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    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Fallout | I repainted a plastic spring M16 rifle to look like the Fallout 4 mod by DeadPool2099 of the New Vegas Survivalist Rifle, using spray paint and hand painting a wood grain look. And yes, the front end does tilt to the left like the NV one does!

    Fallout | I repainted a plastic spring M16 rifle to look like the Fallout 4 mod by DeadPool2099 of the New Vegas Survivalist Rifle, using spray paint and hand painting a wood grain look. And yes, the front end does tilt to the left like the NV one does!

    I repainted a plastic spring M16 rifle to look like the Fallout 4 mod by DeadPool2099 of the New Vegas Survivalist Rifle, using spray paint and hand painting a wood grain look. And yes, the front end does tilt to the left like the NV one does!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I'd prefer the House ending to be canon.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Seriously, as much as I might respect the NCR a bit, they've been done to death at this point.

    If Bethesda ever decides on canonising a NV ending (like they did to the old games), then it's best to do something refreshing going forward (ironic, I know, considering what many might think of House's plans). Yeah, I know people like Cass and a lot of fans believe that House is going full steam backwards, but this guy has lived long enough to think things over and avoid making the same foolish mistakes that led to things like the Great War.

    NCR? They don't deserve to run New Vegas and expand any further. The franchise should just leave them right at the west coast (past the Mojave Outpost and no further east) and leave it at that.

    Legion ending is just ... not suitable, and I only ended up going for it out of morbid curiosity (and on my first playthrough no less). And as for the Independent one, well, why throw the Mojave into anarchy and all that? Seriously, Independent has got to be the most misunderstood ending next to all the hate Mr. House gets.

    I know House ain't perfect, but IMO he's the least imperfect option out of all the possible endings for New Vegas. It'd be cool to have this guy take over and slowly realise that he can't quite rush things along as he'd always thought.

    Perhaps he'd rethink his plans and do things slowly to educate the wasteland over time? That'd be a nice bit of character development and internal struggle for the dude who's already had to fix his life after being cheated out of his inheritance long ago.

    Bethesda doesn't even have to make another game set in Nevada. They could just make references in future titles to a canon House ending. Or better yet, a good karma Courier who's in charge of Big MT having sided with Mr. House. So many beneficial possibilities right there.

    The NCR are just too overstretched and corrupt to be allowed to expand anywhere further than their pre New Vegas territories. Hell, just look at what Cass says about NCR making caravan life a real hardship for the poor (taxed to the max, especially depending on which officer is in charge at the time. And nobody does a thing to help).

    Look at how Don't Tread on the Bear starts and eventually fails just because you choose to side with House. The NCR basically force you to kill the man and have them steal his territory. House, on the other hand, is willing to negotiate where possible. And look how the NCR went after Helios One out of paranoia and, more importantly, resource-greed. That's an Old World Blues mindset right there. The same frame of mind that led to the world being nuked in the first place.

    The NCR just shouldn't be allowed to advance any further. However, if for whatever reason this does become the canon ending for New Vegas (damn), then I hope some future game has us side with the Brotherhood and push them back to where they came from, or even wipe them out entirely.

    I never liked Elder Maxson, but I'll gladly hop aboard the Prydwen if it means pushing back that land-grabbing, corrupt excuse of a 'republic' back to Shady Sands (or maybe not that far). Sure, they'll be lacking the numbers to take the Republic on, but Maxson's charisma could cause loads of NCR haters to join up for the cause.

    At this point, there's just no saving grace for the NCR, no matter what some people (like Joshua Graham) might think about the possibility of new leaders improving things. The very core of the NCR is of greed, annexation, high taxes, etc.

    Tandi would be rolling in her grave at what's become of the NCR.

    As I've said before, I know Mr. House is by no means a perfect ending, but it's the most refreshing one for the franchise going forward. Not even the Independent one can really work out in the long run.

    The Courier by themselves is just too much of a wild card to be given all that power alone, and can they really set up trade routes and handle all the affairs of running things by themselves? At least with House there's shared responsibility and a wealth of pre-war knowledge, especially of what led to the world being in its current state.

    I just like the idea of the Courier, despite all the hardships and anti-House opinions they may have heard in their lifetime, actually deciding to side with Mr. House. We see in the endings how House does show respect to the Courier and affords them all the luxury he can, whether from fear or for whatever other reason.

