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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Fallout | Imagine a Fallout game with Fo3's atmosphere, FNV's RPG elements and replayability and Fo4's gunplay. Set in New Orleans obviously.

    Fallout | Imagine a Fallout game with Fo3's atmosphere, FNV's RPG elements and replayability and Fo4's gunplay. Set in New Orleans obviously.

    Imagine a Fallout game with Fo3's atmosphere, FNV's RPG elements and replayability and Fo4's gunplay. Set in New Orleans obviously.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Would make me lose hours of my life lol

    Edit: The main story would be like Apocalypse Now/Heart Of Darkness traveling far upriver to capture or kill a crazy cult leader. The farther north you go the more dangerous and unpredictable the environment gets.

    submitted by /u/HalfwayIllumined
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    Fallout 4 Survival Mode...Why did I wait so long to try this?!?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Since I've been quarantined to my house I decided to return to Fallout 4. Now let me apologize right off the bat cause a few weeks ago I made a post saying that the game is 'empty and bland' if you don't use the settlement system. Based on the feedback I received I decided to check out survival mode and holy shit!!!

    I've played 12 hours in the last two days. It's so damn addicting, especially when you throw mods in with it. I love having to plan for each journey and be tactical in combat. Building settlements is a must and feels very rewarding. The combat is intense and actually makes me nervous (you can only save when you sleep in a bed). Compare this to normal difficulty where I'm equivalent to Rambo and bullets bounce off me. It's easy and not near as fulfilling when you take down a group of enemies. Plus when I finally reached Diamond City it truly felt like a safe haven and I didn't wanna leave cause the wasteland was so damn brutal lol.

    Oh yeah, I actually craft stuff now since food and drink is a requirement, and even rent hotel rooms to sleep in when I go to settlements - all things I never or rarely did in other playthroughs.

    What I'm saying is Survival mode turns Fallout into a completely different game and is fucking FUN. I almost wish this was the only option so more people would experience it. Since we all have a lot more time on our hands I seriously recommend you guys try this mode out if you haven't. Its made me fall in love with the franchise all over again.

    submitted by /u/TheCasualRebel
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    Was Whiskey Snakes Jr Robert House's beloved cat?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I'm replaying Fallout New Vegas and I've just had a thought. I've always gone and grabbed the Goodspring's Snow Globe up at the graveyard without ever thinking about why it was there and why it was on that grave in particular. It could of just been a bauble some wastelander used to adorn the grave of their friend/relative. But what if there's a bit more story behind it. Most of this is just conjecture but it's a theory I'm fond of just because it adds a bit more character to House (not to say he isn't already brimming with personality). Most of this information is off the dome, so if any of it is wrong feel free to shout obscenities at me.

    House is very fond of snow globes, so fond in fact he's willing to pay 2000 caps for every snow globe. While that isn't as much in New Vegas as it is in other Fallout games thanks to the ridiculous amount of money you can make throughout the game via quests, gambling and bartering, it's still a lot of money for a snow globe. House is a very pragmatic entity, while he's definitely egotistical, he believes everything should have a use. His interest in snow globes transcends that philosophy. While he's certainly one of, if not the wealthiest individual in New Vegas, 2000 caps for a pre-war bauble is still a lot of capital to expend for a hobby. If we want to get really deep, House might feel a connection with these snow globes, because in a way they represent him. A man, trapped in time, in his sealed off casino, which is one possible reason he's willing to pay so much for them. All of this to establish that House loves his snow globes. Well, why doesn't he have any. How did he develop this fondness for snow globes when you're holding the first one he's seen in centuries. Maybe he had a few before the war, but where did they go? Well I'm going to suggest (and here's the conjecture) that he had one snow globe in his possession when the bombs dropped. A snow globe of a town south of Las Vegas called Goodsprings.

