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    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    Fallout | It hurts my physically, mentally, and emotionally that you find the good boy at Red Rocket.

    Fallout | It hurts my physically, mentally, and emotionally that you find the good boy at Red Rocket.

    It hurts my physically, mentally, and emotionally that you find the good boy at Red Rocket.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:56 PM PST

    Like... I can't tell if that was a poor choice or a troll by Bethesda...

    submitted by /u/T1mek33per
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    Fallout 4 - Alternate Institute Ending

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I have neither the talent nor the time to make a mod, but I can't stop thinking about how I wish there was a better way to end the game with the Institute. The story of Fallout 4 has been well trashed already, but I think this option would be way to tie the main game to the DLC's and provide a more satisfying end-game.

    Main Game - You should be able to negotiate with the other factions to avoid a final conflict. The minuteman can receive combat synths for their patrols and the Institute will assist in clearing raiders. The railroad will be split, but depending on your relationship/ skill level some members will agree to the peace if you agree to stopping the production of Gen.3 synths. The BoS will not agree to the truce, but some of the others will be persuaded to leave, leading to the Prydwen being grounded. Naturally, some of the directors wouldn't approve, but this would give a purpose to the busy work quests in gaining their trust. This would also mean that Liberty Prime could be rebuilt as the airport would remain intact.

    I think it's pretty obvious that the production of synths can't continue. The Institute needs to be retooled to expand weapons, medical and food/water production for the rest of the commonwealth if they are to have any hope of winning people over. You should have the ability to direct resources and set research projects, leading to stopping new Gen.3 synths being made. Naturally, pushing this too far too soon with the directors could lead to a rebellion and the corsairs would have to be hunted down and decommissioned.

    An option I've always wanted in a Fallout game is to permanently reclaim the wasteland and repair buildings. The Institute are best placed to do this and could reclaim factories, railroads and hospitals; with you leading the raids and securing supplies for the projects. Given their immunity to radiation, gen.2 synths could scrub the wasteland and work towards decontaminating the Glowing Sea.

    Given their history as a university, it would be cool to reclaim places like the library and museums. Reclaiming the old CIT campus could give the option to recruit new members to the Institute and host lectures for wastelanders.

    DLC's - I think we all agree the non-story based ones are shite, but they could all tie in, especially Nuka World.

    Automatron - The Mechanist should be recruited to work for the Institute and her hideout should be used as a synth facility. The base is full of brains from the robobrain project that could be used as the basis for a Tranquility Lane-esque simulation, bringing in Dr Amari to help build it.

    Vault-Tec Workshop - The Institute rebuilds Vault 88, using it as a research base for the simulation Dr Amari is building. Part of the questline could include returning to Vault 111 to recover the cryopods for the new vault. Doing so would also allow you to actually bury you wife/ husband instead of leaving them in a freezer...

    Far Harbor - The Institute can offer the rogue synths amnesty and offer DiMA & Nick Valentine upgraded bodies. As with the railroad, depending on your relationship/ skill levels some will rebel. Leading the synths to wipe out the Children of Atom will please the townspeople and let them start decontaminating the island.

    Nuka World - Taken over the park for the raiders sucks, but it's even worse inflicting the commonwealth with that bullshit. Taking the park for the Institute makes far more sense, using the military and cloning facilities to expand their operations. After taking the park and freeing the slaves, instead of raider outpost you should be able to set up Institute ones, unlocking advanced buildings in the workshop.

    Thanks for making it to the end if you did, glad I got that off my chest after 4 fucking years!

    Edited to confirm my love of The Striker and the Brain Dead quest

    submitted by /u/SimonHando
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    A list of Star Trek references in the Fallout games.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:49 PM PST

    I originally posted this over on /r/startrek but decided to post it again here with some added pre-amble. Scroll down if you just want to see the list. I compiled this list last year but I don't know how comprehensive it is so please tell me if anything is missing. I didn't find any references in Fallout 1 and I don't think there are any. I didn't do any research into Tactics, BoS, Van Buren, or any other Fallout related material. Also, it is possible there are more references in Fallout 76 but as I haven't played it very much I wouldn't know. Otherwise, I think this list is pretty complete for the mainline games. I've also written this list with the assumption that the reader knows enough about Star Trek to understand what the reference being made is.

    Again, if I've missed any please do tell.

    submitted by /u/emilyjwarr
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    What if the fallout canon took place in a future stuck in the 80s?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Its obvious that fallout takes place in a future without transistors, but what if it had taken place in the era where everything was neon and shit? Just my idea, thought it would sound good.

    submitted by /u/AngelotheAss
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    Travis said something that actually made me chuckle

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:08 PM PST

    His words: "Am I the only one that was surprised that Skeeter Davis was a woman? No? Oh... It just doesn't sound like a woman's name. Who you writing that poem for? SKEETER."