    They should also canonise the Courier as having been good (which they basically did to the endings of the old games' protagonists), although their gender can be left vague. That plus Mr. House would make the best imperfect ending going forward, both for the Mojave Wasteland and possibly beyond.

    I apologise if this long opinion might've angered some heavy pro-NCR fans, but that faction should just stay in their bit of territory for good. The NCR's ambition and curiosity has done more damage than good overall.

    And yes, I'll say it again: I know Mr. House is by no means perfect. Freeside, wiping out the Brotherhood, etc. is evidence of his often self-serving agenda, but he does have the greater good in mind for the world. And I'd rather the Fallout world have House around than having the NCR run amok even more than they already are.

    The Bear should stay to the west of the Mojave Outpost, the Bull can die out, and 'Independence' should never happen. Seriously, having House + Courier working together is something unique and more refreshing compared to the Yes Man ending.

    Like, I don't mean to be rude, but what can the Courier truly achieve by themselves without having House's assistance as well? Sure, one of the big differences is being able to spare the BoS in the Yes Man path, but can they really be trusted to not eventually go after the Courier's technology? What if the rest of the BoS shows up to lay claim to all of that? What if they decide that the Courier (i.e. no lone man or woman) can have so much technological power at their disposal, irrespective of the Courier having assisted the Mojave Chapter?

    House already had telemetry indicating that his Securitron patrols were being shot down near Hidden Valley anyway. Sure, this may be for safety and security reasons of keeping the Mojave Chapter undetected, but it's an ominous sign of things to come. Even Yes Man is of the opinion that sparing the BoS might not be wise in the long run (I think).

    So, in the end, blowing up the BoS is something both House and Yes Man would want either way.

    Another big difference is the possibility of the Courier being more willing to work with tribals, etc., than House. But wouldn't it be more interesting to have House's stubbornness gradually tempered over the years by the Courier? Both of them can stay around for years to come, with the Courier having access to storing their brain away and taking up another body. Two great minds working for the betterment of the world, or at least from Vegas onwards.

    As I've said before, House greatly values the Courier — and even though he can be stubborn at times, this would provide an opportunity for debate and character development on his part.

    I'm really trying not to bash my second-favourite ending too much. If push comes to shove, I'll accept the Yes Man ending as being canon. Seriously, I far prefer either House or the Courier to have access to and be in charge of House's technology. The NCR has no right to go in, analyze, dismantle, and possibly reverse-engineer all the tech within the Lucky 38 and at The Fort.

    We already know that the NCR, as hinted by General Oliver, are NOT going to just roll over and allow the Mojave to have its non-Republic freedom. No matter how great the Courier and a more assertive Yes Man turns out to be, the damn NCR are going to come back for round two at some point. Better to have the big man around as well when that happens.

    A good Courier + their Big MT + Mr. House together is one hell of a promising ending, as opposed to wiping out the one who's got all the knowledge of the past's mistakes (House).

    Also, another reason why I prefer Mr. House and his plans to try and rebuild America is this:

    What's going on elsewhere in the world?

    Do we really want the US to end up being a Legion sh##hole, or an NCR waste, or fragmented into anarchy while, maybe, some other countries might be recovering quicker since the Great War?

    Mr. House's prewar (and some postwar) knowledge combined with the Courier's experience would make for a decent team.

    Edit: A lot of players end up liking the NCR due to New Vegas' design. The game itself is heavily NCR biased. So, if you go against them you end up missing out on loads of quests. There really should've been more content for every single faction. Much more, in my opinion.

    In the end, you're almost forced to like the NCR just to actually have things to do in New Vegas. None of the other factions really get the content and respect that they deserve (even the Legion, for what little they're worth).

    Edit 2: Once again, I apologise if offending anyone who prefers the other endings. So, after having read through everything, I suppose I'll leave it at the following:

    • I'd prefer the House ending to be canon.

    • Yes Man is still a decent option, and if it has to happen, then OK. Of all the posts I've read below, I'm far more open to accepting this ending as being canon, as opposed to the NCR.

    • The Republic should stay past the Mojave Outpost, where they belong, and annex no further east.

    • Legion? No thanks.

    If this post seems too long and going off into rambling, it's because I've read through the comments and changed my opinion a bit. The House Always Wins, but if not, then the Courier is welcome to try and make amends for losing The Divide — by rebuilding the Mojave wasteland.

    submitted by /u/Vg65
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    Naming Conventions of Fallout DLC

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Okay, I swear I'm going somewhere with this, just hear me out.

