• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Fallout | I just want to congratulate Bethesda on all their hard work, after all it takes a lot of effort to ruin a franchise on this scale and destroy their image.

    Fallout | I just want to congratulate Bethesda on all their hard work, after all it takes a lot of effort to ruin a franchise on this scale and destroy their image.

    I just want to congratulate Bethesda on all their hard work, after all it takes a lot of effort to ruin a franchise on this scale and destroy their image.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Let's all give them a round of applause for how stupid they are. :)

    submitted by /u/Zacrynix
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    "Gamer buys Fallout 76 add-on domain to criticise Bethesda" made it to the front page of BBC News

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    "Fallout 76 Will Not Have A Season Pass or Paid DLC, Everything is Free "

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:30 AM PDT

    seriously, i had already lost all respect for bethesda when th game first released, it legit depresses me that my once favorite game company shits on my favorite game series constantly

    "source: https://segmentnext.com/2018/08/01/fallout-76-will-not-have-a-season-pass-or-paid-dlc-pete-hines-confirms-again/

    submitted by /u/Rusty_pug
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    So I'm a noob to fallout, the result of elder scrolls fatigue. Fallout 4 is pretty good, fallout 3 is good too, but just started New Vegas via game pass and OMG IT'S AMAZING!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:50 AM PDT

    Psa: The other fallout games still exist and we're still allowed to share discuss them.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    Fo:76 isn't worth the energy, it would be best if it goes the way of Anthem, forget it exists and dont buy it.

    submitted by /u/OneOlive
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    Bethesda responded on Fallout1st Broken Issues

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    A Bethesda Softworks representative said that an update to private world settings will be coming soon, to allow players to control all access to their private servers. The company also examined the Scrap Box and private server recycling issues.

    For Scrap Boxes, Bethesda said that "a small number of players with a large quantity of scrap are experiencing a display issue causing their Scrap Box to appear empty." The studio thinks this is a user interface issue and that players have not lost any scrap; they should still be able to access it when crafting from workbenches, as usual. "We are actively working to address this issue, both internally and using the data and characters folks from the community have provided us," Bethesda said.

    Regarding recycled servers, Bethesda denied that players are getting used or recycled worlds. "When a Fallout 1st member starts a Private World, a dedicated world is launched on an [Amazon Web Services] server. Players who have seen looted containers upon login may be experiencing the expected behavior upon log out and log in. Loot is instanced for each player in containers. As Fallout 76 players know, if you loot a container on one server, and then log out and log back in to another server, the container remains in a 'looted' state for a period of time."

    And as to private worlds' privacy, "we understand this is not what players expected for their Private Worlds," Bethesda said, meaning that anyone in a friends list may join a private world without invitation. "We are looking to provide an option in an upcoming patch that will allow Fallout 1st members to restrict access to their servers more completely."

    Update at 11:40 p.m: Bethesda Game Studios has continued to investigate the Scrap Box issue and now acknowledges it is more than a menu display problem for a small number of users.

    "Our initial investigation indicated that this was a display issue, and that no items had gone missing," a Bethesda representative told Polygon. "However, we have since found that a small number of players have in fact experienced a loss of scrap items after placing them into the Scrap Box and then loading into a world.

    "Resolving this issue is currently our top priority," the representative said. "We are also exploring ways to restore the missing items." Developers are trying to come up with a hotfix to resolve the issue ASAP.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    I just encountered my first Deathclaw in New Vegas!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    Holy Shit, having only played Fallout 4 before myself, I had only heard people saying that the FO4 deathclaws were a joke. Now, I can confirm it for myself. I was heading to Novac and was walking around pretty high mountain/ridge that I couldn't cross, I discovered a small pass through, and I thought to myself, Nice! Pretty handy now I can get there faster. Well, what do you know, I cross the corner and there is a giant deathclaw waiting for me. I run away as fast as possible and I looked behind me how close it was. I look and see the beast running at me at mach fucking 3. It was terrifying and a real good first impression not to fuck with the NV deathclaws.

    submitted by /u/Dimitje123
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    "'Fallout First' Web Domain Taken Over By Hilarious, Angry Fan" - IGN

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:31 PM PDT

    How Fallout 1st killed 76’s chance at redemption. (In my opinion)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:25 PM PDT

    So I'm gonna start off with something controversial, I kinda like 76. It's fun to play with friends. While 76 is still a pretty bad game alone, it is way more enjoyable with a group of people. It was going to become even more enjoyable with the Wastelanders expansion. I though this would be able to make the game at least partially more accepted.