    So assuming House had at least one snow globe in his collection, and that that snow globe was the Goodsprings snow globe we the player will later find in the Goodspring's graveyard, what does that have to do with anything. Be warned, more conjecture coming in. Have you ever met a cat person? I'm not talking about a Simpsons-esque "crazy cat lady" but just a regular, cat person. Someone, who when given the choice between a dog and cat, you know they'd pick a cat. Well, House strikes me as that kind of person. While some might argue that House would prefer a dog, because one of the traits he most highly values is loyalty, I'd argue that the pragmatic, egotistical and ever ambitious Robert House preferred cats and here's why. Through some hasty online research and the gathering of information from a number (2) of unreliable sources, typically cat people have the following personality traits: cat people are loners, unconventional thinkers and more prone to worry. While we don't have too much information about House before the war, we can assume he wasn't much less reclusive than he is post-war. He allows the courier to pass into the Lucky 38 due to their being in possession of the Platinum Chip; subsequently the courier can bring a gaggle of followers into the Lucky 38 as well. House keeps his interactions with the courier curt and professional and there's no known interactions with any of the courier's followers. I believe House could safely be called a loner, or independent if you'd rather. House is also an unconventional thinker, he flies in the face of what the NCR and Legion are attempting to accomplish, by rejecting old world ideologies of war and expansion and instead focusing on the march of technology. While House doesn't appear to be prone to worry, he has his concerns. He vehemently derides the disloyal, which could be read into as him being concerned about betrayal. He also keeps his distance from literally everybody except for the courier, the one person he perceives as loyal, though even then he maintains armed securitrons in his top floor penthouse that nobody could ever reach besides the courier. This is likely due to past events with his family, i.e being orphaned and cheated out of his portion of the will by his half-brother. These personality traits, in my humble opinion, go some of the way to proving House is a cat person. Without anything remotely concrete to back it up, I'll also add that House gives me "cat person vibes" when I speak to him.

    Cats are also independent creatures. House is a busy man, between planning decades of development towards an eventual space program for New Vegas, running affairs in New Vegas and fending off would be invaders from New Vegas, he doesn't have a lot of spare time. Pre-war, he was similarly busy, with preparing Las Vegas to withstand a nuclear attack and running his business. House would likely prefer a more independent pet. Cats are also standoffish which I believe House could identify with.

    Would House own any pet? Well he wasn't a stranger to "companionship" as we know he spent some time dating a Hollywood starlet (though he was scanning her brain). House wasn't too keen on human interaction. Most humans are however naturally social creatures. House was eccentric and believed himself to be on another level compared to everyone else. However, with a few exceptions, everyone gets lonely. I believe House would of found companionship in a pet. I believe that pet would have been a cat.

    So if we now assume House had a pet cat, that he cared for as it was his only true companion. What is the timeline. House mentions in New Vegas that cats are extinct. We can assume he says this because there are no cats around New Vegas or indeed the Mojave Wasteland that he can find. We can extrapolate a few things from this: first of all, House had his cat before the war; second, House took an interest in the availability of cats at some point after the war. We know that a few short years after the bombs dropped, House fell into a long coma stretching from about 2082 (five years after the nukes fell) to 2138. New Vegas takes place during the year 2281. House awakened from his coma shortly before the NCR marched into the Mojave, he scrambled to prepare himself for their arrival, rolling out securitrons and recruiting tribals (who would become The Three Families) to become a part of New Vegas' defense. Since he awoke, House has had his hands full with the countless factions vying for control of the Mojave, from the NCR, to the BoS, the Legion not to mention he's had to gather intel from around the Wasteland. In this process, he may have accidentally discovered that cats were extinct, but as an intellectual man, I believe House wouldn't make such a careless statement based on that, making careless assumptions is my job after all. So I believe that House must have, during everything else, purposefully found that cats had gone extinct. I believe this is because House's cat had met its end resting peacefully waiting for its master to wake up from their coma. When House awoke, he not only found the world in shambles, but the dusty remains of his beloved cat. To summarise, House had a cat from before the war and due to the cruel machinations of time, that cat died in the years following House's coma.

    Buckle up because the entirety of this next part is plain storytelling, nothing to back it up.