     Has anyone else noticed that the DLC for Fallout has different naming conventions depending on who's in charge? Specifically the developer. Bethesda usually just named their DLC after the location set it was set in, very literal naming conventions, while Obsidian gave a more symbolic name.l'll go over each DLC. 

    Let's go down the list in chronological order:

    Fallout 3

    Operation: Anchorage -The name is rather blatant, a military simulation set during the liberation of Alaska

    The Pitt -The setting is the ruins of Pittsburgh

    Broken Steel -This one's name is a bit more unique than the rest. Could be a reference to how the Enclave surprise attack the BOS so hard, they're scrambling to respond, or in wiping out the rest of the Enclave.

    Point Lookout -This DLC takes place in, you guessed it, Point Lookout

    Mothership Zeta -While I can't remember if the name of the ship is ever revealed, or if it's a mothership, the term mothership is often thrown around in alien abduction stories, and the Zeta could be referring to the Zetans, the aliens we fight. So this name is also a bit less literal.

    Fallout New Vegas

    Dead Money -The name Dead Money is a phrase used in poker to describe the money left in the pot. Since e gambling is featured heavily in NV, and greed is a central part of this DLC, the name gives a symbolic flare to it

    Honest Hearts -I can't for the life of me figure out what, if any, this is a reference to. Sounds Western and cowboy-ish, though, so I guess it fits the theme of NV.

    Old World Blues -A saying in the Fallout Universe to describe a person so obsessed with the past, they can't see the future, much less the present, for what it is. Fitting for a DLC so full of the Old World, it's tech and knowledge. The fact that Ulysses and Father Elijah, two characters that could be described as having OWB come up in this DlC is icing on the cake

    Lonesome Road -A DLC marketed as the final challenge, a journey you must walk alone (shut up, Ed-E), so the name is apt

    Fallout 4

    Automatron -The DLC heavily revolves around robots, so the name is fitting if a bit bland

    Workshop DLC -Literal names to describe their content

    Far Harbor -This DLC takes place in the swamps and gloom of Bar Harbor

    Nuka-World -Guess where this DLC takes place?

    This is all just my observation. I know it appears like I'm just showing off how "NV is sooooo much better than FO4 because of THIS!", but I just want to draw attention to the different priorities shown by the developers. Obsidian to tell a story, Bethesda to give fun. There's a discussion here somewhere. If any of you could think of cool alternative names to give the Bethesda DLC, I'd love to hear it.

    edit: typos

    submitted by /u/Poofbomb123
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    Can’t Progress in Brotherhood of Steel Quest (may be spoiler)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    I completed the quest where you are given the rank of initiate, and I have done a ton of quests for knight Rhys and scribe Haylen, and I don't know what to do from here. Do I just need to do more quests? Is there a glitch?

    Edit: I figured it out! I had to progress in the main storyline further. Thank you so much for your help, what a great community!

    submitted by /u/silent_reading_time
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    If Valve made Fallout 4, I would have loved a short film of Codsworth while the Sole Survivor is frozen.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    I can imagine the hilarity of Codsworth encountering a radroach for the first time and freaking out over an infestation. I don't know why but I picture it all animated in Valve's style.

    submitted by /u/Hope1820
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    Power armour not working correctly.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    My power armour doesn't work correctly. When I enter it the HUD doesn't appear. The model isn't working correctly, I can see the no armour one and the shoulders are high up. I need to get this working because I'm at the start mission in concord.

    submitted by /u/Akirm
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    If I but an XBOX One S can I play Fallout 3 and NV, buying them online? Sorry, newbie to this and I was on PS3 before but that console bit the dust.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: "BUY" not "BUT".

    submitted by /u/loweffortjingle
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    Fallout 3 Writing is not Particularly bad as some people suggests, It just lacks something that was fixed in New Vegas.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    First of all, I must admit that I only played Fallout 3 and Half way through Fallout New Vegas. Although I watched the entire walkthrough of Oxhorn. So What I say may have mistakes and misinterpretation.

    Over the past few months as I invested myself in Fallout Franchise, I realized a very large proportion of player base literally hates Bethesda for everything. And I don't mean because of the games or something. They just hate the fact that Bethesda owns it now. So they keep bitching even if they did something good or at least acceptable. I myself am not a Bethesda fan boy either but I don't feel guilty if I praise for something admirable.