    And then comes Fallout 1st, kicking everyone in the nuts. Now everyone is mad at Bethesda and 76 again. If 1st had not been so ridiculously priced, I feel like it could be a semi alright addition. But now it just feels like a personal "F you, players," from Bethesda.

    What are your thoughts? Could 76 have become good if Fallout 1st wasn't announced?

    submitted by /u/TrashMammal28
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    Now might be a good time to take a step back from Fallout.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    One of the most important things you can do when it comes to fandom is to take a step back and examine whether this thing you're into is even worth the headache anymore; to figure out whether you're getting more joy than frustration from your obsessions. With the outrage from Fallout 1st exploding, I'm putting it out there that maybe it's a good idea to take a break from the franchise for your mental health, maybe wait until things blow over.

    There's just not a lot to be happy about with Fallout anymore. Consider:

    If you're one of those guys who thinks Fallout 4 is the devil, then the last classic Fallout game was New Vegas, which was almost a decade ago.

    If, like me, you liked Fallout 4 overall, it's still a five year old game with not much support left beyond the Creation Club and the modding scene.

    Fallout 76 has been an exercise in schadenfreude, and with Fallout 1st, it looks as though it's never gonna redeem itself.

    And then there's the future to think about.

    Assuming Bethesda doesn't do another New Vegas and farm out the IP to another developer who can make a good product, then Fallout is in the very back of their development queue. Starfield's their current priority, and that's gotta be 1 or 2 years out still. Elder Scrolls 6 is next; that's another couple of years. At this current rate, Fallout 5 won't release until the mid-to-late 2020s.

    That's bonkers to think about, especially if you're a console gamer. Fallout 5 is gonna be a late stage PS5 game, or maybe even a PS6 launch title! That's assuming the franchise isn't abandoned, or that this hypothetical game is even going to be worth playing should Bethesda not pull itself together.

    What I'm getting at is this: most of the past year's top posts on this subreddit are pretty negative. You got complaints about Fallout 76, you got complaints about all the irritating things in Fallout 4's game design, and you got complaints about inconsistent lore. I ain't telling people to shut up about those complaints, because they're all fairly valid, but you have to ask yourself: is this really worth putting up with? If it's been like this over the last year, do you want to hang out here for however many years it takes for Fallout 5 to make a sea change, if that even happens?

    I don't think Fallout's dead, but I think once FO76 dies, it's going to enter a long and turbulent sleep. Things are pretty bad, and it's gonna be a while before there's even going to be a chance of things getting better. (Hell, I think it's more likely that Bethesda is gonna put out a Fallout version of Elder Scrolls Blades, before they put out a AAA mainline game again.)

    If you still get more enjoyment than anger from Fallout, keep on trucking. If not, feel free to take a break. Play other games, play the older games if you want. Step back and disengage. Either Bethesda notices they've done wrong, they change their ways, and you can come back and enjoy yourself; or they never change, in which case you're best off stepping away sooner rather than later. You do you.

    submitted by /u/MisplacedMathom
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    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    Months after agreeing to partner up, Six and the Ranger find themselves in a seedy bar in the wrong part of Nevada, waiting for trouble to come find them. However, they get more than they bargained for. New episodes every Friday!


    Based on the characters and universe featured in Fallout: New Vegas, all rights reserved to Obsidian Entertainment & Bethesda Softworks. Fan film featuring all original homemade props and cosplay/ costumes. Please note that this is not created for commercial purposes. "Fallout" is © 2013 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. *FILMED ON LOCATION IN NEW JERSEY*

    Series Premiere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3LFNDAsZQc&t=

    Season Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ72QTOj1x8

    submitted by /u/MickeyNats
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    Fallout First united the community again

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    Remember when Fallout 76 launched and the community was torn between diehards who supported the game and diehards who hated it? Now we all just hate Bethesda together. It's a shame it had to happen this way, but at least we can once again recognize one another as fans of this series and not enemies.

