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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Fallout | Fallout 4 is a pretty good game

    Fallout | Fallout 4 is a pretty good game

    Fallout 4 is a pretty good game

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Been playing it over the past couple weeks and I'm having a blast. Combat is super fun, guns feel like they have actual weight unlike 3 and NV. Weapon modding is SUPER fun, gives a huge level of personalization to your arsenal. Same goes for settlement building, I loved making my own room in The Castle. Sure the story isn't as strong as New Vegas but it's still enjoyable, and the side quests are really fuh. The Silver Shroud and The Last Voyage of the USS Constitution are some of my favorite quests in any Fallout game. There's not much I dislike about the game, sure it could be better in some parts but what I've played is hella fun. Plus Far Harbor and Nuka World are awesome DLCs. Also Nick Valentine is the best companion dont even @ me.

    I might be biased since it's one of the few games my entire family can get behind (my sister isn't much of a gamer but is loving it, and my dad has traveled the Boston area and it's really cool seeing him point out locations in game lol).

    Overall it's a fantastic game, just wish it wouldn't crash around downtown lmao

    submitted by /u/Epickitty_101
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    Happy Birthday Robert House!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    on this day in the fallout universe Robert house was born... only 57 more years till a nuclear apocolypse :)

    submitted by /u/DoubleShotDuel
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    June 25th, 2020. Today Robert House is born. Founder of Robco Industries and the de facto ruler of New Vegas. We wish you a very Happy Birthday Mr House!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Happy birthday to Mr. House born 06/25/2020!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    Hey you down there! Are you worried that your post about Robert Edwin House’s birthday on June 25th of this year won’t receive the visibility and recognition it deserves? Struggling to keep up with the Joneses? Here’s an easy 25 step guide to ensure your unique musings stand out from the rest.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    You there! Yes, you!

    Biding your time until the opportune moment comes?

    Well pull up those jackboots kiddo with some handy tips to ensure your post has got enough moxie to get ahead of the other guys!

    This has been conveniently posted for your viewing pleasure just as the UTC birthday gets well underway and right before it hits the beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada time zone so you can make an informed and profitable decision.

    1. Ignorance is Bliss

    Don't have time to micro-manage? Want to set and forget to gain the maximum reward with the least amount of effort? All you do is have to lift that finger to post a general admission that it's House's birthday and let the tide take care of the rest.

    Warning: Results may vary.

    2. Don't Be Wet Behind the Ears

    Hello pacifier-sucking accounts! You might run into some problems posting with reddit's automated systems kicking in. Due to a common influx of new bot accounts posting fishy links, many subreddits require a minimum account karma limit.

    Better rack up those points now with a mildly amusing comment in a default subreddit to ensure you're game day ready.

    3. Age is Just a Number

    Hey you crotchety Methuselahs! Been lurking for 10 years or more? Time to dust off that posting button and show those whippersnappers a thing or two about submissions. Remember when you could actually post to /r/reddit? Don't forget to mention that this is the best thing to happen in the lifetime of your veteran account.

    Age before beauty!

    4. Pun Your Way to Health

    Some people say that puns are the lowest form of wit. But puns online are simply divine. On reddit, no one reads wordy descriptions anyway. Titles must do all the work, grab and summarize. What better way to get a brief smirk to play upon your dear readers faces than with hilarious word-play?

    Feeling punned out? Try on a couple of these for size: House Rules!, Housing Shortage, Housing Market, House-tzer Guns for Defense, House Today - Gun Tomorrow, House Beautiful

    5. Social Medicine

    Everybody hates it, but you've gotta take it. The job that anyone can do, no one wants to do, someone's gotta do it, and a job that gets no respect: It's the Social Media Manager!

    Help them out by including link to a post from your favorite social media website made by a game developer, a gaming news site, or even a random person off the street. Why waste time in the body of your textbox when they've done all the work for you?