    Now that I'm going through Fallout New Vegas, I realized a few things. New Vegas feels a lot more immersive and Ideologically challenging. And everything has some form of Consequence. I started to think What If I'm wrong and those Anti-Bethesda rhetoric are right ??

    I tried to research on how people thinks Fallout 3 could've been fixed. I came across a video of Youtuber named Tks-Mantis. That was literally one of the most dumbest ideas I've ever heard. He used to say how bethesda went ballistic on copying elements of Fallout 1 and 2. About the radiated monsters and currency and stuff like that.

    It never bothered me too much as I thought bethesda was too scared to change too many things from original games as people may shout, "This ain't fallout game because Bethesda changed too many things." Clearly it backfired and I think it'd backfire in both ways. There's no way out for Bethesda.

    Okay, I'm getting sidetracked here. What TKs-Mantis suggested was simply rip-off the original two Bethesda games to the very plot points... That's not story writing !! That's outright stealing. This would've been even more of a disaster. Now, I don't blame him for this. In his eyes the early fallout games influenced his imagination as they were so good.

    TL;DR starts here (You can just start reading from here):

    Now, How can you fix Fallout 3 and make it a much better version of itself. I wouldn't change any major or moderate plot point ever. Few simple steps could change a lots of things. Such as:

    1. Add more skill/SPECIAL/Karma/Perk checks in many of the conversations of the game.
    2. Completing certain mission will change how people will greet you in certain places. (Megaton, Big Town, Little Lamplight, Arefu, Rivet City etc.)
    3. Karma will change how people will greet you in general.
    4. Completing certain mission will effect certain other missions. (This can be limited to few side quests)

    Due to a break, my brain went empty.. If I recall some more points, I'll add it.

    submitted by /u/Sadman_Pranto
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    Playing on pc, i am stuck in windowed mode and I dont know how to make the game in full screen again.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I got the chinese stealth armor loading screen

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    I play fallout 4 on console and I have encountered a chinese stealth armor loading screen that looked like a mod. The problem here is that I don't have any mods involving chinese stealth armor and I would like to know if there is an explanation to this. The only other mods I have installed is the cheat terminal and the New vegas Ranger Uniform.

    submitted by /u/Synrize
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    can anyone tell me what his is a reference too, if it even is one? (fallout 1)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    [FO4] - Question: do Settlers need Armor & better Weapons?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    If the Defense value of the Settlement is well above the Food & Water total, do I need to outfit all my Settlers assigned to Defense with Combat Armor and better Weapons? This is what I have been doing, and my Settlements still get attacked, which is fine, but I'm wondering if the extra Armor & Weapons are necessary?

    Also, why does certain ammo not show as being Equipped even though it is correct for the Weapon that I have given to the Settler and have ensured that said Weapon is Equipped?

    Finally, what are the best & cheapest thing to increase Happiness? I'm paying close attention to Beds, Food & Water, but I've only recently been able to afford other Items.

    Many of my Settlements have a Jukebox and some have Stores, but I'm wondering if certain Items that purport to boost Happiness are a waster of Caps and Settlers?

    Thanks very much!

    submitted by /u/xenobuzz
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    What’s your favorite Fallout?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Just a question

    submitted by /u/trentanator09
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    had a funny mod suggestion idea - "Clone Invasion"

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    alright, so imagine this -

    every male NPC looking like vanilla Nate, every female NPC looking like vanilla Nora.

    potentially consider making versions where all the NPCs look like Preston and Marcy, the two most annoying NPCs.

    submitted by /u/Armalite_Joe
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    [FO1] skum pitt bar fight not initiating

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    i've talked to everyone and 2 skulz are surrounding trish but nothing's happening yet. is it because i recruited tycho & killed shark before the bar opened?

    submitted by /u/notmymainaccount364
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    Fallout 4 has been on my wishlist for years and I finally bought the GOTY edition on PC today! Any suggestions? I last played Fallout New Vegas about 4 years ago.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Preston knows how to look out for his fellow wastelanders.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Whats the best DLC?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Out of all the Fallout games whats the best DLC?

    submitted by /u/Italionaut
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    Could somebody help me with this?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is a bug, but every time I load on I get a message that says "URGENT Fernando, take this to my shop, find all the pieces - FS" does anyone know a way to get this to stop appearing?

    submitted by /u/DynamicDoggo1
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