    House must have had a strong bond with that cat, as he didn't share many bonds with any other living creatures. When he woke to find it dead, in a very rare turn of events, he became upset. House had so few things that he genuinely cared about: Vegas, his hometown; snowglobes, his hobby; and Whiskey Snake Jr, his cat. He decided to forgo all but his dedication to his hometown. He isn't the type to let himself get upset by things. While he was sending out securitrons to monitor the Mojave and to recruit the tribals, he sent one carrying two things, the remains of his cat and his Goodsprings snow globe. The securitron eventually made its way to Goodsprings, where it buried the cat in the graveyard and placed upon it a snow globe. He kept the securitron at Goodsprings, despite it being nothing more than a quiet podunk country town. It occasionally takes walks up to the graveyards. It calls itself Victor.

    *EDIT* It occurs to me that I didn't detail why House would start collecting snow globes again. Perhaps being so close to a stable future (with the help of the courier and the Platinum Chip) and a sense of nostalgia he began to find some room in his heart for his once treasured snow globes.

    *EDIT x2* It also occurs to me that this took me over an hour to write and is almost 1500 words of pure conjecture, sorry about that if you read the whole thing, that's time you simply can't get back.

    submitted by /u/Woodcuttering
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    Should I get Fallout:NV or Fallout 3?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I've been doing a ton of research about which I should get and I still can't completely tell. I'm leaning towards NV. The only FO game I've played is Fallout 4 and it's FarHarbor DLC. I'd ultimately like to get both one day but assuming I'll never get both, which should I delve into? Thanks Reddit fam! Cheers🍻🍻🍻

    submitted by /u/JackAttack727
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    Tunnel Snakes build?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    I'm replaying fallout 3 again after years of not playing it I want to roleplay a tunnel snake character so what points should I point my special stats in and which tags do I take as well is there any specific why to roleplay in fallout 3 to make immersive without mods (Playing on Xbox 360).

    submitted by /u/SlurpeeScientist
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    9 and 1/2 years later, one Courier finally reaches the end of his lonesome road.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Been a long time coming. In the small town in which I lived back in 2010, I was one of a just a handful who came to get our copies of Fallout: New Vegas from the local Gamestop during the midnight release. I had college midterms that week and my only chance to play it was that night, so I pulled an all-nighter, with only a pony keg of beer and a large quantity of Monster left over from my friend's birthday party Jager-bombs for supplies. Felt like absolute garbage the next day, but it was worth it; I got more than six hours of sweet playtime in before going to school in a state of gut-churning delirium.

    That playthrough however would never be finished. I can't remember exactly where I fell off the wagon, only that I did fire up the Xbox 360 long after I had given up on it to try to get the momentum going again, and failed. I know I must have been close to the max Vanillla level, and reasonably far along in the main quest (failing the other faction questlines and such) Had probably done at least 75% The next serious attempt came a few years later, when I was able to borrow a friends GOTY (or Ultimate, can't remember what they called it), also for Xbox 360 and try it again, but with the higher level cap and DLC additions. This time, I was somewhat more methodical, remembering what I'd done and how I wanted to do it right, and then going so far as to venture into Zion, completing Honest Hearts, and then entering Lonesome Road next. Though I was in my mid-twenties levelwise, I found LR to be challenging and a little confusing. I didn't actually realize I could leave it at any time and come back, and I lost interest again. That's where the second attempt failed.

    A friend of mine stayed with me when he was between he was between places, and he used my old copy to do an all-Legion vanilla playthrough. I saw most of this, and it triggered my interest again. Even so, it would be years later until I finally felt the lure of New Vegas tugging at my soul again, and found a nice discount on Steam. So I downloaded the game, and started for the 3rd time. This time I vowed to do something different; rather than the traditional "stealth sniper" model of combat, I would go all-out melee. I min-maxed hard, as I usually do, planning around my eventual stats with my ideal gear loadout and the fact that I would eventually have all skills maxed. Had to take a 1 in Charisma, but it really had no noticeable effect on the game, especially since I pushed Speech high fairly early. Ended up with 10's in Strength and Luck, a 2 in Charisma, and 9's in every other SPECIAL stat.