    6. Crack of Dawn

    Like a pulled pin from a hand grenade, timing is everything. Those fancy EurAsianAussies may get the chance at being in House's birth day first, but reddit dot com runs on good old fashioned American time.

    Try to catch those sleepy-eyed Eastern Seaboarders at their Eastern Time 6:00 AM. It will push up onward through the morning hours until the sunlight reaches the Left Coast on Pacific Time.

    Or try to post during the rush hour of one of the latest European time zones to carry enough momentum to carry and jerk those New Yorkers with their morning coffee awake enough to push the snowball.

    As always, spring forward fall back. Daylight Savings Time is in effect in Nevada, USA if you are in a country that doesn't recognize magical hour hocus-pocus. Or those Arizona and Hawai'i fellows.

    7. Dr. 9-Irony

    Ah, the old reddit switcheroo. Try posting a picture of popular television star of the small screen, Dr. Gregory House. That will be sure to get a small, mirthless chuckle from the masses.

    In case of pesky rule violations, be sure to use any popular photo-manipulation computer program to insert a headshot of acclaimed actor Hugh Laurie onto the body of Robert House.

    8. Words of Wisdom

    Pithy quotes from the man with a well-framed photograph and black on white text will bring a tear to many a viewer. Perhaps share a few words and provide a few inspirational insights on how House has changed your life and the lives of many.

    9. Honest Mistake

    Did you post too early? Too late? Hopefully people won't notice.

    But if they do, don't forget to profusely apologize. Or don't.

    To err is human, but to forgive divine.

    10. House of Cards

    Straighten up, square your shoulders, stare right into camera and be sure to use the full name of Robert Edwin House.

    That will be guaranteed to show you have more than a passing knowledge of the history of the greatest man who ever lived as opposed to those degenerates who use mere nicknames and abbreviations. Or slightly more effort with a cursory Google search.

    11. Ave Corporate!

    Make it official! And what can be more official than a sponsored post straight from the horse's mouth? Include a link to spread the referral love.

    Got official merchandise? Spread those cherished tchotchkes and get those snappie snappies.

    12. Spruce Goose

    History is often written by the victors. Include a small history segment of the man behind the man, Howard Hughes. Perhaps a side by side comparison whether photographic or lexical would be a suitable tribute.

    13. Etaoin Shrdlu?

    Sometimes your feline friend just happens to walk across the keyboard. Or maybe you made a hasty typo in your earnest efforts to compose a masterful title.

    You can't change the past, so embrace it! Hopefully it was a humorous mistake that will take you to the top!

    14. Lights! Camera! Action!

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video film would be even better. Start those motion picture cameras rolling and use your favorite video sharing site to get the lead out and get the word out about House.

    Does the camera add ten pounds? Maybe. But it will certainly add more than a thousand words.

    15. Morose Code

    .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / .-- --- .-. -.- / ..-. --- .-. / .. - / .- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . --..-- / - .... . / .-. . .-- .- .-. -.. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / --. .-. . .- - . .-. .-.-.-

    16. Conscientious Sympathizer

    English not your first language? It is your first language? It doesn't matter in the eyes of the public.

    Humility is the sincerest form of expression. Everyone is imperfect next to House and his birthday. Relax! Preface the post with a pre-apology and even the most jaded of hearts will soften.

    17. And It's Neck and Neck!

    Sometimes the only winning move is not to play. Put on your newsman fedora and post a screenshot of the New or Hot Queue instead. Keep a running color commentary on projected winner and laugh all the way to the sportsbook.

    Sometimes no news is the news.

    18. Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready for My Close-Up

    Got a massive wardrobe. Been trimming that pencil mustache? Time to break out those double-breasted blazers and white pants. Line up the flash pan and take a shot.

    If only the darn buttons weren't so confusing to do up.

    19. Condolences

    Sometimes we forget the human. René Auberjonois sadly left us in December of 2019.

    Remember him.

    20. More Bloatflies with Honey

    Share the love with orange ups. It costs nothing and makes a whole lotta people feel good.

