• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    Fallout: New Vegas | Courier- “ I just saw a coyote with an Acme rocket and roller skates blast by”. Follows Chalk-“Was he chasing a bird? We see that a lot out here”

    Fallout: New Vegas | Courier- “ I just saw a coyote with an Acme rocket and roller skates blast by”. Follows Chalk-“Was he chasing a bird? We see that a lot out here”

    Courier- “ I just saw a coyote with an Acme rocket and roller skates blast by”. Follows Chalk-“Was he chasing a bird? We see that a lot out here”

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:27 PM PST

    10 haunting photos taken seconds before disaster.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Wait, something is definitely not right here.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    I really like this game a lot its fun

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:14 PM PST

    thats all i have to say

    submitted by /u/iamcheg
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    Fallout New AAAA

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    I recommend a Legion playthrough if you thought the Vegas/NCR run is too easy.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:51 AM PST

    Make sure to have the JSawyer mod, coupled with Very Hard difficulty and Hardcore mode.

    It's so interesting to see the map in a different light; the further north and west you go the more hostile things get.

    submitted by /u/Sinikal12
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    Sneaky Melee with low Strength?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:00 AM PST

    I was wondering if it's possible to build an effective sneaky melee character (i.e. kills with knife/sword sneakily) with very low strength?

    Something like: SPECIAL = 1,7,4,1,9,9,9


    How does this look for a sneaky character that can do both sniper kills and up close melee kills?

    S - 9 (+implant 10)

    P - 6 (+hat,implant 8)

    E - 4

    C - 1 (I don't see any benefit to more than 1)

    I - 3 (I'd like to put more)

    A - 9 (+implant, 10)

    L - 8 (+implant, shades, 10)

    submitted by /u/AmusingAutomatons
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    Sub suggestion

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:09 AM PST

    Add user flairs to tell what platform you're on. I'm getting annoyed of people assuming that I play on PC.

    submitted by /u/26SobbingHorses
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    To those of you who cleared Dead Wind Cavern, what weapon/weapons and strategy did you use to kill Deathclaws there? Also how did you kill the legendary Deathclaw and Deathclaw mother?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:23 AM PST

    Not to sound repetitive (I asked a similar question 2 days ago), but I am curious to know how you people cleared it because it sure is the most difficult place to clear in Fallout New Vegas. And that legendary Deathclaw is one tough monster.

    I used Medicine Stick with normal .45-70 Govt ammo and sneak attack criticals. Took me a few tries and save reload. I killed Deathclaw mother and the legendary Deathclaw by shooting them in the face and using .45-70 Govt SWC rounds.

    submitted by /u/whaq63
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    The best companion in the game

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    Is Malcolm Holmes. Regardless of your morality, faction affiliation, or reputation that man will follow you to the ends of the earth. What a nice guy.

    submitted by /u/Bigboyprime
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    Hi Couriers! I finally discovered all the locations in Fallout New Vegas base game, Old World Blues, Dead Money, and Lonesome Road. Who of you discovered all the locations in FNV and its DLCs?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST

    One day I thought I should check how many locations I have not discovered yet in FNV and its DLCs. So, I added the Explorer perk by using console command and to my astonishment I found out that I have discovered almost all locations in FNV (only five or six were undiscovered), one location was undiscovered in Old World Blues and all locations were discovered in Dead Money and Lonesome Road.

    submitted by /u/whaq63
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    Any fun mods ?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:04 AM PST

    Hey guys , so i have been playing this game for a couple of hours , currently i'm planning to work with yes man , do you guys know any fun mods for this game ? really want some new things to do since i'm almost beating the game

    submitted by /u/xnour2
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    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    What’s your “head canon” backstory for your favorite courier?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Mine's simple.

    Just a young man from New California. Early 20's, left home due to boredom and wanting to see the world. Ends up running deliveries in the Mojave and gets involved in something way over his head, and decides to fight for his country and support the NCR, for better or for worse.

    Curious about what you guys have come up with for your characters!

    submitted by /u/quantumthiccy
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    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:16 PM PST

    Fallout New Vegas was the very first fallout game I played and I'm wondering if there will ever be a remaster, or port for the consoles?

    submitted by /u/Dabombdigity34567
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    Cazadors are not hard to kill. I don't know why people finds them difficult. Lets discuss.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:57 AM PST

    First of all let me be clear, I am not criticizing anyone. I just want to eradicate the fear of Cazadors.