    I looked up quite a few things beforehand, aiming for ideal outcomes. This is what led me to misinterpret a key detail regarding the NCR/Legion infamy resetting during the main quest, and so rather than avoiding confronting Benny during the conclusion of "Ring-a-ding-ding!", I actually did not enter the Strip at all until after I was Level 50, having concluded Lonesome Road (which made swapping companions a giant pain in the ass). I had decided to nuke both NCR and Legion at the end of Lonesome Road, and not because I planned to finish on the Independent questline. No, it's because I played the most OCD looting obsessed scavenger you can imagine. Wish I could say it was "role-playing" but truth be told, I just couldn't stop myself.

    Two things about that: firstly, I wouldn't make the choice of nuking the two factions again. Honestly, regardless of who I planned on siding with, I wouldn't bother nuking either. I don't consider the Scorched Sierra Power Armor useful, especially compared to the Remnants or Gannon armor, and the Armor of the 87th Tribe looks kind of cool, but it's a pretty poor weight/DT ratio and the only time I bothered equipping it was during one of my many fights against Legate Lanius, as a joke (wearing the Marked Beast Helmet and wielding the Blade of the West. I know, I know, very original…) Also, neither of the unique Grenade Rifles are that interesting. By the time I obtained them, I had Red Glare, Annabelle, and a Fat Man and a stupid amount of ammo for those weapons, so the 40mm grenades just felt beside the point. Secondly, damn did I over prepare. For pretty much everything. Playing mostly melee until all my other weapon skills caught up, I hoarded tons of late-game weapon ammo and I just never had the chance to use much of it. Not mention hundreds if not thousands of healing items. Oh, and money? When the Securitron did my credit check to see if I had 2K caps and could enter the strip, I was just shy of 1 Million. I had closer to 1.2 Million by the time I actually tried gambling in any casino (other than the Sierra Madre), I had a ton of Pre-War money, a large reserve of both Legion and NCR money, and I stole all 37 gold bars from the Sierra Madre vault and didn't sell 1 of them. I spent way too much time hoarding, and despite playing on Hardcore there was only a couple of times where I ever felt like I was suffering for it or needed to actually change my actions due to food, hydration, or sleep. When I did the Arizona Killer quest, I thought there was going to be a huge number of NCR troopers and Rangers present. I just reverse pick-pocketed the C4 I'd been hoarding onto everyone present, left about 5 blocks on the stage, and then, just to be a dick, sat on the observation platform using a Stealthboy and waited for Kimball to finish his speech before shooting him in the head with an exploding .50 MG round. Immediately after, I pushed the detonator and there was literally no one left on top of the dam.

    I didn't enter Zion until I was around level 30, having already completed 80-90% of the sidequests. After I finished HH, I spent some more time wrapping up in the Mojave, then I did OWB. After that, I finished literally every remaining quest in the Mojave I knew of except the ones that would anger the Legion. Then I did DM, and then I completed the remaining side-quests, becoming an enemy of the Legion, including taking Boone on a nice little trip to wipe out Cottonwood Cove. Finally, I completed LR, let the nukes fly, but saved Ulysses for reasons I'm still not sure about. Happened to get the NCR Courier Duster, which I was happy about; that extra carry weight is actually pretty useful and I wouldn't have bothered wearing any of the other ones based on their stats.

    From that point, it was all fairly straightforward. Although since I had several hundred hours invested and this felt like the most complete playthrough I'd ever do, I saved a couple of key "point of no return" moments. On this same file, I finished all 4 main questlines. Started with the Legion, because I had to destroy the Securitrons in the Fort for them alone, and their quests contradict everyone else's. Then I did Mr. House, because both NCR and Independent require him to die to move forward after a point. NCR was 3rd, and then finally, Independent. For the first 3, though I did complete all companion quests (except "For Auld Lang Syne" during the Legion one), I did kind of a rush job. Then, I really took my time with the final playthrough, because the Independent ending was the one I'd really wanted all along. Took some companions on a nice vacation, like taking Veronica to watch as I got kicked out of every casino, or when I gave Boone my CZ37 Avenger and I took my Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun and we went to Visit Caesar like the hammer of justice. But tonight, I finally did it, and I finished my ultimate playthrough, which despite ending 4 times, didn't feel over until the last one.