    21. I Love to Singa

    Musically included? Compose a ditty, sing a song, or trip the light fantasic. Be a triple threat tribute.

    For the more vocally challenged perhaps try quilling a poem, an acrostic, or maybe even macaroni art.

    22. Truth or Consequences

    Do you have a novelty account? Is it well aged and beetlejuiced up? It's time to make a comeback appearance to last for the ages.

    Or maybe even share a photograph of the delivery room and a copy of the birth certificate.

    23. Should Auld Acquaintance

    People use this song to ring in the new year, but it's also to ring out the end of the working day in many countries.

    Make a post acknowledging the end of House's birthday and thank everyone for the memories made on this day.

    24. Afraid of Comment-ment

    We get it, sometime writing and submitting a post is nerve-wracking.

    But that shouldn't stop the intrepid comment writer. Be witty, insightful, and quick! It's a long way to win king of the hill.

    25. And the Award Goes To...

    Be sure to thank those hard-working people making posts and comments by crossing their palms with silver. Or gold, or whatever the awards are nowadays.

    Got to shake the change out of the cushions.

    Aww, Missed Out?

    Don't worry. You can simply bide your time until the next birthday comes around.

    Shannon Rivers in 2024.

    Desmond Lockheart in 2027.

    The various robobrains from 2029-2055.

    Cherise Fanno in 2023.

    Antonio DeSota in 2023.

    Raul Tejada in 2047.

    Bonnie Tournquist in 2048.

    Penelope Hornwright in 2048.

    Various Massachusetts Bay University 2078 graduates from 2048-2058.

    Carol in 2051.

    Aneila Stawksi in 2052.

    Randall Clark in 2053.

    Robert Smith in 2064.

    Various Vault 75 subjects from 2064-2071.

    Jason Grant in 2067.

    Kimmy Miller in 2069.

    Marlene Glass in 2070.

    Shane Miller in 2071.

    Harold in 2072.

    Lily Bowen will be born in 2078, well within the lifetime of most people here. Of course, 2077 and Shaun will be close by.

    You can even look forward to a House post same time, same place, same channel, next year.

    submitted by /u/twentythirdedition
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    Anyone ever wonder about the history behind food in fallout.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Whenever I find a lunchbox next to a skeleton that has been dead for ages I see its full of post war food. At least I think it's all post war. Mirelurk cakes, iguana on a stick, crispy squirrel bites, etc... however I can't imagine that was good eaten prewar. So I find the inconsistency kind of funny. You find a sealed vault or something and there in the food locker is radroach meat or a deathclaw egg. Maybe I though about it too much but that's always bothered me in any fallout.

    submitted by /u/Burnsie92
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    House always Wins

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    So, Mister Robert E. House was born June the 25th of the year 2020 according to accurate Fallout lore.

    If he was born tomorrow, I discovered some interesting facts that could tie into his lore- just for fun of course!- for why he's the way he is.

    MrHouse would have been born during a global pandemic. Born into a time where Covid-19 was ravaging young, old and all in between.

    He would have been taught extra measures for sanatization, cleanliness, how to make the most of what he had and to always avoid physical human contact. Hence the screen and cryo-like pod. (stasis pod)

    He would have been born during the rioting, racial contraversies and tensions at their peak for the United States citizens. He would have seen the death tolls and wanted protection he controlled. Hence the robotic army he created.

    The tensions between countries is even more known now, despite the control of the media, and he would know which countries posed the most threat- the ones with nukes.

    He'd be planning, within reason, ways to protect where he was. Ways to keep himself, and his home, safe.

    If you think about it.. The game makers made a character, unintentionally, that's plausible for our time period.

    And.. House Always Wins.

    submitted by /u/NebulousAtrophy
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    Playing through nuka world for the first time and I gotta say this dlc is pretty damn good

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I've never touched nuka world or far harbour and thought I'd give nuka world a play through and in all honesty this might be my favourite dlc or even top 3.