    I know it doesn't sound that funny when you're reading it, but the way he said it just caught me off guard while I was building and made me laugh, which is a first.

    submitted by /u/xDivizible
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    (New Vegas Spoilers) Why the heck do we get bad karma for crucifying Benny?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:01 AM PST

    I know karma does next to nothing in this game, and I know crucifixion isn't a good thing, but Benny is a degenerate who belongs on a cross!

    What, must we try to kill him in a nice way, or something? Did that idiot give the Courier a chance to fight back? It's an eye for an eye in the wasteland.

    That jerk planned and ambushed numerous couriers who were just doing their jobs (a pity Ulysses noped out. It would've been cool to see what would've happened if he got ambushed too). Plus, Benny stabbed tons of people in the back over the years, including Emily Ortal, Mr. House, Jessup and friends, etc.

    Hell, Benny ambushes you numerous times in the game, including:

    1) In the game's intro.

    2) At The Tops (depending on your choices).

    3) After you free him from The Fort (I think this was cut content that is restored through mods. Still, the data being in the game makes it semi-canon, in my opinion).

    He even bails out in a selfish manner if you choose to sleep with him without killing him. Never can you, the player, actually join forces with that stupid, profligate scum.

    He can ring-a-ding-ding on a cross for all I care. Bet those Legionnaires were laughing their asses off at the checkered jerk hanging up there.

    Hell, when Caesar captured Benny and put my Courier in charge of his fate, that made me switch to a pro-Legion ending on my first playthrough. (Mr. House is still my go-to ending, though, no matter what future games might declare canon).

    submitted by /u/Vg65
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    Bethesda has referenced the Shi faction in both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. Is this a prelude to something bigger?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:11 PM PST

    I can't help but to think there's more to this. Bethesda has referenced the Shi in back to back Fallout games. The first time in Fallout 4 with Kellogg's memories. The second time in Fallout 76 with a Shi painted missile launcher. I know Bethesda themselves have stuck with the east coast when making Fallout games. The only exception being Fallout New Vegas which was published by Bethesda Softworks, but developed by Obsidian Entertainment. There's this belief among the Fallout community that Bethesda themselves want to avoid making Fallout games set on the west coast and focus more on the east coast. But obviously Bethesda has some sort of plans to make a west coast Fallout game. Why else would they continue to reference the Shi faction in particular if they have no plans of doing anything with it? Like I said, this seems to be a prelude to something bigger coming to the Fallout franchise in the future. If you're not familiar with the Shi they are one of the main factions in Fallout 2 which takes place on the west coast in San Francisco. The Shi are descendants of a Chinese submarine crew that beached in San Francisco shortly after the Great War. They eventually stripped down the submarine and built a Steel Palace in Chinatown. Their leader, known as the "Emperor" is the submarines mainframe. The Shi are one of the most technologically advanced factions in the wasteland.

    submitted by /u/JC-Gamer-55
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    Weirdest mod you have ever installed on a Fallout game?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:15 PM PST

    What is the weirdest mod you have ever installed in a fallout game?

    submitted by /u/KrypticSpyder_
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    What exactly makes Gen1/Gen2 Synths distinct in any meaningful way from your average robot?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

    As far as I've seen they're entirely mechanical, with no outstanding features of any kind over, for example, a typical Assaultron or such. Even in terms of intelligence Assaultrons don't seem any lesser than what few examples we get of early Synth consciousness. So what makes those early Synths such a leap forward in technology compared to what people were already capable of before the bombs fell?

    submitted by /u/zaerosz
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    Fallout 4 fusion cores don't make any sense

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:08 AM PST

    I mean, how can a fusion core powering an entire generator for years get drained in a power armour for a single raider fighting mission. What's so inefficient in a power armour to drain a single core that fast?

    submitted by /u/05melo
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    Best place for ammunition plant

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:18 AM PST

    So i wanna build a big ammunition plant for multiple ammunition types which would be the best settlement for this as well as how to unlock that settlement?

    submitted by /u/Shubham_Agent47
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    What do you think about a fallout game on the damn moon

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Cause these posts aren't repetitive and annoying

    submitted by /u/Moto_Boato
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    Favorite moments in the franchise?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    For me it has to be the glow in Fallout 1. It just feels so desolate, and along with the soundtrack really hammers in the theme (Fallout 1 always had the most grit in the series, I wish later titles had remembered this but it's forgotten as soon as 2). The first time I played F1 I ended up not realizing just how serious radiation was, so I left after using a little bit of radiation medication. Decided to go back to a town after hitting up the brotherhood. When I loaded into the next map, my character instantly melted into goo. Really blew my mind and kept me on my toes the entire rest of the game.

    submitted by /u/dougierahotep
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    Location Quests Activation Option or Mod?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:48 PM PST

    Sorry that the title is very bad and broken English, but is there an option in game or a mod that shows up or is activated when you get to a location, let me give an example

    The Satellite Dishes in the Central North part of the map have the locket for Abernathy farm so they can become your settlement.