    Despite playing on PC this time, I didn't use mods. I wanted the experience. And I have to say, holy fuck does this game still crash way too much. It's really kind of unbearable at times. I love New Vegas overall, but goddamn it's buggy. We all know it, just had to get that off my chest. I do think it's interesting how there's really no "totally good" ending. All the major factions have their appeal, and their drawbacks. Obviously, the Legion is worse than most. But they're inarguably effective, and my understanding is that cut content was supposed to expand upon what is only hinted at in-game, which is that life is actually pretty good for everyone in Legion territory who isn't one of their slaves. The NCR dedicates itself to noble ideals but is bogged down by a corrupt bureaucracy and oligarchy, and plenty of folks in the Mojave aren't asking for their kind of help. They're also an imperialist power overreaching, so there's that. Mr. House himself is an interesting case; while his vision would undeniably be of benefit to mankind, he's not remotely interested in improving the lives of anyone who he doesn't employ and thus most of the people just fall by the wayside. He'll more or less ignore suffering and chaos unless he sees a profit in stopping it. The Independent ending of course puts you in charge, but it doesn't give you much opportunity to decide what that means, which I found to be disappointing. The Ending slides indicate that really, not much changes aside from the retreat of the 2 foreign powers.

    Although it's never been announced that any ending is Fallout canon, I have to believe that the Independent ending is meant to be such. Neither the NCR nor Legion could really be allowed to win and control Hoover Dam; the entire political landscape would have been thrown too far out of whack. Despite the fact that it's been over 2 centuries since the great war, the Fallout series basically can't move past the "Post-Nuclear" world, and having one giant regional power control close to a quarter of the continental US would upset that too much. Similarly, with House's plan to reignite the high technology sectors and send colony ships to new planets, the game world of Fallout would end. Fallout needs a lawless wasteland as the backdrop, and the only ending that doesn't upset that delicate balance is the death of Mr. House, the retreat of the NCR, and the defeat of the Legion. There's also the fact that Wild Card is the one main questline that can't be failed by interacting with another faction, and is only no longer able to be completed once you've begun another faction's endgame quest.

    Knowing that New Vegas is largely based on the canceled, original Fallout 3 makes a lot of sense. Though I entered the series with Bethesda's Fallout 3, I have read a lot of the lore and this game feels much more like a continuation of the story set up then. Even though The Courier is far removed from The Vault Dweller and The Chosen One (though maybe not as far removed as we think, given the extent of his prior travels), the story of the NCR, the Brotherhood, and the Enclave all feel much more connected to the events of the Mojave than they do the Capital Wasteland, despite the Brotherhood and Enclave's more central roles in that story. New Vegas has the direct consequences of the past protagonists' actions shaping the world, like the NCR's transition from a tiny town, to a sprawling Republic, to a militaristic empire that is now sinking under the weight of its own overreach and inefficiency. Whereas 3 had just echoes of the past stories and one or two direct cameos like Harold. I almost now think of New Vegas as "Fallout 3" and Fallout 3 as "Fallout Bicentennial"; the spin-off that created a new-branching storyline to which Fallout 4 is obviously a direct sequel.

    That brings me to where I wish this game had done better. I know, they suffered from a significant amount of budgetary and time issues. I know there was going to be more to the game than what made the final cut. And they did a pretty incredible job with what they had. The reusing of resources from F03 works pretty well and the game is fun, the character writing is great, I love the humor, the companions are mostly cool. What I wish is that the choices you make in quests had a bit more noticeable impact on the world, aside from random dialogue or radio announcements. I know there's an in-game reason for why killing Caesar won't affect the upcoming battle for the dam. But really, going to The Fort and killing him shouldn't feel like an empty gesture. Both Legion and NCR tell you the Legion is better at taking positions than holding them; why the hell did the NCR never assault Caesar's camp? I did it with one other dude and Sputnik. And then you can't even free the 2 slaves that are there once Caesar and all the Legionaries are dead. Why wouldn't the NCR send some rangers to go hold that hill and rain hell on the Legionaries in the camps below? They send a force to occupy Nelson after you retake it, this seems like a higher priority.

