Fallout | They got it backwards with the Sole Survivor. The Sarcasm option |
- They got it backwards with the Sole Survivor. The Sarcasm option
- Breaking VATS in Fallout New Vegas
- There's a New Vegas mod that allows you to tell your companions to relax and they will play games at the casinos.
- Real Estate opportunity for fallout lovers
- It's unfortunate that you can't tell Jack Cabot that you have seen the Zetan Aliens?
- Help this courier, I'm new to the commonwealth! (New fallout 4 survival player)
- The music from Fallout 4
- Any one know why going near Greenetech Genetics causes frames to drop? (PS4)
- Replay of Fallout 4
- Is it worth buying a PS3 just to play New Vegas and Fallout 3?
- Was danse always a (spoiler)
- What are the best starting builds for Fallout New Vegas? Each build with a different purpose.
- Nuka-World: Just curious, which territories did you assign to each gang?
- NPC Console command issues [FNV]
- I love Fallout 3 & NV. I played console in the past and will download for PC soon. Which mods should I add?
- Power armour and companions
- **MOJAVE BLUES NEW EPISODE: Fallout New Vegas Mini Series Announcement** - "The Wolf's Head"
- The Kebekwa Peoples: les descendants canadiens
- [NV] TIL the vending machines on the strip actually give you magazines.
- Been playing Nuka-World for first time ever, and seem to be in a unique situation regarding gang leaders... [SPOILERS]
- Good power armor combos?
- [Fallout 4] Where can I find a handmade rifle?
- My game is stuck playing the battle music is there any way to fix it please help
- Returning to Fo1 after 20 years: advice on mods please.
- Help with fallout 2
They got it backwards with the Sole Survivor. The Sarcasm option Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:58 AM PST They portrayed the Sole Survivor as this guy who made sly references and sarcastic remarks that went over the heads of all the clueless idiots around him. He's the savvy one and they're all the the rubes. Really it should be the opposite. From everybody else's perspective the Sole Survivor should be the village idiot. Doesn't know what a ghoul is, what a synth is, doesn't know how to forage or survive (This would be more true with Nora than Nate), can't stand the taste of 200 year old food. Doesn't know what's edible. Doesn't know anything really starting out except how to shoot a gun, but not how to hunt monsters. Rather than being Chandler Bing, he'd be Gomer Pyle and if you think THOSE references are horribly dated, just imagine how 200 year old Nate or Nora would come off. [link] [comments] |
Breaking VATS in Fallout New Vegas Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:50 AM PST I've played through this game way too many times, but even then, a purely VATS focused playthrough is something I've never actually done. I'm making this post to take suggestions on minor stat changes and on what weapons I should use. S - 3 (+1 Implant +2 Reinforced Spine) P - 5 (+1 Implant) E - 5 (+1 Lonesome Road) C - 1 I - 9 (+1 Implant) A - 9 (+1 Implant) L - 8 (+1 Implant +1 Lucky Shades) Tag Skills: Traits Notable Perks: Weapons: If you have any weapon suggestions, please tell me them. Apparel: Can't decide with this one. The Legion Duster has a nice +15 AP boost, but Ulysses's Duster has +5 Crit Chance. Please help me decide between the two. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:19 PM PST https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50468?tab=description JIP Companions Command and Control allows your companions to sit in on a blackjack table or a slot machine..They will also sometimes just sit and relax on a table while watching people perform on stage and that is just one of the few options.. You can also tell your companions to hack a computer or lockpick a chest/door and it makes the game more realistic in my opinion because bringing along a friend who knows more science and lockpick than your courier and not being able to tell them to help you is kinda weird. How do you know their stats? Well this mod just lets you do that by holding the middle mouse wheel/button on their portaits. There's more options that are pretty much present in the companion wheel but changed the UI so you can order them in real game time without making a conversation with them. This mod is legit.. edit: more info [link] [comments] |
Real Estate opportunity for fallout lovers Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:47 AM PST There is currently on sale an actual, real-life property consisting of an underground bunker and missile silos in Tucson, Arizona for the paltry sum of 395,000$. People from this subreddit should feel right at home. The blurb of the real estate agent is the following:
https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/24665-S-Highway-79-Catalina-AZ-85739/2082082831_zpid/?view=public [link] [comments] |
It's unfortunate that you can't tell Jack Cabot that you have seen the Zetan Aliens? Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:22 PM PST >Be me >Doing THIS meme on this site >Making a joke about Fallout 4 that goes like this, >Getting Drunk at...that bar in Gooneighbor >(Can't remember it's actual name...The Last Plank?) >Ghouly Motherfucker walks up to me >"You want a job?" >"What is this job?" >"I'm not telling, you do job or not?" >"I do job." >"See you later!" >Arrives at the job house, very shiny, Men of Iron guarding the outside, Codsworth approves. >I go inside, Ghouly Motherfucker, and science man who looks like Dr.Kliener from Half-Life 2 asks me to take a seat. >"Yo, do you believe in aliens?" >Be my character, wearing a Hubologist robe, carrying 5 Alien weapons, an Alien blaster from base game, an Alien Shock Baton from Creation Club, an Alien Disintegrator from Creation Club, an Alien Atomizer from Creation Club, and a better Alien Blaster from the Hubologists. >"Picks the NO option." >My character does not believe in Aliens. [link] [comments] |
Help this courier, I'm new to the commonwealth! (New fallout 4 survival player) Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST I used to play fallout new vagas on a crappy laptop, and played its version of "survival" mode (Hardcore), and just about a month ago bought myself a ps4 and a copy of Fallout 4 (Game of the year addition) for my 19th birthday. I did a normal playthrough on normal difficulty setting and beat the main story but with basically none of the real dlc's yet. I just started a survival playthrough and am about level 5 right now and just ran my way to get diamond city out of the way. Other than that I did not do too much other than help the minute men get to sanctuary. Any tips for me to get started or anything in general? I am thinking about a melee build with the whole weight system in survival,but want to hear thoughts before I get too into it! Please help! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:02 AM PST Seriously though, am I the only one that thinks that the main theme and the whole soundtrack is really good? like the music developed exclusively for fallout (so like the ambient music and main theme) [link] [comments] |