    Cazadors become a joke after you complete Old World Blues and get either Heartless or Cardiac Arrest perk. Even if you do not have Heartless or Cardiac Arrest perk, they are still a joke against All-American. That rifle's fire rate is amazing and it kills Cazadors so fast that you have to use it to believe it. My weapon of choice to kill Cazadors.

    To anyone who struggle against Cazadors, I suggest you use All-American or Vance's 9mm submachine gun or 9mm submachine gun. All-American is hard to get because it is in Vault 34 but it will be worth the effort and uses the common 5.56mm ammunition. Vance's 9mm submachine gun is easy to get in Wins Hideout which is near H&H Tools Factory. You can find 9mm submachine gun in Doc. Mitchell's house. Also Cazadors have 0 DT and 0 DR, so any weapon with high dps will do the job.

    You can also kill Cazadors by using Chance's Knife or Fire Axe or Knock-Knock.

    What do you guys say?

    Edit: One more thing, Cazadors drop 1 or 2 cazador poison glands after dying which is worth 85 caps each. Your character can get rich quickly by killing cazadors and selling their poison glands.

    submitted by /u/whaq63
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    hey guys I got a problem with the game.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:06 PM PST

    I`ve played the game a while ago and have 100 hours in the game. I recently decided to revisit the game for old time`s sake, but when I open the application on steam it gives me "fallout: new vegas will now detect your graphic settings" followed by "game setting set to ultra-high." after this the game will not launch. ever. how can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/Steven_1421
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    The Legion's Future in the Endings Where It Wins

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

    Assuming the game ends with the Legion conquering New Vegas and Caesar having the tumor removed, what would come next for his empire? Caesar is sixty-ish years old at the outset of the game, so it's more than likely that his health will fail in the next fifteen to twenty years. Once Caesar dies from old age or is otherwise incapacitated, is there any way for his successor to keep the legion together? The entire system is based around his personality, and I'm not sure any of his potential successors are able to do what he does. The only other guys that could succeed Caesar besides Lanius are Vulpes and Lucius, who all have their own strengths and and lead different factions.

    • Lanius is Caesar's first choice for his heir. He's a good general, but he's not cut out to be a politician: he lacks Caesar's charisma, planning skills, and foresight. He can scare people into obeying him, he it doesn't seem like anyone actually likes him. Caesar commanded genuine respect and affection from his followers, but Lanius has to rely solely on intimidation, so his popular support isn't very firm. Lanius isn't afraid to indulge in brutality, but he's needlessly brutal at times in a way that's detrimental to the Legion's interests, whereas Caesar was much more pragmatic about his cruelty. Lanius has control of the Legion's armed forces and the support of most centurions, which would give him an innate advantage over the other factions in terms of political power.

    • Vulpes is quite smart, and he's very cunning and shrewd when it comes to political intrigue. He's just as willing as Lanius to commit horrible atrocities to benefit the Legion, but he's more tactical about it. He's also more competent at politics than Lanius, but he too lacks Caesar's charisma and he's clearly indifferent to the Legion's principles. He might not be popular enough to win over people outside the Frumentarii, as much of the legion regards him as a creepy, aloof weirdo (there also seems to be a lot of friction between the military and the Frumentarii, which could be a major internal problem for him down the line).

    • Lucius is publicly known as a principled and loyal servant of the Legion. He's Caesar's trusted brother-in-arms on top of appearing to be more personable and restrained than his opponents, who have to rule through fear. While he's an intelligent guy, he's not as cunning or ruthless as the comparatively cynical Vulpes. Although he's in charge of the Praetorians and probably has more popular support among the commonfolk, his clique is vastly outnumbered by the military and the Frumentarii. The odds of him winning a civil war would be bad unless some legionaries and centurions chose to throw their lot in with him instead of Lanius (for self-serving reasons or because they just like him more). The Legion is held together by violence and terror, but Lucius isn't hardcore enough to do what his opponents do. His restraint could be as much of a disadvantage as Lanius and Vulpes' excess.

    Which of these three has the best chance of keeping the Legion together (or at the very least delaying its collapse or making it less bloody)? The only way I can envision the Legion surviving is in a weakened, reduced state as a minor regional power ruling the area around Flagstaff. That would only come after losing all its conquered territory and undergoing major political changes (perhaps becoming a more conventional despotic monarchy in the process), and it's total dissolution is the most likely outcome.

    submitted by /u/Tasselled_Wobbegong
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