    submitted by /u/Novazombine
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    Employees of Bethesda, what’s really happening there?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    I do not agree with any choice Bethesda has made since the disastrous launch of Fallout 76. However, I understand a lot of the decisions are not the developers fault, but stemming from corporate greed and deadlines. Is there anyone in here who works at Bethesda that could enlighten us on the current situation there?

    submitted by /u/theswolypreacher
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    Is it actually Todd Howard’s fault for the current state of Fallout 76?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:37 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm naive but he seems genuinely passionate about the games that him and BGS makes. I haven't played Fallout 76 and I'm not defending Fallout 1st, straight up a subscription service on a full priced game is crazy, but do we know with certainty that it's up to Todd Howard?

    submitted by /u/Trinity_96
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    I'm going to say it: No Man's Sky has a better launch and life than Fallout 76 EVER did.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    Why? Because unlike Bethesda, regardless of what you think of Sean/HG or No Man's Sky: Sean Murray and the rest of Hello Games actually went back and FIXED their game after the disastrous launch they had, in addition to actually listening to their community's feedback afterward. Also, the disastrous launch of No Man's Sky was the ONLY controversy that game had. How many has Fallout 76 had at this point? I've honestly lost count.

    Unlike Bethesda, Hello Games is actually LEARNING from their mistakes, and doing everything in their power to make things right, and in that regard; what they've done with their game over the past 3 years is incredible. And at least their updates and changes didn't make some things WORSE for players, and when there are major, game-breaking bugs after the major updates, they patch them within a day or two. And their fixes don't bring bugs BACK.

    They have completely changed No Man's Sky from what it was at launch, and truly turned it into something spectacular. Trust me, I've been playing NMS since Day 1 in 2016, and I still am playing to this day. I can fully say that looking at the 2016 version of the game vs what we have now: it's basically No Man's Sky 2 at this point. It's a completely different game.

    Finally, Hello Games did ALL of this, without charging any players a penny more than the $60 game itself. No Microtransactions. No Subscription Services. No Nothing. With the promise of many more to come for all players everywhere, for free of charge.

    It truly pains me to see Fallout hit such a low from a studio that 10 years ago, I would have given a leg for. Now? I'm truly embarrassed by what Bethesda has become.

    submitted by /u/Jamey4
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    How is there NCR Ranger Armor in Fallout 76? Didnt the NCR form waaay after the events of Fallout 76?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    Not sure if this question has been asked yet

    submitted by /u/ewoktrainer56
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    To be or not to be? To buy or not to buy. I'm torn

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    So, with all the drama going on around Fallout 76. I have only recently gotten into the franchise, starting with Fallout 4. But excluding the add on, is 76 worth the money? Should I buy it? (I do like the workshop aspect).

    submitted by /u/rooblu2
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    I was checking out the old pics on my phone, and i saw this one that i took when i played FO3.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:08 AM PDT

    Fallout 76 code giveaway

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Just write why you'd like the code and if any one has a solid reason I'll gladly give it away. Got it free with my blue yeti mic.

    Edit: it's now 9:39pm eastern time. I'll give the code out at ~10:30 eastern time by replying to a comment saying "I'm going to message you with you're code"

    submitted by /u/MothrFKNGarBear
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    Ever tried to make yourself in a Fallout game and realise "Man, I'm ugly lol"

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    High confidence right here, but ever tried to make yourself in a Fallout game? You go through every detail, match everything about you and once it's done... wow that's ugly lol. However, I spent a long time doing this so, a few adjusts and just start the game.

    submitted by /u/WeissLegs
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    Lore Perspective: NCR Ranger Outfit exists 84 years before NCR even founded.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    Your favourite fallout game?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:11 AM PDT

    I would like to know what's your favourite fallout game and how you got into it and such?

    Personally for myself it was fallout 3, one of my older brothers was playing it at time and got me into. I didn't really played anything before that so it generally was my first proper playthough of any game and still love to this day.

    submitted by /u/chris_kershaw__
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    Are NCR helmets bulletproof

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    They don't look bulletproof. They could be covered in some mesh and beneath is some sort of metal but idk.

    submitted by /u/fupalordx
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