    It's also weird to me how little of a role the Super Mutants played in this game, coming here from Fallout 3. You've got the quest in Black Mountain, one or two in Jacobstown, and then like 2 other random encounters with Nightkin in Novac and the Repconn testing facility. And that's literally it. After proving myself a friend to Jacobstown, I think it's odd that you can't ask the mutants to help out during the battle, or at least defend Vegas or something since the NCR and Legion probably would wipe them out if they seized power. This would especially make sense during the Independent Route, establishing Vegas as a haven for all. In general, I think if you're going to decide to seize power for yourself you should have been given more of a chance to decide what that means and what you do with it. I would have really liked to see more options regarding the Brotherhood and the Followers and shaping how they're going to fit in to Vegas society, post Hoover Dam. Mr. House was also taking cuts from the Three Families and using them fund his operations. I would have liked the chance to start running some of those operations. Hell, for any faction it would have been cool to get to spend some of my stupid amount of money late-game on improving their equipment, defenses, etc. There's also quite a few quests that I wish had had alternate methods of resolution that would make sense. For example, why can't you sabotage the Legion's Howitzer in I Hear You Knocking or why can't you take over the bottle cap press for yourself and just lie to Alice McLafferty in Pressing Matters?

    Additionally, when one is working for either the NCR or the Legion, it's irksome that you don't actually get to join those factions. Would have been cool to go from Recruit Legionary through Centurion and then become a Legatus yourself. Caesar could have at least formally made you Frumentarius, since that's what you basically become. NCR could have made you a Colonel by the time the battle begins for all the shit you did for them.

    Regarding the DLC, and I know this is again due to budgetary reasons, I didn't like how what you can do in one DLC can't affect/be referenced in the others or the main game. I also wish you'd been able to go a little deeper on the connection between them, for example talking to Elijah more about Big MT or Graham about Ulysses. Or Christine about Ulysses. I found Elijah to be somewhat a disappointment in general, after him being hyped up by the Mojave BoS, Veronica, and the Think Tank. He's just kind of a crazy dick.

    Honest Hearts was enjoyable but it would have been better if you could get deeper into it with Graham. Plus he would have been a phenomenal companion to bring back to the Mojave; I think he might actually be my favorite character in the game. My favorite part in it was uncovering the story of The Survivalist. Wish finding all entries plus his corpse and belongings could have given you some dialogue options with the Sorrows, maybe even teaching one to be his successor or something. And the Desert Ranger armor was awesome, I wore it until I got the Elite Riot Gear in LR.

    Old World Blues was just really solid: had a fun, weird story. Just wish it had an actual impact after you return to the Mojave and the Endgame. I mean, the Courier controlling, Vegas, Hoover Dam, AND the research and production of Big MT? Some shit's going down. Where's MY army of robot-scorpions to supplement my army of Securitrons? Only downside is the unique weapons are trash; the only cool thing was the Stealth Suit once it's fully upgraded.

    Dead Money was my least favorite DLC of all. First, the cloud was just annoying, and made it hard to enjoy the one time I lost all my shit and was forced to just play with the newly acquired equipment. Second, the Villa portion vs the actual casino portion is way too long, and I had much higher expectations for the interior of the casino. Third, while the characters were pretty interesting (besides Elijah), I couldn't believe how there's no resolution regarding Dean being the one who fucked over Christine and cut her vocal chords. Also, how'd he pull that off? She's a BoS assassin, for fuck's sake. Fourth, letting go my ass. My gold. MINE. Fifth, once you're back in the Mojave, the presence of that vending machine plus the constant dump of chips is basically game-breaking. Not that I needed it by then, I'd pretty much broken the game by being a pointless millionaire hoarder.

