIM???!!!
    Well I recruited her cuz why not, how unbalanced can she be in a game where Veronica and Boone exist? Turns out she is a mini-Boone with a rifle. And I dumped a cowboy repeater and caravan shotgun on her with plentiful ammo. Well as long as they let me punch things it's fine. Testing her out I headed to the mountains to punch giant radscorpions that were a HUGE danger and massive waste of ammo for my gunner character, but dies surprisingly fast to my punches. No matter what, any and all problems in the world are resolved by punching apparently.
    Then I spotted some ghouls and remembering the other wastes ammo residing there I headed over there to test my fists on the Reavers that effortlessly bitch slapped into critical condition my gunner in leather armor back then.
    They could not stand to my punches either. It was an exciting punchout but I have yet again emerged victorious. I acknowledge them as worthy opponents to this ABSOLUTE UNIT OF HERCULEAN STRENGTH that I am. After looting the shack I got radiation poisoning the yellow type just before the red. It's all right not much of a stat loss.

    Arriving to the outpost I sold the loot, humiliated the bartender in Caravan with my INT10 TACTICAL GENIUS, picked up quests because of "ask everyone what their problems in life are then achieving the happy end or putting them out of life" OCD, grabbed the pardon, punched ants on the way back to Primm because Ranger Jackson asked me nicely, gave the pardon the now ex-ex-Sheriff, Deputy Pro Spy lost his job because ex-ex-Sheriff is so dumb he can't comprehend the incredible use of this natural born spymaster urging me to give the town the "quick kind of happy end" but I was reassured that everyone else is happy with the new law in town so it's fine then.

    Oh I also leveled my Lockpicking to 50 so I did some backtracking to lv50 locks I remembered.
    Sometimes I prefer this kind of lockpicking system, sometimes it just pisses me off because it gates the game behind a damn skill level unlike Skyrim where high level locks are just really difficult to open that game's case was just unbalanced because there are waaay too many lockpicks available.

    Also did a detour to Sloan for a friendly fistfight with the rumored critters that just get angry when you shoot 'em. Well I punch 'em! Can't be that hard. Fixed an injury of a pet molerat there with a tip from a magazine, and engaging in talks with the locals I found a jolly adventurous cook who came to learn new recipes and were in need of Deathclaw eggs, then ran into the guy leading the mining operation to whom I offered to clear these things out whatever they are. I am PEAK HUMAN afterall.
    The youngling I ran into first was a worthy opponent.
    The adult I tried my PEAK HUMAN muscles at however proven to be too much. I was facing DIABLO HIMSELF!!! I just couldn't punch fast and hard enough but I was putting in serious dents.
    Fistfighting with an entire species of Diablo must be set aside for now. MY body is THE PEAK PERFECTION OF HUMAN ABILITY AND PERFORMANCE, but my skills need further sharpening. The headshot from the Holy Handgun made me rusty. My Leather Armor(the metal Armor is in poor condition) literally can't take their mighty slaps. I got naked before I died. Need something better. Also the trooper helmet is pretty crap too. Just as powerless against the mighty slaps of Diablo as against my PEAK HUMAN fists. But it is good. I see the direction I MUST improve towards.

    What was I doing again? Oh yes... Nipton. On the way there I decided to explore a bit more and went on the rail tracks from the NCRCF. Stumbled upon that prospector place with lots of loot, then in my infinite wisdom(yes, I am still peak human intelligence of INT10 but there is no WIS stat ingame) I went to have fistfights with centaurs and a supermutant in a fucking 6/s radiation area. I won but contracted severe radiation poisoning.
    Also I'm regretting picking Survival because I am constantly overencumbered from on top of my hauling OCD having to carry random shit I'm hoping I can cook meanwhile I DO NOT NEED food because Sunset Sarsaparilla and Nuka Cola is the literal health potion of Fallout NV. Give me a Wisdom stat already dammit.

    On the way to Nipton from the other direction this time.... you know the normal one from Mojave Outpost to Nipton I ran into a lovers' quarrel that ended up with the guy dead by the time I arrived then the girl suddenly turned hostile and attacked mid dialogue... according to the diary on the guy it appears to be yet another case of the "Fever of the Star" the inescapable Malcolm Holmes warned me about.
    Then ran into a jolly guy who just won the lottery. His pockets were clearly empty so I wondered if he got scammed or pranked.
    Then entered Nipton. The place is ruined and on fire. Went to investigate the nearest building where I found a very angry guy. Through civil discussion he revealed that the town got attacked by Legion, and he is in fact the second place winner of the lottery. His prize was his life and a pair of broken legs, the jolly guy who just ran out got his life and could even keep his intact, healthy legs. Anrgy boi then said I could help out his legs with Med-X.
    Now being the INT10 PEAK HUMAN GENIUS I am I intended to correct his wrong assumption on his medical needs and offer to fix his limbs with my 10 Doctor's Bags... but an unseen, incomprehensible cosmic force prevented me from doing so. And so I gave him the maximum amounts of Med-X that he was pretty happy about. He have also revealed the direction they took their slaves. Slavers...

