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    Fallout: New Vegas | action shot

    Fallout: New Vegas | action shot

    action shot

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Bandit of The Strip

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    I'm dead

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Made the pilgrimage last weekened while passing by - Goodsprings, NV

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    This was the day, the New Vegas Samurai was born

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    TIL that if you don't kill the Feral Ghouls during Come Fly With Me, that appear on the launch pad

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Of all the guns to end up being used in the wasteland after 200 years...

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    It's a single-action revolver that takes a long time to load. The only double-action .357 revolver is the police pistol from dead money. The .44 magnum, hunting revolver and ranger sequoia are all double-action. Why not the .357?

    submitted by /u/SoulfulHickory3
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    NCR recruitment poster.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Guess the film?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Wandering The Wastes

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    When you thought you met a fellow NV fan but you are dead wrong.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    How I'm killing Benny rn

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I disarmed him of Maria,stole it and used console commands to give him stimpaks and boxing tape. We're having a fistfight now. It's pretty fun tbh! This is on my 3rd playthrough btw.

    submitted by /u/dedhmi
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    Did Sunny Smiles name herself?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    In universe, I know we never get an actual answer, but do you think Sunny Smiles chose her own last name?

    submitted by /u/Monsicorn
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    FO4: NV Edition

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Whatever happened to them? I know at one point the production for the remake of FO3 halted because of legal concerns. But NV was still in development. I followed them where I could but realized there were no more updates. Did I miss something?

    submitted by /u/SirGamer247
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    Long kept apart by family prejudices and literal artillery, two lovers make up for lost time, in the only way they know how

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Buff person runs around in the desert high on weeds, booze and weedbooze punching things no one ever should punch. Part 2 (Punching things in Fallout New Vegas is a truly satisfying and relaxing experience: Part 2.5)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Earlier parts:
    - Punching things from Goodsprings to Nipton.
    - Buff person runs around in the desert high on weeds, booze and weedbooze punching things no one ever should punch. Part 1

    Lil recap:
    - 10STR 10END 10INT 10AGI ABSOLUTE CHAD gets shot in the head with a Holy Handgun and after recovery proceeds to bring justice, happiness and euthanasia by punching with PEAK HUMAN STRENGTH. Punches a lot of dangerous things including Dust Gangsters, Giant Radcorpios and Ghoul Reavers. Makes friends with a wholesome blondie(Willow) and best robot boy(ED-E).
    - Following the event of Nipton they get sidetracked and ripped their clothes off by zambiez like it's some hentai, avoid severe radiation poisoning this time and gets stung a lot by the freak bastard child of your sleep paralysis demon and wasps.

    And so the adventure continues. I decided to explore the nearby area for landmarks and interesting stuff. When walking towards an arrow on my compass I spotted a DIABLO. I hurried to discover the landmark Valt 19, then went back to pick a fight with my rival!
    It was just a Young Deathclaw and it was a steamroll. Far easier than the last time I went fighting with Diablos so confident in my abilities I proceeded up the mountain in hopes for more. Boy there was MORE. Checking the map the back entrance to Quarry junction is probably near.

    I decided to try my luck just for the lolz and start taking out the pack around. I died eventually but took down several ones. It was fun.
    Too fun... so fun in fact that it starts a chain of events that ends up being wasted time but at least wasted time spent with having fun.
    I tried again and again, just to see how far can I get even going full on with the chems.
    Eventually I picked a different direction to approach the pack from and without chems I just pulled them in small numbers with a gun(guns this early in the game ESPECIALLY with only a 25 guns skill are pretty much useless anyway). My slip into a rush of a self-feeding cycle of dopamine rushed from tackling a pointless and with no merit but highly difficult challenge have just begun!
    I found the pass into Quarry Junction and decided to look inside. Found a friendly group of Khans stuck there because of a delayed shipment. Agreed to help out with that and she explained that the chemicals are in a briefcase in one of the vehicles. Looking at the questmarker ON MY COMPASS(it's important that only on my compass) I pinpointed which vehicle is it in and began the descent into the middle of the Diablo rave party.

    Unsurprisingly even my PEAK HUMAN body gets mauled when they gang up on me so I had to whip out Ratslayer to pull them one by one from a distance. When the area seemed clear I went down, then the matriarch and the alpha showed up out of friggin nowhere to maul me.
    After reloading I could see them in the distance now. With several more Diablos in different locations. For some weird reason not all of them have loaded in the for the first times around.
    So me and my companions had to pick them off again.
    Now I remembered to quicksave.
    Then I died a bunch of times because the matriarch kills me in two hits even while blocking. This PEAK DIABLO'S strength is too much for my body. So just for fun I set up a dastardly trap. When in doubt use explosives. If it doesn't work, use more explosives. Either the problem breaks or the game. So I put down frag grenades and dynamite in a pile with armed frag mines, then proceeded to pull the matriarch.
    The first time around she went around the pile so I got mauled. The next time I set it up in a better spot and when she walked on it it launched up to the air taking much of her health and crippling her leg. I went into VATS and stomped like there's no tomorrow until she was down.
    Then came the issue of the alpha still being in this world. I had not enough explosives left for another trap so it had to go on a straightforward way. After many many deaths I clashed with the PEAK OF THE PEAK DAIBLOS HEAD ON!!! The plan was simple: I'll be the tank bodyblocking him while Willow and ED-E chip away his HP, hoping my Stimpaks and Doctor's Bags hold out long enough, even bringing out the chems in my inventory(I ended up killing everything until now without chems because they were unnecessary once I found the right tactic).
    It was truly epic test of tenacity and perseverance. Even with Med-X and Buffout's health bonus the PEAK OF ALL DIABLO-KIND broke my bones and torn my muscles with every swing but my broken body constantly reformed with Stimpaks, Super Stimpacs and Doctor's Bags. My PEAK HUMAN BODY kept getting shattered over and over and over in the desperate struggle to hold him off my companions, my comrades, my... close and dearest friends. Indeed. This is the TRUE POWER OF HUMANITY!!! OUR BONDS AND MUTUAL SUPPORT BRINGS US TO OVERCOME THE IMPOSSIBLE! "YOOOU! SHAAAALL! NOT! PAAAAAASSSSS!!!!" I BELLOWED AS I BEGAN TO FORCE BACK THE ULTIMATE BEING OF SHEER POWER WITH MY OWN BODY, MY ARMS FLAPPING AROUND LIKE A RAGDOLL'S BEFORE SNAPPING BACK TO PLACE FROM MY BONES MENDING BACK TOGETHER AGAIN!!!