Any one know why going near Greenetech Genetics causes frames to drop? (PS4) Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST Heyo, I'm currently on the third playthrough of Fallout 4, just got to Hunter/Hunted and traveled to C.I.T Ruins, everything is fine up until I get half-way to Greenetech then my frames drop to 1 per 10 seconds. I tried to go around, near Cambridge Crater but the same thing happened. Walking from Bunker Hill, however, was fine, I dropped down to what I would say is 15 frames per second but i was able to make it into Greenetech, after that things went smoothly. Any one know why this happens or is it another one of Bethesda's "It just works" moments. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:21 AM PST I'm replaying fallout 4 and wondered what stuff there is to do around Sanctuary Hills? Don't want to go much further south than Oberland Station atm due to being low level/no good weapons. [link] [comments] |
Is it worth buying a PS3 just to play New Vegas and Fallout 3? Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:40 PM PST I have a PS4, but I feel like PS Now is just way too much money to spend to play only two games that I really want to play. I also don't have a great computer; it's really slow. Would my best bet to buy a PS3 (approx $50) and both of the games (approx $20) for a final price of $70-ish? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:06 AM PST Obviously, spoiler. Was danse always a synth? We know that danse comes from the capitol wastelands chapter of the BOS. Could it at all be possible that Danse originally joined as a human, then was swapped by the institute? Possibly on the journey to boston? [link] [comments] |
What are the best starting builds for Fallout New Vegas? Each build with a different purpose. Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:33 AM PST |
Nuka-World: Just curious, which territories did you assign to each gang? Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:47 PM PST Really just interested what people went for, and particularly interested if anyone was so cruel as to deny The Pack the territory that was made for them; Safari Adventure. It's a match made in heaven and they'd be in their element there. Myself I've assigned Kiddie Kingdom to the Disciples.. I mean the place is kinda' fucked up especially with all the ferals so I thought it made sense for that reason. Just realised the painted ferals might appeal to The Pack though. I assigned the factory to the Operators, because it's a symbol of capitalism and they are quite literally cut-throat capitalists. Safari Adventure is The Pack obviously. Just.. absolutely makes sense. I'm about to go to Dry Rock Gulch and give that to The Pack as well, because they have a tribal thing goin' on, lil' bit of Native American stylistic influence perhaps.. and western as a genre has a link with Native Americans, although I've not read anything about there being anything like that there and I'm sure there isn't.. but it just seems like the right fit. ..maybe I'm biased because I like The Pack and I love westerns... well yeah, that's it. I admit it. The Galactic whatever.. could be anyone really. I'm going with The Operators because I don't want to show favouritism to one gang.. even though I've said I like The Pack best.. and I don't like the Disciples. ..maybe I should just give it to The Pack to really piss the other two off actually haha! Did any of you cut a gang out? (zero territories) Does this cause anything unique to happen? Like they go to war with you or something? [link] [comments] |
NPC Console command issues [FNV] Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:25 AM PST I'm trying to mess around with (specifically) the Lonesome Drifter using console commands, but the game doesn't let me. It keeps saying "SCRIPTS: Script 'SysWindowComplileAndRun', line 1: Missing parameter count. Compiled script not saved!". Like idk what that means so any help would be appreciated [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:09 AM PST As the title says. I only ever played F3 and NV on console but I am excited to play with all these cool mods I've seen. Which ones should I add before starting a new PC run for each of these games? I want mods that will enhance each of these games... Thanks for any suggestions! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:54 AM PST How do I get nick out of my power armour I need to go to the glowing sea [link] [comments] |
**MOJAVE BLUES NEW EPISODE: Fallout New Vegas Mini Series Announcement** - "The Wolf's Head" Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:47 PM PST New Episodes of the action-comedy every Friday- only on Youtube. While on the road back east, Six tires to get the Ranger to open up to her. Everything goes haywire when Vulpes and Caesar's Legion attacks. **SPECIAL APPEARANCES BY BOONE AND VERONICA** Episode 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnCvcGYS9ds --Based on the characters and universe featured in Fallout: New Vegas, all rights reserved to Obsidian Entertainment & Bethesda Softworks. Fan film featuring all original homemade props and cosplay/ costumes. Please note that this is not created for commercial purposes. "Fallout" is © 2013 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.-- PREVIOUS EPISODE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKVr7-wd6cI&t= Official Series Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ72QTOj1x8 ** A FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS SERIES BASED ON THE GAME BY OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT AND BETHESDA STUDIOS** [link] [comments] |
The Kebekwa Peoples: les descendants canadiens Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:17 PM PST The Kebekwa (Keh-beck-wah) are a large cultural group, one of the largest in Post-War North America, that trace their ancestry back to the Pre-War nation of Canada, specifically to the francophone Quebecois. Occupying much of northern New England, northern New York, the Saint Lawrence Valley and much of the Great Lakes Basin , the Kebekwa, divided as they are, are a powerful influence on regional geopolitical powers and economies east of the Mississippi River, largely due to their dominance on (or in) the fur and slave trades.