    Me having the OCD for the "either talk it out or make them stop life" absolutes with everyone, approached the Nipton issue with walking up to Foxy and talking it out. I listened to his opinions and side of the story then concluded that "Your crimes are unforgivable." for indeed this is objectively just inhumane, anti-human in fact! Even my methods are "clean" and painless, the second punch putting them out of their misery faster than nerves can send pain signals. This parading about it, prolonging suffering and pretense of being on a moral highground is annoying to be in the presence of to the point of infuriating. I did intend to keep my calm and tell him my point of view, since this level of stupidity must be repaired with education and spreading of objective truth and sound logic and- he suddenly said "As are all crimes. If you feel strongly about it, attack us, and soon you won't feel a thing.", then turned his back to me and started walking away with his entourage. Conversation over.
    "Hoho.... are you urging me? Instead of engaging in civil discussion about the right time, place and method of euthanasia though PEAK HUMAN ONE-PUNCHING you are straight up ending conversation with taunting me?"
    So anyway I started punching. With the Blondie with a literally otherworldy fashion sense but a nice taste for shoulderpads and best robot boi it was a pretty cinematic shootout, two legionnares falling to my spiky fists, the rest dying to mini-Boone's aimbot Cowboy Repeater rapid fire and roboboi's lazors, I was facing "Fearless Vulpes" who I saved for last and he was... limping away with at least three crippled limbs trying to escape like a little bitch... fearless sure.

    Nah anyway decided to reload a save and tell mini-Boone and roboboi to wait outside of town. This task of euthanizing these brainwashed fools shall be undertaken by me alone. Maybe in this timeline Foxy will even manage to grow some balls.
    Seeing that five humans plus two dogs were heavily in MY favor I decided to minimize the loss in combat power they suffer from my combat commencing attack so I euthanized one of the dogs. Poor things... similarly brainwashed and raised into bloothisty beast being fed with human meat.
    The struggle was like from a page of epics! I showed them mercy and granted them even more seconds to reconsider the errors of their lives by taking the first hit. My Metal Armor mitigating the incoming machete attacks and gunshots, the rest of the damage being endured by my 10END OF PEAK HUMAN TENACITY. But time is up, it is my turn now and my fists answer in kind with no delay. As expected of decently armored and battle trained opponents I could not end them in casual bops, they needed three-four hits to fall. Punch followed punch, they may not die in one hit but they stand no chance against THE SHEER DPS OF THIS NATURAL RAPID PUNCHING MACHINE OF PEAK HUMAN PERFORMANCE. The fight became tricky because I intended to keep Vulpes for last for one final debate in the streets of the flaming ghost town before we clash our final, but his Ripper which ignores my Damage Threshold completely also emits a vile smoke that reduces my framerate greatly and can make the screen even freeze for moments. Trickery like this is really not doing good for your argument of being at a moral highground bro...
    After the final recruit have fallen I was facing my most recently obtained nemesis. Fearless Foxy stood in front of me, with Ripper in hand which may be beautiful, well oiled machine of peak performance created by human ingenuity, truly a testiment of the power that is the creation of man, but given his behavior in the last timeline I grew doubtful if the hand holding it is a worthy one, a human of good performance or merely a wonky hypocrite making up for his lack of humanity with a tool crafted by true honest human hands.
    And so I intended to cry out: "VULPES! Your reliance on slaves and oppression of your very humanity only leads to weakness and stagnation! BEHOLD this mountain of a PEAK HUMAN BODY! Behold the many wounds I took protecting my comrades with my own FORTIFIED WALL OF A BODY who in turn protected me! TODAY I SHALL DEMONSTRATE THE POWER OF HUMANITY, THE POWER OF TRUE BONDS BETWEEN HUMANS! FACE ME AND BEHOLD THE TRUTH!!!", but before I could begin my monologue he suddenly put away his weapon that was actually damaging my PEAK BODY, pulled a gun, and with rapid backpedaling he started shooting....
    This un-brave behavior is not helping your case Foxy!!!
    So I caught up to him filled with bulletholes and with a single punch I broke his gun(actually happened. TIL you can destroy weapons with melee hits)! Now is the time he'll face- aaaaaand he is booking it to the neared Recruit's corpse to grab a gun... he is shooting again... I'm tired. Tired and very very disappointed. At this rate I won't ever have a true nemesis aside the species of Diablo that can boast the feat of outpunching me... I lazily chugged down a bunch of Sunset Sarsaparillas and walk up to him, giving him the final bops. Backpedaled like a bitch to the very last second. ALERIO YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!!!