    Commando build sorta makes this dlc a breeze tho thanks to the problem solver.

    submitted by /u/ReDAnibu
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    It's officially Mr. House's birthday in the Mojave

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    I know you've probably seen this a few times on the sub but it's official official now

    submitted by /u/WarfareRidge
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    If you use the cryo grenade on yourself then use the stealth bot and look at your pip buy you look like a ghost

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    What if Jun and Marcy were reversed? How would we feel about them?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    I swear I'm not normally that guy who brings this kind of stuff up and it usually annoys me when people do but I really have to wonder.

    People find Marcy annoying because she's relentlessly ornery about her son's death.

    People find Jun annoying because he won't stop whining and moping about his son's death.

    What if they were reversed?

    What if Jun was the one who was grouchy about his son's death all the time while Marcy was the one constantly on the verge of tears?

    I suspect we have more tolerance for a man being grouchy than crying and being sad. Meanwhile we have more tolerance for a woman crying to express her grief than we do her being irritable or mean.

    Maybe I'm off base. Again, I don't normally like to be that guy. I just have to admit to myself, the roles fit stereotypes better if they're reversed.

    Certainly part of it is that they never stop, but not much time passes during the game, a few weeks to a couple of months maybe, not long enough that Jun and Marcy wouldn't still be plausibly dealing with their grief.

    submitted by /u/CuriousGazelle0
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    What are the Essential mods for Fallout 4..... Asking for my new play through.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    What are the Essential mods for Fallout 4..... Asking for my new play through since I haven't played the game in a very long long time. I really want it to be heavily modded since Id like this to be a modded playthrough. But I'm just not sure what to include and what not to include.

    If I can have some advice on this please let me know because I'm just not sure here.

    submitted by /u/tim0524
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    [Fo4]Never ending handmade rifle or never ending plasma rifle?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    On paper the plasma gun should be better as it is lighter, does more damage, has more range, and is more versatile. But the plasma projectile is really slow and I cannot hit the broadside of a barn with it outside of really close range. The handmade rifle also has lower recoil. Which one should I choose?

    submitted by /u/KnightGabriel
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    I've been making some of the fallout beverages in my spare time lately

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    Here are the ones I've done so far:


    I've got two coke bottles left, which other flavours do you guys think I should do?

    submitted by /u/Macca3568
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    Happy Birthday to this Chad known as Mr. House

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    Robert Edwin House is Born

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    The President, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip, industrialist and technologist, founder, President, and CEO of the multi-billion-dollar pre-war robotics and software corporation, RobCo Industries.

    submitted by /u/thatguy728
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Yes today on the 25th of June Robert.E.House was born so celebrate Mr.House's birthday through out the day. Also fun tidbit Mr.House had 2 sex robots

    submitted by /u/Bob_Ross_FBI_Agent
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    Cheers for the Birthday boy!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Have a sweet roll champ! Have some cake, don't let the bullies bother you. Here is a poem just for you.

    "Gray walls, impenetrable steel. Suffocation! Condemnation! Little hands groping in subterranean uncertainty. Mommy? Daddy? Am I dead? Nay! Nay! Reborn into purifying fluorescence! A face emerges, strong and male. Father to me? Father to all! Overseeing our lives, our eternities. Harshness of discipline. Harshness of love. Obedience my savior!

    Larva to pupa, pupa to worker. Buzz, buzz! One with the steel honeycomb. You lie within the 38, significant at last. Till gray seeps from walls to hair, to soul. Then, eternal slumber, the sweet sleep of incineration."