    When I came to my senses I was punching the head and limbless torso of the Alpha.
    We have finally claimed victory! Through the peak capabilities of the human body and the creations of human ingenuity we have overcome the strongest beast of the post-apocalypse!!!

    I looted the corpses, picked up the eggs and the machine gun from the nest and found no sign of the briefcase.... checked my world map... it's in Sloan... I suddenly vaguely remember her mentioning that it is probably in Sloan too.

    ..and so we have overcome the impossible throug trial and error for hours. HOURS! For NOTHING!!!
    Gotta get back to Doc Mitchell to fix my addictions and stock up on stims.

    I went into Sloan, the case was empty, the leader of the operation who turned out to be the Khan girl's father explained that the shipment is late because the guy providing cheated them. To Primm we go to have a talk with Tyrone.
    Before that I brought a Deathclaw egg to the jolly cook girl there who made me a Wasteland Omelet and taught the recipe. It has a strong, long lasting healing effect but the materials are pretty rare....
    In Primm the Cosmic Force allowed me the option to FLEX MY PEAK HUMAN BODY to impress him so much he'll be inclined to cooperate, but decided to discuss it in a civil manner and tell him he'll be losing a customer if he keeps the price raised.
    Brought back the shipment to the Khan Girl.

    I continued to explore a bit around Vault 19 killing some wildlife and clearing a gecko cave that had a Supermutant corpse with a Fat Man(I happened to find a Mini Nuke in Quarry junction earlier... interesting possibilities). I repaired it and the Tesla whatever Prototype with my Weapon Repair Kits I made from the junk I was hoarding and stashed them on ED-E.

    ...and so concludes my extremely sidetracked exploration where I'm at places I shouldn't be and punch things to death I REEEEALLY shouldn't punch to death. Also my Reinforced Combat armor and Helmet is busted from all the Diablo slaps... x.x
    Lucky I have my Reinforced Metal Armor on ED-E as backup.

    That's it for now.
    Next I'll journey into Vault 19 since I'm here.

    submitted by /u/elixxon
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    I Realized Why Honest Hearts is Generally Considered Weak

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    r/fnv is a revolving door of lore and gameplay discussion, with one of the most common questions besides "which faction to side with?" being "which was the best DLC"?

    Now such a question is vague as there are many metrics to judge such a thing. Some may take issue with this next statement, but the general consensus tends to be that the best in order is Lonesome Road, Dead Money (controversially), Old World Blues, and then Honest Hearts.

    Can-of-worms that is aside, they are all Fallout in one extreme or another. What really sets games and DLCs apart is their gameplay and plot. Whether you think the character of Graham is interesting or not often overshadows the real issue with the entire DLC which is the severe absenteeism and underdevelopment of the antagonist: Salt-Upon-Wounds.

    You get a neat scripted event at the beginning to show that what you thought was going to maybe be some team-based questing falls apart with the massacre of your caravan. How simple would it have been to give a flash of Salt, maybe even just one shout to the player upon taking out the pawns?

    Throughout the DLC, we are treated to a few dramatic lines about how ruthless he is and how he destroyed New Canaan. Yet you are doing this while rubbing elbows with the Malpase Legate.

    The Burned Man's redemption was always a hard sell for me, as most Couriers are treated to the terror of the Legion fairly early. We see kidnapped powder gangers, burned towns, and freaking crucified dissidents. Their reputation is made quite clear even for new players.

    Even the Great Khans, who are far from portrayed as explicit villains, drape skeletons on menacing totems around Red Rock Canyon to let you know what time it is. The game does a great job of showing exactly how foul or benevolent or in-between pretty much every town and faction is and yet they do a really sorry job of building up SUW.

    Just one or two appearances of him at some point would have made a massive difference. Have him lead an assault against the Eastern Virgin as soon as you leave Angel Cave and have him behead a Sorrow up on a cliff when the tide turns against him. Script an event where you see him leading some captives across a bridge and he kills someone slowing them down. Anything!

    Overall, the Jaws approach of never really seeing the monster for most of the movie doesn't work here. I remember the first time beating Honest Hearts, having not explored and absorbed the dialogue very well, and when I got to the end and confronted him I just went, "oh, right, this dude." And then I was just woefully underwhelmed by him.

    What are your thoughts? Was this something you hadn't considered? As I said, Honest Hearts discussions seem to get consumed with Graham, but in my opinion, the devs necessarily had to balance his redemption with a character that we truly felt was more vile than Joshua had been while under Caesar, and I really think they missed a good opportunity to do so.

    submitted by /u/Owlikzander
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    How to regain good karma from - 650

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Got - 650 karma what do

    submitted by /u/t_u_r_o_k
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    For being a cripple this powderganger sure has a big mouth ��nothing a 12G can't handle.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    "Draw me like one of your French Ghouls"

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    What a fucking coward. I'm glad I made him suffer.

    submitted by /u/dedhmi
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    Cannibal Johnson is repeatedly circling me during the ending montage.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:14 PM PDT

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