    Is there an option or mod which activates quests when you enter buildings or enter the area? So when you enter it a pop up shows up and you can then activate it and finish it.

    I don't know any other way to say this, sorry.

    submitted by /u/SlowFatWombat
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    In a all out brawl... what faction would win?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:46 AM PST

    We are talking ALL Factions of fallout(s main games) from the Kings to the East Coast brotherhood.

    No Bias will be had, personally. I like The Legion, for the simple fact that Caesar is such a well thought out and charismatic-ish. Taking over nearly a hundred tribes and really pushing this Pax Romana, he sees the old world as a great sin that should be forgot and buried.

    Anyway, I believe it's a hard three way tie between the NCR, Masters army and East Coast Brotherhood. Legion, Kings, Republic of Dave, Slavers of Paradise, Atom Cats, etc there all incredibly weak compared to the power of the big three. In a world without the Players the Minutemen are minutes from dying, Yesman is still agreeing with a Wall and Doc is still playing Fetch in Tranquility Lane.

    That's where you come in Reddit, who wins? Why do they win? Why do they have a advantage on the other two? Liberty Prime is nice but can it survive a what the other two can throw at them? Dipping Humans in Vats to grow the super mutant army is great for a long term battle but can it withstand a nuclear bombing from Daddy Liberty? Is there some other faction that you think could win? Institute mass producing Coursers to attack the Mutants while not increasing there army, or they send Gen 3'a in disguise to sabotage Liberty Prime while its recharging? All thoughts, theory's and who do you think could bring home the win?

    submitted by /u/ChainsawSwan
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    My Fallout 4 Tribute for still standing strong until 2020

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:16 AM PST


    I know, I know, I don't have Strong(haven't unlocked yet) but I have the others aside from the synth one and Deacon. I took all the pics individually on Xbox then used an app to make a grid with all of them.

    submitted by /u/_Theconfusedfish_
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    To the brave fucks that played tactics. What are your opinions on it?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    What would you think about a Fallout game on Mars?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:18 PM PST

    I saw a post suggesting the moon, but then I thought, Mars would make a much better location! I think its iconic landmarks and weather would make for a great game.

    edit: this was satire :/

    submitted by /u/Spiff_Spaceman_Spiff
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    Why does Preston Garvey try to kill me?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:48 AM PST

    I'm trying to talk to Preston before taking back the Castle, but evry time I come back he just tries to kill me? What the fuck is going on?

    submitted by /u/FluxGalaxies
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    A Fallout movie/series

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Ok so I always thought that regarding Fallout's great story there should be a movie or a series. I'm not 100% sure about this "a movie ruins the game's story thing" but after seeing the Witcher series' succes I think a one with the Fallout story would be a great horror/action movie.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/05melo
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    Bug fixing? [Fallout NV]

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Hey so I just got the key for the NCR Hut by Black Mountain, but when I take the NCR Ranger armor inside the base I get reset to 'neutral' with the NCR again. Are there any commands to fix this?

    submitted by /u/TheGambas
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    Idea for next fallout setting; Fallout Australia

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:34 AM PST

    Guns are more rare, but melee weapons are extremely common and do a lot more damage

    Each expansion adds a new state for free, each has a major city and plenty of landmarks from real Australia

    Ground vehicles are usable, and air vehicles are non existent, mad max theme

    Main character is a character that grew up in the slums in wagga, coming from the designated fallout shelter in wagga, that did experiments on a vault with the only usable food being vegemite, bread and sugared sprinkles and alcohol

    All characters have a heavy Aussie accent

    The landscape in the western areas is literally desert, but there is a lot more green around the east areas

    Half built vaults are everywhere, and there is one in Aires rock, the further west one heads the difficulty increases drastically, but head far enough and the difficulty becomes around the same as the east coast

    Alcohol has a lot less affect on the mc, and is everywhere and used for everything, can cure most ailments

    Fank u for reeding mi shitepost

    submitted by /u/KLOMATE
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    In Fallout New Vegas, if you kill Vulpes Inculta at Nipton, will he somehow still be alive and come to see you in New Vegas to give you the mark of Caesar and vice versa?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Title. I was just wondering in the car and wanted to ask here because I know you can kill Deacon in his disguises but he will somehow still live.

    submitted by /u/Matthesal
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