    Definitely original do not @ me.

    submitted by /u/Italionaut
    [link] [comments]

    Holy shit I just killed every leader in Ultra Luxe

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    I was trying to expose top hat man for cannibalism however instead of gaining a good reputation from the strip I pickpocketed top mans pocket, stole the keys and freed the kid. Turns out that you have to kill every bouncer and leader if you snuck your way into the exclusive dining room. Smh I have no older saves 😬😬

    submitted by /u/xSameDeepWaterAsYoux
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    Is there a Fo4 mod that reduces enemy spawns/encounters?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    Just wondering if anyone knows of any fallout 4 mods that would reduce the amount of enemies and people/creatures a bit to make the world feel more lonely and to possibly increase performance as a side effect

    submitted by /u/blueburter2
    [link] [comments]

    So someone tired making a utopian 'vault' for mice. It ended in a horiffic disaster.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    So they built a 'vault' that gave the move everything a mouse would need, but they ended up becoming crazy, violent or simply dejected, refusing to breed until they all died.

    I wonder if this experiment was an inspiration for vault-tec?

    submitted by /u/Nonions
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    Anyone else think Nate’s voice actor in FO4 did a pretty good job?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    His voice acting seems to get a lot of hate, but personally I think he did a damn good job, he just had really poor dialogue to work with.

    submitted by /u/Glossyplane542
    [link] [comments]

    Wanting to replay Fallout 3 again, anyway to make it interconnected/open world?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    TLDR: anyway to play FO3 with a mod that lets me go ANYWHERE on the overworld map WITHOUT having to constantly go underground and through subways? (Even when I would give up and use fast-travel, which I try to avoid for everything except purposefully made far away fetch quests, there were still tons of times where and objective would be just on the other side of the wall yet you have to go detour through a log ass underground subway trail. No thanks).

    It's been so long since I played it, I must've done FO4 around three or four times, New Vegas is in the double digits, but 3? I only played it once and had no idea what I was doing so I probably missed a lot.

    I don't need the fancy new graphics of the duct tape held together creation engine, I don't need the iron sights of New Vegas, the only I thing that I need that I absolutely HATED about Fallout 3 was being able to connect from one area to the next.

    For example, there's MANY areas of the map that don't actually "connect" to the other areas, you have to go down into the subways and go through mazes like a rat. Whereas in NV or 4, you look at your compass, and go the direction of your next directive. No bullshit, no mazes, and no long subway trails.

    Maybe a 15x jumper mod like FO4 has to get over the walls that are preventing you from progressing? I mean, the objective would be like 15 feet in front of me but instead it forces me down into the subway and make me go fifteen-HUNDRED feet instead just to get there. What about a "noclip" toggle or something?

    I do want to play it again, but if I do I want to make sure I can get to any area on the overworld map without having to constantly go underground.

    PS: did you all know it's Mr. Houses birthday? I can't believe no one made a topic pointing that out!

    submitted by /u/KalynnCampbell
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    Struggling on FO4 on Very Hard

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    I never really played any Fallout games until quarantine boredom started setting in. Coming off The Witcher 3 on the hardest difficulty I may have been a bit arrogant. I decided that, with no experience in any Fallout games that I wanted to play on Very Hard. I started and it was hard but doable. I struggled with aiming at the start because The Witcher doesn't really require aiming, but I beat the Concord Deathclaw and went to Diamond city. Any travel was hard, I couldn't win any fights, I could fight raiders, but usually lost, but ghouls kicked my ass. I spent 7 hours working on my sanctuary settlement and tried to start making money, but got stuck behind a level 14 wall. After working for a long time on weapons and trying to get enough ammo to beat Skinny Malone. I fought through and barely survived, but my supplies burnt fast. I gave Mama Murphy some Jet, so I didn't try to fight Skinny with 34 bullets. I thought I was invincible after beating that, so I tried to fight Kellogg. I couldn't get the first Synth to half health. I decided my weapons were the problem. So I decided to go to Vault 81 and level some. I got to Hole in the wall quest and now I'm stuck. By save scumming I've avoided the disease, but now I have to kill the BroodMother and I just don't do enough damage. Should I lower the difficulty, try chipping, or leave for now?

    Tl;DR Everything is a sponge on Very Hard, can't afford enough bullets anymore.

    submitted by /u/MaybeABluePineapple
    [link] [comments]

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