    Lonesome Road was cool overall. Dragged on a little longer than it needed to in some places. Ulysses, while certainly interesting, rambled a little too much and a little too metaphorically without actually saying much. Love the unique weapons from this one, love the unique armor. My one big issue is that I still barely understand the backstory of the courier after all that. Really wish they had gone into more detail, or that there had been a survivor from the community you helped build who could have filled you in more. Feels like you never actually encounter that community at all, since all the buildings are prewar and all the notes are either prewar or from the recent NCR expeditionary force. If I had to do it again, I'd just stop the nukes since I'd rather have the peace of mind and become idolized with the BoS than anything you actually get from Dry Wells or the Long 15. Also, though it killed me to do it at the time, I left ED-E so I could get the perk. But the more I thought about it, letting him die there actually seems less cruel than letting him try to continue to Navarro and discover what happened to it. Would have been cool if it turned out Arcade was actually the boy in the recordings though.

    All in all, I'm glad I've finally seen the end of my own lonesome road. And now I'm going to uninstall Fallout New Vegas. But, since we are in the midst of a quarantine, guess I'll fire up Fallout 4...

    submitted by /u/RagnarDethkokk
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    Where can I find danse after he's dismissed by Elder Maxson

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Ok so after I met the crew of the predwyn . I talked to elder Maxson who dismissed danse and now I can't find him

    Any ideas.

    I tried Google and no luck

    Edit - I should also note that I had danse with me while I was meeting the crew

    submitted by /u/BladeWolf26
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    Underground shelter construction companies already exist

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Played F3 for the first time. Now what?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    I recently just played through F3 for the first time. I was a little taken aback when it took me back to the title screen and i couldn't continue my adventures in the capital wasteland. I have played NV and F4 and I'm getting F1&F2 at some point in the near future. Im just wondering what else there is to do now that I've done my runthrough.

    submitted by /u/SuperiorPlaty47
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    Can someone please create a mod where bottlecaps are replace with toilet paper?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    Fallout 4 Workshop framework causes the game to never load.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    So I want to use both sim settlements and sim settlements conquerer, but in order to do that you need the workshop framework mod in order for both mods to work. However, whenever I enable the WF mod on vortex, the game allows me to use the initial main menu, but then after you hit new game it sits at a screen with the small green loading icon on the lower right side of the screen. It never loads after that. It doesn't cause the game to crash, but it's clear that it doesn't work. Can somebody help me please?

    submitted by /u/Dailey1234
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    I feel like people don’t give fallout 3 enough credit

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Galaxy news radio is the best station in fallout, period.

    The atmosphere is unmatched. As testament to this I find myself often switching off the radio despite how good it is just to be fully immersed in some sections, like the museum of tech.

    The towns are incredibly memorable. Much more so than its often compared cousin, new vegas. I think this is in account of how a lot of them are based around a gimmick. Like how little lamplight is made up entirely of kids and how megaton is built around a bomb.

    The exploration is is very rewarding. There's so much interesting stuff to find. Skill books, bobbleheads, uniques, behemoths, even talking power armor for god sakes.

    submitted by /u/cumgangster69
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    Fallout New Vegas crashing A LOT.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    So I play Fallout NV on an Xbox One X and it seems like every time a loading screen happens it's a 1 in 5 chance the game will crash. I know the game is known for crashing but this much? Is this just the game being the game or is it on my end?

    submitted by /u/memeboi48
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    An idea for Bethesda

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    They could take all the assets from 3, NV, 4 and 76 and come out with four new games based not on an atomic holocaust but on a global pandemic.

    They would have to write new story lines, make the cities look abandoned instead of blasted, and replace rads with virus storms. But when they were done, oh my, we would fight over copies of those games like they were the last roll of toilet paper at Walmart.

    submitted by /u/kapool67
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    I got a question about power armor in fallout 2.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    So, I got the Enclave Power armor, and I also got the T51 from Matt in San Fransico. Is there any other set of power armor?