Authors Note: this is a part of the series of write-ups I did for my fan-verse of Fallout, set about a century after Fallout 4. In this case, I thought the Northeast lacked a "tribal group" like the West had, and so I went ahead and made one. [link] [comments] |
[NV] TIL the vending machines on the strip actually give you magazines. Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST Anyone know if it's a one and done or do they respawning over time? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:17 PM PST Yeah, got the open season quest started. Well I'm gonna' leave it 'til the end, but my unique situation is that I only want to wipe out two of the gangs. I hate the whatever the flip lead by Nisha. They're deranged psychopaths and absolutely disgustingly brutal. I hate the whatever the flip lead by siblings because they're driven by money and greed, they're arrogant, condescending, pompous and have superiority complex. I like Mason. He's pretty cool. The magician moustache does not fit the look though. He was kinda' chill and not a dick really when my vault dweller Katy met him, he gave us a colourful painted gun. Also I dig their style so much, the whole tribal thing is awesome, the paints are too much particularly considering the colours. War paints in the correct colours would be better, and painted guns in the correct war paint colours. Anyway I digress.. the whole pack thing is pretty cool, they seem like I can work with them a bit more, and thus far I've not seen them having done anything deplorable to regular civilians. I wish I could just kill the others and let Mason stick around. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST I'm playing fallout 4 and I'm in the nukaworld dlc at lvl 44 and have full set of t-60, T-51(nukacola paintjob), the overboss, and full set of X-01mk. 3.any suggestions for good combinations of power armor? Not for power but for design, something to really spice up my power armor, I'd also love to hear about paint combos too. I've got all 3 piwer armor paint magazines so i have the paint. Also about to get the quantum x-01 now. Lemme know thanks :D [link] [comments] |
[Fallout 4] Where can I find a handmade rifle? Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:59 PM PST I recently got Nuka-World and I was excited for new missions, more Power Armor and the handmade rifle (AK pattern rifles). As the title asks, where can I find one? I don't want to spend 9000 caps on a legendary variant but I am willing to wait a bit until I can get one. [link] [comments] |
My game is stuck playing the battle music is there any way to fix it please help Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:26 PM PST |
Returning to Fo1 after 20 years: advice on mods please. Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:40 AM PST After an absence of nearly 20 years, I have decided to play through Fallout 1 again, after buying it on Steam. From what I recall, there were a fair few bits that were broken, missing or incomplete. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any mods or fixes that would improve the game or fix it a little. Note: I'm not looking for stuff that adds weapons, quests, content or anything big, just polishing really. It's cool if there isn't anything, I just thought I'd ask as I've been away from it for so long. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:44 PM PST Hey guys, I was playing fallout 2 and wanted to complete the quest for the NCR rangers at NCR where you have to have to free the slaves just outside the NCR. I snuck into the slave compound, locked the door behind me, and then killed the guard right outside the pens. Because I had locked the door, none of the other slavers ran into help him. I then unlocked the door and ran out under gunfire to the gates of the NCR. I had taken buffout and psycho to help me survive, and I had 4 intelligence. The guards told me to put my weapons away, and I put my gun away. I tried to tell my companions ( lenny, myron and cassidy ) to put their weapons away, but with my reduced intelligence I could only grunt at them. As a result, I ran past the guards into the NCR rangers base. I waited a few hours for the buffout and psycho to wear off so my intelligence would increase to non-grunting levels. I was given my NCR rangers badge and 3000xp, and I confidently strolled out of the Ranger's base, and was gunned down by a cop in the street. I am not sure what law I broke to deserve capital punishment, can someone tell me what law I broke so I can not break it. Note: I have not been caught stealing from anyone. I killed 2 people in the NCR walls, one of them was the guy who tries to fight you in the bar, I went outside and the cops didn't care. The other one is the guy who tries to become a suicide bomber. I killed him and the cops didn't care, and some NPCs even rewarded me. I put away my and my companions guns before exiting. Can someone please help me? [link] [comments] |
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