    Went back to grab Blondie and Roboboi then proceeded to loot the corpses and unlike certain barbarians out there I did not commit such terrible acts as displaying their corpses. I gave them cremation with the nearby fires.
    Investigating the ruins of the town my suspicions were proven true. Although they did pick clean two floors of the town hall, they left the major's office floor intact just as the homes. They are so terrified of the idea that their soldiers would develop common sense they don't dare to let soldies into confined spaces of high density of civilization.
    Ah well more junk for me.

    Well then that's it for now. I'm guessing my next direction will be following the trail they driven the slaves towards. I also neglected some exploration too in the area between the Mojave outpost and Nipton.

    Will I finally meet another match? Will I gain a TRUE NEMESIS? Will the species of Diablo remain my one, forever nemesis and murder buddy? Find out in the next part whenever I get to playing and writing about it!

    submitted by /u/elixxon
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    Special delivery

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    My take on the veteran ranger armor. 3d printed and painted with my Texas flair.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    When you side with Yes man

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Independent New Vegas Forever!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Will Rex go hostile if I kill the King?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Exactly what it says on the tin. I need to eat him for Meat of Champions, but it'd really hurt to have to put Rex down. He doesn't mind me eating people, and that's rare in companions.

    submitted by /u/TzarRazim
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    Anyone notice Fallout New Vegas quests are named after songs?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I was listening to a Fallout New Vegas playlist on Spotify and I noticed all these songs are Quests in New Vegas.

    Sorry if i'm late to this party.

    submitted by /u/Abtorias
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    Is there a bug on Quartermaster Mayes? No fame bug

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Hi. I've been trying to get NCR fame by pickpocketing dogtags and surrendering it to Mayes. But he is not giving me fame. How to fix this?

    submitted by /u/ron_gtp
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    Project Nevada question

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I want to know exactly what "razor nails" does. It's an implant in project Nevada that says it adds 25/40/55/70 (depending on how much you upgrade it) percent crit chance and damage to unarmed attacks. What I don't understand is what that exactly means. Does it multiply the final crit chance with all modifiers * 1.7 like ninja in the base game? Does it add 70% crit chance flat like light touch? Does it add 70% to your base crit chance? I tested it and from what I can see it seems to add 70% crit chance flat however with that

    +light touch (5% with light armor)

    +FIXED ninja (a mod that makes ninja add 15% instead of multiply by 1.15)

    +5% from luck 5

    +5% from finesse

    that adds up to 100%. However I still occasionally didn't crit. I was using fist of rawr for reference which means I should have actually had 110% crit chance (since the 10% from luck + finesse would get multiplied by 2). I'm not exactly sure what the implant does anymore

    Also on my legit save, it seems to do nothing. Literally nothing. I don't feel my crit chance budging

    submitted by /u/initiald-ejavu
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    Cheats on Ps3 ?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Hey im playing fnv on ps3 and i was wondering if the ps3 edition got any Cheats the game is a little bit to difficult.Somthing like Infinite Ammo or good weapons

    submitted by /u/Saschakiin
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    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    I like she's embrace. It's pretty nice

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Do mixed reputations make a faction hostile?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Hi. I have been playing for a week and so far I am loving it. I decided to do side quests first so that I can maximize my playthrough in a way. Which brings to my question: do mixed reputations (i.e. neutral, unpredictable, wild child) cause hostility from the faction? Thank for the answer.

    submitted by /u/ron_gtp
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    My newest character: Django, a courier/bounty hunter whose wife and friends were killed by Caesar's Legion. Now, his only goal is revenge, and he's willing to achieve it by any means necessary.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Old world blues ending [Spoilers]

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    In the wiki it says that if you do three of the four persnoal quests for the think tank barins, you can get an ending without violence, and i did three of them. But is seems like i cannot convince them for some reason, is that a bug or is it supposed to be like this ?

    submitted by /u/kh_tum
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    Fallout New Vegas Fan Song

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Ok so this is a weird one
    About 4 years ago, I heard a song that kind of went like this
    *And it was on this lonesome road that the ranger-*
    and it had a light acoustic guitar playing as well
    There are many, many songs like this, and google searching has helped nothing
    The only thing that i can think of, is those old story teller fallout videos, and how sometimes they would have songs in the beginning or end,
    Anything, a wild guess, or something so far fetched it doesn't even make sense, helps

    submitted by /u/throwawaybruh123123
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