    Also, I saw an image of someone without a helmet on their power armor, can I do that to my character?

    submitted by /u/OurSaviorNegan
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    A new radroach breed

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    So my friend was playing fallout 4 and he found 2 Queen Radroaches near the sential site. The conditions were he had a few mods on ( No creature mods )and he was lvl 57. The roach he found was tall as a deathclaw and long as a hermit crab. It could take 4 mininukes and 2 minutes with a fully upgraded Aternos( Never ending gattling lazer). I have seen 2 maybe 3 other people talking about it on different sites and there talks about were the same ( tanky and 2 of them ) but with different mods ( They didn't have any creature mods aswell ) and one was lvl 45 and the other was lvl 80. My friend has 2 pictures of a Q radroach ( send a message to Dash N Dunk1 on Xbox if you want me to send them to you )

    submitted by /u/Dash_N_Dunk1
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    What is Paladin Danse's ethnicity?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    I dont mean synth or human I mean like is he white, Mexican or what? Got into an argument about it and I want to know what everyone else thinks.

    submitted by /u/Specimen_247
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    Imaging if we also got Sierra Petrovita as a companion as well?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    In Nuka World, we meet Sierra from FO3 again. This time, she's looking to uncover all the secrets the park has to offer and if we help her, we get access to some neat weapons or a jumpsuit from Sierra...but what if after that main quest line was finished, we also got Sierra as a companion?

    I'd imagine that she has finally had her fill of the park, what with it being filled with raiders and violence(a wonder she wasn't killed right away) she's curious about what she can do with Nuka Cola aside from weaponizing it, she decides to become the greatest wasteland Nuka Chef there is(her words)and accompanies you.

    Loves: Cooking and drinking Nuka Cola

    Likes: Helping settlements, harvesting meat from animals, and building water purifiers and cooking stations

    Dislikes: Chem usage, drinking alcohol, eating raw meat, cannibalism, helping the Nuka World raiders, and stealing

    Hates: Helping the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel, killing innocent NPCs, drinking Vim!, chem and alcohol addiction, and selling Nuka Cola.

    I know Sierra's main weapon was a pipe pistol, but I think she would probably use the Handmade Rifle introduced in Nuka World, something a bit more practical. Her perk when you max out her friendship is Nuka Gourmand: Sierra taught you how to taste the subtle differences between Nuka Cola and all it's variants. Because of this all flavors of Nuka Cola heal for an additional 50%

    Well what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/BatierAutumn1991
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    looking for a F:NV mod

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    I want to get the FO4 gun modding system in FNV

    submitted by /u/classlessnessKamalus
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    One of the many reasons why New Vegas is my favorite games

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Ok I haven't seen someone post something like this and it's been on my mind for awhile but holy hell how Obsidian set up the 4 DLCs for New Vegas is the best I ever seen. In the main game we see pictures of Dean Domino, we hear of the Big MT and thanks to Cass and Mr Nash we heard of the Divide, and of course the burned man. The way they give us all these questions and give us the answers was amazing. Plus with how they all link to it was a phenomenal experience, how most of the stuff from Dead Money was from the Big MT and how the Think Tank was the ones who made the Cloud and the storms of the Divide. How the original Courier 6 was a tribal and had some influence on the White Legs who adopted his hair. I could go on for days about this as New Vegas is my favorite game of all time (for now given that Doom Eternal looks to be better than sliced bread) and know the lore and story of that game like the back of my hand

    submitted by /u/AwokenVex
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    [Fallout 76] What does a resident of the Vault 76 know about the new world?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Hi, guys!

    I didn't play any Fallout games before. I started Fallout 76 a few days ago, and I would like to write some story on behalf of my character. So, what do residents of the Vault 76 know about the new world?

    For example, there is a plant called Starlight Creeper. It was different before the war, it had a different name. What can a resident know about it? Should I just call it "yellow berries" in the beginning of my story?

    Same with a ghoul. Does a resident know that ghoul is called a ghoul? Or should I write something like "affected human"?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/neveradventures
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    Companion Settlement

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I want to make a settlement for all of my companions but I can't decide which settlement to use. Any Ideas?

    submitted by /u/DickVegitarian
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    Fallout mods in non-fallout games

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Kind of inspired by the Old World Blues for HOI4, and was wondering if there were any other Fallout based mods in other games.

    submitted by /u/Colinschueren55
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